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Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:27 pm
by Cedar
I'm hearing some pretty disturbing things about goings on on EE these days... I wonder if it is just one person? Wow. The corporation of JZInc must love it when people can't behave themselves. Plays right into their hands. Wonder what in the Sam Hill is happening on EE. I personally had enough of abusive dictatorships at RSE.
-EMF Moderators Comment- Wed Apr 17, 2013

This past week two EE moderators were unilaterally removed off the EE moderator’s forum by Virginia Coverdale.
We call upon Virginia Coverdale to resign from moderating responsibilities or be removed from the EE moderator board.
Furthermore, until there is drastic reform on EE that implements a workable structure incorporating compassion, honestly, democracy and balance to the EE moderating system EMF cannot in all good conscience recommend EE as a safe harbor for anyone, nor let stand recommendations for EE or Virginia Coverdale without challenge.
If you wish to debate these issues openly, publicly and respectfully please do so only on this EMF thread.
All posts that contain personal attacks and vitriol will be moved to the moderator’s forum for consideration of permanent removal.
Please keep in mind our EMF prime directive when posting.
Our PM system is also open to private discussion.
EMF Proceed With Care and Knowledge.jpg

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:23 pm
by Cheryl
I am on EE and I like it very much. I like the conversational style and the ability to share. The moderators who volunteer their time work very hard to keep the site going accordance to their mission statement. By you posting this, which I figure will be pulled by the lovely EMF mods, you are trying to flame a counterproductive fire that you yourself say would help JZ. EE is great in its own way. EMF is great in its own way. Period. Engage where you want but don't belittle this helpful, supportive, impressive archive of a site into the EMF gossip counter!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:43 pm
by Cedar
I know several people who have been hurt badly. Thanks for your reply Gracie... I know where you are coming from not wanting RSE to see this, but new developments have occured where several people have been abused.
The mission statement of EE is not being lived up to. Aiding people in cult recovery. I see you know not of what I speak. The time has come where silence on this issue is betrayal, as Martin Luther King said.

On the contrary, I think the moderators would allow this subject, because they too are shocked, and wish this kind of conduct to cease.

We should be ficusing on holding RSE accountable, but people cannot do that if they are dealing with abuse and control issues from within a support group.

Gracie,I would not open this subject up for discussion if I heard these concerns from one or two people. But several have been mistreated now. Just this week.

We saw this kind of behaviour elsewhere. That is why we left. And it is time for the individual(s) ? responsible to just plain stop it.

Besides hurting good and dedicated people to this cause if fighting RSE, they are destroying their individual credibilty for the legal battle agsinst RSE. Credibilty is paramount in these times. Something to think about.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:07 pm
by tree
"I'm hearing some pretty disturbing things about goings on on EE these days"

I would call that hearsay.

EE has been SUPER supportive, at least in my experience and outside observation.

As Cheryl stated both groups are amazing in their own specific ways.

Each person or group who "owns" a site as their own immense, unpaid, responsibilities.
Once in a while, as in all human interactions, there are some frustrating times.
With love and peace and understanding, we can push through those times.

It would behoove people to be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:26 pm
by Cheryl
EE does have rules and they will delete anyone that doesn't follow the rules or threatens the site. I think that it is very unfortunate that whatever happened happened. Very sad as we are all on the same side here!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:03 pm
by Cedar
Yes Cheryl that is just the problem. That somebody said something to you that isnt true. Its called spin doctoring. How about you ask the individuals themselves? Pm them.

When a moderator spin doctors reality, lies to the world at large, that person looses credibility all around.

It must stop. But who wil stop it if it is a dictatorship?

If there were several credible moderators... This wouldnt happen hmmm lets see... What happened to those moderators?

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:23 pm
by Cedar
Well while we are on the suject, Cheryl, those rules did not apply equally to everyone. Thats why people leave. Allowing abuse to run freely in personal messages which the world doesn't see, is not the behaviour of a support group. Abuse should be dealt with. As well, truth should not be twisted.

When people get burned by a cult(RSE) they do need some form of support. Not a spin doctored twisting of reality. What EE is now doing... Now numbering many victims, is much the same as RSE when you look at it.

Well at least abuse there was free!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:23 pm
by EMFWebmaster
Thank you for posting your concerns Cedar.
This topic has been temporarily locked and placed in our moderators forum for debate and standing.

The EMF team

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:36 pm
by EMFWebmaster
This thread will remain public on EMF.
It will be locked for a further 24 hours in the hope and understanding the concerns raised by Cedar
can be determined and resolved by all parties in private.

The EMF team

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:59 pm
by EMFWebmaster
This thread is now unlocked.
We send healing thoughts and support to our dear friend and EMF memebr who recently suffered a heart attack.

This past week two EE moderators were unilaterally removed off the EE moderator’s forum by Virginia Coverdale.
We call upon Virginia Coverdale to resign from moderating responsibilities or be removed from the EE moderator board.
Furthermore, until there is drastic reform on EE that implements a workable structure incorporating compassion, honestly, democracy and balance to the EE moderating system
EMF cannot in all good conscience recommend EE as a safe harbor for EMF members, nor let stand recommendations for EE or Virginia Coverdale without challenge.
If you wish to debate these issues openly, publicly and respectfully please do so only on this EMF thread.
All posts that contain personal attacks, vitriol and post flooding will be moved to the moderator’s forum for consideration of permanent removal.
Please keep in mind our EMF prime directive when posting.
Our PM system is also open to private discussion.

The EMF Moderator team.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:42 am
by Cedar
Excellent and well said EMF team.

In light of several recent events, the only honourable thing for Virginia Coverdale to do is resign, or it will continue to hurt people on EE, in various ways as has happened. Otherwise, besides damaging people seeking refuge and support after RSE , Virginia will only further damage her credibilty which... Would be better intact for legal battle with RSE.

