JZ on the 2008 Political Climate

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Unread post by tree »

And by the way, Ramtha predicted this war with Bush. It?s recorded. It?s been copywritten.
1 out of how many? and copywritten??? :D :D :D bwahahah!
The new definition of a spiritual person is to make change and make better the path.
Here! Here! step off the RSE path and make your life better.
and WHO exactly defined this new definition anyway??!! hmm???
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Unread post by Wakeup-Call »

FYI - copy and paste the entire link above (you need the "uncut")

Hear, Hear, Tree. I wanted the interviewer to ask JZ, in response to her touting Ramtha's most excellent copyrighted predictions... "So, JZ, what copyrighted predictions does Ramtha have for us on the horizon?"

How about committing on the Ramtha predictions BEFORE something happens rather than well AFTER, JZ?

I guess JZ forgot about her undying support of Bush after 9/11. Convenient.

But at least she alludes a compliment to the EMF forum as being "spiritual" - we are, after all, all about making change and making a better path! :D
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

i haven't read the article yet......on my way to sleep !!!

what i'd like to know is why ramtha will predict things that later do not happen. then, the response is, "the timeline changed".

well, if he has all seeing ability, why didn't he know the timeline was going to change, TOO, and just negate ever saying the doom and gloom whatever it was, in the first place ???


holy moley...jz doesn't actually mention emf, does she ???

can't be.
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JZ on the 2008 Political Climate

Unread post by EMFWebmaster »

JZ Knight?Uncut

Written by Greg Archer
Wednesday, 30 July 2008

The revered speaker opens up on Obama, the fragile state of the nation, crooked politics and more

Your question is, about the political climate. What specifically would you like to know about that?

Well, it?s a historical run. Hillary and Obama were a historical run by no measure. They went in on the most prejudiced against group in the entire world. For her to have broken through that glass ceiling was immense?for everyone. For Barack Obama, as a black man, with racist America, to be up there?an inspiring brilliant speaker?and to turn on the nation as John F Kennedy did; Robert Kennedy did; was immensely fabulous?a black and a woman. Watching them run has been one of the biggest highlights. To have Obama live for change and to be able to make that true in the labyrinth of corruption and influence and world power ? You?re talking about the biggest budget in the century?the military budget and they want money for projects. They want to keep war going. Whenever people say we?re in Iraq, we?re there to protect our interests, what no one common person asks, is well, what are our common interests? Our interests are oil. And by the way, Ramtha predicted this war with Bush. It?s recorded. It?s been copywritten. The Ram said, it?s all about oil. That?s it. It?s not about anything else. Our special interests will create a democracy there that we can control so that the oil companies could grab the oil fields and the next country would be Iran. And this was all stated by the Ram.

Obama is facing a military that must have war to justify a $2 billion plane and ? whatever they have. All of the manufacturers, the military industrial complex, the industry, all depends upon war in order to keep the money coming in so we can keep building bigger, ?badder? and worse war machines. Then you have the CIA in order, or intelligence?well, not everybody, that sounds like a broad statement?they have to have intelligence and be able to cause destruction. They have to try to unseat the government and make as if that government has to be changed and create a lot of lies in order for us to have a war?we blow it up, we rebuild it and they get billions and billions for making toilets. And they have to have this war? so then the whole thing is that the military works for special interests that run the world. So the quagmire for Obama is, is that it?s stacked against him. It?s stacked against him because he is going against the military and going against special interests and all those subcontractors, and he?s going against the oil companies?the politics of it and everybody that reaps the benefits of having that. And he is going against to some greater degree, what Bush and Carl Rove were very clever in doing?bringing in the religious right and the Jewish nation ? with an opportunity for them to bring about Armageddon and the return of Jesus, and so the Jews for once and for all to take stand. And they worked all of that into this brilliant montage of why we should do this. All the Christian right was there and the Jews were there, and all the money is going to them. It was a brilliant, brilliant think tank that put that together. Obama has got to go against all of that and unravel it and live through it all.

He?s got to get out of Iraq. But how does he get out of Iraq without infuriating the oil companies? How does he turn over executive orders for signing on the oil companies for signing on the oil deals and not being able to reverse that? How does he continue to continue the war in Afghanistan when Dubai and Pakistan was on the take all the time? How does he actually find the villain, because you can?t have a program without them not having a reason to have a program?al Qaeda, Bin Laden ? He?s got to work through all of that. And, on top of that, he has to end a war that is $12 billion a month and bring it home, and reconstitute the American dream and reconstitute the value of what?s going on. He has to walk a fine line between the people who rule this world and the poor people losing their homes?their money is devalued; they cannot afford to buy their food;, the school system is corrupted. It was never supported because all the money had to go to the war effort. How does he balance all that on the head of a pin. Don?t you agree?

