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Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociopaths

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:16 am
by David McCarthy
Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociopaths
great insight! those of us who grasp the scope and insidiousness of this subspecies are fighting an uphill battle as the herd has been converted to flying monkeys who act on behalf of the sociopaths and, disgustingly, strive to become them. the superficiality of thought and action in most people has been an issue with me since childhood. i never understood the lack of shame of those who only want to appear 'good', who spent their whole lives covering up their and others misdeeds, who lie and pretend. no effort is put forth to become that which they pretend to be. they are predators and parasites. i for one have stopped treating them as i would a fellow human. they count on us to just go along to get along so they can use us further. most people don't want to believe that there is a significant percentage of this subspecies among us and that they are as ruthless and predatory as they appear to be. everyone is happy to make excuses. read Martha Stout, Robert Hare, George Simon, etc....learn about the predator/parasite so you can spot them before they get to you.
The Fascists That Surround You - Part 2: Sociopaths - YouTube

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:44 am
by Rooster
David, I so agree. I had a hard time excepting that some people are like this. It is hard to understand how someone could have no shame, guilt or conscience. There are really too many like this. I so prefer real and those with a heart. We all have flaws and I am willing to except all of the flaws as long as one willing to admit them. Those who are to be seen as so perfect are always the ones I watch out for.

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:02 pm
by FreeNow
These are also the 1%, the hidden and not hidden rulers of the world. Check out Red Ice Radio:

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:36 pm
by David McCarthy
Hi Rooster,
Those who are to be seen as so perfect are always the ones I watch out for.
So true.... A major clue in recognizing a sociopath is their massive egos and manic obsession with looks and sainthood syndrome.
Some sociopaths even go so far as to declare themselves as God. Another clue is those full on assaults against followers/devotes by viciously attacking their self esteem. This further endorses and enforces their unquestionable supremeness atop a sociopathic pyramid scheme.
Sound familiar? If not, just wait till those RSE YouTube Videos are finally made public.... :idea:
Someone ought to whisper in Judith's ear, psst...'cutting off the legs of another does not make you taller!
Neither does... ruling a kingdom from atop a dungheap make you more powerful :roll:

Tall poppy syndrome - Wikipedia

Hi Freenow,

Your subject link seems to be broken.
Is this the Red Ice Radio link you are referring to?
Psychopaths Run The World


Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:17 am
by FreeNow
Thanks David. I was referring to Red Ice. He has a ton of great interviews. Thanks for finding that one.

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:48 am
by joe sz
For the last 5-6 years I have been helping parents and families who have young adults caught up in Stefan Molyneux's "cult" of ideas.
This guy is toxic and his philosophy (anti-statism and anti-parents) is all libertarian bull crap derivative of Ayn Rand to an extent.
Moly...and his FDR webcasts encourages all "devotees" of his podcasts to "DeFoo" or defect from family of origin (basically, cut them off and stop talking to them), then listen to wizard Stefan as your guide to healing from all the "false" ideas that schools, religions and governments have planted in your skull.

He talks a slick line and sounds believable (like any narcissist) at first look, especially to young folk going through adult identity formation which often requires some rebellion anyway, but look behind the curtain if you are going to know this creepy wizard of oz on the Internet.

there are several critical sites.

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:06 am
by David McCarthy
YIKES.... :shock:
Thanks for the warning Joe....
"Published on Oct 6, 2013
From Peter: "I'm sad to say I have been far too polite towards this highly distorted man who hides behind deliberate, farce logical reductions and a general manipulation of language and arguments. His personal attacks on myself and TZM are carefully cloaked in an armor of sheer nonsense and the amazing thing is - many gullible people believe him.
Everyone asked me after the fact why I engaged this guy. I did because I like to believe we all should share a conversation on such subjects and I'm not an elitist. The problem is that some people are not honest and are not interested in discussion. They simply want to "win".
(And for those that know me, they know it takes a lot to bother me as much as this guy does. Anger is not my typical path but life pressures of such create these patterns. I'm human.)
As far as Stefan M., I have to consider: is he a pathological case, not understanding what he is doing? Or is he a deliberate misleader... a con-artist - working consciously to fabricate the conclusions he seems to so desperately need? I offer a general warning to all out there who listen to this guy: Please work to think critically. This guy is a salesman of bullshit and nothing more and it horrifies me how many seem to take him seriously.
I apologize for my tone in this video essay, but please understand that I think it is warranted.

Video Ref:

Peter Joseph on Stefan Molyneux: "The Art of Nonsense" | Pathology or Con-Artistry? - YouTube
Stefan Molyneux Revealed
Stefan Molyneux and his therapist wife Christina Papadopoulos run freedomainradio (a.k.a FDR). Ms. Papadopoulos has been found guilty of professional misconduct related to FDR. This site is supposed to be about freedom philosophy and psychology, but it is much more about a cult/scam that destroys families. If you care to communicate with me personally, my private email is molyneuxrevealed at

Stefan Molyneux Revealed

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:50 am
by Ockham
I think you could take the David's quote above from Peter, and replace occurrences of, "Stefan Molyneux / FDR," with, "Judy Knight / RSE," and it would still be essentially applicable.

My friends involved with the taking so-called classes from the Ramtha franchise don't say much any more. They seem to think if they say anything of substance to anybody who isn't paying tribute money, then the Ramtha franchise is going to sue for copyright violation. Arrgh!

From the scraps I have been told, I get the impression that it is the same vitriol and rhetoric as usual; same encouragement of separation family and friends; same contorted retelling of world history; same bounded choice indoctrination. I have a limited sample size to observe, but it is my experience that ramsters who probably got a pretty decent world history education in high school and perhaps even college are now totally befuddled. I get the impression that RSE instructors just wing it when they don't know the facts about their subject matter, or just plain lie for the apparent fun of it.

I shake my head. My psyche can't identify with what Judy Knight appears to be doing. Sociopath seems to be the only reasonable explanation. I don't see how anybody with more than a few interconnected neurons would see dispensing RSE's form of tripe as beneficial. My assumption is that Judy Knight and company dispense drivel, incongruity and erroneous stories to see just how far they can string the Ramtha followers along and still have them on the hook. Ms. Knight is having her personal form of fun and has the luxury of getting paid handsomely for it.