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Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:23 pm
by Cheryl
Sad Grandfather,
I would love to hear from you again. How are you doing??? Please check in with us to say hello!

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:45 am
by Rooster
I agree cheryl,
I tend to worry about Grandfather when we do not hear from him.

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:28 pm
by Caterpillar
Hi everyone

I keep in touch with Sad Grandfather.

I'll pass your message to him.



Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:59 am
by Cheryl
Yeah! Thanks! Just glad to know that someone is in contact. It can be lonely, being an elder!

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:27 am
by Sad Grandfather
Hi, folks, I have been going through quite an ordeal, and haven't been up to using the computer. Back in 1985, I had some serious fractures of my right femur, and hip. It was all put back together with screws and a rod in the femur,which turns 90 degrees, at the top, with the old hip ball screwed onto it. It was a good job for those days, and lasted for over 25 years. I started having some trouble with it about 3 years ago, and eventually I walked with a walker, but could still drive, and take care of my wife, who has Alzheimer's.

In December, the leg and hip grew worse, and I could not even walk with my walker, and any movement of that leg was painful. I went into the local hospital and was told that all the old metal was deteriorating and causing the pain, and the cross rod with the hip ball attached had broken, which explained why the leg could bear NO weight. The doctor had admitted my wife, also, since her Alzheimer's was too far advanced for her to stay home alone. I made appointments with two different Orthopedic surgeopns who declined to do the surgery to remove th old metal and replace the hip. They said the surgery would be too risky.

After 3 weeks I was told that they could no longer justify, to Medicare, any farther stay at he hospital, but referred us both to a nursing home, in a nearby town, where they said Medicare would pay for 90 days. I was told that my wife could stay there permanently, under Medicaid, if she gave them her SS check and bank account. I agreed, but later, was told that, since her name had not been off the house deed and my bank accounts for at least 5 years, that they would also take the house and half of everything I had.

I called her brother, who came and got us out of the nursing home, and back to our home. I hired a retired nurse to stay with us on during the day, and I watch over her at night though I am confined to bed, wheel chair or recliner.

What I find ridiculous is that if we gave them our house and all our worldly goods, so as to qualify for Medicaid, they would pay $6000/month, each, to keep us in a nursing home for the rest of our lives, they won't pay one cent for help, so we can stay home.

I am going Thursday to another Orthopedic surgeon who has said he might do my surgery. after I explained that from my view point, I did not care if the surgery was "risky". If I had a chance to relieve my pain and walk again, tht I'd rather take the chance of death during surgery, than live the rest of my life lying in bed in pain. I hope he will set a date for the surgery.

I have not been on the computer much since just holding the laptop caused more pain. The pain does not seem as bad, lately, so I may be on more. I guess I have become numb to it, have learned to avoid certain movents which agravate it, so maybe I'll be on a little more.

I have certainly see the value of friends and family. My wife's
sister and brother have given us a lot of their time, and he drives me where ever I need to go, to doctor's appointments, etc. They visited us regularly, and brought us whatever we needed at he hospital and nursing home. My son calls about once a week, and my daughter, the ramster, calls about twice a month from WA, to see if I am still alive and to "cheer" me up. My son-in-law and 2 grandchildren I don't hear from unless I call them.

Well, that's my sad story, folks. Maybe this surgeon can fix me up, cure the pain and get me back on my feet. I'm hoping!

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:30 am
by Cheryl
Sad Grandfather, I am sorry to hear of your hip problems! I hope they will do the surgery and get you back up walking pain free. My grandfather just had knee surgery. At first they refused but he found a doctor who would do it. Now he is starting to walk again and getting his life back. It is good to hear that you have support from your wife's family. Blessings to you all.

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:40 pm
by journeythroughramthaland
Hi SG,

I'm saddened to hear of your turn of events, but you are quite the scrapper and I am sure you will weather this storm as you have others. I am happy to hear you have some support also. Please know my thoughts are with you for a speedy and sucessful recovery.

Re: Sad Grandfather, how are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:47 pm
by Rooster
I am so happy to here from you Grandfather. I hope everything works out for the best. I am glad you do some help and support. We are thinking of you!!!