So, the thing I see ahead is ? trouble. John F. Kennedy tried to have the American money printed and get it out of the hands of the Federal Reserve, he went against the CIA , the military, he knew that utopia ? the true American constitution and the dream of an unusual union ? was for the people and not for the government. He was going to take the country in that direction and he paid for it. And so did his brothers. And so did Martin Luther King JR., and so did a lot of other people we do not even know about. Obama has got that in front of him. Now, is he going to cave in? Is he going to continue $12 billion a month and borrowing all the money from China to pay for it so that eventually China owns the paper of America? Is going to continue to do that? Is he going to end the war and bring the money home? Or ? is he going to feel pressured to continue it knowing that any terrorist attack can be fabricated as a reason to continue?

You know, the glamour of being the president for a black man is extraordinary. It is an amazing journey. Now that you get there ? can you really change? And can that be at the heart of inspiration to the American people without defaulting on it because of the enormous blocks against you or even surviving it? Can that be done? Can you inspire all these people or let them down? That is not going to be a comfortable position to have.

Why did you think it was beautiful?

I know all this. John McCain is just another warlord. He is not a maverick. He?s in for the all special interests groups. He wants the power. But they will destroy the country. I am telling you?they will destroy the country. America is teetering on bankruptcy. In fact, it is sort of bankrupt right now. Because what most people don?t understand about the national debt is that Bush financed this war by borrowing money from China, Korea, Japan and to some degree, Russia. He financed it by selling paper ? and you can always say, you know, there is still prosperity, but the ignorant people of this country are ignorant because they do not read the newspapers, they do not research. They are out to have a good time and watch the Comedy Channel, which, by the way, I admire because some of the best education in the world is John Stewart.

Or the Colbert Report. Bill Maher on HBO. If you really want to know what?s going on, you watch them. But most American people want to watch the game shows; the reality shows. They don?t want to know. Because of that induced mind control, it?s kept people from their own power of being able to interfere and understand. They don?t even know where the money that has financed the war has come from?it?s in the trillions of dollars and it?s like a loan. If you don?t pay back the loan, the bank confiscates your house. If you don?t pay back the loan to China, they are going to confiscate the country. And see, people don?t understand why government doesn?t support education. It?s because they don?t want people meddling in their affairs
I see everything as coming ? in the brave new world, a black man, a woman inspiring the world that so needs hope to replace the cynicism?that sort of mind control. To inspire people to care again ? has been one of the greatest miracles of all time?if Obama can carry out the change in the light of overwhelming obstacles.

I am.

Any human being, I don?t care who they are, cannot help but crush under the burden or begin to compromise. And compromise can be good, but when you have to compromise to compromise on the compromise on the compromise ? where you are trying to balance everything on the head of that pin ? that puts us back in the same place. I feel the huge and overwhelming disenchantment that is already starting to grow. It?s an amazing, unfortunate thing that things may not go as promised. But the difficult position, the lust to be the first black man to have to wear that burden, is an unamiable job.

You cannot be a spiritual person in the true context of what it means today and where we really are and not know; not be well informed. You can?t be a spiritual person and say the universe will provide because it absolute won?t until you demand it. You can?t be a spiritual persona and walk around in white clothes and meditate all day long when at the heart at the power of our divinity is our spiritual self, which means spirit?our ball of light, our eternal self that inhabits through a brain and our central nervous system and that has this compulsion to create. You cannot avoid creating. Our compunction to create is the divine aspect of creator and it?s in everyone. You cannot be a true spiritual person without the compunction to create change. Because that?s what creators do?create. A real spiritual person is one that is full of the prosperity and knowledge and the compellingness to imagine it, and the next step ? to manifest it. I mean, that is our agenda.

The new definition of a spiritual person is to make change and make better the path.

Good Times Santa Cruz


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Very funny

Unread post by Robair »

Very Funny
I think she is watching to much CNN.
You would think that with Ramtha in her corner the two of them would be able to come up with something extraordinaire,not one things is new If you fallow politic a bit you have heard all of that I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW.
some of the best education in the world is John Stewart.I would be more open to agree about Colbert.But Stewart Please the 5'6'' Big Ego with low rating. Colbert is killing him in the rating race,,Bill Maher 3 different show an still not working I rest my case.
IS a ZEBRA is a black horse with white stripes or vise versa,she sure living up to that name. HO HO I chance the time line I am now a White Horse with Black Stripes, Maybe she should Call upon Marie Laveau,the Witch fron New Orlean to help. she can not do worst then her an Ramtha
Bush Barrowing money from all those Country,incredible she has no idial how the governement work,I mean not even the basic, the Three branches, President can not do much on is own he has the congress to deal with The lower house and the Senat,The Famous Dusty Harry From Nevada my State,say in 2006 election IF YOU WANT CHANGE! CHANGE CONGRESS, we did and everything went down from there the first big problem comming there way they go on Vacation for 6 weeks
Congress rating is around 10%.
I had a list of the GDP of many country looked for it but can not find it for now it showed the top 15 nations U.S,was first China,Japan,etc
She mentioned Korea is she that stupid wicth one is she talking about this is incredible,she must be talking about North Korean,I mean Not knowing about the 2 Korea. North and South,She must have forgoten that most wars was started by Democrats,WW1 1917 Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921,some of you will remember in the early 1990 the consperacy about the Federal Reserve According to JZ the deal was signed in 1913 under a laim congress most of them was on Hollyday vacation and he passed and signed the deal of the Federal Reserve as we know it today according to JZ and the books she was pushsing on us that was when we lost our Money and it became a Federal Reserve Note,He was a Democrat. WWII F.D.R. Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945 ,Democrat, 1951 Korean War Harry Thruman,Democrat,
1959 Vietnam War ,Eisenhower republican it was still pretty much a confict until 1964 after Kennedy died, Kennedy wanted us out of there ASAP,Johnson opened it to a full war by sending combat troops I think it was 1965. 57000,lost their life in this one.
JZ was supporting Bush on the Iraq war if I remember well.
And now she is supporting Barrack Hussein Obama. incredible.
She even got the audacity to talk about brainwashing.
Ok enough for tonight got to get ready for surgery tomorrow.Sinus surgery
Good night
California Dreamin'
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Unread post by California Dreamin' »

