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Look into my eyes

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:10 pm
by Another Dimension60
"All you ever wanted to know about the maestro of mind control. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around my eyes but into my eyes... "
the above quote is from the Derren Brown website -- Haven't some posters here said that Ramtha told people to "look into my eyes"??!!! Has JZ been learning new tricks from Derren?

Re: Look into my eyes

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:48 pm
by ordinarymind
Another Dimension60 wrote:"All you ever wanted to know about the maestro of mind control. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around my eyes but into my eyes... "
the above quote is from the Derren Brown website -- Haven't some posters here said that Ramtha told people to "look into my eyes"??!!! Has JZ been learning new tricks from Derren?
Yeah, I was there when he/she said it and have seen posters in student?s houses with ?the eyes?. For me, that was one of the red flags and I was so surprised to see the picture of jz?s eyes appearing on the walls of my friends? houses ?one of my friends, who is still current, has the photo on his wall and I must admit I almost throw up now when I see it ?.he is a totally reasonable, kind and loving man and it saddens me so much that he is still ?in the school? ?spends all his money and energy preparing for the damn days to come that are here ?.sees the economic collapse and escalating terrorism as fulfillment of r?s prophesies . ..and keeps on stocking up stuff. One student I know even purchased a caselot of good scotch and cases of cigarettes as barter for the days to come ?because r said to ?I just don?t get how totally reasonable, loving people can?t see through this all ?well, what am I saying, I was totally blinded myself until last winter ?but I never did buy the ?eye poster? . ..something inside me just wouldn?t let me go that far ?thank god.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:50 pm
by Whatchamacallit

not only did jzRambles say to just look into his/her eyes, but if you needed physical HEALING, to JUST focus on his/her eyes and in "his" name, you would be healed. further, there isn't a single condition that cannot be healed through focus. is it any wonder that students refuse allopathic/naturopathic medical care ?

i just have to ask the question; what about all of the students who did just that and they are DEAD now ? was ramtha too busy in another universe to fulfill his promise to every person in the audience ?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:31 am
by Wakeup-Call
Yep, I had the photo of Ram with the "magic instructions" - and then the posters by Laura that were all touched up but supposedly "high frequency" energy. When the photo of the eyes came out, Ramtha said that looking into his eyes was an essential part of our training. More like and essential part of our mind-control!

Gosh, I just shake my head at myself now. I grew up Roman Catholic...and funny at how similar RSE is in its rituals. I had blue stars up over the doorways the same way my Mom used to have the crucifix. And here Ramtha always watching you just like God.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:46 pm
by tree
And here Ramtha always watching you just like God.
God, isn't this the truth?

I myself, did not fall for all the fairies, triads, in my house, etc

But I did have a glossy 8 by 10 of the eyes in my living room (eeh gads. What was I thinking??)

I looked back on some Christmas pictures we took from years past and sure enough, there
are the eyes, and enough to make me vomit!

I recall thinking one time that "whoa, this is sorta like having an alter".
and to think I used to call those who had "alters" set up "sheep". :oops:

wow. I fell right into it.

oh btw, that glossy really smells when you burn it :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:04 pm
by Whatchamacallit
Photo Confessions

I had an 8 x 10 of the Dude on my nightstand. I would focus as I fell asleep and again as I woke up. (jerk)

I had a 5x7 downstairs in the living room. Remember that I don't live in that area and I rarely talked about where I went to or why, with people in my life. If they came over and noticed the photo and asked, "Who is that?" I just said it was my spiritual teacher, that's all. A signal for them to NOT pursue the questioning. (whew)

I had the photos in gorgeous frames with faux diamonds all around it. Nuttin' but the best for Ramtha. (idiot)

I STILL have the 8 x 10. I don't even know where it is. I turned it face down after swearing at it, before I left RSE cuz I knew it was over. I was going through the motions of mentally/emotionally leaving before I physically left.

The 5x7 was sent to the local DUMP station. (smile)

It was diarrhea.

Moderators have moved this thread...

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:44 am
by EMFWebmaster
Yeah Those Photoshoped Eyes
topic and posts moved to....

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