Disciples of JZK in India?

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Disciples of JZK in India?

Post by delavie »

Look at http://www.ramthatruthvivek.org/index.html

"ट्रुथ" का शुरुवाद--
एक शुभ दिन और शुभ अवसर पर, राम्था - एक प्रबुद्ध मुझे लिखित पूर्वक सन्देश दिए थे की -- " मेरा बेटा ! कभी भी, कभी भी , मेरे शिक्षावों की उपदेश करना बंद मत करना और ज़िन्दगी भर इन शिक्षावों का प्रसार जारी रखना! "

About "Truth"

Truth is an organization, platform to realize about what is real Spirituality?

Intiative of " Truth "
One fine day Ramtha, the enlightened one, has given an auto writing message to me saying that “My son! Never, Never, stop my teachings and continue to spread my teachings through out your life”
Subject(ive)" Truth "
To be in detail about subject of starting this organization called Truth is to give clarity about what exactly and truly on the spiritual concepts, for example some of them as follows:

1. Awareness
2. Righteousness
3. Consciousness
4. Difference between Thought and Thinking
5. Soul
6. Spirit
7. Master
8. Unlimited thinking pattern
9. Focus
10. Conscious levels
11. Creation
The very purpose of starting the Truth is to spread the true knowledge which is the only remedy to obtain permanent solutions for all human tribulations.

Objective of " Truth "
According to ramtha's auto writing messages, I have began to spread ramtha's teachings.I have started this organization in the name of "Truth" with an outlined objective of

Truth Realization & Uncover The Human

And so far most of spiritual organizations is limited to service suffering and sacrifice but true spirituality starts from realization only.It is the realization that leads to :


History of " Truth "
Since 2006, I have been doing this job successfully ; People have begun to gain this knowledge and leading a beautiful and blissful life.Surprisingly, they are able to discriminate their life as"before ramtha and after ramtha". Initially, my work shops span only for few hours and later on it has stretched for two days, one week,12 days and 40 days.

Now in the name of the Truth I have began to spread vigoursly, the teachings of ramtha, in and around south India.I have conducted so many workshops and now we are growing in numbers.

While spreading "Truth" I have faced so many serious threats, problems from religious, fanatic people, threatening me and my organization. "Truth" is impeccable and no one is able to do even a little harm to me and my organization. In spite of their threats "Truth"has began to go and grow vigoursly.

Perfomance of " Truth "
It has transformed several life's not only innocent children but also sufficiently old age orthodox beings.Now they totally discarded "Law of karma" from their life and they were living naturally people are beginning to get benefited by these teachings irrespective of their gender, age, religion, profession.

I can tell you very honestly that ramtha teachings are must to each and everybody on this earth, irrespective of their social status. Even from a postman to prime minister, House wife to a home minister are badly in need of these teachings, next many people who are staunch follower of Meditation, Yoga, etc.. have also accepted the fact that this "Truth" has began to bring a revolutionary thinking pattern, which they are unable to get in spite of vigorous practices of yoga and meditation, with this "Truth" , and thought power many are able to heal their disease on their own, some solved their legal, physical and financial problems and now they are really enjoying "Freedom from fear" and that is life.

- Sri Vivekananda

About Sri Vivekanand...
I am Vivekanand, I have completed my law graduation and later on I preferred to do business. I started my spiritual life through spirituality through Pyramid Spiritual Society, with in a span of three months, I have began to read some of the books, prescribed by them. In that context, they have suggested me a book called “RAMTHA”. The moment I have opened that book and read few pages, I have began to understand, the value of the book and then my approach towards the book has become more serious.It took almost one year to go through the book in a detailed way. I was strongly influenced by each and every sentence of that book. Frankly speaking, I was totally transformed and surprisingly new 
“I AM" has been launched in me and now my approach towards life and the incidents in the life have totally changed. Now I am not being influenced by the incidents happening in the real life gradually, I have began to realize that I am influencing the incidents in the real life. This exactly is known as“CREATION” “THOUGHT POWER” spiritually.

