Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation

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David McCarthy
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Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation

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Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Pulled from our old EMF Forums :idea:

Joe Sz
Mar 29, 2007 - 6:05PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Regarding the dispute among ex-members that JZ was connected to a "real" Ramtha in the beginning as opposed to faking it or other "entities" after 1987.

Here is an excerpt of a paper I wrote 15 years ago:
" ...Ramtha's cult was conceived in the late nineteen seventies by a middle-aged, California housewife, then Judith Zebra Burnett, a.k.a. JZ Knight. Born Judith Hampton in Artesia, New Mexico, she grew up with a curious mix of influences, both tragic and sublime. According to her autobiography, A State of Mind, My Story (1987) she grew up in a dysfunctional family with an abusive, alcoholic father but a sturdy mother, rugged older brothers and a sister. She reported that she was "brutally raped" by a drunken uncle at age four. An unsophisticated, fundamentalist style of Christian religion influenced her ideas of God but as a young adult she rejected the notion of Satan. She was popular in high school, voted "most beautiful," and was once a rodeo queen.
According to her, JZ was disgusted by her first spouse after marrying him out of "need." She had two sons by him, Brandy and Chris. During this period she reports paranormal experiences: seeing UFO's, hearing accurate predictions in her life by a fortune teller, and being miraculously healed by a revivalist preacher. Her friends have reported that she was "possessed" temporarily at prayer meetings by an entity speaking through her called “Demias.” JZ denied the event during a “20/20” TV show interview.
Later she was successful at marketing, creating two corporations in cable TV. She met and married a dentist, Mark Burnett (perhaps Jeremy Wilder in her autobiography A State of Mind) in Tacoma, Washington in 1977. He shared her paranormal interests including a compulsive fascination with “pyramid power.” It was while they were playing with cardboard pyramids in 1977 that Ramtha appeared to JZ as an alternate personality.
Burnett claimed he did not see an entity, rather he saw JZ's altered personality reacting to him or something as “Ramtha” (Stearn 120). He subsequently became more obsessed with JZ's Ramtha personality believing it to be an autonomous spirit. JZ claims that she saw an eight foot tall, semi-transparent entity dressed in white robes of light with deep, dark eyes when Ramtha "appeared." JZ later divorced after she began an affair with Jeff Knight, her much younger third or fourth husband—Jeff told me he may have been the fourth—in 1980. Although Ramtha proclaimed JZ and Jeff to be "soul mates" they too were divorced by the late 1980s. The question remains whether Ramtha is merely JZ altered and exaggerated or something else.
In 1991 Jeff Knight contacted me after he read a critique of Ramtha I had written in 1985. Subsequently, I went to visit him and interviewed him while helping him to recover from his cult experience of ten years."
(I quote from Jess Stearn. 1985. "Soul Mates" re whether Burnett ever "saw" Ramtha. In an early (1984) taped interview, Judy says that Burnett did see the apparition.)

My point is that all we have is a claim and a personal experience. Very thin evidence for a devotee to commit so much money, time, and faith to a 35,000 year old spirit.

Mar 29th, 2007 - 6:05 PM

Dec 12, 2007 - 2:05PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
The following is an extract from the same book about "Possible Signs of a False Teacher". It's amazing how JZ and her imaginary friend with the ® in the name ARE BREAKING EVERY RULE IN THIS LIST!

