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A harmless channel

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:25 am
by Lost in Space
Was looking through the many possible links for channelers on YouTube - but, there are so many, most of them appear to be jokes - a transvestite "channeling" Carol Channing, - or, what I will simply call - entrhalling, trance inducing channelers. I have a theory that, whether or not the phenomenon of channeling is real, imaginary, or a put up job, some channels are more wholesome than others.
I found one that seems completely harmless, because, it's almost anonymous, there is no way you have to pay, or join anything, and even if you wanted to "follow" this person, you would probably not find them, and the message is positive, and oversteps no boundaries that I can discern. Only problem is, the canned metalic voice. However, I think it is safe for most people to listen to this: