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disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:26 am
by ex
i saw my neighbor going down the street murmuring his mantras. from here i learned the affirmations start with i have always been ......and than i guess some outrages rse claim like being a master or fabulous wealthy or......? so my thought to this was. your inner core knows what you have always been. no reason to lie to yourself. further more you set yourself up for being used to be a fake. i understand the concept of self hypnoses from the list. the: i am .... there at least is a potential or development acknowledged. the phony superior arrogance of the rse students always bothered me. i get that there r a lot of nice people. but like drug addicts they might not get what they rely do to themselves.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:58 pm
by Ockham
Hi Ex,

I think you nailed it, what's wrong with the RSE approach to meditation.

First, I believe we all do, 'disciplines,' in our daily lives, though we may not always call it that or might not be aware we're doing them. Disciplines are formalizations of adaptive and coping behavior. Done in a healthy way, it can help us rise to overcome challenges or heal troubles.

The Judy Knight approach I see my friends doing bothers me because it looks to me as a non-RSE outsider what I'd call the Josef Goebels approach to spirituality. It may feel a like a traditional Yoga, but instead of making the mind open, the RSE approach starts with a fantasy and repeats it over and over until it supplants reality. The result is ramsters broke from RSE spending sit in crappy half-built holes in the ground around Yelm. The fantasy is they've always been fabulously wealthy and have always had radiant health. The reality instead is that they really aren't going anywhere spiritually. The problem is focus on the result instead of how to get there.

At some point reality has to crash into the fantasy of the RSE disciplines. Yes I still have multiple sclerosis, or yes I still have no job and I've been doing these stupid disciplines for the last five years and my government assistance checks have been going to Judy's events.

I'd love to hear it from an RSE insider perspective from somebody who is really using RSE disciplines to achieve growth. To me the RSE approach is denial and papering over.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:24 pm
by Kensho
RSE's disciplines are weapons of mass distraction...from the reality that students inevitably crash into. Hours and hours are spent asserting a variety of wishful thinking themes until the delusions become comfortable. The events provide an equally (or more so) delusional audience to support rather than question a participant's held delusion.

At times there were over a thousand of these 'supporters' attending events; all of whom were commanded by Judith and her host of characters (seen and unseen) to "particiapte".
Imagine a thousand people walking on a field from one end to the other, back and forth for an hour or more, each claiming their own blatant untruth prefixed by "I have always been". Do just that 3 or more times a day, never mind the other disciplines which reinforce the delusions as well, and pretty soon it becomes robotic. The statements of delusion will and do run in the mind continuously on and off the field. That is actually an instruction at RSE. The statements of delusion are to be repeated throughout the day...even in the toilet.

I still chuckle when recalling someone's feeble voice emanating from a sun-baked, stinking Porta-potti, claiming "I have always been a Christ consciousness realized!"; followed by a louder and more forceful flatulent punctuation mark. The truth comes out in the most unexpected ways!

The disciplines also encourage the delusional to look for and connect regular day to day events with the coming manifestation of the delusion. Someone finds a quarter in a parking lot and that somehow confirms that their fabulous wealth is on the way. Judith as Ramtha said it and other mundane occurances did, so the indoctrinated RSE followers never questions that.
The Ramtha character also had a few rules of manifestation that were stated as being necessary for a manifestation to take place. In reality it was to protect the delusional RSE follower from the rest of the world's opinion and reality checks. The main rule was to keep secret the delusional statements of claim and the wished for manifestation...except for at RSE, where there was both freedom and encouragement to claim anything as reality and go unchallenged.

What is the effect of all this? Serious business for sure.
In my second year at RSE the hallucinations began. While walking the field and stating my delusion, while entranced on the sky ahead and above, a symbol that I'd drawn to represent what I was claiming appeared. Had I been in my right mind I should have reacted differently than I did, but at the time I was elated! My god was answering me. In the year that followed many more such hallucinations could be produced...almost at will. All it took was a bit of trance and steady focus for it to appear. Whatever meaning I placed on it from there was simply more delusion. The fact that I was 'seeing things' didn't register as problematic in the least. This included blue grids on the sky with symbols on them; which was a part of another so called discipline where we sat in all weather at the start of each day, staring at the sky. The delusionary walk followed that. So each day began with two hours of group delusionary focus; though for many like me, it may have been prefaced by independant practice of the same sort.