1. Charging money.

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that there are people out there who claim to be teachers, guides, gurus, channelers, or whatever, who are actually just con artists who are in it for the ego trip, for money, power, or all of the above. I’m not talking about psychic readers, therapists, seminar or lecture givers who do a limited specific service for a fee (whether legitimate or not). I’m talking about those who claim to be teachers, and say they want to help free you from your pain, your bonds, and transform your life spiritually, or give you important spiritual knowledge - and put a price on it. There is NO WAY a truly compassionate being could put a price on this. Could you think of a justification to deny peace of mind, and attaining enlightenment because of money? It is one thing if there are truly allowances to provide free spiritual aid for anyone who really has no financial capability, but in general, if someone is putting a price on such services, they don’t really care about others. How could they??? And if they don’t really care, can they be someone who can really help you spiritually? Obviously not. Traditionally, while true teachers don’t take money for their teaching, they do expect a dedicated monk, or full-time student to give up all their possessions - even if it is nothing. Generally people want to support the path they believe in, and put their possessions at the disposal of their teacher. This can be as little as a whistle, a bowl of rice, a bike, or as much as an estate or multi-national corporation. Or in my case with my teacher, nothing. But as has been said, it is easier for a rich man to get to heaven than for a cigarette to get through the eye of a needle. So most students usually have little or nothing anyway, because it's too hard for people with big bucks to give anything up (although it has been known to happen). It is fine to support teachers. In fact, it is a spiritual obligation, and a tradition as old as time. In some parts of Asia, monks line up to be given food from the townspeople, who are also poor. But the townspeople still support the monks - those who have given up all else to devote their lives to finding, or serving, God, and thus spiritually serving the people. Many cultures not only provide food, but work, furniture, or whatever they have to offer. So it is fine to offer or give teachers what you can, even money and such possessions in this modern world, but a true teacher doesn’t expect it, demand it, or require it, and nothing will be different between you regardless. A true teacher doesn’t charge, or expect to get anything materially from his work, period. He knows that the Universal Spirit takes care of its servants. A true teacher will work with you as long as you truly and totally ded-icate your life to becoming an instrument of Universal Will. If you are truly sincere in this yourself, you will give everything you have to your teacher. But again, it is not expected, and I have seen it done otherwise myself. But what if you have nothing to give, as in my case? No one cares, if they are legitimate. On the other hand, if you have a lot to give, and you don’t want to, it shows how sincere you aren’t - and how much selfishness and greed has a hold on you. But again, I have seen it done, and wealthy students accepted, even though their selfish greed still has hold over them. But what can you expect when all students are still under control of their selfish separate selves. When that is still in control, it’s easy to give nothing if you have nothing to give, but hard if you do. “Tithing” for community, or “church” activities to help others, is an entirely different issue, involving householder type situations, and fine if you agree with the work that is being done, or the support being given, with those funds. A student who becomes a monk, generally gives up everything when they join a traditional order, whether it is to the order, or to a more needy cause. But if they have nothing, it makes no difference.

2. Telling you (or others telling you) to do anything the teacher says, regardless of what it is.

Because a true teacher has transcended their separate self and ego, they have no need or desire to be “right”, or to “control” you. Most importantly, he is very concerned that you are not controlled by anyone else, whether it is him, someone else, or your selfish separate self. He will point out the truth to you, urge you to give control of yourself to your Inner Being, and do what you know is right - but only what you know is right. A true teacher will be the first to tell you that if he ever tells you something that is truly contrary to the dictates of your Inner Voice, something is wrong, and do not listen to it - and run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit. Just make sure it isn’t the voice of your separate self that is trying to throw you off course.

3. The teacher pursues students.

True teachers are here to serve you, but it is not a pleasant task. They neither like having students/followers, nor personally want them, but they will accept them if it is the Will of God, and the student really wants to change. But they also know that only those who really want to change, and really want the teacher to dispel their illusions, are up to the great task of changing. A true teacher may “show up” in your life if you are praying for that, but even then, if you want a true teacher, you will have to pursue the teacher, indicate or prove your readiness and dedication, and specifically ask him to be your teacher.

4. The teacher stresses “self”, boosts your ego, or tells you of the great things your self can accomplish, or abilities and power your self can attain.

The true teacher is not there to reinforce or “empower” your self. The true teacher is there to help you de-throne the separate self, and “crown” your Inner Self as your new lord. He may tell you of what you will selflessly be able to accomplish, when you change, but all abilities and powers are attributed to surrendering to, and being in the service of, God.

5. Promises of wealth or success.

The true teacher will not tell you that following their teachings will make you more successful, wealthy, or that you will benefit in any material way as a result of spiritual growth. The true teacher will tell you that there are only three benefits, none of which you can take to the bank: a) The peace of mind that comes from making your separate self your servant instead of your master. b) The joy that comes from helping others. c) Real freedom.

6. They push their dogma.

A true teacher has no need to make other people accept that their teachings are true and should be followed. They know that people will not “see” until they are ready, and also know that truth is truth, and those who are ready will come to the same conclusions in time.

