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Light Coming On CT in action

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:48 pm
by forever
Let's examine the "evolve" concept as witnessed at rse. To the naive student it means, wow, new teaching? Or when it became show biz, the word is going global and now everyone can have an opportunity? On an emotional level it's acceptable to someone that "believes" in Ramtha, that he knows what he's doing.

Question: Did you hear the early teachings of manifestation Of Soul Into Flesh? Teachings from early 1990s? Back in the cassette days? Or the teachings when Ram says, "i have already taught you 1000 times a 1000 different ways.

So in that vein he's taught the same thing 1000 different ways. And every "new" teaching is a different way of saying what was said originally? So how is that "evolving"? I am NOT attacking YOU. I am simply waking up.

Originally it was first come first serve and computer assigned seating. It has "evolved" into tiered box seating? big bucks.

Back in early days the auctioning of a one on one-no way. Now it has "evolved" into it?
Let's look at the "evolved" concept that from where i am is a line of crap. And nothing more than a way to get more $$$$$$$. It's all psychological.

Re: Light Coming On CT in action

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:17 pm
by MindState

'Evolved' or 'spiritual evolution' to me is simply becoming the most 'authentic' and 'refined' version of your self you can be.

As far as the capitalized spirituality and destructive nature of the 'cult' that is RSE. We are exposing and picking apart that pile of crap on these forums. 'That' issue is 'independent' of the concept of 'evolving spiritually'.

Another side of the story when it comes to 'evolving' is that it need not even have the word 'spiritual' associated with it. I don't know any other way to put this......but. People have a hard to 'seeing many angles of something'. There is a very practical 'tool' for developing these abilities that has no 'cult'. It's called 'LATERAL THINKING'. A brilliant man named Edward de Bono coined this term and wrote books on 'practicing' and developing ones 'lateral thinking' skills or 'creative thinking skills'. I have been a passionate student of the work of de Bono for many years now. I couldn't inspire anyone to want to learn how to 'think laterally' save my life! That is because almost all people don't want to do it. It's sad! I'll admit it does take 'work' and it is uncomfortable at first to practice such skills. Mostly, people don't like to 'think' at all. That is what 'entertainment' is for! And even for me, all these 'skills' require constant ongoing practice whenever the opportunity presents it's self. 'Thinking skills' are very important. Particularly, as de Bono sais, "For the purposes of creating value".

To tie my last point more firmly to what you are expressing, the bottom line is 'people have a hard time seeing many angles of something'. I am here to promise you that many things are not what they seem like at all when observed from a different angle. Also, when we get wrapped up in for example 'spirituality' or obsess over what crap Judy has done....or obsess over "is it Ramtha?"......We lose sight of 'reality'. I'm trying to show all of you in many different ways.....basically 'ways of seeing things'. I'm looking for an opportunity to talk about the 'mobius strip'. It's a very interesting thing!

Re: Light Coming On CT in action

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:17 pm
by MindState

If you ever find your self with 'problems'. Remember this: The 'only thing that is real' about any 'problem' is the 'meaning' you assign to those problems. Simple!

Re: Light Coming On CT in action

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:25 pm
by forever
I just looked up mobius strip.

Re: Light Coming On CT in action

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:47 pm
by forever
Last week? or longer has been about distinguishing between what's me and what's the teachings. What's the teachings and what's Ram. What's Ram and whats the channel. Important to me. To come out of it intact. To the extent that what i have is mine. My "reality" is my creation. Separate from and without Ramtha.

He, they, it, scam cannot take away from me what they/it didn't give me and do not own.