Hallucinations and other forms of a mind gone haywire aside, there are some obvious issues that might arise with coping in the conventional world while so delusional, but if the RSE follower is 'sincere', they will continue to walk and state their delusion between events; albeit secretly. Thus the reason to maintain solitude; especially from friends and family (RSE's instruction), who know the truth.
Enter the fellow RSE follower/friend who can help those who crash up against reality. Depending on the situation this support may come in the form of small group disciplines, some confused reasoning and possibly wine/drugs (further distraction).
There is no one-to-one support coming from the side of RSE at times like these for the followers.

When day-to-day reality demands attention, the result is often devastating for both the afflicted student and potentially their RSE friends/supporters as well. Alas most RSE supporters abandon the so afflicted to carry on with their own delusion without distraction when their fellow RSE follower gives in to reality. This is another instruction promoted by RSE under the heading of "they created that reality and so it is more compassionate to allow them to experience it".

From the archives of my RSE memeories:
A dear RSE friend had the reality of foreclosure and bankruptsy land him in a state of hopeless despair. He perceived himself to be a complete failure and was preparing to take his own life...even then to fulfill the delusion of meeting up with the Ramtha character in the 23rd universe. He called to announce this and after hearing him out, I had no doubts that he was very serious. It took a lot of talking and a $14,000 'loan' to get him back on his feet (he had nothing left) before he agreed to 'hang in there'.

This was the beginning of my questioning RSE and what is promoted there, although it would be another year before the message finally hit home. That message? The disciplines don't work and RSE is a corporation that uses these mind control tactics to extract as much as possible from its followers before casting them aside to fend for themselves. That became the mantra that got me thinking more critically and ultimately got me out of RSE's grasp.

The loan made to the individual remained unpaid, despite his carrying on with RSE disciplines at first and then trying to repay it through the mundane means of holding a regular job in his field (engineering technology). As it turned out he simply couldn't work...his mind was too messed up (This manifested as physical illness, depression, suicidal thoughts, memory loss, delusion etc.) and he was forced to leave the firm that he worked for. He went on social assistance while he tried to figure out what to do and how to do it.
A year had passed before we spoke again and his recounting of what he had gone through in the interum was hard to hear. Ultimately the loan was forgiven when the individual related that he had 'crashed up against another reality' from which he could not escape (terminal cancer). By then, we had both left RSE and its disciplines behind. Needless to say our conversations were quite different from then on.
The last time I spoke with him he was still financially destitute and was living/dying with his adult son; who after being rejected by the individual years earlier, took him in.

Reality...what a concept.

With love, Kensho

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:40 am
by Kensho
WARNING: What appears below is RSE mind control material and may be upsetting for those who would rather not revisit suggestions made by Judith, the Ramtha character and the staff of RSE for the 'neighbourhood walk'.

These are just a few of the assertions that were heard (and said :oops: ) on the field of dreams and during walks between 2006 & 2008:

I am Christ consciousness realized.

I am a servant unto God.

I have always communed with great beings.

I am a master and I have always spoken my truth and walked my talk.

All parts of my brain are fully active, receiving and processing frequency information.

All pertinent information my brain receives and processes, is clearly imaged to my frontal lobe.

I have always easily and instantly visualized any information that I query.

I live in superconscious omniscience and always know what I need to know when I need to know it.

I am genius mind and am always engaged in original thought.

I am ever evolving, unlimited, multidimensional mind.

I am eternal mind and I possess all the knowledge that has ever been known, is known now and will ever be known.

I have always been the totality of being, the ocean of consciousness and the entire universe of all that is and will ever be.

I live in a perpetual state of unlimited freedom, radiant joy and unconditional love.

I am always in dominion of all that I am, all that I perceive and all that I experience.

I have always consciously created my reality, and only experience what I intentionally create and choose to experience.

I have always chosen to live in the experience of making known the unknown; in this I serve and Glorify God.

My intent is always known, acted upon and manifested.

I live a magnificent life of synchronicity for what I desire to experience always manifests.

Whatever I conceive and believe, I can manifest at will.

I am master of manifesting any potential into reality; I have always been unlimited in this ability.

I view all problems, obstacles and challenges as opportunities to change and evolve.

I am always eagerly embracing new experiences.