7. The teachings are like a political rally - based in emotion and contrived “issues” that work on the group’s popular sentiment, or they make a “show” of spirituality.

Many false teachers control people via charisma and rhetoric. A true teacher is charismatic, intense, and inspirational - but the words will always have reason, purpose, meaning, and be based in simple truths and Unselfish Love. Clearly defining this for you is difficult. You need to “feel” enough of your Inner Voice, to know the difference. For instance, I once went to a lecture by a “famous” guru from India. One of the things that told me something was false about this person, was that he was “blessing” people with an Ostrich feather - supposedly sending energy through it. Why did he need a feather, let alone the fancy Ostrich feather? It was purposeless, other than being an “impressive” show. And it did make for a great “spiritual show”, which distracted from the lack of real spirituality. But the first thing that really made my “Inner alarms” go off, and told me something was wrong, was that they made the men sit on one side of the auditorium, and the women on the other, even couples. What for? If it is a celibate path, that’s fine. If you are a follower or student of such a path, and those were your beliefs, fine, they aren’t really harmful to anyone. But it was a public lecture for the masses. And it’s not like people were “making out” or having sex in the aisles, “offending” the guru (who shouldn’t be offendable if he were for real anyway). The interaction between the polarities (sexes) is the foundation of life and creation throughout the Universe, not just human life. Mandatorily dividing the sexes at a public lecture, even if it was to “minimize distractions” was absurd, overly controlling, and it was overriding my free will and all others there who wanted to sit with their spouses, dates, or soulmates, without even a really good reason - it was thus very “wrong” in the sense of “false”, and being against the flow of the Universe. It was nothing but a power trip, perhaps based in Indian culture, but ridiculous, and a power trip nonetheless. A true teacher may still have trappings of their culture, but they have transcended the limitations and falsehoods of their culture, and hold Unselfish Love above all else, including their own tradition. Like I said, deep down in my Inner Voice, alarms were going off. There are some ashrams or monasteries that practice celibacy, and men and women will keep separate quarters. But that is far different, and it is right for that path. That doesn’t trigger my Inner Voice alarms at all, but at this lecture, the sexual separation was purposeless and an “un-true” action that reeked of ego and control for the sake of control. What this false “guru” was doing made me cringe inside, and would do the same for anyone who was really seeking true spirituality, rather than looking for a spiritual ego trip.

8. Their ego gets offended for any reason.

Again, a true teacher has transcended their selfish separate self, and with it, the separate self’s defensive ego. Ego changes to become nothing but “selfless confidence”, the knowingness that they can do whatever the Universal Spirit requires of them, and that forces of the Universal Spirit will work through them if it is within Universal Will. Questioning them about anything, insulting them, or verbally attacking who they are, gets no normal “ego” rise from them. An exception to this is if you have already become their student, then questioning them about things that are not in conflict with your own inner voice is just a game your self is playing.

9. “Channeling” of a certain kind (explained later, and in the next chapter). (This thread)

10. Lack of Unselfish Love.

A true teacher will probably be the first person you have ever met, that really Loves - totally and Unselfishly. He loves you more than his self. If you are at all sensitive, you will feel this. If you find instead, that awareness or concern for others is lacking, or there is a lack of Unselfish Love, kindness, and caring, it’s not the real thing.
Email kaworuran Website
Dec 12th, 2007 - 2:05 PM

Dec 12, 2007 - 3:17PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
I want to type very slowly and cautiously... this is a very hard careful post and I do want to put out.

I must say, I have in my life time SEEN SEE THRU people many many times... particularly during a time that I was spending many hours a day in deeper meditation.

Meditation alone can be a DRUG... and I know it... as you spend more and more time in meditation, this would becomes less and less important to you.

and In fact, I have had communication with 3 entities that were see thru.... and one that would appear through a lavender bubble and walk out of the dot... and communicate with me.

This was shocking to me at first.

I can not explain it.. other than, during those moments and for hours after they would appear... my head would be CHARGED and FILLED with Inspirational thoughs.... and I was compelled to write.

This is some type of mental phonomena that does happen... and I do not think other than LABELING yourself CRAZY anyone can clearly understand it until you have walked in the same shoes.

