New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccine?

EMF does not buy into the fear hysteria of COVID-19,
nor agree with the agenda of mandatory mRNA vaccinations.
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New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccine?

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Anyone here had the mRNA vaccine?
What convinced you to take the vaccine? POST it here.
What was your experience? any adverse reactions? Blood Clots?
Do you believe its safe and effective?
Is there a massive lack of reporting injury and death from the RNA vaccine rollouts around the world?
I believe so.
I can confirm that In New Zealand, our media and Government are SILENT on adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccine.
On NZ public radio encouraging the Covid vaccine, .. quote: "you may have a sore arm a couple of days later or a bit of a fever"
Considering that the USA (VAERS) 'Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System' and NZ (CARM) Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring...
for injury and death!! both systems are passive reporting systems, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences.
People getting the jab are not even notified about reporting any adverse reactions. How can this be safe or sane FFS? :shock:
I will also share this much..
I have two family members in the UK who feel they were seriously injured by the vaccine and will not be going back for the second jab.
From NZ Health forum.

New Zealander's have NO IDEA that you can experience such profound and serious injury from the CV19 V

April 20, 2021
A few days ago i reviewed the latest Medsafe CV V Adverse Reaction data...and pointed out a few of the problems that have become evident with data collection and display.
The Medsafe public facing data, compared with the growing stream of private messages relating stories of NZ V injury, highlight very starkly the massive under reporting of adverse reactions.
The article below is a review of recent USA Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for injury and death reporting for the CV V.

There are some stark and fascinating (and pretty shocking) indicators of not only the extent of injury and death....but also the clear impact of MEDIA DISCUSSION OF A PARTICULAR ADVERSE REACTION, ON SUBSEQUENT REPORTING.
This clear evidence ties in beautifully with some of the reasons for adverse reaction under reporting in NZ.
With no public discussion, individuals receiving the V have no awareness of what to possibly consider as a post V reaction.
As highlighted in the article, barriers to Adverse Reaction reporting include:

*lack of clinician awareness
*uncertainty about what and when to report
*sheer burden of reporting (the time and effort involved in reporting, when already overworked).

I would add to this:

*lack of awareness of what constitutes an Adverse Reaction among V recipients themselves
*lack of awareness that we have a reporting system in New Zealand and that SELF REPORTING IS POSSIBLE.

Back to the USA system and the article below...

Now take a good look at the impact of public awareness through media discussion, on subsequent reporting of the discussed adverse reaction...

Blood Clots

April 10 - 410

May 7 -2,536

( between April and May there is been a massive increase in media discussion about the association of the CV V with subsequent blood clots)

Bels Palsy
April 10 - 848
May 7 - 2,419
April 16 - 390
May 7 - 1,235
April 10 - 517
May 7 - 1,501

These numbers are not due to a sudden massive ramp up in the number of Vs administered. They may be partly influenced by an increase in SECOND Vs...
But open, honest media discussion is most likely to be the most powerful influencer of these massive increases in reporting of some of the most commonly associated Adverse Reactions.
In New Zealand, our media and Government are SILENT.
New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience such profound and serious injury from the CV19 V


April 20, 2021

COVID Vaccine VAERS Reports The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Jump to VAERS Reports.
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience such profound and serious injury from the CV19 V

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Professor Kurt Krause,​ an infectious disease physician and biochemistry professor also at the University of Otago, said the country needed to be vaccinated as soon as possible. ”I am concerned,” he said. “The new variants are much more contagious. We need to redouble our efforts.”