Virginia, please do the honorable thing and resign, and let several well suited indiviuals currently on EE do the important job.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:10 am
by Sunshine
I don't know about anyone else but I kind of wish to debate these issues openly, publicly and respectfully. Only problem is.. I have no idea what these issues are. I can put together some pieces of the puzzle with bits of information that I've read here and on EE but other than that, I really don't know what's going on. Maybe it's better that I don't know, if that's the case I will mind my own business, but if I am unsafe being somewhere, I'd like to know about it. To be really honest here, I hate discord and confrontation, it's not one of my strong suits. I have found so much help and healing between these 2 sites (EE & EMF) that it just disturbs me deeply that there may be unsafe, unfair or dishonest goings on with the people I have come to call "my tribe". There are no others that get me the way ex-ramsters do. I guess I just want to understand why this is happening and what, if anything, I can do to help? And since I don't know what is going on, it seems as though maybe a respectful discussion is what's needed. I don't know though. :sad:

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:52 am
by Cedar
Wow and the PR machine in fullswing. Somebody is all love and goodwill after totally abusing the victim.

EE and the world does not need a PR smokescreen, we need the truth, and the resignation of Virginia Coverdale.

Abuse contributing to nervous breakdowns and ( alledged) cause of a heart attack cannot be ignored.

Sunshine perhaps I will PM you later... Gotta run... Or David can fill you in...

I know this subject is unpleasant, but it must be exposed or their will be more abuse.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:22 am
by tree
Apparently no one read my level headed response above.

Several years ago, long before Robair was a moderator here,
I was abruptly banned from EMF.

I was was fresh out of rse. It was the second worst thing that could have happened to me because my story literally launched EMF.
NOT that it could not have flourished without my story.

But....I was removed because of differences of opinion only WITH the moderating team.
Many people left EMF because of their practices.
Now, they are the pot calling the kettle black.

Now, ever since, if my posts are not posted in a certain way, they are ALWAYS edited or removed.

Cedar found great offense to me posting on EE saying: "scroll above"
since she had not been on EE for some time and had missed some threads.
She called this "abusive".

this little scenario then took on a life of it's own.
I re-directed her to the moderators of EE. unpaid positions, I might add.

This THEN took on a course of Cedar threatening the moderators of EE and threatening legal action

THIS,my friends, is what is called divisiveness.
it has been well groomed by jz knight herself.

EMF, in my opinion, has been less than classy in dealing with this situation.
This thread should have been removed long ago instead of continuing with the drama.
And I have posted such on EE as well.

Again, if my post gets modified or deleted, or I am banned again,
this is just proof in the pudding.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:43 am
by tree
and note Cedar,

I do not call for actions for you to personally resign from a position, anywhere.

you are pointing fingers and flaming with every post, and EMF still allows this.

You were contacted by the lawyer for Virginia, yet you still continue to pour gas on the fire.

If people did that in Boston, many more would be dead.

Please, for the love of humanity, please stop.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:16 pm
by Cheryl
The follow is my opinion on this matter...
EE is not abusing anyone. Also EE would not, up until this point, allow anyone to bad mouth EMF or other people even, especially during this litigation. That is why they have not given the facts of this gripe out to the public so they would understand what a challenge and headache it has been. It seems that EMF is trying to take advantage of this respect and strike a blow. Hello? Who is the enemy we are all supposed to be united against? EE has kept it private because they hold onto and uphold a strong desire of protection for the people healing.

It was sad to take (who I will guess is) Cedar out of the group and it was done so after many many many attempts to resolve a private issue with her. Once she threatened litigation, then EE had no choice but to remove further contact with her, per EE lawyer's statement. It is common knowledge that this is what you have to do with someone when they threaten legal action. It is really unfortunate Cedar threatened because it took the issue down an ugly street.

Moderation is challenging. David knows this as he had felt the need to kick Tree out of EMF in the past. There comes a point when things go to far and like an editor in a newspaper, you have to make a tough decision.

I think it is very unfair to put your personal spin on the poor moderator that had a heart attack. Blaming it on Virginia is crazy and the moderator is not here to say anything different than what you fearfully are mongering. She is a lovely woman who had actually expressed relief at not being under the stress of moderation anymore. As well, the other moderator has also expressed relief.

I find it distressing that you are using fear and trying this bully tactic to scare people away from EE, the very actions that Virginia did were to protect those of us healing that are there. This is an amazing time to come together and support each other, not bicker and slay.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:24 pm
by Cheryl
I would also like to add that Virginia paid for the EE website herself. In order to make sure it was a safe site for people to come to. It had been allowing conspiracy theory stuff to be posted and she just didn't think that was in the best interests of people to be nfluenced by it.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:29 pm
by Jingz
Cheryl, Tree,

I am equally disturbed by this, Cedar you sound like a little kid whose mom won't buy her a treat at the store! I, like sunshine, am in the dark with the inner goings on with this, but regardless, show some class! I'm disgusted that you would blame someone's health problems on Virginia, perhaps it could have been all the badgering by jz s lawyers not believing she was already having a hard time? You use words like helping and healing, do your posts suggest such? I do not know the specifics but surely ee is not the Bain of your existence?

And emf, that post above is deplorable! Asking for the resignation, really? You should perhaps take a look at how your membership has grown since that day Virginia posted her story here, and her subsequent relentless quest to do exactly what you are trying to do. Divisiveness, Distraction, all fuels the asylums cause. We are people, we won't always agree, yet the way you handle your disagreements will show how mature/immature you are. You all need to check yourself, seriously! If this is the tone on this site for the future, I will not support it. I know whippy shit, I am just one, but I wonder how many feel the same way as me? Moderators, please edit that post and worry about your own backyard.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:32 pm
by Cedar

You information is categorically incorrect, through no fault of your own.