I am dedicated to constantly changing and evolving on all levels.

I embrace the experience, and thrive during and after the world's changes.

I have always had the ability to focus my mind in whatever way I wish.

I am master of analogical focus and have always had the ability to hold a single pointed focus for as long as I desire.

Whatever I focus on always manifests in the way that I desire.

I am master of remote view.

I always transcend all that stands in the way of my destiny.

I am master of all RSE disciplines; for my focus is absolute and unlimited.

I have always been vibrantly healthy and I only engage that which is in alignment with promoting and maintaining my health.

I have always viewed my body as a sacred temple and I am dedicated to maintaining it in purity and my mind in clarity.

I am ageless, timeless and transcendent of all limitations.

I am sovereign on all levels and I am unlimited in wealth and abundance.

I am known, I am cared for and I am loved.

May greater understanding and compassion toward the victims of RSE come from reading these; for RSE convinces its followers that what is stated with conviction, will come to pass. May it also reveal to current RSE followers that RSE intensionally manipulates its followers to hold onto outlandish wishful thinking as a distraction from engaging their obvious reality. This is done for the sole purpose of financial gain and the proof of that is in how RSE ignores and even scorns those who can't pay for events, programs or media products; no matter how long they have been 'in the school'.

With love, Kensho

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:05 pm
by joe sz
good post, Kensho...

the stupidity of such "affirmations" is exposed by:

I am writing a play better than anything Skakespeare could have conceived.
(My published work is generally ignored but one of my poems made it into my high school yearbook)
I am composing a symphony that exceeds Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.
(I am learning to play the piano and I cannot write a lick of music)
I am capable of swimming across the Pacific Ocean.
(I am practicing in my swimming pool and wearing purple goggles)
I am capable of remote viewing a private discussion between Michelangelo and the pope.
(My daughter will not let me log on to her facebook account and it pisses me off)
Whatever I concieve, I can manifest at will.
(I must be conceiving that I am in Yelm as a devotee of a pseudo-blond woman who)

I am capable of knowing that Ramtha is as limited as JZ Knight's behavior and imagination.
(How come most everyone outside of RSE seems to know that already?) :roll:

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:13 pm
by Kensho
A few months back this list fell out of a book while I was sorting through boxes that I had in storage. Reading it then as now reveals how absurd the belief in such practices is. Clearly none of these affirmations hold up to even a superficial comparison of what exists in fact. Yet, the sell promoted by RSE was that by repeating such things, one would over ride their subconscious program of the current reality and supplant the new be experienced in the future.

That brings to mind another thing that RSE followers were commanded to repeat over and over.
"I have always lived in the future now."

I see that now as a means to distract and manipulate those who had become impatient waiting for their future reality to manifest while experiencing the 'old reality' from which they wished to extricate themselves from. The 'natives' were getting restless on and off the field and Judith had to do something with the budding non-beleivers. Along with shaming them for not doing the disciplines often enough or correctly, she added threats of Ramtha leaving and not coming back, and then came up with the "I have always lived in the future now." reinforcement to the walk of delusion.

Courtesy of Judith on stage, it was explained as a means to experience that (delusional) thing(s) right away; essentially by moving the person to a time in the future rather than moving the desired future into the current one.
Confused? Try that logic while physically and emotionally exhausted from lack of sleep, doing disciplines all day and listening to the Ramtha character by night, along with a bottle of wine in your system. Add in a crowd of similarly affected individuals and it pretty much becomes impossible to see the problems with holding belief in such a statement. Yet this assertion remains a mainstay at RSE and is repeated with conviction by its followers.

If taken as fact, it means that the future must be no different than the present; at least for those who beleive such a thing. The future will simply be more of the same...a whole lot of hope, distractive disciplines focused on reinforcing delusion, field work, walks, C&E and false happiness through temporary relief from the reality of a world that awaits at the end of an event at RSE.

I am genius mind and am always engaged in original thought.
Yet I repeat what I am instructed to say like a robot and behave in the same way; without thought, introspection or the slightest hesitation while Judith steals my money and potentials for a life well lived.
Yup, that about sums it up.

