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by Ockham
Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:32 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: 40 earthquakes off Oregon coast within 24 hours
Replies: 0
Views: 2152

40 earthquakes off Oregon coast within 24 hours

CNN reports December 8, 2021 that 40 earthquakes ranging between magnitudes 3.8 and 5.0 occurred within 24 hours along a fault zone in the Pacific Ocean off the US coast of Oregon. According to the report, the current swarm of earthquakes does not necessarily signal trouble ahead for the Caucasia fa...
by Ockham
Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:35 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Torrential rains blanket Yelm area
Replies: 0
Views: 1773

Torrential rains blanket Yelm area

Judy Knight’s characterization of, “Ramtha,” likes to say, “I am the wind.” Uncle Ramtha seems to have gone a little overboard with the wind thing of late. While much of the western United States languishes under parching drought, northwest Washington state has been slammed with two so—called atmosp...
by Ockham
Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:57 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Joseph Mercola Banned from YouTube
Replies: 2
Views: 2570

Re: Joseph Mercola Banned from YouTube

Thank you for the correction. There appears to be no association of Mercola with Knight’s Blu Room.
by Ockham
Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:00 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Joseph Mercola Banned from YouTube
Replies: 2
Views: 2570

Joseph Mercola Banned from YouTube

According to Reuters, Joe Mercola was one of a handful of high profile purveyors of alleged misinformation banned from YouTube with respect to YouTube’s policy (for better or worse; not taking sides here) on vaccinations. Mercola is probably a name familiar to RSE participants though his years of pe...
by Ockham
Sat May 22, 2021 8:23 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Deadly energy water
Replies: 0
Views: 2604

Deadly energy water

The Guardian reports a US company in the state of Nevada has been enjoined from selling an alkaline energy water product containing potassium hydroxide (commonly known as lye). Authorities allege the product has caused liver disease or even death of people who consumed the product. People who attend...
by Ockham
Sun May 24, 2020 6:25 pm
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: Covid-19 - What in the world is actually going on Document reveals plans step by step - YouTube
Replies: 3
Views: 3570

Re: Covid-19 - What in the world is actually going on Document reveals plans step by step - YouTube

There are a couple of interesting questions here. The first is the intersection of personal freedoms with looking out for the safety of one’s neighbors. It is risky to draw too much of an analogy, however,... the Coronavirus pandemic situation is a little like public cigarette smoking restrictions. ...
by Ockham
Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:18 am
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: Breaking news: Ramtha students immune to coronavirus and will not contract COVID-19
Replies: 3
Views: 4107

Re: Breaking news: Ramtha students immune to coronavirus and will not contract COVID-19

I am not so sure I agree with Judy Knight’s assessment of Donald Trump’s wonderfulness. I live in a US state with a Republican governor who bucked Trump and ordered shuttering of restaurants, bars, non essential business and even barber shops weeks before while Donald Trump was still publicly statin...
by Ockham
Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:17 am
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: Breaking news: Ramtha students immune to coronavirus and will not contract COVID-19
Replies: 3
Views: 4107

Re: Breaking news: Ramtha students immune to coronavirus and will not contract COVID-19

I must be out of the loop, which frankly is a good thing, because I didn’t know who Bruce Lipton was until I did an Internet search. Bruce’s advice about surrounding yourself with loving people if you have a compromised immune system doesn’t exactly seem like sound advice given the etiology of COVID...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:54 pm
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: RSE allegedly cancelling classes: COVID19 concerns
Replies: 4
Views: 4777

RSE allegedly cancelling classes: COVID19 concerns

Several people I know who attend RSE events in Yelm, Washington told me that RSE has apparently cancelled at least some events out of concerns of spread of the Novel Corona Virus, the agent that causes COVID19. I am reporting this second-hand because I decline to personally patronize Ms. Knight’s we...
by Ockham
Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:12 am
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Ramtha invented a new bible verse!
Replies: 2
Views: 3861

Re: Ramtha invented a new bible verse!

