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Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:56 pm
by Vanilla
I knew about this for 3-4 years. But didnt know anyone personally who got scammed by him. I knew this one individual, one of Ramtha's front row favorites, he is always hugging etc.. I knew that he would rent out homes, then sublet them after adding on 400$. Many many students did this, rented from him at outrageous prices. I never thought of it as bad, because everyone seemed to know he did it..and noone said anything to victims. I guess noone thought it was stealing. I never really thought about it. But it is stealing out of someones pocket. Reaching in and stealing 4-6 hundred dollars a month...from someones pocket. I wish I would have said something. I know several people, just found out. They are coming together, I feel their vulnerability at being scammed by someone " who Ramtha just loves", they just cant understand it. Anyways, the police were called, this ramtha student realtor is helping the police and people who have been scammed. This guy has a long list of criminal history. I mean, he was kicked out of the school for a few months, rumor is it was drugs. I know many rumors fly about prostitution, dancers, anything illegal. Some say his family is mafia. My point here is Ramtha didnt see this coming. Ramtha didnt call him onstage, and call him out on this when he calls out so many others for so much less and ruins their lives. David this is really big scam. This guy is so rich. He has taken all of Jz's donations- hired 7 people to collect and sold them on ebay. I don't know how many have fallen for this. But my friend once told me when I arrived is many people take advantage of the students when they come to Yelm, because new students always have money. If I can help anyone by saying this, even to change, please see my intention as good. But just telling people this, I do feel scared. I do. I feel scared even mentioning this individual. Dont run to Jz's facebook page to say anything, run to the police.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:38 am
by ex
This guy is so rich. He has taken all of Jz's donations- hired 7 people to collect and sold them on ebay.
???????? sorry don't get this.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:17 am
by Vanilla
He tells people the homes he is renting them are his and collects rent from many homes, with 4-600$ added on.

So thats like your landlord not really being your landlord. And how do you know he is even giving the real landlord your money.

About the donations. I was adding that on. I have seen him hire 7 people to collect Jz donations, like clothing and toys and sell them on ebay. Which was meant for her poor students. Sorry. I am not a good separator of ideas when chit chatting casually.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:21 am
by Ockham
Hi Vanilla,

Thanks for the remarks.

One of JZ's front row favorite masters accepts gifts from JZ and then sells the gifts on eBay. Well, that information has now been posted here; no doubt word will surely get back to JZ. It will be interesting to see what political repercussions ensue.

Yes indeed, there are Yelm residents, probably most members of RSE that sublet at sky high prices. I met an RSE student who was paying $400 per month for a 10 foot by 10 foot bedroom in a house south of Yelm. I think a lot of international students from outside the US are cheated because they expect high prices in the US, but do not know how high is too high. Depending on the zoning restrictions, you're right that it probably isn't illegal charge very high price rent. Of course it shows that elder students do not learn much about ethical behavior at RSE to witness them screwing over the freshmen students.

JZ Knight herself is a contributor to the problem. Knight has worked hard to chase out developers that could build affordable decent quality housing in the vicinity of RSE.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:08 am
by Rooster
Does not suprise me. Like minds do tend to gather. So scam central has another favorite!

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:30 pm
by ex
thanks for clarifying. there r things which should go as a warning to the public. like a angies list for ramster businesses.
i remember how we got a high priced food storage, suddenly paid 75$$ more for a grain mill or got a box of caned meat with the dated stamp from 8 years ago. all from a 'honorable student'. don't let me start on practices of a realtor in rainier. don't forget the friends who introduce you to pips and pay your kids in pips shares for their garden work. i guess if students accept getting pulled over the table by their spiritual leader they somehow assume to have the right to do the same to others.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:43 pm
by Vanilla
For a while Ramtha was saying, TRUST NO ONE. And I forget but these little sayings everyone repeats --about how you have to turn away the little rats who knock on your UG door when days to come are here.How they had their time to prepare and didnt. For a while. Until Fukushima and then we were supposed to take the emergency 3 days fugitives into our homes. From Japan. Then the attitude was to help other masters. I have heard Ramtha say myself, that if you dont have a UG by now ( last August) you better get your kids into one. Because the children need to be saved, so you might as well say goodbye and sacrifice yourself.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:53 pm
by Vanilla
I have heard Ramtha say "not to trust me" about himself --and how he will lie to you to get you to change. Some students told me they dont trust their god Ramtha. So I guess when Days to come come, Ramtha will be of no help to noone. Neither will your friends, because you didnt prepare. And if you cant read thru the cards you are pretty much left by the aliens, because they are not interested in un-evolved beings. How sad is that.

