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RSE Assay June 2008

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:02 pm
by Whatchamacallit
Just starting this thread. We have a story to share relative to this.
Perhaps others do, too.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:37 am
by California Dreamin'
You mentioned you have a story to share about this event. What's your story???

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:59 am
by tree I personally heard from one "master" who had just come directly from the Assay. Initials EJ.
he said: we are to bury our food underground next to a rock so as to mark its' place because all of the trees will be
gone in the area. Also, our gov't knows about our food because they are in metal containers, hence the need to move the food.

Today, someone comes to the site to deilver a water tank.
Since this person was at the assay, they said they heard:
since infared cannot penetrate water, put your food in the floor in your UG and surround it by water.
to which I replied: well, I just heard from another source it was the UPC codes on the cans that was identifiable by the gov't. :roll:
at which point the client said : wow, I do not know what to do. I have a big rock. (omg!)

Water tank person: well, I have been talking to a number of people and Ramtha said we talk too much.
Also, we were discussing fabric to surround our septic systems in the UG, and my partner and I go back and forth,
according to whom we have encountered in the day as to who has the most "correct" information.
They added: well, they turned the microphone off at that point, and everyone was drunk off their a$$ because it was a
wine ceremony.

By this time, I was thinking, OMG, 10 Ramsters could walk upon this site and think it was a piece of crap.
so I just blithely walk away, listening to them discussing that "he is testing us" and "if timelines change..." yada yada yada.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:38 am
by Whatchamacallit

I haven't posted more because 1) I haven't been online for a while, and 2) we've been given information that we're working on validating further before posting it. Still going on.


When the Days To Come don't come, and all of us who are living Above The Ground are still enjoying the days, without doom and gloom being upon us, the Standard Response from a Ramster will certainly be that the timeline changed. That's nothing new (as we know).

Ironic about JZRamtha saying that "we talk too much" about the students. My opinion about that is, beyond the fact that s/he has been saying that for as long as I can remember, it's just a control method to induce guilt/shame in the students. JZR needs/wants to control them as much as possible, and keeping the teachings "sacred", and "not casting pearls before swine" (hahahaha) has been a long-time-used technique of him/her. Clearly, some of them fall for it, but most do not, because they have ALWAYS talked ! The "teachings" and the latest drama are all they have to talk ABOUT !

They live cloistered RSE lives and are, in my opinion, out of touch with the real world. They openly (and loudly) talk about the latest RSE drama/predictions in restaurants, libraries, grocery stores, parking lots, etc., etc. The locals talk about THEM, because they hear this stuff and shake their heads. I've seen it and I've heard it from the non-students (not to be confused with ex-or-current students).

I know I'm not saying anything you don't know....just sharing in general for the reader's.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:36 am
by ex
something i heard this week:jzr teaches PARANOID SPIRITUALISEM .all have funn.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:25 am
by Wakeup-Call
Tree, thanks for sharing the details of the latest "prophecy" from Assay.

I heard about this from friends (not current like me and not going back, but not publicly "out" as no longer fans of RSE). They were flabbergasted at how panicked and obsessed two women were about the food burying.

This current recommendation really is nonsensical, even for a true catastrophe.

Ok, let's assume all the trees are down. Forget about what would cause that, etc.

Would it not stand to reason that a lot of these trees would be all over the roads? If so, how is the gov't going to get to rural properties to search for and confiscate food?

Would not a lot of these trees be all over the property? So now people are in their UGs and have to go out and find the rocks marking their food which are probably covered by the downed trees. And their tools to remove the trees are buried, too.

Wow - excellent, thought out plan.

Next... The government has all of Tacoma and Seattle survivors to feed. It does not make any sense in terms of efficiency to haul ass out to Yelm/Rainier and break down the doors to UGs to find enough food to feed a few thousand people for a month. Let's think back to our childhood days of trick-or-treating. We went door to door in the SUBURBS not the boonies so we could make the biggest haul in the evening. C'mon - they're going to raid the large communities first and find the stashes of the people who cleaned out Costco and Safeway.

So really, let's think about this rationally as JZR always asked us to do... One of JZR's favorite tales is this one, remember? It's September and the streams are full of fish, apples are falling on the ground, blackberries are all over the place, the harvest is coming in on the above ground gardens...but the best plan the government has is to break down the hatches of the UGs. Yes, that's so logical.

Ok, let's assume that IS the government's plan. Raid Yelm for food. Ok. JZR has often said that the government listens in on all the teachings at the Ranch. So now the gov't has the new instructions. Get the food out of the UG. Put it in the ground. Mark it with rocks. Does the gov't not have expert trackers? We're not exactly getting a lot of rain right now out here. So the holes and the tracks to them will be fairly easy for a tracker to find come September. Easier yet - look by the streams and ponds on the property.

Meanwhile, Greg Simmons sends out an urgent email this week still advising people to buy gold, buy silver, buy euros. What the heck are people going to do with gold and silver when there are downed trees everywhere, their property is crawling with military people searching for their food. Try to go pay their taxes????? C'mon......

This latest exercise truly takes the cake. Is that really the best they could do to come up with a new twist on an old tune? At some point - like now - it becomes so ludicrous that people will hear the wake-up call.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:41 pm
by Whatchamacallit
WC says, "This latest exercise truly takes the cake. Is that really the best they could do to come up with a new twist on an old tune? At some point - like now - it becomes so ludicrous that people will hear the wake-up call."

One can hope. But, as was pointed out by another poster previously, for those die-hards that have been in the school for a long time, one might wonder if there is ever going to be a breaking point for them, when they will realize it's all nonsensical, and leave. Time will tell.

Someone said to me recently, that with the rush to buy gold, what value will it have if the world is in the dire straights as predicted ? Not much. That, too, only retains the value that is assigned to it. If people are starving, they can't eat their gold.

So much of this is all about perspective. Is the cup half full or empty ? RSE promotes FEAR. They also deny doing it. There is so much good in this world, and so many new inventions, etc., etc., especially in science. People are "going green", so to speak, and have alternate forms of energy. I could elaborate but I also don't have time are getting in the car, and hubby is waiting for me.