“Every extra interaction is more risky now,” Hendry said, adding that “in an ideal world” the vaccine roll-out would be sped up as a result.
“But we are limited by supply and we don’t want to do it badly.”
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

I have had the mRNA vaccine manufactured through Moderna. I will tell you more about my experiences after I lend some context to this whole lockdown,vax or no vax, government manipulation and additional questions we might want to ask and discuss:

My figures are rounded and not necessarily exact:

To Date;

China. (Based on PRC data)
Population About 1.4 billion. 1,400,000,000
Covid cases. 91,000
Covid deaths. 4,600

Population About 328 million 328,000,000 (probably another 20 million undocumented and not reporting)
Covid cases: 33,000,000
Covid deaths. 600,000

New York City
Population About 9 million. 9,000,000
Covid cases: 2,000,000
Covid deaths. 53,000

Los Angeles
Population About 4 million 4,000,000
Covid cases: 3.8 million 3,800,000
Covid deaths 24,000

New Zealand.
Population about 5 million 5,000,000
Covid cases: 2,700
Covid deaths. 26

As a ratio; China has about X 280 less covid deaths then New Zealand
China has about X 550 less cases then the USA

Los Angeles has about 800% more deaths then New Zealand

New York and Los Angeles makes up well over 10% of all the USA deaths.

Now given that context and if my back of the envelope math is somewhat correct let's have a look.

China, a Communist authoritarian country. where the virus originated from and has controlled the virus the best. (if you believe them)
Why is that? Possible answers:
They knew more than everyone else and could prepare better.
Severe draconian measures isolating the population, controlling travel and movement. Because they are an authoritarian nation, they got away with welding apartment complexes doors shut as just one example of how extreme their measures were.

China at this point seems to have been the most effective at controlling the virus.

Coming in second is New Zealand, who early on took drastic measures curtailing travel in and out of the country as well as travel within the country.
In my conversations with David he has told me the military were called up to enforce the restrictions placed.
It has the added plus of being waterbound as well as having a very sparse population per sq kilometer.

If you lived in New York or Los Angeles, you had about 5X more of a chance of dying from Covid then the rest of the USA.

Why? New Yorkers and Los Angelenio's are inherently independent, and people live in highly populated areas, in close quarters and by necessity mingle frequently.

Both China and New Zealand have maintained a fairly consistent stance on how to handle the virus.

In the USA, there have been a multitude of policy shifts, division among the states, as well as bad risk communication from the health departments and political figures.

So these are some of the facts and context within which we have to examine this outbreak of disease.

On to my story, After being stuck in Australia for about 6 weeks in the beginning of covid pre and post lockdowns, I spent a couple of weeks in Los Angeles.

Seriously, it seemed like I was the only car on the road, if you know Los Angeles you know how weird that must seem.

During this time, it was April, I was following the MSN , for those of you who may not know, that is the acronym for distinguishing it from not mainstream news and more then not used as a derogatory term to infer that it is orchestrated, state sponsored news. And yes, there may be more than a grain of truth to that, however, there are many so called MSN journalists, reporters, who still like to feel they are acting independently and attempting to report a clear picture to what is taking place. You cannot paint the whole news industry with the same brush.

The format for reporting in both Australia and the USA as well as other western countries had a look -a- like and what appeared to be well co-ordinated messaging. They all were placing daily statistics of cases and deaths, whenever they were speaking in the background there was the covid spiky floating around in this purple soup, all I have seen have adopted this color scheme. Maybe it has something to do with all the red and blue they have been adding to the backgrounds over the last 5 years You know, red for republican and blue for democrat. put them together and you get purple. Was this a play at unity???? For sure it is purposeful and deliberate.

Then by May, June, the new narrative was all about being masked or unmasked, social distancing, not gathering etc. The politicization, and shaming began, can you say cult like???? The cases started to rise fast, the public was blamed for having Covid fatigue, having mass gatherings, at the center of all this was trumpian blame. This is how in the USA at least it was chosen to communicate risk. With shaming, making anyone who questioned the masking or restrictions "unpatriotic".

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I took note late march and early april of a report about a variant that had arisen, as fast as it came into the MSN, it disappeared. The Variant was D614G. At that time it was reported that it was replicating at a rate 10 times faster than the original strain and 2.5 to 8 times more contagious. The 10x replication fast means that if you get it it will take a shorter time to be more seriously ill, hence the rapid strain on the hospitals.

By June, it was apparent that a second wave had begun. Constant news of vaccine development, blaming the public for the new surge, an I told you so attitude from the powers that be.

Ponder this; instead of blaming the public, why did they not just explain the variant, its spread, and its potential. By June it was the dominant strain of the virus. Literally nobody I knew had heard of it and out of the doctors I knew only about 25% were up to date on it. Bad communication? Or a case of Government deciding what the people should be told? Or perhaps a combination of both, but these actions will be examined closely over the next few years.

After La, Where I Had to self isolate, my family would not see me, they were scared of passing it along to me, I sadly accepted their view.
I flew back to NYC where again there was no one on the streets, it looked like a scene from a dystopian movie. I kept informed about the spread and the variant through a mixture of various sources. It just did not make sense to me that in dense cities like La or NYC that staying inside could possibly be beneficial. I was out as much as possible in the fresh air, which was really fresh for once because there was no traffic!!!!

I am also taking care of my 93 year old mom who is on dialysis, has congestive heart failure, COPD, and high blood pressure. She was a walking target for the virus. It was difficult to get her to comply with masking, she had no real concept of the risks, I was fairly certain that it was very possible she would catch Covid and also bring it into the house and hence I might get it and we would both be in the poo.

Fast forward to summer, the second wave seemed to peak, some restrictions were lifted, authorities were having conflicting messaging about safety, the need to keep masking and social distancing while others were pushing for a reopening. Some started to reopen, summer partying, by september it looked like there was going to be a Third wave which escalated rapidly, within the next three months there would be 500% more deaths.

Now both the vaccine news of going to be out soon took hold. Also talk of new and more contagious and dangerous variants came out. In fact that was all you heard for a while was "mutant", "Variant" and now it was the race of the vaccines and the variants. On top of that there was the USA presidential election happening at the same time.

My mom got the Pfiezer Vaccine in January, she had absolutely no side effects, not even a sore arm. That is probably not the best of news since more than likely her immune system is weak and so she could not mount much of an antibody response. which means she is more than likely more protected then without, but probably a candidate for what they are calling "breakthrough" cases. Where people who are vaccinated still can get it.

Myself, I got the first shot (Moderna) in February, no reaction, and the second shot in March. I got the shot at 8 am and by ten that night I was writhing in pain, slight fever, but it felt as if someone had taken a corkscrew to my spine and was twisting it.Every part of my spine where I may have had a bit of ache or pain was turned up full volume. While uncomfortable I understood that it would be short lived. So, after a sleepless night the next day I was fine. For me the thing that disturbed me the most was the thought that if I live long enough, that is how it will feel all the time!!!

All that said, I had many concerns about the vaccine. I read extensively, questioned my doctor friends who were at the front lines of what was going on. I was privilaged to have many conversations about it.There was a consensus that while the vaccine was certainly experimental, and that people did not really understand how they worked, were exposed to a burgeoning antivax campaign which has been tied to political agendas, it was the best shot for being able to restrict the spread of the virus. Better then locking down (the public wouldn't go for that anyway by now) and better way to return to "normal" though I personally think that the idea of normalcy is greatly exaggerated.

Now instead of it being masked or unmasked it has become vaccinated or not vaccinated. Again, instead of making a reasoned messaging on risk, they are choosing once again the politicization of vaccination and creating separate classes, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Perhaps soon we will be calling them the immunes and non immunes. Speaking of cult, the in group and the out group?

I certainly agree with David that the coordinated response and the speed in which behavior was changed globally indicates a world wide coordinated effort in behavior modification without informed consent.

The divisions that have been sown especially over the last 5-6 years are real, effective and not in a positive way. I get where David is coming from and his passion. It is all very cult like. it is more organized, communication networks have consolidated on both sides. it is harder and harder to have the time to sort through facts especially when there is a dearth of propaganda out there. So the question is, what can one do?