1. I did not threaten EE, I told Virginia, after a barrage of harassing and abusive personal messages from her and Tree, that she had a " legal obligation" to deal with these matters, and not allow abuse to continue (Tree has done this to several people). As Breckan said to me, a rational person would not take that as a threat to sue. In my phone call to Breckan, I heard full understanding to where I was coming from.
When I reminded Virginia she had a legal obligation to function as a support group, and deal with tthese matters.. Virginia responded " Go ahead sue us, we have no money!" before that and after there were many similar crazy responses no matter what I said.

I received many such completely irrational and abusive messages from her, I suspected she was having a bipolar breakdown, the viciousness was that vile. My suspicions have been confirmed.

Cheryl as well, Virginia viciously badmouthed EMF, David McCarthy, Brian, her meltdown. I was subsequently informed by no one related to EMF that Virginia was spinning the matter on EE, slandering me. The legal threat one such spin. Nobody likes to be publically lied about.

So yes EE would (well Virginia) badmouth people to the point of slander, and this is part of her inappropriate behavior.

Cheryl, there were NOT" many attempts to resolve tthe issue privately" That too is a spin. There was only vicious abuse by Virginia. The fact that she has told these lies, and I was made aware of it, as well as me uncovering much other abuse toward other people, is why it is in the public now.

"It is unfortunate Cedar threatened" . Well now that you know that isn't true, would you like to be the first to apologize? talk to Breckan, she knows what happened. Cedar was deleted because she questioned Virginia's abusive behavior, some of the reason why she also deleted two moderators last week.

Cheryl, all your information comes from the filter of Virginia, who refused to admit what she has done all around,How about talking to Brian, or pm me. Or a bunch of other names I could provide.

Going along with this fiction is not fair. investigate all sides before you jump on the bandwagon of Virginia

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:03 pm
by Sunshine
{hand raised} I have a question and I'm asking it publicly as to not get a one sided answer, just looking for the answer that fits everyone's understanding of the situation; why were the two moderators removed from moderating on EE?

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:15 pm
by Cedar
Tree posted, "for the love of humanity" please tell the truth about your involvement here.
Pretty self righteous and dishonest version of what happened in your post above, very irresponsible for somebody who started all this with a barage of strange and harassing personal messages, which we now know you have done to several people.

1. Tree, you know nothing about my conversation with Virginia's lawyer. In fact, some of my suspicians of the origins of Virginia's behavior were admitted. All the more reason she should not be the sole dictator of a support group. There should be several moderators who debate things in a democratic fashion, not one who goes off into vicious bipolar attacks of people behind the scenes. The stress and damage of this behavior is being more painfully obvious by the week. Somehow this behavior needs to be addressed. Surelly you see the wisdom in a panel of moderators, not a dictatorship. That would go with any group of people.

2. You also do not know what Virginia's lawyer said about you. In fact, you have not told the truth in your post above at all about what happened. You went off the deep in in personal messages, irrational, and strange to say the least. And you did all this to me while I was busy at work. I now know that is why you lost your personal messages privaleges on EMF...this happening to other people. As well, a moderator on EE told me you were doing this to others on EE as well, so it is not solelely an EMF conclusion, nor just my view.

3.You also do not have the truth that I " threatened EE". It is a twist and Virginia's lawyer knows it, some of which I spoke of on my previous post. I also was told by a concerned person...not related to EMF at all...that Virginia posted on EE I "threatened to call the police on EE"

What actually happened, and Breckan has copies of the transcriptions I recieved numerous vicious posts from Virginia, one after the other, slandering many people. The personal attacks were horrific. I now know this may be due to the condition I've alluded to, a bipolar rage if you will... but that dosesn't excuse it.

After deleting me for my adressing abuse, she caused a nervous breakdown Which YOU are partly to blame. Contact Bob S----- for proof of this, thank you Bob your your help that night on the phone, as well as a few others.

The next day, after Virginia knew this had caused a breakdown, she still contacted me with vicious posts that were completely unacceptable for a moderator. \not knowing what else to do, and asking her top leave me alone to no avail, I emailed her that I would call the police in Yelm on her, if her harassment did not cease.

Too which she repsonded with 3/4 more crazy emails, all witness by Breckan and some others. She did not stop untill Breckan asked her to.

So no, the truth is quite different, and black and white emails are hard evidence.

I recieved some private messages about similar behavior from Virginia towards others. One from EE member who I don't think is here, and just left EE because of it.

Then Virginia just deleted two moderators and threatened them if they complained about it publically they would both be kicked off EE. I bet they were trying to address her behavior, not sure. This is all about confronting abuse, then Virginia deleteing people because of it. Apparrently Virginia was worried they would delete her as moderator, and got paranoid about it. A few days later news of one kicked off moderator health crisis surfaced.

IF Virginia kicked them off, then she should appoint several others on EE who could do the job, Breckan and I discussed several. Virginia is not open to that. SO there you have it. A very disturbing sitiation of power and control, a dictatorship of someone who is not medically able to do the job.

I hope this clarifies some things you and others may not have known about. Regarding you messages of concern, why don't you go ask a health profressional for some assistance understanding this. Whether this kind of thing occurs from a psychiatric condition or not, you are still respsonsible for your behavior, no one else is. It is your responsibility to deal with such a condition, and if failing to do so, then people have to step in and impose restrictions on you...such as pm's that happened here on EMF... for the protection of others.

Tree, please take a step back, and seek outside assistance for this/these ongoing matters. You have caused a lot of harm here, but do not see it yet.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:00 pm
by Sunshine
I recently read on EE that the two moderators were deleted in an effort to reduce stress... I am paraphrasing here, I wanted to use the exact words that I read but in going on EE and looking for the conversation where I read this, I cannot find it. I scrolled down many, many pages and it was not there.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:49 pm
by tree
You also do not know what Virginia's lawyer said about you.