It could be that JZ had some of these types of experiences in the beginning and then wanted to make a business out of it... this I do not know.

I must also say, that I have seen these SEE THRU being on air planes and walking around when I was with my customers... at the grocery store where ever.

I would be told things and shown visions.

Truly, I do not know what it is all about. But I do know that for about 6 years when I stopped going OUTWARD to channells, and gurus.... and just stayed home and meditated those things happened.

However, I must also say, you tend NOT to be very INTEGRATED when you spend too many hours a day in meditaion. You tend to live in LALA Land.

You also loose interested in things of this world. It sort of captures you.

Crazy ..... maybe.

I would say, after that, and a very long boring story, I made a conscious decision to Stop meditating for too many hours a day.

I do feel now, I am more a WHOLE being than before... that is, before I was single and now married and have a much more GROUNDED life here.

Not is la la land all the time.

I never channelled.... but I can say, even now.. at times... I am givine information... I call it from my self to my self... smile.

I also understood that the SEE THRU people I saw... I will type s l o w l y... were parts "OF ME" being projected in a SEE THRU manner.

I have only ever hear of one person ever discribe the same way these SEE THRU guys would come.

That was that Flower of Life guy.. Dunvalo I think that is his name. It was the same way one of my teacher appeared.

First... a very very tiny tiny lavender DOT would just appear in the room... and grow larger and larger... then I could see a being sitting in that dot as it got bigger... SWOOCH..... SWOOCH... and finially he would WALK OUT of the dot. Now that one was a REAL GUY... not the see thru.

Then, the see thru guys would just appear... where ever I am... I would be sitting with customers and they APPEAR in the room. Tell me something and leave.

At times they would NOT Talk... just sort of IMPRINT me with some information.

NEVER NEVER NEVBER ONCe... did any of them ASK to use my body as a channel. I knew they were teachers for my own evolution.

They would IMPRINT ME information and leave.

The room would be SUPER CHARGED with energy that was THICK and I could see waves of energy. It sometimes appeared they were waving up and down.

SO there you have.

My conclustions about Ramtha I do not know... but I do kinow that the BUSIESS of the MONEY CHANGERS and the DARKER SIDE of the events are not anyting I would care to be involved in.

The problem with MY STORY is, This sujbect is very SUBJECTIVE and is difficult to express in a way that anyone can understand unless they have had a similar experience.

No, I was NOT Told that they were ILLUMINATED LORDS. No, I was NOT ask to CHANNEL them.
No, I did not ever take money and do privates and give information.

It was JUST for me alone.

OK... Smile.

Dec 13, 2007 - 3:50PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
I have had similar dot things such as you have, tho not as elaborate, so I feel you. Also too, the more I "focussed", every day, as much as time allowed, the more phenominal things happened. After leaving RSE, I can still tap into these areas, but as you too said, I choose not to unless I really feel like it/or "need" to. Not becasue I have to prove to myself how great I can be. Ramtha would hammer this with a judgemental sounding voice as "mundane" living, but even in 3D I am NEVER bored, and never not in a state of wonder. I LOVE my "monkey mind", and never tire of how it goes about thinking, weather I "control" it or not.
I thought to start a thread called "We'll believe you, Ramtha, IF..."
Like, I honestly believed he had some ascended masters computer like brain/mind, that could make JZs body "Do Anything"..and what fools we are to never demand he prove how UNLIMITED he is!
Instead, we believed all his reasons and excuses, and allowed him to Push Us to be unlimited instead...feeling guilty all along when we got "afraid" of anything. I remember sitting in the dentist chair, ashamed of the fear I had being there, trying to use all the mind power I could muster to relax.
Next, look at all the "regular humans" who have bigger followings than Ramtha . Im thinking of the religious ones, but lately theres this guy Joel Olstein, or something, and some other INspirational people, not too far from preaching like Ramtha..


Dec 13, 2007 - 5:33PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Thanks Kaworu, Lavender, and seeallsides, for bringing this strong and important message back to the top again. When this knowledge came to my attention -- as warning for others -- I felt that it needed to be heard. And so, once again, it has come up to the surface again. Once a person reads the original message I posted, I'm sure it will ask one to be very careful about these so-called master teacher and their channeled personalities.