I feel in addition to making sure one has a balanced view of competing ideas, philosophies and actions that one has a civic duty to follow their thoughts and make sure they are heard by the ones who have the ability to change something. for me, I have always dealt with this on an individual level. It has always been too hard to manage a group of people, to get them on your side and have the power of numbers. I feel if one acts as an individual and participates actively in their government (assuming you live in a democracy) meaning vote, be in contact with one's government at the most basic local level and then proceed up the chain it bears greater progress towards one's goals whereas if we all just discuss these things on a forum, blog site or where ever and basically spin our wheels.

While I got vaccinated because I weighed my risks and rewards, I am adamantly against mandated vaccination, as well as vaccine passports. I am against any further separation into classes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. If I trust in the government more, I will begin to allow them to be a guest in my house and as a friend they can ask me to do a favor not demand it. As it stands now there is not much to show that they deserve that kind of trust, nor do they even want to go that route. In this case, if they change their behavior radically, I will then consider changing mine.

By the way, here are a couple of questions:

If the original variant, the D14G, is 2.5-8 times more contagious. when they are talking about the other variants and there are many, some of the ones you have heard are the UK, the South african, the indian, etc. when they say those are more contagious or dangerous are they building on the past varients? Why cant they just show a chart which shows the progression of the virus in those 2 respects. If anyone has found that information I would love to see it as I have been unable to ascertain the contagiousness now as compared to when it began.

Also, and this one just seems so obvious to me as far as being able to communicate an understandable risk.

Why, if we give forest fires, earthquakes, cyclones and hurricanes ratings and numbers which can be universally understood, is there no similar rating for viruses????
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by David McCarthy »

As always great post journeythroughramthaland (JTR) with much to ponder Thank You...:idea:
I agree...its always wise to look deeper at the source of critically important information, more often than not its not the truth
or about our safety and well-being.
When it boils down to this so called pandemic I have no doubt at all about power and profit hidden behind a massive wall of deception,fear and censorship,trying to unwrap this is near on impossible on social media, but as the US marines say.." does it pass the sniff test"?
and just because a product or information is 'channeled' through a nefarious source, doesn't necessarily mean the information/product is false or harmful! During my time in R$E there was some brilliant information, with great 'spiritual' inspirations and insight with some great music..
but this was used to mask and infuse into the mind a destructive and deceptive agenda, a massive deception, much like a fine wine masking a poison.
(JTR) your numbers of Covid deaths per country, do you really trust those numbers? given that countless covid deaths were falsified.
Here's an Open Letter published over a year ago from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz...Yep..I do trust this guy and his credentials :idea: .
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi - At the same time, the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death – regardless of other factors. This violates a basic principle of infectiology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made. The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies of Germany expressly writes in its guidelines: „In addition to the cause of death, a causal chain must be stated, with the corresponding underlying disease in third place on the death certificate. Occasionally, four-linked causal chains must also be stated.“ [6] Professor Sucharit Bhakdi asks 5 critical questions concerning Covid-19 ... la-merkel/

Meanwhile the fallout and deaths caused by 'Lockdowns, social distancing, economies collapsing, and these vaccines is totally ignored.
So many red flags flying, and just as with a cult mindset, 'the ends always justifies the means'.
Such as....
A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.
It's a fact the Pzfizer jab hasn't been tested on pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and a whole host of other special groups, including children.
Our NZ government is telling pregnant women to get their jab, rolling out the vax for kids over 12 years old... while broadcasting it's safe and effective, again... how do they know? This screen shot is from Medsafe NZ....
the fact is they dont know, its one massive medical experiment and we are their test subjects.
so it boils down to 'the ends justifies the means' they' dont know the ends, a good accountant working out the billion dollar profits these vax companies are now making will know....
Pfizer's profit forecasts-for its Covid-19 vaccine revenue after first-quarter of 05 May 2021 is $26bn.
Meanwhile in NZ, most of our population is clueless that you can experience profound and serious injury from these jabs, that records are deliberately ignored and any public discussion on these issues are totally censored by our Government and our MS News..
What could possibly go wrong? :sad: I remember a headline newsflash last year on our public radio...
We have a second death caused by Covid-19, turns out a woman was in her late 90s living in a rest home... she had common 'age-related conditions' prior to 'testing positive'. Yep..keep cranking up the fear with the media barking dogs the sheep will surely follow commands. :-(

