Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evil

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Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evil

Unread post by Vanilla »

At one event after our walk Ramtha called everyone in, because he found out some people in the walk were using the discipline for evil purposes.

What does that mean?

Is Jz secretly taping the self conversations on the field?
Does anyone think have proof of that??

I heard the guy John Edwards, the guy who speaks to the dead, secretly records people talking in his audience.
I wonder if JZ does.

When Ramtha said that I was like OOPS he caught me wishing for lots of money. I felt really rotten. Everyone always thinks Ramtah is talking directly to him or her.

Anyways Ramtha said it was ok because he is teaching us how to manifest and there is no right and wrong. Or something like that. So basically evil is not evil and its ok.
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by freemysoul »

The "evil" is only "evil" when JZ Knight has a use for it. In this case, I am willing to bet she wasn't getting the reaction she wanted from her 'students' and felt the reins slipping away so to speak. So, as she does when she throws out the old "The Sky is Falling!!!!!!!!!!!!" routine, she says something just vague enough to get peoples attention, but spooky enough to evoke a response in her intended targets. She is a master manipulator, and doesn't do anything without a having a selfish ulterior motive.
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by ex »

Is Jz secretly taping the self conversations on the field?
Does anyone think have proof of that??[/quote]

in the time i was disoriented after leaving rse i met a woman who claimed to have met a guy......[total hearsay. at that time i thought she is paranoid and the mics might be for recording ramtha] so this guy told her he worked on jzs place and had to install mics at very strange places.
one day ramtha gave a teaching about a conversation in the smoking pit. of course he was there in spirit but i didn't believe this a moment.
during the 'truth teachings' there were never anyone unknown to jz personal on the presentation plate. of course i was scared to get called out and my shit exposed. it never happened i was a too small no there.
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by Ockham »

JZ Knight certainly doesn't let ethics and accuracy get in the way of a good story, especially if it serves her purpose of keeping the students coming back to cough up more cash for additional, "teaching." It wouldn't be surprising at all to discover knight spys on the personal moments of students in out of the way places on the property so the, "Ramtha," character has dirt to dish to the shock and delight of students in the arena. It helps give, "Ramtha," credibility of being omniscient when in reality it might just be a few strategically placed microphones and her staff tattling to Judy about what they hear students saying.
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by David McCarthy »

"Ramtha," credibility of being omniscient when in reality it might just be a few strategically placed microphones and her staff tattling to Judy about what they hear students saying.
Yep...This is exactly what how she does it.
I remember tree posting on this subject as a former RSE staff member mentioning how staff members hanging out in the "smoking ring" would leave their mikes on. :idea:
As a sound engineer it is extremely easy to pickup conversations on a mike from a great distance.
Yes..of course JZ Knight eavesdrops into the conversations of her RSE staff and students, this includes video surveillance.

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by tree »

freemysoul wrote: In this case, I am willing to bet she wasn't getting the reaction she wanted from her 'students' and felt the reins slipping away so to speak. So, as she does when she throws out the old "The Sky is Falling!!!!!!!!!!!!" routine, she says something just vague enough to get peoples attention, but spooky enough to evoke a response in her intended targets. She is a master manipulator, and doesn't do anything without a having a selfish ulterior motive.
I would have to agree with the 100%.

This brings to mind the movie The Wave as well as something Joe Sz referenced once. The leader learns as they go along.
jz will push as far as she can, and when she doesn't get the response she wants, she ups the ante.

It had never occurred to me about listening in on the mics from such a far distance.
I do know that the "green lead" spends countless hours after certain disciplines, after meal breaks, all throughout the entire event having jz
grill them on the feedback of the people. This is primarily done in their office or on "Pilgrim Road" as her majesty like to call it- meaning the service road up to the house because this conversation is so "special". And of course, since , esp noob green leads are so willing to please and so "honored" that jz is talking to them alone, they feel very privy to her as jz elicits every ounce of feedback from both the green leads and the red guards ad infinitum ad naseum.
I have seen Audrey and Greg, Melissa on countless occasions re-hashing the same feedback over and over again over their special channel on the radio called Tango that only the green lead and one radio in the house has access to.

It never occurred to me the ingeniousness of this tactic.

Also spawns some questions as to why Melissa, and Greg , Debbie , Pat, etc why they eventually turn away the green lead position.
They either get tired of the same grilling or have caught on and just need to kick back and at least have a 'viable job' like designing t-shirt
or marketing or planning music, etc. Let the noobs do it and wallow in their glory. :eek:

this also reminds me of the first time I was escorted on the service road up to the house by the then maintenance manager.
She said: it goes without saying, but I need to say this. Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not engage eye contact with her. Do not look at anything in the house except the object we are bringing into the house.

wow. what a great set up!
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Re: Ramtha said there are some people doing the walk for evi

Unread post by Vanilla »

I got the feeling, the same old. you students are ruining my disciplines speech we used to get. We used to get threatened Ram would leave us, if we didnt evolve and map the backs of cards. Teachers would no longer be teachers if they couldnt map the backs of cards. So much pressure to sit and look for those tiny scratches and see if we could memorize by writing down each scratch on each card, we would draw photos of what each scratch and design we saw was to what card...
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