tThe truth is now clear as daylight for those that care to see.

EMF does not buy into the fear hysteria of COVID-19,
nor agree with the agenda of mandatory mRNA vaccinations.
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David McCarthy
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tThe truth is now clear as daylight for those that care to see.

Unread post by David McCarthy »

This is not my rant but very close to the truth now clear as daylight for those that care to see.
There can be no forgiveness without accountability, a true and meaningful apology from all those 'and you know who you are!' that betrayed common human decency and caring by excusing yourself with "I was just following order's" "It was for the greater good" excuses..
Copied over from a kindred spirit Eli Salt. I think Eli penned this more succinctly with the following......
"We didn't really have a choice. We had to exclude you, we'd have got a fine......."
Of course, these businesses had a "choice". Everyone has a moral obligation to disobey immoral laws. The un-vaxinated made hard decisions that resulted in job losses, discrimination, vitriol, ruination.... So many said " that was your choice". The un-vaxinated held their line, had a moral compass. They said, no, the crown doesn't have a say on what i put in my body, it doesn't get that overreach, its between me and maybe my doctor. Some said im vaxed up but I'll never support a vax passport or download tracking apps, they held that line. Businesses refused to fire staff, they knew it wouldn’t hold up in court, they’d eventual have to pay for being a cunt, they held that line. Some business put the posters up but never asked for customers to disclose their private information, they held that line.
Those businesses that chose to discriminate, some gleefully, didn't hold any sort of moral line, and the consequences you'll have to suck up, just like we had to. There is no respect in my corner. How dare you require me to have an experimental injection to spend my money with you, are you insane? What the hell business is it of yours? How dare you joyfully perform to a segregated crowd, with not one thought given to the hurt you're contributing to. Weak and traitorous, I never in a million years thought my friends would do that..... but most of you did. We are a different species.
Vaxination has NEVER had bearing on the transmission of covid, why didn't you read the science, I shared it, you ignored it...and nor do masks but i bet you'll still be all muzzled up tomorrow at work cause you’ve all lost your bloody minds. Your choice. Your ignorance. Your consequences. Your business down the tubes. There are shit loads of businesses I will never support again. And i don't have to, we've made new alliances, new modes of trade and commerce.
I'm as mad as hell about all this right now, and I just knew we’d get the excuses “ oh please come back, we were only following orders”. Too late. You cared sweet fuck all for us, your silence said everything, your lack of empathy an abject disgrace. Your “oh but we were just worried about getting a fine, I had no control”… I would liken to flowers and chocolate the day after the bash, you wont be afforded forgiveness for a while, if ever. Maybe after counselling and an actual meaningful apology lol. Your “choice”, take some responsibility for your fucking lives and grow some balls. You’re all mad, and still think we are in some sort of raging deadly pandemic of the unvaxinated. I have literally shared slobber with boostered up covid positive people for over 6 weeks and still cant catch the fucking thing. Get yourself the hell out of your perpetual infantile state, stop listening to those bloody politicians and for the love of god take off your masks.
Thats what i say. And many wont like it...but its my current truth. Do with it what you will.
Eli Salt.
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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