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New published videos of rse disciplines

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:40 am
by Rooster
There are videos published September 5th 2012. I am guessing it is time to recruit? They are much like the amazing healings as they give no real information and remain a bit mysterious. No names documentation not to mention in the blind folded archery. Did the student actually hit the bail, or just look cool and myterious...? :lol:

The Labyrinth at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment

I only copied the one video. When you watch it, you will see a list of the others.

Re: New published videos of rse disciplines

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:53 am
by Rooster

Re: New published videos of rse disciplines

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:43 pm
by Robair
Hello everyone

Yes they are releasing lot of stuff it look like, I did respond on this one waiting for Aprroval :roll: :roll: I also responded to another video but I did not make it I was deleted :cry: :cry:
We have a standing offer for any of the General in the school and also to JZ to come talk with us in front of our camera, it as been 4 years and no one yet, One would think that if they are sure they have the truth they would not be affraid to talk with anyone.
Come on Guys what are you affraid of. after all you know it all.


Re: New published videos of rse disciplines

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:38 am
by Ockham
I ttied the best I could to pretend like I was somebody that didn't know anything about RSE, that maybe some friend just mentioned in a casual conversation of hearing about soemthing called, "Ramtha."

I didn't find the videos very compelling. The blindfolded archery video never really showed the guy hitting, or rahter, missing the target. It is just a lot of blah, blah, blah talk and the instructor showing some marks on a score sheet.

The video of the guy following around like a lackey with James Flick was also really dull. Big deal; it is a big room with a lot of people listening to a boring talk about something to do with DNA. The camera is bouncing around all over the place like the person holding the camera has a terrible case of Parkinson's Disease.

I never head of American Anti Gravity before. I suppose that is a name made up by Judy / Greg / James' public relations firm to sound cool for Youtube videos. Perhaps they think the videos will connect better with the prosepective RSE recruits if the videos look really amateur like a little kid shot them. But then, why do they put the fancy AAG logo at the beginning and end?

Trying the best I can to pretend to be somebody considering looking into RSE for the first time, I don't think the AAG Youtube videos would make me want to look into RSE any further. The AAG videos make RSE look really boring.

Re: New published videos of rse disciplines

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:56 am
by Rooster
As I no longer talk of Ramtha with my parents. I do get at times endless e-mails as I may change my mind and attend and event. :roll: There has been a large amount of money making schemes coming out of rse. More than usual. Feasts, events, personal audience , jzs this a store or what? Many talks with J.Z., jZ chat , some question answer information night. 2012 to 2014 as J.Z has seen it from the other side. Remote view with J.Z. I suppose to somehow show she can see the future? Not, I see fail already. To show she can be sober? Maybe. Uh and yes she has all the answers. Business obviously is not doing so well and maybe they are trying some new approach?