Judy Knight has apparently had a problem with dyslexia since the 1990s. “Labyrnith” for labyrinth is pretty common for her. It is curious that both Judy Knight and Ramtha mispronounce the same words. I believe there are a bunch of other botched words and phrases common to Judy Knight and Ramtha, but...
by Ockham
Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:20 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: America Doesn't Exist. No, really - Ramtha says it's illusion
Replies: 5
Views: 5360

Re: America Doesn't Exist. No, really - Ramtha says it's illusion

Thank you, thank you! Great remarks both Xylofone and journeythoughrsmthaland. Judy Knight sure did cosy up to the Donald Trump cult at lightning speed, didn’t she? I believe she saw a marketing opportunity to Trump’s supporters. The conditions of participation are ludicrous, RSE claiming Judy Knigh...
by Ockham
Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:08 am
Forum: Children in RSE
Topic: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!
Replies: 5
Views: 7733

Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola in Spain in the late 1500s. Some of Ignatius’ philosophy of spirituality does sound a bit like Judy Kight / Steven Wright’s Ramtha origin story: Ignatius the wounded warrior who hung up his sword (literally) to pursue a devotion to holy spirit and educa...
by Ockham
Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:40 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: America Doesn't Exist. No, really - Ramtha says it's illusion
Replies: 5
Views: 5360

Re: America Doesn't Exist. No, really - Ramtha says it's illusion

That’s a nice RSE inspired word salad. Addressing point 4: bartering is recognized in the US, even by the federal government. There’s a line on the 1040 tax form for reporting barter income - not sure how one pays it, as Uncle Sam wants to be paid in Dollars, not promissory notes for chicken eggs fr...
by Ockham
Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:08 am
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!
Replies: 14
Views: 10728

Re: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!

Hi Xylofone, sorry to hear you had disappointing results with the Blu Room. It is good to hear that you seem subsequently to have found better medical care for your needs. Most of what I’ve read seems to indicate that any significant exposure to any ultraviolet light, both UV-A and UV-B, poses poten...
by Ockham
Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:20 am
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!
Replies: 14
Views: 10728

Re: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!

I remember my friends were pretty upset about Robert Jones demise in 2010. I got the impression that Robert may have been given advice to disregard science based medicine and then then pursue other means of dealing with his apparent heart problems. At the time, RSE or someone close to RSE apparently...
by Ockham
Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:55 am
Forum: Covid 19 Pandemic - mRNA Vaccine Safety - Lockdowns
Topic: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!
Replies: 14
Views: 10728

Re: The Blu Room is under scrutiny in Canada!

It is heartening to see Canadians express constructive skepticism of seemingly extraordinary claims made for the curative capability of spending time in a Blu Room. In the United States the prevailing attitude seems to be that because science based medical treatment is not always 100% successful the...
by Ockham
Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:01 am
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Remote Viewing items carefully selected to manipulate favorable odds
Replies: 2
Views: 3615

Re: Remote Viewing items carefully selected to manipulate favorable odds

So much for objectivity in journalism in that article. The reporter seemed rather predisposed to writing a favorable piece about RSE. I believe we know where the bread is buttered with RSE advertising Dollars. It is rather telling that the open house was run by Wright and the best they could do was ...
by Ockham
Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:45 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Replies: 3
Views: 14933


I believe RSE was holding a major 4 or 5 day class at about the time of the web site traffic increase. Perhaps some of the people taking the class had the presence of mind to do some fact checking on the material being presented; hope so!
by Ockham
Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:09 am
Forum: LEGAL ISSUES - RSE Litigation Machine - NDAs - COPs - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Glen Morgans EMF letter - JZ Knight vs Glen Morgan - NXIVM - RSE Litigation Machine
Replies: 4
Views: 10735

Re: JZ Knight vs Glen Morgan - RSE - NXIVM - Litigation Machines - Glen Morgans EMF letter

That’s an interesting twist. Judy Knight’s usual tactic of choice is the SLAPP - strategic law suit against public participation. RSE is pretty much a text book example of using SLAPPs to silence whistle blowers via claims of intellectual property infr...
by Ockham
Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:02 pm
Forum: The so called Scientific Study on JZ Knight-Ramtha
Topic: Dr. Basil Hiley about his attendance 1997 conference at RSE - Took no part in any tests, scientific or other
Replies: 9
Views: 14517

