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NVN May 9 JZ "opinion"

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:53 pm
by joe sz
"Eventually Justice Will Be Served Against Vigilantes" says Judith Knight.
I posted this reply on another site....not NVN
Now we see JZ taking an awkward swing at her critics by stereotyping them as dumb conservatives. JZ Knight lamely cloaks herself with the Anti-anticult clique of sociologists whose old ideas about New Religious Movements are academically passé since the 1990s. Most of them have moved on. I lectured on a panel hosted by Professor David Bromley at an Association of Sociology of Religion in NYC in 1997. He and I had a good conversation and views have moderated since the 1990s as new research continues in this field. In the early 1980s, he would have called me a "vigilante" for being a deprogrammer. JZ is merely name dropping and has no basis for her quasi-intellectualisms regarding her critics, as if her critics can't see the difference between "Ramtha", JZ, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert. Colbert is a master of irony and satire. Outside of her devoted cult (in the academic sense) circle, very few people even know who JZ actually is. Millions know Colbert and they know that he like Jon Stewart targets a straw man Republican, much like Rush Limbaugh and right wing talking heads target straw man Democrats. Colbert is a comedian and comedians often target stereotypes. JZ claims to be the messenger of a god of the Great White Brotherhood who was not being satirical when "he" said, "I am Christ for you in this age." Perhaps Ramtha was being satirical when he allegedly told Judith in 1977, "I am Ramtha the enlightened one; I have come to help you across the ditch." As far as I can tell, JZ Knight is still in a ditch, and after she dies, the ditch will disappear as history covers over her failing ditch, New Religious Movement, or whatever she wants us to call it..

Re: NVN May 9 JZ "opinion"

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:57 pm
by joe sz
PS: I was responding above to the NVN editorial by JZ:


Religious scholar Gordon Melton has identified about 2,500 different religious or faith community groups in the United States, about half of which are “nonconventional.”

That makes this country one of the most spiritually diverse countries in the world and throughout history. But some people are threatened by diversity. They use the word “cult” for any group they deem to be unacceptable from their point of belief. The C-word is a four-letter word for any belief someone doesn’t like.

Virginia Coverdale and David McCarthy have used the word “cult” to stigmatize Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, encourage discrimination against me, and to scare people away from associating with RSE. They uploaded edited videos to YouTube and elsewhere in order to portray RSE as something it is not. If you don’t like the satire of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, you would not understand Ramtha’s satire either.

Sociologists Douglas Cowan and David Bromley have stated that the word “cult” is a convenient shorthand for a group of people in order to present them as dangerous in the media and that the use of the word carries an unrelentingly negative connotation.

Catherine Wessinger, a professor of religious studies at Loyola University in New Orleans, has written that the C-word is just as derogatory as slurs about people of color, women or homosexuals. Now who is the bigot?

I am not Ramtha. Ramtha is not political. I am. If you cannot accept that a consciousness or a spirit is different than the body it occupies, if you are not interested in the implications of reincarnation, if you don’t believe in strong women having a role and a voice in the political process, then you will probably vote Republican anyhow.

Modern-day, right-wing extremists may not wear hooded robes or burn crosses, but their vigilante activities continue. The history of the human rights movement shows that eventually justice is served against vigilantes who try to skirt the rule of law upon that this country was founded.

JZ Knight

Yelm ... mment-area

Re: NVN May 9 JZ "opinion"

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:28 pm
by seriously

JZ, when I think of you, I definitely think of the C-word.


How could anyone be such a gigantic, self absorbed, evil "C-word"?

Re: NVN May 9 JZ "opinion"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:10 am
by Cedar
Seriously I must agree. The only word suitable in the english language adequately nasty enough to describe the walking lawsuit bully that is JPee is the C word.