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Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:55 am
by MindState
I have no choice but to keep this short and sweet.

I am not here to tell you that 'Ramtha' is real. That's up to you to find out.

What I am here to tell you is something about 'universal mind'. It's a 'singularity'. The number '9'....Dial 3-6-9....3+3....=6.....6+6=12...1+2...=3....3 and 6 are oscilating back and forth. The (9) is the singular number that is everywhere and 'untouchable'. It is a 'singularity'. Marco Rodin

Forget what 'Ramtha' is! He is just some character. I am 'just some character' for that matter. I don't go by "Mindstate" anywhere else. I go by that here because I don't 'trust' you.

Look, Judy may not be 'perfect'. Yes. But What happens when she so calls 'channels'?

Ramtha calls her 'his daughter'. Why is that?

Ramtha or 'Judy'....has said sometimes "Have you ever stopped to wonder......Maybe your channel has no flaws!"

Judy 'channels' herself. If Ramtha is being channeled through her. That's 'if''s not all the time that you see the 'channeling' taking place.

"Ramtha' doesn't really matter. I don't know what ramtha is and frankly I don't really care that much.

I'm not a channeler.

But............the question is.........what am I? There is no moment that I post in these forums that I am not sober. I have a seamless way of just being 'myself'.

The next...thing to think about is 'What are you"?

Now that's pretty much all I have to say. want to know?

Re: Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:05 am
by freemysoul

There you go being all high and mighty, we need to bow to the all knowing all seeing mindstate, you have all the answers and we should just sit back and let you work your 'magic' right? Your days are numbered if proselytizing disproven hokey excrement is what you are here for. I think you just like being a Troll, and that's all you have been doing since day one. Your experiment here has failed Mindstate, but I am sure if you continue following Judith's playbook, eventually you will have that cult of your own you seem to be so eager to cultivate, or some other group of uninformed poor souls, who you can try leading away from rationale and critical thought, back into the murk and mire of manipulative dogma and the dead end lifestyle you so eagerly encourage.
Better yet, create your own Forum, where you can say and do what you want, carefree with wonton disregard for other's sanity and welfare.
But that's too much work for someone like you. You would rather stand on the backs and shoulders of those who lit this beacon of truth and safety, and throw feces, while trying to convince us how wrong we are for not liking feces thrown at us.
I honestly hope you get the help you need, but until you see the obvious, or humble yourself, or just get tired of running that same wonky nonsense around in your head, you will continue seeing us as the ones in need of help, and yourself as our savior.

Re: Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:44 am
by forever
"Ramtha" is whoever and whatever Judy wants him be, whenever and however. Menopause is rough!


Re: Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:34 pm
by MindState
@ freemysoul

I don't mind you speak your truth at all. However, I caution you to not be putting me on no pedestals!!! I met a lovely gentleman the other day....a little handy capped in the sense that he uses crutches to walk. It's just that he learned a simple lesson (the hard way). A lesson I almost have paid for (the hard way) on several occasions. I luckily have learned the lesson without injury. He, like me can hike for 20 miles or more happily. Only difference is that he does it 'with' crutches. When I met him...I didn't have to think. I knew to talk to him. I also discovered that he is a genius. You know more about 'me' than he does. Or 'do' you? He knows far far far more about me than you do. I didn't even have a thought to say much about myself to him. He has no idea about my 'cards' or that I went to RSE....I'm no more an average joe to him as he is to me. The very least thing we agreed about I will remind this...

Take life 'slow'. Everything slow and patiently. In the moment. There is no reason to 'rush' anything.

Re: Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:43 pm
by seriously
Mindstate, you've been through a traumatic experience and you're on the other side. It will take time to heal. In addition to letting thoughts and emotions pour out, read and contemplate others experiences noted in older posts. I think the majority of us that have been away from R$E for an extended period know Ramtha is as real as Sasquach. Focus (pun intended) on logic and reason.

Best of luck going forward.

Re: Who 'is' Ramtha?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:47 pm
by freemysoul
Very well put Seriously,
If help is what you are truly here for Mindstate, this is the place to find it