I thought you were legally and professionally advised.
Apparently that is not the case, otherwise you would not be stating such inaccuracies.

in the future, if you are going to quote me, you should do so accurately.
I could go through your post line by line and provide the readers with accurate assessments because your assessments are not.
But EMF is not the bain of my existence.

EE is run by a panel of moderators, it is not a dictatorship. To answer Sunshine's question, the panel was reduced because it was causing
much stress.

Cedar, your colors are shining quite brightly.
Thank you for that.

I can see that the moderators of EMF and Cedar's remarks, they are very happy with this sandbox that has been created.
And as such, should continue playing in it.

Those of us who love EE and find much more love and support, we should play there.

I have publicly endorsed EMF (not the moderators thereof) as well as EE.
As I stated before, each have their missions.

This is why capitalism exists, because everyone does not like everything or everyone else and there are choices.

Claiming Jihad is not really democratic. Someone suffers. Even the person planting the bombs gets hurt.

I have publicly endorsed EMF (not the moderators thereof) as well as EE.
As I stated before, each have their own missions and agendas.
Go where you most feel comfortable.

If you don't know where you want to go,
sit back, be patient, and see where the dragon spits fire.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:49 am
by Shocked
Well, (sigh) none of that was very refreshing, well except for sunshines gesture (hand raise) I loved that. But seriously I have no idea what is happening and really isnt my business. But from a outside view, it looks and sounds ugly. So my next question, obviously EE is another forum, and I haven't been able to find it? I have asked in another post but didn't get any reply? Top secret? I would just like to say I am happy with EMF and the support I have found. Thanks to all who put all the time in at no charge!!! My hats go off to you!!!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:12 am
by Robair
Hello Everyone
Thank you for participating in this Forum.

I was on EMF when Tree was banned the first time, I started with EMF about 6 months after its conception in 2007 .
Tree was not banned because of Different opinions with the Moderators, Tree was banned for repeat vitriol posting. Those posts were removed, so far she has posted 951 posts on here second only to David. We keep all records of what's happening on EMF. While Tree was banned, she was allowed to post under the name 'Walk In The Park'. We only Edited a handful of her posts by removing one or two phrases on them. There still many posts that Tree posted on here that I have not even read so she is not red flagged on here, as long as she is not vitriol she will be here but we will challenge her every time she come up with false info or statements.
EMF has banned 5 people all together in the last 6 and half years, Tree being one of them, 2 of those were the same person with different names, an another lady that if she like to comeback she can, One of them was so bad that it was no point of keeping any records. EMF have 15,085 posts, 1,849 topics. Not counting all the spam that we had until 3 years ago, we have deleted less the 30 posts most of them were Vitriol, we never deleted one post because of a difference of opinion ever. And no, Tree's story was not responsible for launching EMF. Please, everyone's stories on here are precious.

We had an issue with Copying and pasting from EMF to EE a few weeks ago, after talking with Brian and in agreement with him we requested that everyone put the EMF link instead copy and paste, also since we did not want to support EE , we asked a few posters not to promote or refer EE on their posts, again our concern was that EE was no longer a safe place to be, and needed changes.
The difficulties for some people here will be that they do not have all the facts, but as we go, more facts will come out, but you may have to figure it out on your own, since so many opinions will be presented as facts.

Cheryl, Brian was the one supporting EE monetarily, never was Virginia.

Contrariety to what Cheryl posted, The only discussion about this was Between Brian and David in PMs, That is until Brian and Anne K were banned from EE at the same time, thats when we really realized that things were not getting better.
I was banned the same way as a moderator on EE, in the middle of the night, with no warning what so ever or discussion,
I was told by V that ALL Moderators had voted to removed me, That was not the case, totally false. Make no mistake whoever is left on EE as moderator has no say in what goes on, Virginia make all the decisions period always did.

We are the ones out of respect that kept this under the blanket all that time, no discussions with anyone on EE except Brian. In the last week we had discussed this with Joshua in terms, he discussed it with Breckan, we were given some recommendations and here we are.

Again I will mention that this site is supported by David and I with the help of Freemysoul, our only rewards are the letters we get from posters on how EMF was important to them in their recoveries from this Charlatan, we have no secret agenda, only expenses and 25 to 50 hrs of our time a week, David even more.
Cheryl wrote that EMF takes advantage and Strike a Blow, Wow a blow for what purpose? We were very supportive of Virginia for a longtime. Like I mentioned to some in private PM, the cat is out of the bag, and nothing we can do about that. We really did not want to be in this position, but now have not really any choices, don't you think we have enough on our plates already with the Law suits, David is battling two of them, one here and one in New Zealand. There is absolutely no gain for us none what so ever, contrarily to what some confused minds might think. Again what would that be?
Again thank you everyone.


Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:03 am
by Breckan
Hello all,

I am not going to weigh into this issue except to clarify a few statements which were attributable to me...We (and I do mean we as in...all of us who have concerns and care about the people affected by their RSE membership) are in this together, and we are in a fight. A fight concerning which it is nearly impossible to convey the amount of physical, mental, and emotional energy necessary to prevail. I have lost track of exactly how much sleep deprivation I am suffering currently.

But, it's worth it. Usually the hardest battles reap the most rewarding outcome, and we have the potential to make significant changes/impact that not only help people already harmed, but have huge potential to *prevent* future harm. Unfortunately, the nature of the pressures on people in those kind of important fights make it increasingly likely that a group (and I'm not talking EE here, I'm not talking EMF, I'm talking about ALL of you that are tired of seeing a corporate entity run roughshod over people's lives, and escape all accountability) will fall from within when it is most important for solidarity. I am not a former RSE member - I profess no specific desire to "take down RSE," but I can understand the sentiment, and I do believe that, at the least, what we do now can curtail some of the most egregious concerns.