Re: Dr. Basil Hiley about his attendance 1997 conference at RSE

The table of Judy Knight’s alleged genetic markers is fairly useless without context. I agree that having male haplogroup markers makes no sense as presumably Judy Knight is female and should lack a Y chromosome. There is a condition called CAIS (complete androgen insensitivity syndrome) that result...
by Ockham
Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:41 pm
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: EMF is closing its doors
Replies: 10
Views: 11442

Re: EMF is closing its doors

I would like to offer great thanks to David and Robair for making EMF possible and to all the participants who shared their personal experience and insight into the substance and nature of Judy Knight, the Ramtha's School of Enlightenment corporation and the associated cast of shifty characters and ...
by Ockham
Wed May 27, 2015 5:56 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Replies: 5
Views: 9619


Let's bump this topic so that persons considering attending Ramtha's School of Enlightenment are likely to get a chance to see what they are agreeing to when they sign the form. By signing the form, you agree not to claim that Ramtha said anything to you that is not part of that record, for example,...
by Ockham
Sat May 23, 2015 12:18 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed
Replies: 34
Views: 33384

Re: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed

No, I don't know for a fact there is a gag order. I am basing that opinion on what David wrote and jzk Inc. / Ms. Knight's prior behavior. I expect that jzk would be cackling pridefully evefywhere possible that jzk won (their presumed opinion) the battle against the evil (their presumed opinion) EFF...
by Ockham
Fri May 22, 2015 12:03 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed
Replies: 34
Views: 33384

Re: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed

There is something about the case in the May 8, 2015 edition of Nisqually Valley News. Unfortunately, payment is required to view the article, and I am not inclined to pay for what I suspect may not be terribly substantive information. Otherwise, it seems nobody has had anything at all to say regard...
by Ockham
Thu May 21, 2015 1:39 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed
Replies: 34
Views: 33384

Re: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed

Well, there are a few bright patches inside the gray cloud. Apparently, Knight and RSE have been gagged in the settlement too; it must really kill them to have to keep their yaps shut when they would normally be touting the stalemate on PR Newswire as if it were a major win by Ramtha and friends. Se...
by Ockham
Mon May 18, 2015 8:47 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed
Replies: 34
Views: 33384

Re: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed

I believe the Foundation simply doesn't care about Knight and RSE when they are not on the Foundation'a political RADAR screen. I feel Glen Morgan was thrown under the bus to cut costs and to save a little time. I had the displeasure of seeing Judy Knight speak in the now banned videos. It had been ...
by Ockham
Sun May 17, 2015 9:17 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed
Replies: 34
Views: 33384

Re: Lawsuit between the Freedom Foundation and JZK, Inc. has been dismissed

Hi David, It sounds like between what you and Glen said, that you pretty much nailed it. I don't think locking horns with Knight or JZK Inc. would have helped the Foundation much in the over-all advancement of its libertarian political agenda. I think all the parties involved know that the Founation...
by Ockham
Thu May 14, 2015 3:52 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Apparent reason for the 2007 COP modification
Replies: 0
Views: 7071

Apparent reason for the 2007 COP modification

The 2007 COP states that even stuff you think you heard from Ramtha, even in a dream, belongs to JZK. JZK lost a case to former ramster Joseph Glandon in 2005 on the basis that Glandon claimed the information he was writing about came directly to him from Ramtha in a dream. Quote below is from an ol...
by Ockham
Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:10 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm
Replies: 6
Views: 8805

Re: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm

This idea of group intention is somehow better than just wishing for stuff alone by yourself is not new to RSE and friends. As usual there was a guy on AM Coast to Coast who claimed he had magic software that was somehow smarter than Google and he surfed the web, presumably mostly b'logs taking the ...
by Ockham
Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:46 pm
Forum: RSE a Doomsday Cult
Topic: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high
Replies: 7
Views: 13335

Re: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high

So, suppose you followed Judy Knight's advice and cashed out all your money in December 2011. After you pay about one third of your savings to the goverment in early liquidation penalties, as above let's say you were left with $20,000 and you bought silver and gold. You would have 330 Troy ounces of...
by Ockham
Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:45 pm
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: Planet X Nibiru -Zecharia Sitchin and Marshall Masters debunked
Replies: 1
Views: 5755

