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Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:51 pm
by Virginia

Quotes from Scamtha at Assay "...and some try and get their own armies going. I already know retaliation, you think I am afraid? So many people think they are going to bring down the school..that will never happen"..and "The Ram, don't fuck with him".

during this part of her speech she (as ram character) said something to the effect that she didn't have a worthy opponent.

Phoenix rising story AGAIN with a twist!!! It now symbolizes a galaxy rising from a black whole...cue new age music, now power point slide presentation of how did they have that ready? How did they know what Scamtha was going to talk about?

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:53 am
by Ockham
I doubt an invading army would spend its time worring about RSE or the ramsters holed up in their UGs. The invading army would probably have its hands full dealing with Fort Lewis / McChord up the roard just a bit.

I wonder if Ledwith purloined the galaxy Powerpoint slides from the Jet Propulsion Lab the way he purloined the graphics of beleaguered comet Elanin that simply evaporated when it got close to the Sun - some threat indeed! Scamtha says NASA = never a straight answer, but grabbing those handy tax payer funded JPL graphics saves the RSE web masters so much time!

I feel sorry for the parents and kids that get caught up in Phoenix Rising. You'd think they would have learned from the disasterous CSE experience. Kudos to the RSE staff; they must have done a good job remote viewing that Scamtha would be nattering about that topic. Imagine that!

Talking about the galaxy analogy reminded me of the scene in the movie, Animal House, where the professor and kids get high and wax poetic about how atoms are like a tiny little universe. That gave me a good chuckle remembering that scene.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:08 pm
by ex
the marching other armies are maybe emf maybe dr joe. maybe some master teacher who gather a own little fellowship? the students who start reading on the board here?
yes don't mess with an imaginary character. the imaginary retaliation will be horrible.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:26 pm
by Virginia
Ex, did I miss something? Did Dr. Joe say or do anything against RSE?

Of course the "army" is all of her disgruntled students pouring out of school and finding EMF and EE. Who the hell else would waste their time going after little miss white trash from cow-poke? The Illuminati?, The Government? The Aliens? ....yeah right. She really does have a grandiose perception of her importance in the world.

Hey, JZ, no one gives a sh** about you except the people you stole from that you may have to pay back one day. Don't buy anymore french frilly garbage for the house please we won't be able to give that crap away at liquidation. :-)

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:31 am
by ex
dr joe teaches his materials in own seminars. thats all. we know how jealous she is about competition. was more a question.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:12 am
by Ockham
An army of mosquitoes?... Remember what a hypochondiac recluse Judy Knight became after the post office anthrax scare? I was just reading that West Nile virus is prevalent in mosquitoes in 38 states. I also remember fishing on Clear Lake with my cousins from Seattle many years ago and there were mosquitoes aplenty in the area! If somebody wanted to be really mean, one could remind Judy knight of these facts.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:23 am
by joe sz
Ramtha's most dangerous enemy is the mirror. ... :lol:

What does "he" see :shock:

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:30 am
by WofthesunEofthemoon
Quote: "Who the hell else would waste their time going after little miss white trash from cow-poke?" Unquote

You are so naughty, Virginia, and so funny and so right! :-D

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:39 pm
by Vanilla
I was told that David, the moderator owner here, had his house struck by lightning which destroyed his computer, in Yelm once and not to mess with the Ram. I learned this when I had asked about EMF. Out of all the houses in Yelm, his house was struck by lightning. I was told his computer was fried. I had friend who said dead rse students were coming to her in dreams and I believed everytime I heard frogs Ramtha was thinking about me, or the wind if it blew. I was really really deluded. When I first left the school I was mortified I was going to get it. Get bad luck. It took a while. I swear there must be some major mind control experiments at that "school". Stay away.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:38 am
by preeatenna
It is a common occurrence for houses to be struck by lightning, and a common occurrence for such a power surge to fry a computer. I have had my home struck by lightning on more than one occasion during my lifetime. There is no need to postulate the wrath of Scamtha for these natual phenomena. However, if anyone feels the need of some sort of divine protection, I suggest you use this invocation of mine ( for which I will charge a large sum every time it is used.)
"Oh, great God Coffee, guide and protect me always, and save me from the wrath of the Terrible Rambles."

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:46 am
by Ockham
Let me add a data point. My house was struck by a lone lightning bolt in 1984. I hadn't heard of Ramtha or Judy Knight at the time, of course. Thus it was not karmic retribution for my disdain of JZ/R and RSE ... unless it was pre-retribution for my future distaste of RSE 25 years in the future.

I didn't own a PC in 1984, but the bolt blew up my TV and telephones and did a lot of damage to the house. I have a PC now and vitriolic RSE attitude; so far, no more lightning bolts.

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:28 am
by Rooster
My house was also struck by lighting , creating a huge hole in the well pump. We did not have water for days. I was greatly absorbed and a true obidient student at the time. So lol, now I at least have peace of mind and money!!!!!

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:34 am
by joe sz
once upon a time when I was culted in CUT, the entire group fed off of "ideas of reference" of the leader and remained paranoid.

"Ideas of reference" is a term used for delusions that people with schizophrenia have.
Sharing these ideas of reference with a cult leader is called a 'folie a deux' ... _reference
Ideas of reference and delusions of reference involve people having a belief or perception that irrelevant, unrelated or innocuous phenomena in the world refer to them directly or have special personal significance: 'the notion that everything one perceives in the world relates to one's own destiny'.[1]

In psychiatry, delusions of reference form part of the diagnostic criteria for psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia,[2] delusional disorder, or bipolar disorder during the elevated stages of mania. To a lesser extent, it can be a hallmark of paranoid personality disorder. Such symptoms can also be caused by intoxication, especially with hallucinogens or stimulants like methamphetamine.
this is why being in a delusional cult is like having brain damage....but brains do heal :-)

Re: Assay 2012 Wish she would go "Elsewhere"

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:14 am
by David McCarthy
I was told that David, the moderator owner here, had his house struck by lightning which destroyed his computer, in Yelm once and not to mess with the Ram. I learned this when I had asked about EMF.
Hi Vanilla,
Yep..Our home was hit by lightening and so was a tree several miles away.
My computers got fried and a hole was blown in our roof.
Our home insurance paid for a new EMF desktop computer, a new EMF laptop, and all house repairs was a windfall.
Sad news about the tree though...