My original post should be the first thing anyone should read before they go running off to some disincarnate, claiming to know it all. Again, you never know who you are giving your power up to. Taken your power back is realizing that you have your own inner being, your own connection with universal consciouness, and master teacher or channeled whatevah can never be greater, powerful then, or better then, or know more then you can.

Keep in mind people that ascended masters don't hang around this plain, they've move far beyond and want nothing to do with humans. So that leaves only one question: just who were you listening to when you thought you were listen to an ascended master, through JZ?

People get hooked on the drug of JZ's altered personality, and any/all la-la-la spiritual concept without first really looking at the: what is it that I think I lack, that this 'other' I'm willing to give my soul and income to, can give to me?

People go into these seminars and to these channeled beliefs as broken vessals, willing to give up their life to, and in most server cases, protect the one who's doing the harm to them.

After re-reading my original post, I too had to keep reinforcing the knowledge about who and what these so-called channeled beings could really be. And I've reached the conclusion that I'll have nothing to do with anyone, claiming to be in contact with some other, from the astral realm. I've always been a skeptic about 'channeling' anyway, but went ahead and gave it a try. I'm so glad my 'monkey mind' jump around enough to tell me that the whole Scamster is a fruad.

Like church, the only thing you get out it is feeling good for just a few seconds.

The main them behind my original post is that you never know who you are giving your power up.

Go out and do enjoyable fun normal things now.

thanks for bring this post back to the surface so that when new members come on board, maybe this post will be one of the first they read, mentally preparing them for the quick and easy way out of being scammed and controled by these people claiming to be channeling 'Ascended Masters.'


Dec 13, 2007 - 6:41PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
I had never seen this post.
I was grateful for it.
Thank you.

Dec 15, 2007 - 9:45AM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Here's another chapter fron the same book on SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE VS. GOODNESS

I’d attained a good deal of spiritual knowledge from all the reading I did as a
teenager. But I was finding out that most of it was more of an impediment to my
growth than an aid. An early course by the elder monk Enoch burst the bubble of
my intellectual wisdom. Just as I was thinking to myself about how much I already
knew, and how I could really probably skip many of these courses, Enoch started
his lecture like this:
“Many people place too much importance on spiritual knowledge itself, and
don’t concentrate first on the basics of simple goodness, such as the virtues of
Unselfish Love. Knowledge is meaningless without this. Using imagination and
visualization, we can make a ‘mental illustration’ that clearly demonstrates this.
There is an ancient technique that can help you perceive, understand, and contemplate
the value and impact of a person’s character. We’ll use this technique to
compare the value of knowledge, as opposed to goodness. Here’s how it works:
Think about a person’s qualities and traits, and then imagine what the world would
be like if it were entirely populated by, and run by, billions of identical duplicates of
that one person. Keep in mind that if the entire world is populated by ‘so and so’s’
duplicates, some of them will also be in powerful political positions. There is an old
saying, ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Having power
tends to nurture the darkness within people. Even a little separateness and selfishness
is like a dormant cancer that can grow unchecked when fed by power. Some
people behave well when they’re ‘held in check’ by lack of wealth, lack of a position
of power, and constrained by society’s moral standards and laws. So when you
imagine a world full of ‘so and so’s’, you need to consider what they might become
if they were also in all the various positions of power - police, judges, head officers
of giant corporations, presidents, kings and queens? You get the idea. The overall
feeling and image you get of an imaginary world populated by any given indi -
vidual, will give you invaluable insight about them.
So for our knowledge vs. goodness contemplation, let’s think about what it
would be like in two different imaginary worlds. In this case, we don’t actually know
the people involved, but we can still use the technique to help us understand the
comparison. Let’s say the first world is entirely populated by duplicates of the one
person with the most, and greatest spiritual knowledge on Earth. Keep in mind
that this person, is still basically selfish (as most people are). Thus they may be nice
and friendly when things are ‘going their way’, and when nothing is required or
asked of them. But these ‘clones’ aren’t Unselfishly Loving, and have spent their
time and energy more on acquiring spiritual knowledge, instead of focusing on
developing, and practicing, kindness and harmlessness above all else. Thus their
world is full of people that aren’t particularly kind, are definitely not harmless,
happy, etc., and likewise, the population is definitely not self-sacrificing when
another person is in need. Yet they are all ‘egoed out’, each person thinking they
are very wise and ‘know it all’. So world #1 is still full of inequities and injustices of
all kinds, still has children starving to death needlessly, still has torture, wars, and all
the other evils, problems and destruction, that go along with a ‘look out for #1’,
‘dog-eat-dog’ world. I know those of you here don’t want to live in that world, and
many other people don’t either (yet isn’t it virtually the same as the outside world is
that we have now). So how useful is great spiritual knowledge alone?
For our second imaginary world, let’s think about what the world would be like
if it were entirely populated by duplicates of one REALLY ‘good’ person. Someone
with little knowledge, but with a ‘good heart’. Someone who is compassionate,
kind and harmless, and really cares about others. And they also have an attitude of
‘live and let live’, regardless of what others believe, think, and do (as long as they
don’t hurt someone else). That’s not too much to ask is it? Now, wouldn’t this
world be an incredibly better world than the one that people live in now? It would
obviously be a beautiful, happy place - no starvation, no hurt, no war, no economic
or physical enslavement, and no infringement on freedom.
So even in regard to the practical aspects of day to day life (and the condition
of the world in general), isn’t it obvious that the virtues of kindness and giving, are
far better (and truly ‘spiritual’) than any spiritual knowledge? And just imagine an
entire world populated by Unselfishly Loving ‘enlightened’ beings - it would be paradise,
Heaven on Earth.