Regarding Sweden... -
Sweden saw lower 2020 death spike than much of Europe - data
By Johan Ahlander
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden, which has shunned the strict lockdowns that have choked much of the global economy, emerged from 2020 with a smaller increase in its overall mortality rate than most European countries, an analysis of official data sources showed. ... SKBN2BG1R9
(JTR) Myself, I got the first shot (Moderna) in February, no reaction, and the second shot in March. I got the shot at 8 am and by ten that night I was writhing in pain, slight fever, but it felt as if someone had taken a corkscrew to my spine and was twisting it.Every part of my spine where I may have had a bit of ache or pain was turned up full volume. While uncomfortable I understood that it would be short lived. So, after a sleepless night the next day I was fine. For me the thing that disturbed me the most was the thought that if I live long enough, that is how it will feel all the time!!
Again.... Thank you for sharing this JTR, did your adverse reaction get reported?, are you worried about any long term adverse effects?
I've been reading up on the possible harm from 'vaccine spike proteins'....I'll dig deeper.
JTR: If the original variant, the D14G, is 2.5-8 times more contagious. when they are talking about the other variants and there are many, some of the ones you have heard are the UK, the South African, the Indian, etc. when they say those are more contagious or dangerous are they building on the past varients? Why cant they just show a chart which shows the progression of the virus in those 2 respects. If anyone has found that information I would love to see it as I have been unable to ascertain the contagiousness now as compared to when it began.
Yep...The variant scare doesn't pass the sniff test.
How about this from the Indian Government>>
Meanwhile in NZ..a NZ Facebook site regarding covid vaccine adverse effects with over 150k members has simply disappeared.. :-?

Again..Thank you JTR your insights and willingness to candidly share your views on EMF is invaluable... :idea:
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

Thanks David,
When it boils down to this so called pandemic I have no doubt at all about power and profit hidden behind a massive wall of deception,fear and censorship,trying to unwrap this is near on impossible on social media, but as the US marines say.." does it pass the sniff test"?
I know it sounds horrible, but it is certainly understandable that since we live in capitalistic societies that there are those who profit from crises.
How about a funeral parlor and how they take advantage of the bereaved? Just one example. Certainly the pharmaceutical industry complex is one of the largest capitalist enterprises.
(JTR) your numbers of Covid deaths per country, do you really trust those numbers? given that countless covid deaths were falsified.
There is a saying among statistic makers "I don't trust any statistics I didn't produce." That said, I always view stats with a grain of salt, however, I got to see first hand some of the havoc wrought on the hospital systems. That was not a mirage. One has to start somewhere when evaluating risk in significant events, hence one has to have some sort of reliance of the compilation of the numbers. Do I expect it to be 100% accurate? No. However, there is a method and system for the tabulation of the deaths due to covid and how they come to those conclusions.
It is easy to say that the hospitals lied for profit etc. I think that attitude, even if it does happen in some small degree is not very respectful of those who have lost loved ones to this virus. Just try to imagine yourself in their shoes if someone were to tell them that their loved one was not a covid victim but simply a pawn for the hospital systems. I know I would feel helpless, lost, angry and confused if I were to be told that with no direct proof.

If there are other agencies that are compiling figures that do not support the covid death numbers, who are they and where are their stats, offices, networks, etc.? I would certainly examine them if they existed. Otherwise, I take it simply as speculation, theoretical perspectives and I always ask who might be the beneficiary of a scheme such as some have proposed. While not exactly the same, I put the theories that the covid death numbers are faked to be somewhere on the continuum of being closer to the theories of there being a flat earth.