That being said, I want to clarify a few points:

1. My conversation referenced regarding whether a rational person would have taken the statements to be a threat to sue. My observations, which were reinforced by certain details shared with me by the person posting on here about the convo, was that EVERYONE concerned - including Virginia and Cedar, were under a supreme amount of stress over the time period which the conversations occurred between Cedar and Virginia. I am not going to disclose the details which were shared by Cedar, but I believe (and please correct if this is a characterization) that Cedar concurred that the situation was a "perfect storm" - i.e. none of us are completely level headed and rational when overwhelmed, and it becomes a situation that is basically a perfect storm for potential misunderstandings, miscommunications, hurt feelings, escalation, lack of tact, etc. etc. etc. In most situations like that, complete "blame" does not rest on either party. Cedar and I did have a conversation about potential solutions, at least pending the current litigation, that could have gone a long way to resolving the concerns expressed on both sides. Unfortunately, before the details of that solution could be completely solidified and an official agreement made, this thread happened. I'm not criticizing; just acknowledging my own personal sadness that the extreme amount of time spent in depositions this week prolonged the agreement finalization just long enough for this to have spiraled the way it has - even after having communicated with people involved and basically getting agreement as to what would have been a workable solution.

2. "In fact, some of my suspicians of the origins of Virginia's behavior were admitted." We talked generally about stress and pressure, especially the result of that on people who have already been damaged by RSE, who are now the target of RSE in litigation - and others who are also affected by the litigation. To the extent the post implies I confirmed/admitted anything else, either it was a miscommunication or misunderstanding (which is very possible - I know I'm somewhat sleep deprived, with an innumerable amount of ongoing litigation issues/concerns constantly playing in my head, and focused on the end result - which is served by getting some peace with everyone concerned about EE, and to the extent my expressions of empathy were construed as agreement as to the claimed origins of behavior - I truly apologize).

3. "You also do not know what Virginia's lawyer said about you." We discussed the concerns you had that any claimed private message "abuse" (and I don't mean the "" to be snarky) was an ongoing issue with Tree. I communicated that my understanding was that any issues with private messaging concerning Tree were not ongoing, but probably more like occasional, infrequent disputes/conflict that naturally arise in the course of human interaction, especially when those people are under extra stress. I reinforced that I did not have direct knowledge of anything, and my interpretation of that was based on input from several people - not just Virginia or Tree.

4. "Too which she repsonded with 3/4 more crazy emails, all witness by Breckan and some others. She did not stop untill Breckan asked her to." Cedar, I really do not recall saying this. I'm not saying you are lying, only that we talked for awhile, and perhaps either a) I misspoke and was referring to something else, although I can't recall asking Virginia to stop anything around that time period, or b) since we did talk for awhile, and it's natural for human memory to sometimes mix/match different statements made in the course of the conversation, it's possible that it's just a simple miscommunication/misunderstanding. I do not have time to go back through and re-create the timeline from facebook messages, emails, and caller i.d./time stamp data (I would really prefer to put that energy towards laying a good foundation in this suit) - but my best recollection at this time is that I didn't even know about the messages until a day or two after, and that (I believe) Virginia had already communicated to me that she thought it was best not to continue to re-engage in the situation since it didn't seem anything productive at the time was coming out of it.

I want to reiterate that I am not calling anyone a liar. I don't think people are being intentionally untruthful. I don't think that anyone is purposefully trying to hurt, harm, or otherwise cause distress to eachother.

I do think that we are all human. We are fallible. We make mistakes. We sometimes say things in a rude way without meaning to be rude. Our written comments/texts/messages to eachother lack the huge elements of nonverbal communication - which oftentimes put what we say into vital context (especially for people whose verbal communication tends to be direct and somewhat light on tact). We get hurt when we feel we aren't being treated fairly. We get overwhelmed with life and stress and don't always have the most patience. We lash out or escalate a situation sometimes, and then it becomes increasingly more difficult to de-escalate. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that feeds on itself - more conflict, more anger, more hurt, more judgment, more blame - on all sides. And who wins? Who? Even at the end, if someone is forcefully removed, or forever banned, or whatever, and the opposing "side" here gets what they are demanding - do they win? Does it really serve anyone's concerns if the end result is fractured, broken relationships and friendships? Because, you can't get around matter what, if there isn't a mutually acceptable agreement that everyone can feel good about, there is lingering resentment, hurt, pain, etc. And, I ask again...who wins? We know who wins. The very entity that is the root cause of all of this. The root cause of this is not anyone posting here, or EE...the root cause is the organization whose actions have motivated you to come to places like EMF and EE. The same organization that continues to cause so much stress/distress/paranoia/fear/etc.etc.etc. that it continues to affect you for years after.

This is about human empathy and understanding. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt for awhile, at least while we (former RSE and their supporters) are in the trenches together. Empathy and understanding. The antithesis of RSE, but vital to our collective opposition of oppression and ongoing endeavor to see that there is accountability for the harm caused. Such an ironic and effective weapon RSE has at its disposal - eachother.

This was longer than I had intended, and now it's back to the ongoing perseverance. Also, I'm not going to get into the specific agreements/measures discussed to address any concerns. I will say, again, that I believe a large part of this situation was caused by simple human imperfection, the cure for which is usually some rest, and a healthy dose of patience/understanding. To the extent that, even if considered unwarranted, concerns were raised by Cedar - I have been adequately assured by measures taken that EE is a safe and supportive place. Safe and supportive does not always guarantee perfection in human interactions, but there is never that guarantee.

