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JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:09 am
by enchanted
Dear David and Robair,

Not long ago I attempted to post my experiences with Ramtha starting in 1980. I had read the LARSE for a couple of years. Now after reading most of the posts on your website I am so glad that you did not post my writing as I have taken responsibility for having been in denial. So many times we were told "you entities would be so easy to fool".

I wanted to mention that JZ claimed she was Lily Langtree in a former life. According to information on the internet she was one of the most famous BRITISH actresses who came to live in the US. She was involved in horses and owned a vinyard later in life. Men were always in her life.
Thanks for the help you have given to people who just wanted to know God.

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:33 am
by tree
enchanted wrote:
Not long ago I attempted to post my experiences with Ramtha starting in 1980. I had read the LARSE for a couple of years. Now after reading most of the posts on your website I am so glad that you did not post my writing as I have taken responsibility for having been in denial.

This is a powerful statement.

Well done, enchanted :-)

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:50 am
by enchanted
I just read a 2011 post from Vanilla telling us that Ramtha said Pavel was Oscar Wilde in a former life.

Oscar Wilde was a good friend of Lily Langtree. He is the one who encouraged her to become an actress. Oscar, by the way had been encarcerated for being a homosexual.

Lily was also a friend of Marie Corelli, one of England's most widely read authors of the supernatural. One of her occult romances, The Secret Power was about a hidden city occupied by immortals which was discovered by the heroine in the Egyptian desert. Her reincarnation novella, Ziska was a tale of "errotic horrors, transmigration of the soul, reincarnations from ancient Egypt, with a breathtaking climax in a secret UNDERGROUND chamber of a PYRAMID" according to writer, Jessica Salmonson.

Speaking of Egypt...Ramtha shouted "I am the God of Egypt" in one of the 2011 utube clips.
Madam Blavatsky also lived during that period of time channeling 6 entities.

So! How much are we influenced by our past most recent life?
I remember Pavel during the early years.

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:16 am
by Cheryl
It is good that you ate processing Enchanted, but it sounds like you actually think that this was true. In my opinion, JZ would make up past life stories to fit her needs. Reme,ber what she did with the horses that courts nailed her for, she used the Rambles character to sell people the horse. She would make up some past life glamor story about the person and the horse so they were surly to by it at the hughly inflated prices (like $250,000!)

She needed Pavel as her publicist, so he needed a good past life story to hook him in and keep him working for her. I knew people that worked for her and she pays really lousy wages!

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:52 pm
by Ockham
I wouldn't believe any of JZ/R's past life personas for any of the attendees for a second. I'm not saying that reincarnation is impossible, but that all of JZ/R's stories are made up to stroke the egos of people paying to take RSE's courses. Isn't it interesting that everybody that goes to RSE is somebody famous like Joan of Arc? What are the odds of that? You'd think that at least some of RSE's customers might have had completely prosaic past lives. The past life stories are just another way JZ Knight manipulates the customers.

There was one incident that was posted on YouTube, but has unfortunately been found by RSE and ordered taken down. The recording showed JZ/R extremely drunk. To me, I can't tell whether knight is supposed to be herself on in character as, "Ramtha.". Knight is going on about how she had a bestial relationship presumably in a past life with the horse Seabiscuit. I think that is verging on temporally impossible if she was taking about her former self having sex with the horse. Perhaps all that booze fogged up Knight's mind and she didn't realize she was making up an impossible story. If the Seabiscuit thing is made up, then everything Knight says is suspect. Yep, that was some enlightened, copyrighted teaching, so be it!

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:09 am
by Vanilla
Apparently Seabiscuit is the only ( man) who truly loved Ramtha's daughter JZ ..( We all know how bad James was- another dig)-I remember.

Yes and in her next lifetime she scammed people into buying worthless horses...

for her love of SB

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:38 pm
by enchanted
Thank you dear friends for your replies regarding JZ and Lily Langtree.