Planet X Nibiru -Zecharia Sitchin and Marshall Masters debunked

Sitchin and Masters are sources for RSE doomsday theories that mysterious Planet X Nibiru is going to make the Sun gomwild and fry the Earth. In particular, I presume Masters is a poster child for RSE scare tactics, as Ramsters have mentioned Marshall Masters and his speculations in conversations wi...
by Ockham
Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:56 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: How do you call yourself a God
Replies: 2
Views: 6173

Re: How do you call yourself a God

Maybe an aspiring, "god," doesn't need a lot of material weather, but that is not to say wealth should be displaced by a life of lack and discomfit. Indeed! The time spent on years full of days and days doing RSE disciplines for hours at a time is something that will never be gotten back. ...
by Ockham
Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:41 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Do you believe you are a God?
Replies: 4
Views: 7247

Re: Do you beleive you are a God?

The RSE staff has an uncanny ability to separate people from their money! While uncanny, it is a natural and not supernatural ability. :sad:
by Ockham
Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:31 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Ramtha Brasil Facebook page today: JZ and Ramtha DNA different?
Replies: 2
Views: 6262

Re: Ramtha Brasil Facebook page today: JZ and Ramtha DNA different?

As I noted elsewhere in detail, the JZ Knight / Ramtha different DNA story is not credible. The two sequences compared in RSE's chart correspond to inheritance haplogrops which occur on the MALE y chromosome. These haplogrops are mutations that occurred in central Asia fewer than 20,000 years ago - ...
by Ockham
Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:40 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: I don't believe it is 'wrong' what she is doing.
Replies: 23
Views: 17261

Re: I don't believe it is 'wrong' what she is doing.

Excellent point! One should ask ones self how it would benefit spiritual growth to create a reality of watching other people have their wealth and security taken away by appointee of one's guru. How does it help one's self to see others be taken advantage of. If one can create this reality, then one...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:54 am
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.
Replies: 57
Views: 44861

Re: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.

Sorry to see forever go; too bad because these are important points. This is one of the core strategies that RSE uses to suck in and hold onto supporters. RSE cultivates the paranoia that nobody else out there is dependable and you have to be inside yourself. Then comes the I am God to reinforce tha...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:15 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.
Replies: 57
Views: 44861

Re: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.

I see a problem with receiving a take-away message from RSE study that one must always be totally self sufficient, never ceding the slightest scrap of power to anybody else. That simply isn't possible. You can't even get on your bicycle and ride anywhere without depending on other people not to run ...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:27 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Germanwings Plane Crash Victim Daniela Ayón
Replies: 4
Views: 8569

Re: Germanwings Plane Crash Victim Daniela Ayón

Thank you David for posting the link to Ms. Knight's comment. Knight's comment sounds innocuous enough to an outsider, but I think most ramsters would read the apparent code in the statement. I think Knight's statement might be interpreted by ramsters as: Look Daniela hasn't been here with Ramtha an...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:28 am
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: EMF has now been upgraded
Replies: 3
Views: 6768

Re: EMF has now been upgraded

I just got one of those redirects a few seconds ago even before I logged on. Perhaps it was stale cached data. I'll clear my browser and keep an eye out to see if it happens again. Your efforts keeping the site operating efficiently are indeed appreciated.
by Ockham
Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:52 pm
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Germanwings Plane Crash Victim Daniela Ayón
Replies: 4
Views: 8569

Re: Germanwings Plane Crash Victim Daniela Ayón

My concern is that Judy Knight will twist the demise of Daniela Ayón into an act of manipulation. I have friends that are afraid to leave Yelm because Knight told them in a 2011 diatribe that a methane bubble would rise out of an ocean and cause plane crashes - apparently especially including whatev...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:07 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.
Replies: 57
Views: 44861

Re: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.

I believe this discussion has become a blend of the discussion of morality, perception and reality. These are interlocking however separate concepts. The RSE paradigm of thought reform and mind control blurs the interpretation of these three concepts and variably substitutes one another of these thr...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:44 am
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.
Replies: 57
Views: 44861

Re: At the end of the day we are all responsible for self.

I seriously doubt that Dr. Einstein would have said that, "... everything is energy...," because that simply is not true (in the context of Dr. Einstein), or else there would be no need for e=mC^2. Further, I wish New Agers would stop contorting science to try to justify the notion that th...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:43 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: PR Newswire fake RSE press releases
Replies: 25
Views: 18191

Re: PR Newswire fake RSE press releases

That sounds stupid, lazy, incompetent or some combination of the three: that NVN would use material obtained from the prnewswire web site as the apparent principal source of information for a front page story. I think even a high school kid could easily figure out the above web site is a search engi...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:24 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: How can A woman With No education Have Put RSE In Motion
Replies: 12
Views: 12764

Re: How can A woman With No education Have Put RSE In Motion

Ms. Knight may not have a degree from an accredited university but that doesn't mean she lacks savvy. Knight had the business sense to get a group of handlers around her to write the Ramtha back story and promote the business. The Ramtha back story isn't always consistent. There are at least three d...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:22 pm
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!
Replies: 10
Views: 11903

Re: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!

It happened again. I was checking my settings on this board. I am good ting emails saying that I am watching the topic of this thread, and I am looking for how to unwatch this thread. Anyway, when I clicked to expand the he p-m options I recall ceived the same pop-up saying I am viewing adult materi...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:32 am
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!
Replies: 10
Views: 11903

Re: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!

When I saw that adult advertisement pop up after logging on tro EMF, I held down the power switch until my computer shut off ungrwcdefully. That is usually the best thing to do when one of those pop-ups occurs. Trying to cancel the pop-up actually allows the pop-up to run a malicious program. Depend...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:13 pm
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!
Replies: 10
Views: 11903

Re: Porn is coming up on EMF under post reply!

I had the same thing happen to me Sunday evening, March 22. As soon as I signed in, an advertisement for an adult web site popped up. Just browsing the EMF sitre did not do it. I use anti malware on my computer and surf with in-private mode, extensions disabled. I checked to make sure my DNS setings...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:25 pm
Topic: Why are there so many RSE scams going on? + Local Media Cover-up for JZ Knight
Replies: 6
Views: 9381

Re: Why are there so many RSE scams going on?

Wow! EMF really scooped the NVN by more than two weeks on breaking the Martinez story. :D
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:18 pm
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: pseudoscience/define
Replies: 23
Views: 18226

Re: pseudoscience/define

Ha ha! I like that. It didn't occur to True TV or the ramsters that there is a suitcase above the area where you pick up your suitcase because that can be understood without needing translate any language. If they see a sculpture of a coffee cup above the door of a cafe, I wonder if they think that ...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:00 pm
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: Political Ram-ifications.
Replies: 3
Views: 6675

Re: Political Ram-ifications.

Forever is specifically referring to the Ramtha solidarity video on YouTube. If you go to YouTube's web site and search for that phrase, you should be able to find it. It is an official posting from, "The RSE Web Team." The video features an obviously very alcohol intoxicated Judy Knigjt, ...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:50 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm
Replies: 6
Views: 8805

Re: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm

It would be great if somebody would come forward with some more detailed information. If the Website operator is pretending to sell Washington lottery tickets, but is just putting the money in his own pocket on days when nobody picks winning numbers, I think the strate government would be very inter...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:28 pm
Forum: RSE a Doomsday Cult
Topic: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high
Replies: 7
Views: 13335

Re: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high

I figured there was something more to the DNA thing. I heard from ramstrers that a big deal was made about Judy Knight's DNA at the $1,500 event of March 2015. Ah yes, it is all a marketing scheme to sell test kits to see if you are related to Ramtha. People should check the notes they took from the...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:44 am
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: ICE CHIPS are not RSE
Replies: 7
Views: 9045

Re: ICE CHIPS are not RSE

It wouldn't be the first time that RSE and/or somebody associated with RSE apparently impersonated another business. Do an Internet search for "BTO KRSE." Next check Wikipedia for KRSE. KRSE is actually a radio station in Yakima, Washington that has nothing to do with Ramtha. I doubt the r...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:19 am
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: LARSE/Greg Simmons 2007
Replies: 3
Views: 7185