Best regards,


Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:33 am
by Breckan
Adding this to clarify: I am not making these statements on behalf of Virginia; they were made for the purpose of clarifying the representations made about my own statements in the conversation with Cedar.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:06 am
by Shocked
I know I have said this before but I truly thank everybody who started this website, moderate the forum and everybody that supports individuals who have come here to find sanity and support once leaving RSE. Thank you for putting in your long hours, in turn to help ex RSE students and provide individuals information about RSE in order to make decision about the school, based on truth as we all have experienced this!!! To David, my thoughts are with you in battling not only one law suit but two in two different countries!!! It may be time for all to take a deep breathe and step back and look at the big picture. Bye Bye RSE!!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:49 am
by Sunshine
Here's the disconnect I'm seeing:

Quote from Cedar:
"The next day, after Virginia knew this had caused a breakdown, she still contacted me with vicious posts that were completely unacceptable for a moderator."

Quote from Breckan:
"I do think that we are all human. We are fallible. We make mistakes. We sometimes say things in a rude way without meaning to be rude. Our written comments/texts/messages to eachother lack the huge elements of nonverbal communication - which oftentimes put what we say into vital context (especially for people whose verbal communication tends to be direct and somewhat light on tact)"

"Vicious posts" vs "direct and somewhat light on tact" seem very far apart to me.

May we see the posts/comments/texts/messages/emails in question? Maybe then we can decide for ourselves which category they fit into.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:59 am
by Sunshine
And yes Shocked, thank you for that.. BYE BYE R$E!!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:57 pm
by Cheryl
I believe Breckan said what needed to be said. Maybe EMF will decide to post the insteuctions on how its constituents can get on EE so they can make their own decisions. I find that sad, as Breckan so aptly said for us all:

"We (and I do mean we as in...all of us who have concerns and care about the people affected by their RSE membership) are in this together, and we are in a fight. A fight concerning which it is nearly impossible to convey the amount of physical, mental, and emotional energy necessary to prevail."

This fight should not be with each other, but against the common enemy, and for those victimized by all that JZ has done since 1977.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:50 pm
by WofthesunEofthemoon
Well said, Cheryl, I couldn't agree more.

Sunshine, with the disconnect that you feel you are seeing between Cedar's account and Breckan's view, I believe that Breckan is taking an overview, holding the many facets of human nature in mind. In my own view, life has shown me often that one person's view of becoming frustrated and letting off steam in a rant is understood by another as being abusive behaviour. Yet, we all have a breaking point where we might feel we've 'lost it', and go off on a rant, but we may not be people who are naturally, or normally, given to being abusive.

Just sayin'.

This is such an important time when we should all be supporting each other, right now, and perhaps try to find forgiveness for one another's shortcomings, rather than allow the RSE machine an advantage whereby it can use our personal disagreements as fuel to burn our solidarity.

W.E. :-)

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:44 pm
by Cedar
Yes, I agree with the above post... Often one person sees abuse... Another just sees themselves letting off steam....

However, when you consider the level of vitriol, and false infomation about victims... This had to put in the public domain at least to warn people. When you consider especially what was just done to the moderators.

I hope Virginia learns and stops this. And may we all, esp dear Liz... Heal and be back stronger than ever.

And who else of course is to blame for this health crisis?

The walking lawsuit, SleeZe. Supoenaing everybody for such frivolous reasons.

Down with that Sociopath.... Judith Zebra Knight

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:59 pm
by Robair
Hello Everyone
Thank you very much Breckan to have taken some of you very precious time to participate and perhaps put a different point of view . Breckan I am sorry but at this point this forum will continue as is. I also understand very well That as an Attorney you have certain restriction and obligations that does limit you. Thank you again and please get some very needed rest.
Yes folks Virginia has not change, same pattern different day, she had banned me from EE, again it look like in the middle of the night . Make no mistake EE is run by a dictator, it is private club contrary to what some are trying to portray it, at this time it is nothing more than Virginia's bully pulpits to scare and control. It is not a safe place for people to be , until changes are done EMF will not support Virginia's EE. The very same freedom of expression (First Amendment) that she claimed to have against RSE, she is denying it to others. lucky for me I did not signed a C.O P. with EE or I would be in trouble.
Carry on

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:11 pm
by Sunshine
Here's another disconnect I see:

I thought that the moderators were deleted to relieve stress? Which seems like a kind thing to do, right? What was "just done to the moderators?"

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:18 pm
by Cedar
Sunshine, they were deleted in paranoia... Virginia was scared they would delete her for her general abusive behaviour. Then they were told by Virginia that if they talked publically about it they would be kicked off EE alltogether.

Last night I heard Brian is off EE, not sure if volutarily, or what. For the record, they did not speak publically, I blew the whistle hearing of a heart attack.

I hope everyone has a good picture now of Virginia.

And yet again, another delete. Robair you bad boy. Thats what happens when you expose the truth! Lol good job, Robair you should be proud.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:30 pm
by Cedar

"I'm not saying Cedar is lying"...good thing because I have a tape recording of this conversation (smile)

Other things I quoted are in email form.

Breckan, you know what is happening with your client, but won't reign her abuse in. Will you lose your client, is that your fear? Take a look at the damage, a heart attack, nervous breakdowns, what next?

I tape recorded because I have come to see everything to do with Virgina is spin doctored.

I blew the whistle after my friends health crisis. And I believe it was the right thing to do, at least in the public domain, Virginia is somewhat held accountable.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:34 pm
by Sunshine
"Then they were told by Virginia that if they talked publically about it they would be kicked off EE alltogether."

That sounds very dictatorship-ie. Could this be why we haven't heard from either moderator about this?

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:45 pm
by Cedar
Yes, Sunshine, they obeyed her.

As well, one is now overwhelmed with a health crisis.

My outrage at that is why I blew the whistle. My deleting, and Virginias lies about it a fee weeks back, I was willing to walk away from, to stay united to fight the bigger enemy in that mansion in Yelm we all helped pay for.