She was very different when she was married to Burnett. As the crowds got bigger so did the ego.
But it doesn't mean that everything in her book is wrong or a lie.

It is my truth that she was Lily Langtree. It took a little confidence from a former life for her to create the kingdom of fame and notoriety and continue her unfulfilled dreams..

Lily's father was an alcoholic deacon of a church. JZ's father was an alcoholic.
JZ married her first husband out of need. Lily married a fat pompous guy out of convienience later discovering that he was not as wealthy as she thought. But he had a yacht. Therefore generating a lot of money to support her lifestyle was her focus.

Joe Alt was her sons age. Lily married a second husband who was 18 years younger and she had a lot of lovers including royalty.

They both are great actresses. JZ/Ram use a british accent. Lily was from England.

They both raised horses....JZ show horses, Lily racing horses.

They surrounded themselves with famous actresses, actors, authors and the like.

They both believed in the supernatural, pyramids etc and channeling.

Lily charged exhorbitant prices for her appearances higher than the norm.

Both owned ranches in USA.

Lily bought herself a winery in California. Obviously the comsumption of wine was important to both.

The point that I am making, my dear friends is that it was not hard for JZ to step into this channeling situation and to convince thousands and thousand of people that it was real. She came into this life confident, beautiful, and capable of captivating her audiences with an accent and words she had been familiar with.

Thanks for reading this

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:51 pm
by seriously
Hey enchanted. I think you're looking for ways to justify who JZ is and her actions over the years. Her charade may have started innocently but it grew into a cult that has hurt a lot of people. At least now JZ's exterior matches the ugliness that resides within.

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:35 am
by Ockham
JZ seems to have taken a step backward if she's Lillie Langtry reincarnated. Lillie managed to have trysts with royalty and rubbed elbows with Oscar Wilde. JZ's hubbies - not really any of them are household words outside of Yelm.

According to Langtry's Wikipedia bio, Langtry farms, still exists today. In Langtry's time, it was a 4200 acre vineyard, and that drawrfs any of JZ's holdings. (Langtry sold the vineyard in the early 1900s.) I think Langtry farms was more of a business venture, contrasted to Ms. Knight's penchant for getting lit on booze in her arena being more of an avocation in and of itself.

You could say both Knight and Langtry are actors. Langtry is still well known 100 years down the road. JZ is pretty much unknown outside the New Age / Spiritual sphere save Knight's 1985 Merv Griffin gig and the 20/20 news show expose on Knight.

I've mentioned JZ Knight to quite a few of my non RSE-member friends and associates, and not a single one of them has ever heard of JZ Knight. JZ Knight is doing pretty piss poor on the recognition scale. Too bad for Ms. Knight's ego!

Re: JZ....... Lily Langtree

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:05 am
by enchanted
Thank you, Seriously for your reply.
You are in a manner correct. Each one of us although we share the pain of having been a ramster we had a starting point and lived experiences that were different as well as similiar.. I was there during the very early years when the teachings were about the consequences of profanity, swearing, drugs and alcohol, trusting no one save the God of Our Being, sublime love etc. I did not judge the teachings that were spiritual in nature. However, conversations in the name of the Ram that had to do with money, survival, predictions and investments caused a great deal of hurt and trauma for people as we are all fragile.

In my postings, I am working things out for myself step by step because I had given Ramtha in the past, credit for all of the great things that happened via runners as well as the difficult situations that caused me grief. I am taking back my power as I go over the very beginnings asking myself "how and why did I embrace everything he said, JZ said , how much was filtered through JZ or perhaps all of it was JZ and how much hurt and disappointement did I stuff in side because the messenger did not deliver the predictions correctly. I want to understand it completely, take responsibility for it all and heal from giving away myself. Seeing the videos and reading the stories has been gut wrenching as I have been trying to explain it all to myself and forcing myself to remember.
That is part of my process and it is, I assure you as painful as yours.
Thank you again.