Here's an Open Letter published over a year ago from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz...Yep..I do trust this guy and his credentials
Just so you know,before I read the dr.'s letter, I did 2 things.

1. Look at the date. It was April, 2020. well over a year ago which in terms of a novel virus is antique. His credentials seem to be valid as well as some of the questions he raised. Thing is, over the year that has past many of his questions have been answered by what has actually taken place. I think if something is posted, it should also be dated so that anyone reading it can view the timeliness of what they are looking at. Especially in these sort of circumstances.

2. I ask, who is the entity publishing his report. see below. On a quick perusal, the media company seems to have a good idea, non political, democratic media etc. However, if you see who they get their funding from they are certainly politically oriented. Just saying. ... 90744d12bd ... itic-hate/
Meanwhile the fallout and deaths caused by 'Lockdowns, social distancing, economies collapsing, and these vaccines is totally ignored.
So many red flags flying, and just as with a cult mindset, 'the ends always justifies the means'.
Such as....
Again, this article is well over a year old. Also, it would be good to put it in context, not only in a time context but the type of publication it comes from. the post could have read...."Such as this article from march 2020 by a right wing news organization." I do not mean to demean right wing news, only pointing out that if you believe in informed consent this is a part of practicing what one preaches.

Re the Pfizer Jab:
Pfizer is certainly not on the top of my list of transparent Pharma co's and has a much troubled past so that one should not go to bed with them without keeping one eye open. There is certainly much to be left desired with regard to transparency towards the public.

Ex. When I got the Moderna Jab, it was at a small pharmacy, not CVS, or Duane reed etc. There was a line outside with about 25 people at the time of my appointment. You had to fill out some forms, one of which was saying that you had received all the information about the vaccine and acknowledging you understood it. Problem was, I hadn't. I went in and asked for whatever the information sheet was and was told when I got to get my shot I would get it. I said that sounded silly as I could read it while I was waiting and therefore would not cause a delay in the line for others. They said basically tough luck. They were moving people in and out at a furious pace. I didn't sign that form. When I got to the person administering the shot, he glanced at my paperwork, obviously not noticing that I had not signed the statement of acknowledgement. ( Sound familiar to all of those who signed that bogus RSE form???) Anyway, I got the shot and was rushed out. There was no 15 min wait as had been publicized in the event one had a reaction.
Pfizer's profit forecasts-for its Covid-19 vaccine revenue after first-quarter of 05 May 2021 is $26bn.
Look, no doubt there is a big profit motive, nobody really works for free otherwise they could not continue to operate. The way that sentence reads it sounds like they may have made 26 billion in the first quarter which would for sure be incorrect. The total figure for ALL the vaccines is about 180 billion and they expect that to come over the next 10 years.

I feel posting just parts of an article may not be such a good idea. Persons who are reading can easily just take the part used out of context and not read further into the article. I feel it much better just to put the link, if they want to read further, they can.
Example: the paragraph following what was posted was;
Infectious disease experts cautioned that the results could not be interpreted as evidence that lockdowns were unnecessary but acknowledged they may indicate Sweden’s overall stance on fighting the pandemic had merits worth studying.
It is that statement which provides a clearer context.
Thank you for sharing this JTR, did your adverse reaction get reported?
This is the sad thing, I told my primary Dr. and told him I wanted to make sure it got reported, he said they do not do it, he really didn't know who to report it to, he suggested Moderna (right, sure thing). I am still looking to see how the reporting goes. But if I had trouble when TRYING to report, I feel assured that many adverse reactions will go unreported.

