Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

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Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

Unread post by Vanilla »

I remember a teaching many years ago where "Ramtha" told everybody that at bars, evil orbs love to hang around. And he can see them in all their wickedness, just waiting until someone is drunk enough so they can possess them. They follow people home and hang around for a while. I thought to myself, wow I had read that in Jane Roberts Book, SETH.

Sometimes women will walk into bars, and by the end of the night they will be in the men's bathroom having sex with everyone and growling like a demon.

This teaching scared us all. No ramster in their right mind will go into one of Yelm's bars. Fear of possession. By evil orbs.

At concerts too. Loads of evil orbs, bad entities, low level demons. Hanging around scowling to Ramtha's eyes.

But at the Ranch they are all happy orbs.

I have seen Ramtha point up at the sky and wink! Have conversations, wave etc! He also welcomes them all to his school.
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Re: Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

Unread post by freemysoul »

There was also a time that JZ claimed 'infared beings' hung around bars and attached themselves to you. You could get rid of them, of course, by spinning in a circle like Maria from The Sound of Music. Another ridiculous, fear based bunch of poppycock from hers truly.
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Re: Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

Unread post by Ockham »

It sounds based on some of the personal accounts given here on EMF that ramsters don't need to go to bars to find infrared orbs. They can go to a wine ceremony, get wasted, then have first seal sex in the shrubs outside the arena. The ranch must positively glowing in infrared heat from all orbs hanging around.
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Re: Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

Unread post by appealing »

There was also a time that JZ claimed 'infared beings' hung around bars and attached themselves to you. You could get rid of them, of course, by spinning in a circle like Maria from The Sound of Music.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG!!! That's RIGHT up there with the dog being seabiscuit!!!

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Re: Why Ramsters do not go to bars- evil orbs!

Unread post by ex »

that all including the baby wisdom sounds more like a new age housewife with too much time on her hand. there is no eternal 35 000 year old being. no kings or warier honer. no understanding of males. no right predictions. every actor does research for theire role. its not enough to have a pretty face for the show. the paintbrush pictures is already preparation that jz leaves. a pic out of the resent you tube video streeming wold not look good on a resume.
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