To change the subject I was at a party last night. In a corner were some students. They were drinking wine and complaining. I sat over there. They were all saying, if I can quote them, that they meet teachers in the school and their intuition says, wow this guy is such a dick...and they cant figure out ....why? Like why some of the men who Ramtha chooses as master builders of Ugs, cant build ugs. Can't build period. They see this..And they say they meet people who their" bodies" tell them, wow what a nice man, and they find that Ramtha has started shit with them in they are confused. Like why are all the teachers in the school dicks? That was their words. These are current students. I heard some other stuff like this builder is sleeping with this guy he is working for- his wife. They are pissed. That teachers get away with this stuff. They say what about the integrity of the school...

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:15 pm
by Sad Grandfather

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:57 pm
by ex
hi sg: rse integrity is part of the rse conditioning. if you mention that ramtha is a scam, students will bombard you how masters have to be impeccable and honest.......

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:49 pm
by David McCarthy
As I recently shared with vannila in a PM today..

Hopefully the students he's been stealing from will follow through with a police complaint.
RSE students will blame themselves 'it was a runner...I'm not a victim..blah blah.....and let these bastards off the hook to move on to rob other innocent students at RSE.
Its a real shame that those that join RSE for all the right reasons are the one's who's lives are stripped by JZ Knight with the scraps thrown to bottom feeders that circle RSE like vultures.
remember... vultures are cowards :idea:


Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:14 am
by Sad Grandfather
I think my daughter was probably a scam victim the first year or two she was out there. She did tell me she was renting space from a woman who had been in the "school" for 30 years. She told me she was paying $2500 monthly for the space, which I thought was ridiculous, even for the west coast. Now that the whole family is out there, they have bought a house. I don't know how badly they got stuck on it.

Even though the husband is now working full time, I'm not sure how long their money will last. Maybe longer than I do?

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:55 am
by Rooster
Alkalin water, dead sea water , white powder gold, omega, pips, lipo blue vitamins, magic eletromagnetic wand, trademark , twinkies, Nonie juice, T something new J.Z. is selling and lamine.
All to make you prosper or rejuvinate your youth. All Give me your hard earned money. It will never end! These are only the ones I can remeber.

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:29 pm
by Sad Grandfather
And apparently, they want something to believe in so badly that they don't catch on after the first few are obvious scams?

Re: Rental Scam on new students

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:48 pm
by Ockham
I just wanted to clarify what I wrote. I intended to write that the front-row master was accepting gifts on behalf of JZ Knight, not from JZ Knight.

Disclaimer: consult with a CPA for tax advice. What follows is personal opinion and is not legal or financial advice.

The scammed students may want to consider is if they are each eligible to issue an IRS miscellaneous income reporting form 1099 to the scammy master, with a record copy going to the IRS. In as much as the master was accepting the students’ property for his own use, he was indeed receiving income - gift or not. It is the same as having to report a prize won in a contest as income. If the students are not blood relations, the gifts to the scammy master are reportable income. Gifts in kind are also reportable on a 1099. Suppose a student gave the scammy master a silver candelabra, then the reasonable retail value of the candelabra may be reported on a 1099. It is then up to the scammy master to argue whether or not it is income and if the value reported on the 1099 is the fair market value. Unless the scammy master is an employee or authorized agent of a registered charity, the amount reported on the 1099 is likely to be considered income. If a handful of ripped off students find the guts to issue 1099 forms to the scammy master, perhaps he’ll do a rethink on how sound an idea the scam is. He may also have some explaining to do to the IRS. We know what fun it is to have to explain things to the IRS.