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Colloidal silver..does it work?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:29 pm
by David McCarthy
I have been prescribed a course of antibiotics by my doctor to combat a long term and painful sinus infection,.
Doing some online research on alternative medicines I came across Colloidal Silver as a remedy.
I am very skeptical....So it looks like the antibiotics is "reluctantly" the way to go

Colloidal silver..does it work?
your opinion, experiences and advice.....
will be much appreciated.

So far it seems that at best it is ineffectual, or at worst, a scam.


Colloidal Silver--Safe or Scam? ... r_scam.htm

Colloidal silver - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:33 am
by Marie
Hi David,

I know nothing about the colloidol silver remedy, but do know that in regard to sinus infections, antibiotics do work!

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:53 am
by ex
there is a cream which helps by all kind of skinnproblems even after the failure of antibiotics and cortisons. have no expirience with inner infections and how to aply there however its in water available.colds i normaly drive out with vit c.

Colloidal Silver

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:28 pm
by Robair
Hello David

I did the C.S but did not work on me at all,it might work on small infection but not on Polyps,on the thing that help me before all the surgerys was the nose irrigation,I think you did try it,I was doing it 3 time a day,the stuff I sent you work on inflamation (swelling) it take about a week to start to work but it is manely to help the reacurance of Polyps.
I went to the Mayo Clinic in San Diego was there 3 days doing all king of test but no cure,I will admit that surgery is not the perfect cure but so far for me it has been the way to go, has you know had 3 of them the last 5 years,the last one with the new Tech seam to have been the best so far less pain an differnt result.
C.S can be bought at a health food store or you can make your own,I did try the two,drinking it an spraying it No Result.
My Sinus was Cronic not sure if you are that advance but the way you have been talking it look like it I am no Doctor Now.
Even after all the surgerys I still have Headache but not as bad, not as long, an not as often.
do you use Ice on them? that help me also.
Conclusion for me an after lot of reseach, try an errors,even did accuponture for months, Surgery have been my way out,surgery do not cure sinus but do relive the pain and with me let me bread very good I did lose 50% of smell an 100% when I have an infection,Yes I still do have them about twice a year they last 3 to 4 weeks has I do not take antibiotic for them any more.
Prior to my surgery and after all had fail to help, for 2 years I did 14 corses of Antibiotic, from 10 days corses to one month
I think I am loaded for the rest of my life.
I know what you are going true it is not Fun at all,and wish I had better news but with serious Sinus Problems I did not find anything that did the trick Surgery still the best as far as I am concern.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:50 pm
by lurker
There is some good evidence of CS being effective. But it needs to be properly made and stored--kept out of light in particular. Some bandages are now used in medical facilities impregnated with silver to combat or prevent infections. There is even some marketing of clothing with silver in the fabric to prevent body odor.
I've had several friends with nasal polyps. CS would not help with that. In some people at least, nasal polyps are triggered by aspirin based compounds. CS might help with the infections the polyps lead to. Using it both orally and as nasal spray or drops.
Here's a link to an article on silver's antimicrobial use and one from the silver institute
Silver nitrate used as eye drops for newborns seems still to be a common practice to prevent chlamydia or gonorheal infections being passed from mother to infant through the eyes.
Silver can be toxic as just about anything in excess can be. And also useful.

Hello again

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:00 am
by Robair
One more thing about infection,for any kind of antibiotic to work they need a good flow of blood,and that might be one of the problem,Sinus have very little blood flowing true them making it very difficult for any kind of medecin to work including antibiotic.
when Polyps have taking over I am not sure if anything can help,the maine reason for surgery IS to remove Polyps.
after that infection can be treated,but I have discover that they do there time an go away, a good working emune system does help a hole lot also ,an C.S. can help with that.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:09 am
by sara
Hi David

A close friend of mine got over a kidney infection that had got pretty bad, without antibiotics, using colloidal silver and also having kinesiology (a new kind, not the original AK) every few hours from her partner. So I don't know how much the colloidal silver would have helped without the kinesiology; however, she and her partner were both very experienced kinesiologists and didn't attempt to treat the kidney infection without the support of the colloidal silver. Anecdotal - but both are very grounded and to be trusted, I think.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:48 am
by Whatchamacallit

Here's a website for Colloidal Silver that you might find of interest.