With love, Kensho

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:17 am
by ex
thank you. i know some will drive the nail home which i set. when i read the affirmations my first thought was:' whats wrong with it? probably rests of brainwash. yes some good ideas rely got screwed up from jzr.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:28 am
by Kelku
'Are the disciplines beneficial?'
Having been doing disciplines like grazy during my first 3 years at rse, mainly C&E, my experience was, no.... to the contrary.
It was a ritual I repeated under the pressure that it has to be done to evolve.
So I did and others told me wonderful stories about what they experience by doing the disciplines: OBE's, lucid dreaming, contact, seeing bright lights, travelling dimensions, healing themselves and others...
I was like, 'Wow', that is happening to them because of the disciplines? They must be working, just I am an outcast because I was not experiencing any of this stuff.“
I felt a little elated sometimes,... that was it. I thought I am doing it wrong and after 3 years my enthusiasm faded away.
It took me the following years to slowly realize that most of the experiences people claimed to have were simply made up, exaggerrated or the most far fetched explanation was the chosen.
That helped me to relax a bit. I still felt bad because the time I spent on disciplines became less and less.
I liked fieldwork, mainly because it gave me such a hard time. I never found one card in 4 years... Then suddenly it happened and I thought, „Wow, now it's happening...even for me.“
Needless to say that my life didn't change, despite of collecting cards from then on.
Blindfolded archery pleased the little wild thing in me – hitting targets numerous time didn't change my life either.
Then at some time the walk was introduced.
I hated it from the beginning.
I remember we were sent out in Spain to practice our first walk on a little path... This zombie association came to my mind.
But my walk experience made me question the so called trance state we were all striving for.
It happened that I found myself and others displaying how unreliable such a state can be.... even to a degree that I thought it to be funny.
As an example, doing the Walk you hear what others claim to have always been in case they do it 'correctly'. One day a woman passed me by, claiming, „I have always bilocated on my man“ which made me crack up in laughter on the field. Later I asked her whether this approach was intended. She was shocked and said, „no, i said I always bilocated at will.“
She didn't realize what she really said and this happened to me many times, catching myself saying something different than intended.
This made me think about our 'focussed' trance work as well.
But of course, this only happens if you do it 'the wrong way'... ;-)

Anyway, my husband claims that some disciplines were useful for him and he still applies C&E from time to time.
And in 10 years at rse I also had some 'strange' happenings just now I attribute them to my brain's facilility under deprivation to come up with a whole bunch of grazy stuff that is not easy to explain
For me... I can't do any disciplines at all anymore....
Since I also can't pray or do anything else at this point, I discovered that I started to walk my garden when I look for contact. I walk around, have a close look and start talking to myself and the plants... obviously this became my sort of prayer or discipline but I don't want to name it like this.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:00 pm
by California Dreamin'
Some of the affirmations on our "list" still have me messed up to this day.

- I am 30 years young
- I am fabulously wealthy
-I am unlimited potential and master of all
- I am a healer of all things
- I am my genius mind

Everytime my body shows a sign of natural aging I freak out, because I actually believed all of the anti-aging stuff. The list really appealed to my vanity and built in me a sense of baseless self-esteem and ego. I felt totally empowered, optimistic and really good about myself (developed a big vanity ego).

I saturated myself in this stuff, and I still have difficulty on a human level accepting day-to-day reality. On an intellectual level I know this was brainwashing, but unfortunately my brain was washed really well.

To this day I still feel ungrateful and melancholy about the disappointments and stagnation my life has become.

I don't go around wearing this stuff as a badge of identity, but it still remains in me in a secret place.


Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:59 pm
by Rooster
Hi California,
Maybe those twinkies will help, few extra presevatives...! Lol...kidding of course. I still too have some of those ingrained in me. I noticed with now getting a bit older, it creeps in even as it was not important on my list. I am a healer wants to come in as I am in the medical field. At times wish I had more to offer. Not to mention when your child is sick. A sick child can make you freak out a bit.

The difference? I am not delusional. I know everyone gets old and thats life as a earthling! I also know there is nothing wrong with getting old and we all go through these changes. I believe J.Z. is a bit of and agest. In her distorted mind age is very fearful, so she must do all she can to avoid the process. What makes this so apparent to me is not just the plastic sugery, but her immature nature and need for much younger men. So as such the emphasis on aging.