But, I think this situation on EE is so dire that the whistle had to be blown. I think people reading the above now get the general picture.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:00 pm
by tree
Let me remind everyone that Virginia was kicked out of EMF as a moderator many months ago in the middle of the night,

You didn't hear her throwing a temper tantrum about it.

Robair was thrown off as moderator on EE "in the middle of the night" and you would have thought he was scalped by natives the way he reacted.

It is my opinion, having Virginia on EMF as a moderator or having Robair on EE as a moderator are HUGE conflicts of interest.
Virginia took it gracefully, and Robair made a huge stink about it.

EE and EMF are entire separate entities.
Brian Keay seems more suited and has a more aligned agenda with David and Robair.

In the case of Anne, it is now very obvious that the stresses caused by moderating as well as her own litigations gave her a heart attack.
so it was best she be off the panel of moderators.

They are currently 4 moderators on EE - at any time the majority could throw Virginia, or anyone else, that was out of hand, they could vote her off.

So Cedar and Robair, you are quite wrong about the dictatorship.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:17 pm
by tree
Tree, please take a step back, and seek outside assistance for this/these ongoing matters. You have caused a lot of harm here, but do not see it yet.
if me telling you to "scroll up" led you to a nervous breakdown (as you mentioned earlier), then I think you should heed your own advice. You might be in
a more precarious place than you realize.

I hope your whistle blowing can be better served to bigger purposes when you are well.
Best of health and recovery to you.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:28 pm
by Cedar
No Tree, we are quite right.

None of the issues addressed to you I raised have been resolved.

Are those moderators going to hold people like you and Virginia accountable?

Lets see it then. 2 of those moderators are inactive, and the other does not stand up to Virginia
A lot of this comes down to people being mad about disinformation, spin doctoring in general. Which you are doing on behalf of Virginia in the above post. When deceitful information is put out there, people want to set the record straight.

The fact that you are still on EMF, and not banned yet again after all this speaks volumes of the character of the EMF moderators in allowing people to be where they are, and free speech etc

That can't be said of all the deletions on EE for blowing the whistle! Two in last day, that I am aware of. The same story. Punishment for standing up to Virginia.

From what I now know of your misrepresenting facts, how can I even consider your above post as truth?You never told the truth about me, so likely your post about EMF is the same, not true. There is no other way I can look at it.

So you haven't learned anything, but the rest of us sure have. Having said that, lets turn our attention to fighting the other sociopath...the one in the mansion in Yelm we all helped pay for, who is probably laughing her guts out at this conversation.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:40 pm
by Cedar
Tree, please stop. You have not mentioned your private messages to me, nor do you have any knowledge of what transpired with Virginia.

Misrepresenting facts is at the heart of this issue.

Please stop, and lets move on.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:56 pm
by tree
I have not misrepresented any facts. They are facts as I know them and not spinned in any way from anyone else
Cedar, you are missing a few your self. You are only one tiny part of a story. There are several parts( which were explained by the lawyer).

I sent you maybe 3 messages to please refer the situation to the moderators. I also forwarded my messages TO you TO the moderators.
So there are many copies. So there, I have mentioned them in detail (I also mentioned in an above post).
You are splitting hairs here.

I am not under any order from Virginia nor from the ACTIVE moderators (again, you are mistaken here about the moderators on EE)..

you obviously have been points of issues , once , including blaming me for your breakdown.
When in fact, you could have sorted it out with the moderators (which you did not. You took matters into your own hands).

Again, please heed your own advice: please stop.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:32 pm
by Cedar
You see everybody? This will go forever until Tree gets banned again. The only reason she hasn't sent a barage of personal messages harassing me is she has been barred from that due to doing this to people.

The moderators here are much more lenient than I would be. I would ban Tree at this point.

Tree, I know you can't help twisting things due to your disorder, that yes, you probably perceive things this way. Doesn't make it true, and doesn't excuse harassing behavior.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:49 pm
by Cedar
I apologize for the above post, though those are my perceptions, that was over the line, but I'm just fed up trying to reason with this individual and set records straight. Time for the garden!

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:59 pm
by tree
Tree, I know you can't help twisting things due to your disorder,
I have been only addressing all the questions you ask of me. I made points about what moderators were thrown of where and when.
I even wished you well.

But this statement is definitely slanderous....

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:00 pm
by WofthesunEofthemoon
Well, the RSE lawyers must be rubbing their grubby little hands together in glee, at this point.

However, following Tree's posts, including her last one, I feel I finally wish to point out something of relevance here. Tree has many times, both here on EMF and EE, stated how she started off as a bit of a heroine on EMF and then the 'moderators' turned against her and she was banned. She has sometimes stated that other members did not turn on her.

This is simply not true. Anyone can go through all the EMF records, including the ones held on the old bravenet site and they will be able to read an, admittedly, very watered down version of what Tree actually did, and how she behaved, at that time. I say 'watered down', as many of her really execrable posts have been removed, but I read them all previous to their removal. There still remains sufficient evidence that she did, indeed, offend ordinary members, and some of their posts reflecting this still stand.

When I first joined EE, an old member of EMF implored me to share with Virginia a warning about Tree, based on this and this member's personal knowledge of the sort of individual that Tree is. I refused to do this, as it seemed very unfair and Tree seemed to be getting along OK at EE and not offending anyone. She and I did have one altercation on EE, which devolved into pm's between us. However, it was resolved. It was also obvious to me that she had Virginia's 'ear', and was popular with other posters. She also was bringing a lot of very good information to the site to share with members.

Nevertheless, her sly digs at the EMF moderators have gone on and on, and have not reflected the truth of what actually happened when she was first banned. I have been quietly waiting and waiting for a very similar occurrence on EE, knowing that Tree, when she is true to herself, can act no differently, even though I hoped that she would, for her own sake.

My apologies to the moderators, who may not be happy with this post, but some things just have to be said.


Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:35 am
by EMFWebmaster
Tree's assumptions and allegations.
I have been only addressing all the questions you ask of me. I made points about what moderators were thrown of where and when.
Let me remind everyone that Virginia was kicked out of EMF as a moderator many months ago in the middle of the night,
Virginia Coverdale was not an EMF moderator.
Virginia was given full access to our private moderator’s forum in order to learn and understand our checks and balances set in place for moderating EMF.
This was agreed by Virginia in the understanding EE would adopt a similar moderating structure.
Access to our EMF moderator’s forum was later removed by consensus vote.
Virginia Coverdale is still an EMF member and is free to post.

Tree, your posts are now degenerating into divisiveness and disinformation.
This will not be allowed to continue.
Your most recent post has been moved to the moderator’s forum for consideration of permanent removal.
Please consider this a moderator warning.

Thank you everyone for your participation and understanding.

EMF moderators

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:11 am
by tree
I have been posting with the utmost honest, no vitriol and only facts (especially according to your rules).

I am not lobbied.

You win either way. Well played.

but on an even playing surface, and there will be one with the of luck.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:21 am
by Cedar
Tree, if I went over the line in that post, I apologize again. I am not a qualified psychiatrist, so I cannot diagnos anybody.

As well, I do not blame you for my breakdown. Virginia went off the deep end and deleted me, after a bipolar rage attack, misconstruing everything I said. You are not resposible for her behavior.

Our clash could simply have been resolved on EE by a moderator taking apporopriate action, which she did not. I see here on EMF there is a long history of the same behaviour. I spent the afternoon researching and reading those posts and the harm it cause people.

Without trying to act as a psychologist, I will point out only the facts.
That you attack people viciously, then tell lies about it. You cause mayhem like a bull in a china shop.
You've repeatedly done it, and don't seem interested in stopping.

Everybody has to spend hours addressing your false information, and its not fair. And its a waste of time seeing as you never change or "get it".

Reading the old posts here helped put everything in perspective. If I seem a little over the top here, its because of reading the history of abuse here on EMF in black and white for anybody to see., all afternoon.

What I say to you is get professional help, and maybe refrain from group participation here and EE until your situation stabilizes. Take these posts into a psychologist to try to understand. You can't be ripping people apart all the time. Nobody needs this stress, in the middle of these lawsuits.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:26 am
by RoyGBiv
I'm concerned for both of you, for your health.
consider a cease-fire, for crying out loud.

Remember, part of the lure and addiction of the cult was the constant adrenaline rush, imminent perceived danger, and underlying conflict mixed with attitudes of moral/spiritual superiority. Are any of these powerful emotions being recreated here? anything familiar about this?
Just sayin', feel free to ignore.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:46 am
by Shocked
Wow, but like someone stated in a earlier post, JZ lawyers are probably rubbing there hands together" that would be a under statement. Hey I guess there is freedom of speech but I thought this was a support forum!! And really who gives a S--- about Virginia, if EE is a dictatorship, and we all know what that is, don't participate!! Gee, one would have to consider whether this is a support group.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:27 am
by Lost in Space
This whole chain seems like a powder keg for people in recovery. It makes me cringe, and I am not even somebody who ever belonged to RSE, I just have friends who are or have been. Could we change the subject? Surely we all have more pressing concerns on EMF than what is going on at EE, for good or ill.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:44 am
by Cheryl
Yes. One does have to consider if this is a support group. Does anyone else notice how the posts from EE supporters plus Breckan's are coming a little more from a place of inclusiveness and emotional balance (miscommunication, misunderstanding, forgiveness) and the posts from EMF seem bitter and slandering instead? IMO The very things you are complaining about you wear. Do you honestly expect EE moderators to keep you in EE after this, Robair? They are doing their humanly best to keep their site a safe place for people to heal. What you three show here to me is exactly the things the moderators are trying to protect their group from. I wonder if this attitude had anything to do with the origional misunderstanding? To me, your post is showing your colors well. You insisted this thread to start and you sacrifice the feelings of safety on your own group. The excuses that you just had to post don't match up with this mess of a thread. Again, it is truly unfortunate that you must insist on splitting this great group of people.

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:55 am
by Cedar
Yes... Agreed... Just spent afternoon reading these posts on EMF here all by the same individual causing this over and over.

This subject became public after the abuse of EE being implicated in a heart attack. The whistle had to be blown on the matter, at least so people are warned. I saw a repeat in this thread of all the same behaviour from Tree that I read in EMF archives confronting her abuses, and the recent mayhem caused on EE by her.

I know my post above is a little over the top, but it comes after being a victim of Tree's bullying for some time, then watching the stress of EE abuses be implicated in health crisis in a dear friend. I just read mountains of the same posts in EMF archives dating back to 2009 if I remember correctly... By Tree just as one person above commented.

I wish my friend a speedy recovery, and blessings for her hard work dedicated to exposing R$E

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:07 am
by Cedar
My agreement and post was meant for the few above Cheryl. Cheryl, please read the archives here on EMF and see what behaviour of Tree Robair, and others above... Are referring.

This kind of behaviour is what members of a support group must be protected from.
When abuse is implicated in heart attacks, a whistle should be blown.

I think it has been proven in this thread that EE is not a support group but a private club and ego trip of Virginia. Confront her abuse but once and you are gone.

It is very stressful to have yourself lied about in the public domain as the individuals in question did here, spin doctoring everything. Its a little hard to forgive bullying and that lying, Cheryl... When it keeps occurring!

Again may my friend down under heal and bounce back better than ever. And may the perpetrators of abuse on EE see and change what they are doing

Re: Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:52 am
by EMFWebmaster
This thread is now locked until further notice.
For those wishing to explore further issues regarding this topic thread 'Virginia Coverdale EE Moderating Concerns'
We encourage you to use our (PM) system.
Thank you everyone for your participation.

The EMF Team.