Dec 15, 2007 - 7:25PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Excellent. Knowledge of Truth alone is empty if one doesn't practice it.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Ghandi-

~Om mani padme hum~Om mani padme hum~ ( I can still hear the singing in Nepal of this beautiful mantra in ref to compassion.)

So can we BE the change? We must become the compassion, the truth, the love, the nonjudgmental, etc. in order for the world to "change." Otherwise, we continue to see war - humans slaughtering/harming their fellow humans. We are capable of so much more; and that's one area I would say, imo, we ought 'let go' of attachment to the feelings. Feel the emotion, and let go of the "attachment" to the emotion after you've chewed it on it awhile. But do nothing to harm another. It IS our emotions, out of control, and need and greed for power that leads to the downfall of civilizations. When do we finally learn?

There are many points of view on this forum. Some were not at RSE for the abusive remarks and reprimands, yelling by the "red guard" and/or staff. Some here were verbally or otherwise in abusive situations at home or growing up. Some might still be working through these issues. Some might see or feel or experience a "trigger" when reading words that otherwise cause no problem for anyone else. It takes time, for some. Is it difficult to exercise understanding of these persons' situation? Are we not here to help get through the RSE aftermath?

We all have our own shoes, and unless we walk in the other's, we really can't know, but can only offer sensitivity and understanding to one another.

If people here begin to not care about these abusive issues, which can indeed by triggered by phrases of those not aware of the situations, and then see others LOL after it, then what purpose does this healing forum serve? It's abuse all over again, only, as I mentioned earlier, wearing another set of blinders-blind to that which others are groping through to become whole again. All are at different stages. I'm offering what I believe is important in helping to bring understanding. It's nothing to laugh at or poke fun at, when it can be a trigger for those still wrestling with the abuse of RSE combined with abusive language or otherwise in other areas of their lifetimes.

Imo, I believe everyone here has so much to offer in terms of experience, but yes, we do need to be sensitive to those who are desperately and courageously attempting to heal from the RSE holocaust.

Peace in the heart, peace at home, peace in the world -

Dec 16, 2007 - 3:22AM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
Hi G2G..

This was a BRILLIANT Post... you WEAVED your words well... you are so right about the personal TRIGGERS.


This POST should be one of the FIRST post people on this board read... and REMINDED of.

We all have our own issues that we are working through.

And sometimes, the ENERGY pulls the sting-lett and the emotional VOMITING begins. We have ALL been there done that.

On the Internet because we do not see the FACE or SOUND of the voice these subtle clues can be left out of our messages.. and the WORDS have a greater SELF-INVOLVED meaning.