I have a machine to make my own. I don't sell it; it's for personal use (don't want to risk giving the wrong impression here) . The particles need to be a certain size to work, and not to cause problems with agyria (your skin will turn blue).

Anyway, I used it for a particular condition after an infection was confirmed, and it worked.

If you want to use it, I would say that misting it inside, would be more beneficial and a direct line to the source of where you need it, rather than ingesting it by mouth.

It's not going to stop polyps, though. That's another topic.

The antibiotics can serve a purpose in knocking out a chronic infection, so you can then work to get a grip on the situation, too.

Decisions. GOOD LUCK.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:28 am
by David McCarthy
Marie, ex, Oldone, lurker, sara_1968, and Whatchamacallit,
I must say you have all added to my understanding of the healing properties of Colloidal Silver..
Thank you. :)

I started my Antibiotic course on Sunday.
500MG Amoxicillin, x 3 a day for twenty days.
I will be sure to eat plenty of pro-biotic foods during this time.
Last Friday my sinus pain became so bad, I had to go to the hospital, St Peters in Olympia.
They did a CAT scan, and thank goodness, it showed nothing more serious than a chronic sinus infection.
Apparently, A sinus infection can take up residence for years, in my case it has been over thirty years?!
I suspect my sinuses were damage from my years working as a cabinet making without adequate ventilation
from wood dust and toxic petroleum varnishes.
Those violent hangovers I always suffered preceding an RSE wine ceremony, I backed off from drinking wine..
This may have saved me from becoming an RSE alcoholic?!

A big Thank You? to the staff at St Peters Hospital.
I passed on several EMF cards..


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:05 am
by journeythroughramthaland
Hey David,

Just wanted to pass this on. I get irritated sinuses from time to time from the dust etc. My mom suggested one time I try warm salty water applied with a nose dropper. It certainly eased the pressure for me. Good luck!!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:23 am
by David McCarthy
My mom suggested one time I try warm salty water applied with a nose dropper. It certainly eased the pressure for me. Good luck!!
Thanks JTR,

I have what is called a "neti pot", it looks like a mini tea pot. Its made for flushing the sinuses.
I sometimes mix a little sea salt with warm water with a dash of bicarbonate of soda.
It does sooth the pain at times, I am very careful to wear a dust mask these days, but even a little traffic pollution
can set off a raging sinus attack.
I once tried some "grapeseed extract" drops...directly into my sinuses..
"Big Mistake". I ended up running round the garden shouting expletives :twisted:


I hope your carpentry work has picked up for you.


Grape seed extract - Wikipedia,

Neti Pot

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:38 am
by Robair
Hello David
The Neto pot work ok,but Gossman make a special machine for Sinus,if you google Sinus irrigation you should see some of them it look like a Water Pick has a tank with different setting.
I use Distiled Water an sea salt only,an also I will put 3 to 5 drop of Hidrogene Peroxide in the distiled water by it self.
Sea salt I would do it 3 time a day Monring, Noon, and before Bed, H.P no that often maybe 3 time a Week.
One of the specialist that I saw at the Mayo Clinic told me that one of the best thing for Sinus is sea salt air and sugested that I move to a town by the sea. There You Go, I am Sure New Zeland would do just fine also :lol: :lol:
The 30 days corse of antibiotic 3 time a day should help.

Did they mention that you have Polyps you can see them well on a Cat scan, my doctor always make me do a M.I R. most of the time
Any way hope the Antibiotic help for a long period.
My Tow Cent

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:55 am
by David McCarthy
Gossman make a special machine for Sinus
I will check it out, Thank you Oldone.
I was surprised to learn that a sinus infection may go on indefinitely if not treated.
That the cause could be either, a virus, or bacteria.
The antibiotics will have no effect on a virus.
time will tell if the antibiotics will work.
There is a ?natural? product called ?Sinuvil?, that looks very promising,
If the antibiotics don?t work, I may give it a try.

As for the ?metaphysics of a Sinus Infection...!
Its...?An Irritation to someone, usually someone close to you?.
Not buying into that one?.

