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RSE needs your money to build outdoor shower

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:00 pm
by Caterpillar
JZK is selling one-hour session with Ramtha again so that she can build a new outdoor shower facility in Yelm. I thought RSE was already wealthy from proceeds from other auctions, sales from Quantum Caf? and fees from students attending the events. JZ is also selling the music in the background. What an opportunist!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:50 pm
by Kensho
Shame on you RSE.

This is just another example of a corporation promoting the sale of their product under the cloak of benevolence.

The Golden Arch Corporation does the same thing when they claim to donate a percentage of each meal sold to construction of hospice houses. Presumably these facilities are for the families and children who get McCancer from eating what they sell.

How about putting some resources into coming up with a way to wash away the ________________ (use your imagination) of what you promote from the minds of those you pollute? IMO that would be worth more to everyone than building a facility to wash away the sweat of those who are dedicated to your enslavement.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:16 am
by ex
there is no money left after events? ramthas manifestationskills seem so poor as his mastery in predictions. maby he cant do better as begging the way through life after enlighten other peoples pockets. or dident the students focus enough?

JZ - The Money Hungry Psychopath

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:27 am
by Caterpillar
JZ?s behavior seems typical of a ?money hungry psychopath?. A student?s journey in Ramtha?s School of Enlightenment equals ?enlightening? the pockets to JZK. There is NO real enlightenment in RSE. It is the great deception and illusion. One only has to observe the actions of JZ or her fictional character, Ramtha to know that. It does not require psychic skills.

When the student leaves RSE is the moment the student is truly enlightened but only after contributing $$$ to JZ?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:48 pm
by Sad Grandfather
When I first wake, in the morning, and my mind is clear, I sometimes have relevations. This morning I realized that indeed we can change OUR reality. At the same time, we can change how we perceive actual reality. When we were adolescents we all (well most) went through a period of thinking, "I am so dull, uninteresting, ugly, _________, whatever, that no one will ever love me. "Knowing" this to be true, we were shy with others, avoided social contact, and pretty soon we had created a miserable reality for ourselves. Now we had not changed our appearance, nor the way we were seen by a stranger, but we did change our perception of reality and, for us, we had changed OUR reality. Now most people grow out of this and learn that we are perceived by the image we project. We realize that set-backs are challenges to be overcome and not failure. We learn that, if we have confidence in our abilities, our potential is limitless. If we are sitting on the wet ground, we are cold and miserable, and are told we are only that way because we perceive we are, and to get a grip and perceive differently, we can go back to our same wet cold spot, put the discomforts to the back of our mind, look at the beautiful scenery, the blue sky, the wonders of nature and think wonderful thoughts, we can see reality totally differently. The ground is still wet, we are still cold, but our perspective has changed.

BUT, if you are brought to realize these things by a hustler, such as Judy, she can then play on your newfound "wisdom" and carry it from reality into fantasy. Since her original teachings were such a revelation, no doubt what she then tells you, speaking as an ancient warrior who has acquired all the wisdom of the centuries, is also true. You realize that by changing your perception of reality, and to a degree, your personal reality, it follows that, as you become more "enlightened", you will be able to change ACTUAL reality. Indeed, if you believe strongly enough, you can leave your body and travel all over the universe. You can become young and beautiful, manifest great wealth, and make the world over into exactly what you want it to be!

You have now traversed the boundaries of reality and entered the world of fantasy, but as long as you can hold onto this fantasy, for you it is reality. To others you are delusional, but to you, it is REAL! Unfortunately, ACTUAL reality has not changed, and most will have to come to face it, when it rudely intrudes into their fantasy world. Either you get sick and all your mental healing is doing no good, or the money is gone and you cannot seem to manifest more wealth, no matter how hard you try.

Some people live out their lives in this fantasy world and it is determined by the world that they are insane. Others are dragged, many reluctantly back into the world of ACTUAL reality.

I have "perceived" this from my own experiences with life. I have not experienced the actual transition from reality to fantasy and back to reality. Perhaps some who have can add to what I have written, or perhaps just tell me I have no cle?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:46 pm
by Kensho
Sad Grandfather,

For someone who has not been through RSE your perception is absolutely clear.

How wonderfully expressed!

QUOTE: "BUT, if you are brought to realize these things by a hustler, such as Judy, she can then play on your new found "wisdom" and carry it from reality into fantasy. Since her original teachings were such a revelation, no doubt what she then tells you, speaking as an ancient warrior who has acquired all the wisdom of the centuries, is also true."

The tactic of pointing out truths and then sliding in something that one wants another to adopt as a truth is defined as "leading" in NLP terms. IMO it, as well as other methods of thought and mind manipulation are intentionally used at RSE.

My prayers to your loved ones, whom I believe through reading your posts, may still be living the fantasy. When they come out of it, it is absolutely terrific you can embrace them with the understanding that you have expressed here.
You are right on in your perceptions.

Much love, unbound

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:11 pm
by Sad Grandfather
Thanks for the insight. I started researching RSE, after my daughter got involved over a year ago. She moved to Yelm in October taking the kids. My granddaughter had enough and came home Christmas. My grandson, who became a "believer", came home for a visit and stayed for a couple of months. Then my daughter came home for a "visit", with one of her fellow ramsters, and convinced my son-in-law that "to keep the family together" they should all move out there. He sold his business and is now unemployed. Though he got a good price for his business, I suspect the money will be gone within 4-5 years.

As I mentioned, I have been researching Judy's cult, and probably know 10 times what my daughter knows about it. The problem is that she "knows" what Judy wants her to know.

I am 75 years old, and not in great health, but am highly motivated to live long enough to see them out of there. Hope I can make it! I decided a while back to stop being anonymous on the board.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:46 pm
by ex
The problem is that she "knows" what Judy wants her to know.
[quote] that insight is absolutly right. [/quote]

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:22 am
by voidgate
I have never seen such an obnoxious corporation anywhere else. Of course the profits roll in. They are all over Knight's house and I have been told there is a lot of cash in her basement for uses unknown. I heard there were BARRELS of cash in her basement.

When theft is blatantly in public view Knight obviously knows she gets away with it. Crying poor and asking the public for help is what she excels at. Someone who does that sort of thing must be a pathological liar.