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Using Real Science to Support Junk Prophecy

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:53 pm
by Wakeup-Call
One thing I found through RSE was exposure to science written for the layperson.

In hindsight, I can see how that was used at RSE to paint a false assurance that this wasn't a cult and to imply that Ramtha was taking a scientific topic to the next level.

Since Ramtha has had such a piss-poor prophecy track record, it's interesting to watch Steve Klein, via his email newsletter, RSE via their newsletter, and Danielle Graham through SuperConsciousness Magazine all try to make current events match up with Ramtha prophecy. It goes something like this...

News item - blah blah double-blind scientific study blah blah shows that stem cells blah blah do something specific blah blah in a specific animal under specific conditions
RSE monkey #1 - quotes study and exclaims "Hey, Ramtha said 'Stem Cell' in May-2002!!!! See?? See?? And you stupid villager, doubting your teacher and reading EMF."
RSE monkey #2 aka Mitja - In an amazing synchronicity, I have a brand new MLM product, never before seen in Yelm, that enhances your stem cells. Call ASAP, get in at the top of my organization and attain your fabulous wealth.

News item - blah blah double-blind scientific study blah blah shows that red wine blah blah does something specific blah blah in a specific animal under specific conditions
RSE monkey #1 - quotes study and exclaims "Hey, Ramtha said 'Red Wine' in Jul-1997!!!! See?? See?? Dumb little villager, doubting your teacher and reading EMF."
RSE monkey #2 - Due to an astounding synchronicity, I have a brand new MLM product, never before seen in Yelm, that gives you all the benefits of red wine without the calories. Call ASAP, get in at the top of my organization and attain your fabulous wealth.

News item - blah blah double-blind scientific study blah blah shows that cell phones blah blah do something specific blah blah in a specific animal under specific conditions
RSE monkey #1 - quotes study and exclaims "Hey, Ramtha said 'Cell Phone' in Jan-2001!!!! See?? See?? Poor little villager, doubting your teacher and reading EMF. How do you think you are ever going to survive the changes, much less ascend with the rest of us comrades?"
RSE monkey #2 - Incredibly, I have a brand new MLM product, never before seen in Yelm. It's technology from 500 years in the future that protects you from cell phone radiation. Call ASAP, get in at the top of my organization and attain your fabulous wealth.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:34 am
by Kaworu
Too funny! I also recognized the pattern in those newsletters that new publications are used to desperately support Ramtha's "credibility". For example this newsletter ... nline.html deals with the rejuvenation ability of cells.

It shows you a Ramtha quote from 1998 that says "I want you to know that every cell in your body was created to live forever. The body has the ability to rejuvenate itself to its youngest, most flowering aspect and is able to hold the boundaries of that constitution into infinity." directly followed by "Ten years later . . . New Scientific Breakthroughs: Antiaging Cells" to give the impression as if this was not known before 1998. But the funny thing is that this was known much earlier as with everything in her newsletters. Every biology textbook says that the cell is potientally immortal. And authors like Dr. Michael Fossel wrote books about the coherences of rejuvination prior to 1998.

A clear case of JZ memorizing findings and representing them insincere under the Ramtha disguise to attract people.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:40 am
by Kaworu
And it even got the MLM product! For only $34.95 each :lol:

"James Flick, Ramtha and JZ?s beloved Blue Body and longtime student of RSE, has developed an extraordinary supplement drawing on his learning of the antiaging effects of resveratrol from Ramtha throughout the years. Check his new Web site here."

I can only imagine how current students are persuaded to open up a business for this stuff "as promoted by Ramtha" just like they did with Twinkies. The fountain of youth changes every now and then. :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:39 am
by Wakeup-Call
Exactly! They make it sound like Ramtha's mention of a topic years ago was brand new, completely unheard of. This plays on the ignorance of people who don't really know how to do their own research.

On the James Flick Resveratrol... oh no you did-nt!! omg. Yes, right, I'm sure HE developed it. More like he got some $$ off his man/woman and bought someone else's invention. Also very classy how they hid the advertisement on the secondary page, didn't post it right on the main newsletter.

For anyone reading this interested in Resveratrol, here is a product where they bothered to conduct a scientific test on it with humans. They didn't just post random links to articles about the goodness of resveratrol.
And as always, make up your own mind about whether this is something that would enhance your health.

I'm still stunned about the blatant snake oil hawking... well, one can only hope that greed will carry JZ and her minions to new heights of manipulation such that people grab back hold of their brains and allow themselves to be appalled enough to grab back hold of their pocket books.