[quote]Any human being, I don?t care who they are, cannot help but crush under the burden or begin to compromise. And compromise can be good, but when you have to compromise to compromise on the compromise on the compromise ? where you are trying to balance everything on the head of that pin ? that puts us back in the same place. I feel the huge and overwhelming disenchantment that is already starting to grow. It?s an amazing, unfortunate thing that things may not go as promised.[/quote]

Wow, these words of JZR describe me when I first started to realize that something just "wasn't right" with RSE, just prior to my exit. :shock:
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Unread post by tree »

the glamour of being the president for a black man is extraordinary.
if I were black, I would be highly offended by this remark. wth?

the glamour that jz thinks she has of being a spiritual leader to "tens of thousands" (according to Mr. Simmons)
is pretty delusional , at best.
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Unread post by tree »

to Old One-

hope all goes well with your surgery.
I would send you blue webs in the ethers, but they might get tangled up :twisted:
Best wishes.
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Unread post by G2G »

I, too, believe jzrk's terms in ref to Obama, the manner in which she describes his ethnicity, is insulting. I remember basking in confusion at the "big guy's" appearance at one of my events, when he/she/it said, "I'm not politically correct. I have dark skin." WHAT on earth does THAT mean or imply? I didn't think "politically correct" had anything to do with the color/tones of one's skin. My belief was being "politically correct" has more to do with the accepted social climate of the time/period. So was she/he/it saying having darker-toned skin is not right? This demonstrated to me a lack of something inate within jzrk - her "inner workings" of her mind, her own "feelings."

As for the "Bush war" being copyright(ed) - a war was actually "copyrighted?" So Bush violated jzrk's copyright by going to war? :? :? :?

She might have taken acting lessons, and even might have a photographic memory, but her "freelance discourses" reek of a lack of understanding of how her own beliefs are glaring alarms of her "true" self.

If it IS "Ramtha's"@ school, then how can SHE sell it? :wink: My gut feel is she's a very unhappy human being, and is still attempting to "fit in" much as she did when she was a child or teen. Jzrk - who cares? It's only you to whom it matters! Why seek acceptance from the world when you cannot accept your own self?

Just a child still seeking approval, and the RSE students readily give it plus their hard-earned cash.
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Hello guys

Unread post by Robair »

Tree thank you for the good wishes.
Was suppose to be 25 minutes an took over an hour,he did a new procedure,using a balloon to enlarge the openning, an the cavity instead of cutting his way true it,resulting in a much better end product no bleeding and very little pain,I am telling you it beat focusing ,and much faster then blue stuff.
What the know it all JZ is going to do now that Mccain has chosen a Woman as is running mate,she is stuck now,she has more women student then man,this is Great ,HEY LADY HOW COME RAMTHA DID NOT KNOW THAT, HEY LADY HOW COME RAMTHA DID NOT KNOW THAT.HEY LADY HOW COME RAMTHAT DID NOT KNOW THAT.
Why don't you go watch some more CNN maybe Ramtha will show up on John Stewart show with an exclusive interview,because it sure doesn't look like he is showing up in you kitchen anymore.
This is to funny.
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Unread post by Wakeup-Call »

That is funny, Oldone... Ramtha is in a bit of a bind now as to who to back... if women are the most discrimated against people of all time, the money should be on McCain. But JZ's now on record for loving Obama.

Maybe she can convince Sarah to be her new best friend.
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Hello guys

Unread post by Robair »

Wakeup-Call; she is derange enough to try.

She a is very confused women, :? a real ZEBRA, one day she is a white horse with Black stripes and other day a Black horse white stripes.

He Barack Hussein Obama look at me I can be a Muslim also all I got to do is put my stripes together VOILA!
Oldone :lol: :lol:
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