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Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:01 am
by Vanilla
Also in the chat rooms she is signing in and just " chatting" about how rejuvenating Isagenix is. Using Gladys to sell it. Students are BSed

Students are waking up.

Plus one of her teachers, an example of wealth and abundance, has taken his family for about a year and squatting in a very nice home repo'd by the bank. I guess that is manifesting. Rams inner circle is pissed about it. But hey, free rent? Just squat? Maybe that's manifesting. Plus he is broke all the time. I guess Isagenix or being a Ramtha teacher around the world, can't pay the bills. I hear its 12- 15 an hour.

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:26 am
by Vanilla
This is the same teacher that exposed how people were mapping the backs of the cards on stage, and started a big fight with all the teachers and even Ramtha was mad at him. People said he had integrity. Now is selling Isagenix through this "Sacred ancient school" and living for free in a repo's house. Using Gladys to sell Isagenix is like having Jesus sell it, to the students. They are shocked. They all know he squats with his family. People used to respect him now everyone is talking. He brags to people how he lives in a mansion, when he has broke in, and moved is family there for about half a year. Repo'd by a bank. He is kicked out of parties lately for being such a dick. Jz Rose now carries it as well as the school's cafe. The ads use Gladys. You know the cross eyed cartoon Spanish maid used in the school to describe the housekeeper of your brain. " Gladys doing a rumba" You know the cartoon they play at beginners events?

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:44 am
by Ockham
Isagenix. Ha ha! Yet another gobble-de-gook multi level marketing scam product line-up complete with fake blogs written by paid apologists that gush allegedly spontaneous yarns about the wonders of Isagenix and how it bettered their previously miserable lives.

I wonder what's next? Maybe Mary Kay cosmetics. JZ/R could be a great spokes person/entity. In the recent videos I've seen of JZ, it looks like she needs to buy her cosmetics by the one liter canister. Ramtha could observe the daughtern's liberal use of cosmetics and pass along the gnosis of the great healing power of Mary Kay to the masters. Do it enough, the JZ can earn that signature Mary Kay pink Cadillac automobile! I know it isn't a Bentley, but it ain't too bad.

Who needs Gladys when there is Mary Kay TimeWise (R)?

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:46 pm
by Vanilla
The school is also now advertising the amazing discipline of flashlight flickering on their email banners trying to get people to come to the event. To all those who thought it was so crazy I must be lying when I first told you about it here...nope. Its the truth. They are staring at flashlights at the school now. Its made public. I dont know why this stuff bothers me so much, my friends staring at flashlights saying they caught a flicker. How does that help you in the real world.

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:21 pm
by delavie

Streaming with Bill Andrews PDG Sierra Sciences (see the guaranty of B. Andrews with Product B)

Team builder excellence award winners Isagenix (see Mitja Kadow and JZK Inc)…
(JZK and M.Kadow) ... r_2011.pdf

(just M.Kadow)
http://isagenixcoupons.hesslakerentals. ... -team.html

Mitja Kadow (" Ramtha requested Mitja to join the team of appointed teachers and bring his teachings to the world") ... html#mitja

JZK/Ramtha and Gladys :

Mitja Kadow, Product B at JZ Rose

Antiaging products and services ... c060a.html

M. Kadow, Product B, JZ Rose on masterconnection and rse newsletter ... h2011.html

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:30 pm
by ex
what a 'great' product. the idea of everlasting youth shuffles in money. any other affiliation between rse and eis age nix? the guy used ramtha knowledge? comes back to the school? rse probly is never the source of an original idea. only a cesspool of scamers.

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:29 am
by Vanilla
I showed the Gladys ad to a Ramster and they said, " You got to be f-- kidding that what ( Gladys) I think it is, is that...Isagenix?"

They told me the only way you make money in Isagenix is if you sign up people under you to sell it to. So its like Multi level marketing......
Kind of like Mcdonalds isn't in the food business, but real estate. It's a scam all around. So JZ has to sign up all of her teachers and students to make real money. As like sellers. A school of powdered drinks and lotions sellers. Wow.

The only people I know who drink Isagenix are all fat. That's the joke, I need to gain some weight so I must get Isagenix... And people who sell it turn into zombies and try to sell to all their friends, they suddenly are really interested in. " Its AMAZING, life changing" They say of a powdered drink." You must buy, let me do a special plan for you"

It's so sad about MK. That man had so much potential ten years ago i seen. The school let him know what they think of INDEPENDENT THINKERS..they almost fired him for speaking his mind out loud about how people were mapping the backs of cards. He stood up on stage and told everyone not to do that. He was almost if not temporarily fired. You see, Ramtha said later, Ramtha knew people were mapping cards, but he didn't think there was harm in people concentrating. SO he didn't say anything. That is how " The Ram" got out of that fiasco.

Ramtha's inner circle is gross. They are just secret swingers and drunks. People feel uncomfortable around them. They are not very respectful of people's homes and businesses and leave cigarette butts on floors and drink wine all night, your wine. They talk about other people and how other people are not applying the teachings to their if they are expert. Ramtha tells them in your past life you were a dancer in my army and you were with me all your past lives...etc etc. They are brainwashed and lured by power the school gives them in a very shallow way. First of all Ramsters worshiping you doesn't say a lot...about them or you. Using the schools people reserves to sell your Isagenix, doesn't inspire admiration. People are talking. Get out while you can. The school is dead.

These people, all their children, wives, ex wives etc...are all from the school. They almost don't know any other type of life. Everyone makes rounds on everyone, checking everyone out and swapping partners here and there or just for one night, until the fresh annual new students come in, so they can find new mates, have more kids, give them weird names, have the kids draw photos of the void..a lot of kids were "Made" in wine ceremonies out in the woods. A lot of them. They grow up the universe cannot be known and what you see is not what is. You see an old woman on stage impersonating a man with bad English accent.Everyone is bowing to and shaking in the pants to.

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:35 am
by ex
you know the direct tv commercial were your friends faces turn into the benjamin franklin face of the 100$$ bill? that's the best symbol for mlm. you don't have friends only business opportunities. the thing is not trough teamwork you have to beat your fellow students for the places on top? eh in front?

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:32 pm
by Ockham
This sums up the boorish narciscistic RSE life: ... html#mitja
Mitja Kadow

Mitja has been a student of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment for over ten years and an appointed teacher for over four, since 2003. Moving from Germany to the United States, he left behind family, friends, and a successful career to study under Ramtha the Enlightened One and apply himself to the teachings and disciplines in all areas of his life. He is a dynamic and highly inspirational teacher of all the basic teachings and exercises of Ramtha’s school. Mitja has also been part of a small select group of students taught under Ramtha’s special direction from the beginning of his study in the school.
Left behind family, friends and successful career - in order to pursue vapid C+E philosophy, debauchery at parties and exploiting one's peers with MLM scams. Yep, that is a manifestation of, "Become a Remarkable Life" isn't it?

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:30 pm
by ex
his mother is deeply involved in rse. he came from school, there was only a carrier he never started. he is probably so devoted to jz because he would have to start at the bottom every were else. living from mlm and table scraps of the big scamer is such a wonderful life choice.

Re: Jz is selling Isagenix and using Gladys to sell it

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:35 pm
by ex
wonderful [this time without sarcasm] research delavie