Big Smiles.
Dec 16th, 2007 - 3:22 AM

Dec 16, 2007 - 6:59PM
Re: Ascended Masters & Channeling: A closer observation
G2G "Imo, I believe everyone here has so much to offer in terms of experience, but yes,
we do need to be sensitive to those who are desperately and courageously attempting
to heal from the RSE holocaust."

I do agree with you, and I must say that I was unaware of this when I first came on
this forum a few weeks ago. I think one of my posts realy hurted Christel and she
ended up by leaving this forum. I'm sincerely sory and if you're still reading,
Christel, please accept my apology.

Lavender "This POST should be one of the FIRST post people on this board read...
and REMINDED of."

OK, so here are some more excerpts from the same book, page 59 to 61 :

"As long as we don’t hurt each other, and we help each other when in need, who cares what
“beliefs” we have - religious, political, moral, or whatever. And I believe that’s
what’s most important, because I know that Unselfish Love is always beneficial.
That is one of my revamped beliefs, and I think it’s something we should be able to
universally agree upon. I Can. Can you? Will you? What can it hurt? Nothing.
What can it help? A great many things, like peace and kindness.

[...] what matters to me about you, is not really what you think or believe, what
religion you belong to, or if you’re an atheist, but how you conduct yourself. What
matters to me is whether or not you are a Loving, kind-acting, caring-thinking,
harmless person. Unfortunately, a person’s beliefs do greatly influence how they
think and act though.

[...] Regardless of whether or not you believe it, your beliefs control your destiny,
so they need to be closely scrutinized for what they create in your life. What
you think and believe greatly affect whether or not you are a saint, an evil monster,
and everything in between (like a somewhat kind person, or a somewhat mean person).

[...] Beliefs have a dominant and powerful effect on every aspect of our lives! People
even kill over beliefs.

...Religious beliefs are frequently based on faith, and they are most often something
we are ‘taught to believe’ early in life, by our family’s religious beliefs and reli -
gion. Other beliefs are absorbed also, from our cultures.
People don’t usually stop and think about the fact that something as seemingly
‘innocuous and insubstantial’ as our mere ‘beliefs’, really have much effect on our
lives. But they do - in fact, they not only have tremendous effects on our lives, but
they also control much of our destiny.”
“How can this be that just an idea, a belief, controls our destiny?”
“A belief itself is but an idea, it has no real substance. But we act based upon
our beliefs. The actions we take because of our beliefs, have effects. And only
the effects, the results, of those actions, are things we can see, feel, and grasp.
This is very important to realize. Because the effects of our actions, which result
from our beliefs, are precisely the things that can be used to determine the value,
good or bad, of any given belief. For instance, if you are kind to me because you
believe we are all brothers & sisters, your kind actions are something real, something
we can both know is good. Kind actions are transcendent of language, culture,
and whatever you or I may believe is spiritual truth. Likewise, if you are cruel
to me because of a belief, I will know it is a bad belief. These are obvious exam -
ples of course, and the results of many beliefs may be not so clear cut. Nevertheless,
all beliefs subsequently generate their own ‘thoughts’ and ‘actions’, good or bad.”
“So what should we believe for the greatest good for ourselves and the world?”
“Unselfishly Loving all beings [...] Caring about others, compassion, and kindness
are qualities of Unselfish Love. If these are things we can all agree are good, then
Unselfish Love can be used as a common, or Universal, measuring stick of goodness.

[...] Most people don’t even think about what they are creating as a
result of their beliefs. Do your beliefs further the manifestations of Unselfish Love,
or inhibit the manifestations of Unselfish Love? Do they breed anger, hatred, and
harm, or tranquility, love and healing? Do they make for a better life, or a worse
life? Do they make for a better world for others, or a worse world?
People have used their beliefs, and been driven by their beliefs, to hurt and
murder those with different beliefs. It can be over different beliefs about economics,
race, religion - you name it and people will kill over it. What insanity! Why?

[...] How much harm has been done in the names of God, Country, or Tribe? How much horror
and pain has been inflicted because someone has a different racial, national, tribal,
class, or religious belief? More than we can really grasp with our limited

[...] Any individual who wants to grow, attain enlightenment, or be a really good
person, must completely re-evaluate their beliefs in the light of the effects those
beliefs have, where they came from, and why.
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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