So “Ramtha” the enlightened one has began as book in my life and now surprisingly my life itself is "Ramtha". One single book has transformed my life from an ordinary human being to divine being from good to god, from reality to Truth, from morality and mortality to Immortality. I don’t mean to say that I have already accomplished immortality physically. But I can definitely tell you that a new realization emerged in me which says seriously “NO” to death.

"I am GOD. Why should I DIE”?
"I am GOD. Why should I become OLD”?
After going through "Ramtha", the major transformation has happened in my thinking pattern is that, I was able to realize that there is NO “Law of Karma” (Karma siddhantham). Almost entire world is very busy and limited to this law. They always think "What is GOOD?", "What is BAD?", "What are the after effects of good and bad in this life and next incarnation?", If we observe those lives deeply, we will understand that,though it appears that they are giving paramount importance to morality,but the importance is given to "Fear" They were believing because that the God will give good to good and bad to bad (basically this is law of karma).

It is clear that their choice to be good , is not natural but because of fear. And the fear is if they don’t prefer to be good, some bad may happen either in this incarnation or in the coming incarnations. Hence,because of fear they are pretending to be good. So ultimately good is the greatest mask they are wareing but actual mask is decorated as good!,now after going through "Ramtha", the garbage called “Law of Karma” is totally discarded from my inner consciousness. Now I am living naturally, not dominated by fear.

Now after going through "Ramtha" the garbage called “Law of Karma” is totally vanished, discarded from my inner consciousness. Now I am living naturally not dominated by fear.

The second realization happened in my thinking pattern is “Sub-conscious mind”,"Ramtha" has given tonnes of knowledge regarding sub-conscious mind and its performance and also about "personality", how it exists? how cruel it is? how seriously it is damaging “The God in human form”. He also guided me how to deal with,and one who successfully performances .This can be termed as “MASTER”

"Ramtha" has given abundant information regarding "Pyramids" , "Thought Power","Unlimited thinking pattern", "Creation", "Planets", "UFO’s" and so many other aspects.Truly speaking ,inspite of serious attempts the human brain was a measurable failure in understanding these aspects. . Each and every sentence uttered by "Ramtha" has created a new thinking pattern in me. Hence, after transformation of my life I have began to enjoy my life truly, joyfully and blissfully.

- Sri Vivekananda
joe sz
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Re: Disciples of JZK in India?

Post by joe sz »

merci, delavie

this vivekananda is a self-starter inspired by ramtha writings and the Pyramid Spiritual Society
Brahmarshi Patriji, founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM), realized the power of meditation through his own profound experiences early in his life and attained enlightenment in the year 1979. Ever since, he has made as his life mission - the objective of teaching and promoting meditation and vegetarianism to people all over the world. His approach has been completely scientific and secular without invoking any religious symbolism
The Pyramid Spiritual Societies are non-religious, non-cult, non-profit voluntary organizations whose sole mission is to spread Anapanasati Meditation, Vegetarianism and Pyramid Power to one and all. Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) is a part of the world-wide New Age Spiritual Revolution
I spent a month traveling in India and Nepal in 1980...movements like this are a dime a dozen and continually spring up and disappear ..it makes the cult problem in America look quite lame by comparison. Although Hinduism can be quite strict and exclusive [one basically has to be 'incarnated' into a legit caste or jati] Hindu Indians in general are very curious about anything spiritual in their midst, so any organized cult can get a following of some kind there in short order.
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Re: Disciples of JZK in India?

Post by ex »

that is too good to be true. someone who makes money of the ramtha character. what will jz do? go to india were the people are so primitive that they worship cows [= according to ramtha] and start a copyright lawsuit? sit back do nothing because her pr people and lawyers say so ? [her greed would eat her up from the inside. poor yelm community they have to deal with a very angry ramtha.] in my book this guy proofs that karma exists.
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Re: Disciples of JZK in India?

Post by delavie »

On Pillai Center. For mind Science / Unleash the power of your destiny.
Rama, The Gentle Warrior
Rama, a king, an incarnate of Lord Vishnu is one of the most important archetypes of 2011. One powerful incarnation of this archetype, in contemporary times, is known as Ramtha, channeled by J Z Knight.
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