Re the "Indian" Variant B.1.617.2 . This is real, variants are always worrisome because it is nature trying to figure out ways for the virus to survive and thrive and there should be concern as I mentioned the lack of concern in the beginning as they felt the people aren't ready to hear it. The letter from the Indian government is simply trying to avoid the name Indian variant being used so as to not bring attention to India itself as being the cause of the next mess. Sort of like Trump calling the virus the "Kung flu" that really does nothing constructive, only stigmatizes a population.However, it is spreading rapidly, is more contagious and may pose a new threat especially to those who have not been vaccinated.

P>S> Sorry about the quote thing, I have to get that down. In trying I erased quite a bit and had to do it over so I just left it as is. I need a lesson on that.
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Related: Spike proteins from the mRNA Vaccines do shed.
Another scientist censored and post deleted by Twitter.
Luigi Warren is the current President and CEO of Cellular Reprogramming, Inc, a biotechnology firm based in California. More importantly, Luigi is renowned for his work with Derrick Rossi, the co-founder of the famous biotechnology company Moderna.
Back in 2010, Luigi and Derrick worked together to be the first to describe mRNA-based reprogramming in a pathbreaking paper in Cell Stem Cell, titled Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA.
The work was named one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs of 2010 by the journal Science, as well as one of the top ten medical breakthroughs of the year by TIME magazine.
And his crime?

mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein, Twitter says delete this - Technology News ... 2021-05-31
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

So the people who have been Vaccinated might shed a spike protin but not in amounts that would be significant.

The story is really about Twitter.
I don't Tweet. The reason I don't Tweet is that I will not use a platform that limits what you can say. First by limiting the amount of words, then as you see by what you say. I really don't see why anyone one would be surprised to have their voice controlled since that is the basis for the platform in the first place.
Maybe we should start one called Tweetlonger!
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by David McCarthy »

JTR- The story is really about Twitter.
Yep.. Twitter covid censorship, Luigi Warren is pissed..
As he pointed this out in an appeal to the flagged content.
Luigi Warren- He believes that the reason he was locked out of Twitter is unfair and that he is "the inventor of the technology on which Moderna was founded," and so he knows what he is talking about.
JTR - So the people who have been Vaccinated might shed a spike protin but not in amounts that would be significant.
Not so fast kemosabe..;-)The Spike Protein is a pathogen, and it is in the mRNA vaccines, this is a how much would be significant?.
bearing in mind that a pathogen is an organism that causes disease.
Apparently scientists thought the spike protein didn't travel anywhere from the injection site, they were wrong.
What are the implications?
Good interview here - Re: The Spike Protein -
The Spike Protein - Dr. Byram Bridle Professor of Viral Immunology University of Guelph
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

Not so fast kemosabe..;-)The Spike Protein is a pathogen, and it is in the mRNA vaccines, this is a fact..
Actually, this is NOT a fact. it is simply a statement that is not born out by facts and we all should be careful when repeating what we might hear from others without doing our homework. I took the mRNA vaccine and read up extensively prior to taking it in order to make a risk reward decision.

The mRNA vaccines do not contain ANY pathogens. Unlike most of the previous vaccines which do contain virus.

Let's look at how vaccines work. The human body is an amazing thing!!

An infection caused by a virus begins to replicate in in the body making one feel sick, ones body then over a week or so utilizes the immune system to build up antibodies which then go and attack the virus ultimately getting rid of it. (this assumes one's immune system is working in proper order.)

A vaccine which uses a virus stimulates an immune response which allows the body to build up antibodies WITHOUT one having to get sick.

The mNRA vaccines and technology is different. They contain NO virus. They contain a message that lets say tricks the body into thinking it is a virus and so the body begins to mount an immune response creating antibodies which will prevent an illness in most cases.

Needless to say this is a very elementary explanation. Anyone interested simply has to search terms like.

Does the mRNA vaccine contain a virus?
How do vaccines work?
What is the difference between mRNA vaccines and the previous vaccines?

After doing that you may want to search.
Vaccines are deadly.
Vaccines are a plan to take over the world.
Vaccines make you sterile.
Vaccines make your brain rot. (wonder what will come up with that one)

Compare the information and the sources
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi JTR, thanks for that..
Re:Actually, this is NOT a fact. it is simply a statement that is not born out by facts and we all should be careful when repeating what we might hear from others without doing our homework. I took the mRNA vaccine and read up extensively prior to taking it in order to make a risk reward decision.
Oh I dunno JTR, I'm just going by what this guy is saying since he's a professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph.
its my understanding that they rushed this vaccine out without the normal safeguards... now they are discovering there is real cause for concern regarding its safety, unfortunately this censorship that I keep on about is smoke screening a real and perhaps deadly problem going on with the mRNA vaccine roll out's. And what keeps popping up ' at least in my research' is these Spike Protein's are the main culprit, be they a pathogen or not. But truth be told... its all above my pay grade.
Re: JTR The mRNA vaccines do not contain ANY pathogens. Unlike most of the previous vaccines which do contain virus.
Thank you for clearing that up.. :idea: given thats true, is it your understanding that the mRNA vaccines do contain Spike proteins that can be detected in the blood after the injections but are harmless?
As always, thanks for sharing, I will dig deeper...
But dont get me started on the nanoparticles ;-)
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

:shock: did you say nano????

I know, reading some of the scientific literature glazes ones eyes 10 times worse the some piece of gobbledygook- gook legislation.

I’ll try to keep this understandable as I know it which isn’t much and should not be taken as gospel.

About 20 years ago the first corona virus 🦠 ( there is controversy about if a virus is live or not, I lean towards it not being live as it has no bodily functions, like shitting etc, it doesn’t screw to reproduce and can only exist with a host) That was SARS-COV, then came MERS-.COV, and SARS- COV 2. I think there are about 10 corona viruses. Only these three can cause severe symptoms and death. The others are like a common cold.

SARS acronym for severe, acute respiratory syndrome.
MERS stands for Middle East respiratory syndrome.
COV stands for corona virus.

SARS-COV, MERS-COV, SARS- COV2 respectively had death rates of about 10%, 35%, 5% they were epidemics not pandemics. There was a big scare especially with the SARS and the CDC got the messaging wrong and it turned out to be nowhere near as bad as they expected.
Hence one of the reasons why the CDC is not taken as gospel.

Covid-19 comes from the SARS- COV2. Covid 19 is multiples of times more contagious 😷. Exactly how many more time I have yet to be able to get a handle on but it is many times. Here lies the issue.

If near someone who has the virus 🦠 ( and close to 1/2 of people infected are asymptomatic) the virus enters ones body through ones breathing it in once you do that spikey gets to work 🦠!! I

What does the spikey do and how does it do it?

The spikes use our own proteins by latching on to them ( binding).
Once that happens some process takes place where the spike is opened or spilt and releases something which creates another process which facilitates the viruses entry to the cell where it begins to replicate.

Apparently, one thing that makes it more dangerous is it can act faster then ones body can mount an immune response by inflaming the lining of the lungs ( because that is the first place it enters) and as it spreads in the body can effect blood vessels causing many other complications. As if not being able to breath was not bad enough.

If one lives in the out doors, doesn’t have a very active social life, spends a lot of time outdoors their risk is very low. However, every time you go into an enclosed space where there are other people, ie; bus, subway, store, get a haircut 💇‍♂️, go to the doctors office etc. if you do not have antibodies, either from the vaccine or having had Covid you are at a much greater risk EVEN IF MASKED. Without a mask the risk is multiplied hundred of folds.

The reason for this is because it doesn’t have to be a cough or sneeze ( though that would shed more virus through bigger droplets), they know now that the virus can travel in the air on very small particles which can stay suspended for hours.

Shoot!!! I just lost all the rest.....🥺to be continued....
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Re: New Zealanders have NO IDEA that you can experience serious injury from the CV19 V - Anyone here had the mRNA vaccin

Unread post by David McCarthy »

great stuff..I'm with you so far.... :idea:
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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