I do think some affirmations are not such a bad thing. I do have one in paticular that is helpful to me. When I am working hard and tired I will say I am filled with energy. Sometimes it helps me to get a boost. Affirmations have been around are not created by J.Z. In fact they are used to help change thinking, and are useful for depression, programs to treat addiction and common among athletes.A bit of positive thinking is a good thing in my eyes. If you visit the holy land and decide, I am the messiah!
That could be a problem. It is just visiting the context. And yes some old programming that still can creep in.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:24 am
by Marie
I think the emphasis on aging -- or not -- is probably due more to her pathological narcissism than any discrimination. My understanding is that growing old is usually denied by true narcissists.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:45 am
by Rooster
I am thinking Marie you are correct. Maybe its just a new term agest, slang ,can be the same thing. Its the term I hear upon my peers and so so these days. Often heard in dating terms, but basically means the same. I am not really even sure of the spelling since it is a slang word. Sorry about the new vocab.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:22 am
by Rooster
I did look it up, your right Marie, there is a discrimination involved. Agiest, not quite what some had used in recent vocabulary. That I was aware of any way. So for the record!

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:47 am
by joe sz
in CUT/Summit Lighthouse, in 1979 we had a thick book of hundreds of decrees and affirmations to memorize. The I AM cult had a similar book published in mid-1930s and added to.
here is a sample of SU affirmations:
I AM life of God-direction
Blaze thy light of truth in me.
Focus here all God’s perfection,
From all discord set me free.
Make and keep me anchored ever
In the justice of thy plan—
I AM the presence of perfection
Living the life of God in man!


I AM changing all my garments,
Old ones for the bright new day;
With the sun of understanding
I AM shining all the way.
I AM light within, without;
I AM light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me:
I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the sun! ... -Hand.html

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:05 pm
by California Dreamin'
Thanks everyone for your comments on my post.

Upon re-reading my post with fresh eyes, I am slightly embarrassed that I may have come across as a narcissistic victim/spoiled brat. :oops: I'm really not a sniveling miserable person but I do have some big insecurities that I never had before attending RSE.

I'm reminded all too frequently that the choices I made for my life at a critical time in the planning of my future were made during the years I spent as an RSE student, and at that time I had the RSE knowingness that I was the absolute creator of all things in my life now and forever. I now realize this is not possible. :shock:


Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:10 pm
by Kelku
California Dreamin',

how can a teaching that aging can be stopped or even reversed, not affect us in our perception of ourselves aging (I prefer ripening now :P ) ?
It's definitely hard to grow older at RSE and not feel like a complete failure.
Just good that JZ and the teachers obviously are not applying the right focus as well.
And when you get sick or even old and sick, you can still pull yourself together and give a good show as long as somebody watches. :cry: and if that doesn't work one better doesnt show up for the comments could add to ones misery. ... but wait, no, they just remind you that it's all your responsibility.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:42 am
by Rooster
Hi Calafornia,
I sure hope I did not give that impression. I think many of us still have the affirmations ingrained. I was just commenting in general that I do not see affirmations as a bad thing. when we hold delusions as we did as rse students. It then becomes unhealthy as many have experienced. I did not mean to say it was you. Just in case you took my statement in that way. I could not resist the twinkie joke! I was told I should eat twinkies to preserve my youth. I thought that was just funny, when I was told that.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:20 am
by Marie
And my post was directed at Knight specifically -- not toward anyone who was only following orders to do the disciplines! I learned from my mother that she will live to be 200 as all good masters do!.... :lol:

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:37 am
by ex
most masters who sit on the stage [good masters?] life less than 80 years.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:24 pm
by California Dreamin'
Rooster, Marie -

Don't worry. I know where you were coming from.

Good thing I was gone before the twinkie teachings were presented. I only know what I've heard on this board about the twinkies "discipline :lol: -- How absurd!


Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:57 am
by Rooster
Lol Marie,
Maybe we should send a case or geratol! Seems yes, they up as ex says.

Re: disciplines beneficial???

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:36 pm
by Sad Grandfather
Well, as far as aging and infirmaty, I will be 78 in August. I have had 2 major auto accidents. The last, in 1978 left me a cripple for life. I had 2 helicopter crashes, and 2 plane crashes, all of which I walked away from. I have had cancer twice, the first time in 1987, with 38 radiation treatments, and the last time 2 years ago with a tumor removed surgically. Maybe 2 is my magic number?
Maybe I should start my own cult, since I seem to have lived longer than a lot of the ramsters? :lol: