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drawing distinctions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:06 am
by forever
When i got the white book and later video dialogue both seemed to exude love.

The Pentecostal experience left me gun shy. I was uneasy with the word God. At first RSE was a free space where someone could exhale, haul out their baggage and get the mess cleaned up. Create a new life.

Ironically RSE became a dictatorship too-like Pentecostal. It's the same fear mongering :twisted: and failure atmosphere. Rather than joy and having a light heart.
The Greatest of Things Are Achieved In A Light Heart

A sermon wasn't complete without without brow beating. Look at RSE ?

Stage was the same also. Meaning the people closest to preacher and protected as such. Exalted and bragged on. Not the ones "living the teachings". However, i can say that pastor didn't live above flock. He had a humble but self sufficient existence. If someone was laid off or in hardship he saw to it they were assisted. He also gave a financial statement annually.

When the "greymen" were trying to shut RSE down a financial statement should have been demanded and presented.