Re: LARSE/Greg Simmons 2007

Oh yes, there is more to Greg Simmons' story. Simmons got mixed up with Romanian money launderers about two years ago, approximately a year before Simmons separated from RSE. Simmons and the Romanians tried to trick the owner of the Salida winery into bankruptcy by promising to make a large purchase...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:01 am
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: LARSE/Greg Simmons 2007
Replies: 3
Views: 7185

Re: LARSE/Greg Simmons 2007

Hi Vanilla, Save those tapes to if you have them! It has come up in court where JZ Knight's argument had an important aspect that Knight has only ever exclusively channelled, "Ramtha." It is conceivable that could come up again as an issue and having original tapes of Knight claiming she i...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:03 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: isn't ancient and current religion based on channeled info
Replies: 2
Views: 5800

Re: isn't ancient and current religion based on channeled in

I believe what Judy Knight practices is ultimately destined to fail because of the corporate infrastructure Knight has built around her channeling. The corporate structure forbids franchising the delivery of what passes for Knight's philosophy by anyone other than herself. Knight is a victim of her ...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:59 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm
Replies: 6
Views: 8805

Re: David Fairly Business Broker Scam In Yelm

Hi Vanilla, Is there any information availabnle about how people are allegedly being scammed through the web site. It seems like the web site lets registered users set up lottery pools. A lottery pool in and of itself might not be illegal. I do see the opportunity for abuse - for example the custodi...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:09 am
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: How can we attack Jz Knight and ignore biblical cult activity.
Replies: 6
Views: 7462

Re: Is it not appropriate to combine the 3 separate post thr

Very, very well stated Lost In Space. Thanks. My theological experience is limited, however I can think of an obvious contrast. Many forms of Christianity profess that eternal salvation is obtainable through absolute faith in Christ. On the other hand, you never get to eternal peace in RSE; it is co...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:39 pm
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: Many New Age and RSE fabrications debunked with references
Replies: 2
Views: 6126

Re: Many New Age and RSE fabrications debunked with referenc

You're welcome, and good to hear from you again Vanilla. Also a big thank you to Chris White for his excellent movie. Mr. White totally blows away many popular New Age misconceptions, misrepresentations and plain lies. The web site with references can be found here.
by Ockham
Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:32 am
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: Many New Age and RSE fabrications debunked with references
Replies: 2
Views: 6126

Many New Age and RSE fabrications debunked with references

I ran across a movie on YouTube by Chris White, a recovered ancient astronaut devotee. White's film is a three hour analysis of many of the pop new age woo pitches for ancient alien astronauts. White backs up his refutation of pop new misrepresentations with a web site of documentation and scholarly...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:29 pm
Forum: For Professionals: Teachers, Professors, Healthcare Workers
Topic: Misconception professionals don't care
Replies: 28
Views: 20427

Re: Misconception professionals don't care

To answer, "what is bounded choice?", I recommend this paper from Janja Lallich, 2004: Lallich , p.7, writing about bounded choice in the Heaven's Gate cult: Ti and Do were always clear about being in charge, although their leadership style was...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:46 am
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: pseudoscience/define
Replies: 23
Views: 18226

Re: pseudoscience/define

I heard that the $1500 week long, "event," of March 2015 spent a lot of time showing videos from History Channel. That's big fee for something that can probably be seen for free on History Channel's web site. I wonder if RSE bothered to license those videos? I have a History channel DVD an...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:12 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Dropped the phrase The American Gnostic School
Replies: 7
Views: 8271

Re: Dropped the phrase The American Gnostic School

I figure d it boiled down to whether or not the phrase could be trademarkd. And, you're right; searching for Gnostic returns lots of results. Branding it Ramtha helps narrow search engine results. Strict a business decision I'd say. I also think it is funny that collier labeled his notes as his talk...
by Ockham
Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:01 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez
Replies: 44
Views: 34115

Re: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez

I think it is highly likely you could find TACTGATCG in weasel DNA. Anybody got a weasel handy? But seriously: parental inherited STRs are Y chromosome mutations and are only valid for males. Now, if one accepts the nonsense that Judy Knight might have some 35,000 year old guy's DNA hitching a ride ...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:39 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: RAMTHA UFO BOOKs 2015 - Last Waltz of the Tyrants
Replies: 18
Views: 26204


In the fall months of 2014, RSE started pushing a book called Alien Interview by Spencer Lawrence. It is a total utter rip off of Hubbard's OT3 or Operating Thetan III. That is a story Hubbard composed in about 1967 for the Scientology movement, I believe. Wonder of wonders, Lawrence has ties to Sci...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:36 am
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their card?
Replies: 36
Views: 23089

Re: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their ca

I think I would tend to downplay any covet connection between RSE and the US federal government as some sort of secret mind control experiment. I think RSE is left alone by the feds because RSE has been careful to avoid publicly touching the regulatory third rail taboos of arms trafficking, drug tra...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:53 am
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: RAMTHA UFO BOOKs 2015 - Last Waltz of the Tyrants
Replies: 18
Views: 26204


This alien woo is made up wholesale. I think one of the best debunkings was a BBC/WBUR collaboration done in 1977 called, The Case of the Ancient Astronauts, done 1977. The the end of the presentation, the vaunted Erich con Daniken is pretty much admitting his books are total fiction. It is availabl...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:33 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: RAMTHA UFO BOOKs 2015 - Last Waltz of the Tyrants
Replies: 18
Views: 26204


I presume it is new and updated so they could expunge Judi Pope Koteen's name off the attribution as editor. The new edition says it is by Ramtha andJaime Leal-Anaya. I haven't heard that name before. I wonder is there is a rift between Judy and Judi and that is why Last Waltz and UFOs have been, &q...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:51 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their card?
Replies: 36
Views: 23089

Re: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their ca

I really don't have much to say about finding the cards other than from what I have been told, I doubt anybody does it more than can be accounted for by chance. I really don't care about the specifics of the pedagogy at RSE. The proof is in the results. I may be convinced if RSE is able to produce a...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:00 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Dropped the phrase The American Gnostic School
Replies: 7
Views: 8271

Dropped the phrase The American Gnostic School

Forever, writing about RSE and supposedly Gnostic information made me think. Several years back, the RSE web site used to display that triangle logo with the phrase, "The American Gnostic School," but they stopped using the phrase on the web site. If you go to the Internet Archive and use ...
by Ockham
Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:29 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their card?
Replies: 36
Views: 23089

Re: Is it a fantasy that people in a blindfold find their ca

I have friends that say they did it. However, I don't know anybody that went straight to the correct spot whitout stumbling around in the white fenced field for a while. I think it was more luck and persistence than enlighten!sent - pretty much mlike most things in life, that is.
by Ockham
Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:48 pm
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: pseudoscience/define
Replies: 23
Views: 18226

Re: pseudoscience/define

I would have to change the RSE motto a little bit: consciousness plus energy equals fantasy. Now, fantasy in one's head can replace reality for that one person. When the mind interprets its internal fantasy as reality, that could generally be regarded as a psychological disorder. Reality is what is ...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:37 pm
Forum: Children in RSE
Topic: phoenix rising school RSE
Replies: 13
Views: 13537

Re: phoenix rising school RSE

That video is pretty nauseating. The kids seem to be delivering formulaic responses, programmed like little Stepford children ( I think it does not bode well for the kids stuck is PRS. I checked the Washington State Board of Education...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:19 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez
Replies: 44
Views: 34115

Re: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez

That should say R1B in the posting above, not RB-1. My apologies; not enough coffee yet.
by Ockham
Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:10 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez
Replies: 44
Views: 34115

Re: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez

Is there a discussion board member with a biochemistry and genetics background that might comment? I believe the chart on Joe's blog is talking about mutations found on the Y chromosome RB-1. If my high school biology serves me right, only males have a Y chromosome as part of the XY pair that determ...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:13 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez
Replies: 44
Views: 34115

Re: JZK-R DNA testing by Chiropractor Matthew Martinez

Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! Um, what is Judy Knight doing with Y-chromosome DNA? From two people?... The chart on Joe SZ's web site cites some genetic markers from R1B. Assuming Ms. Knight has a Y chromosome (if she did, she'd be a guy - perhaps that explains a few things?..), the chart says JZ's ...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:01 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: do unto others
Replies: 16
Views: 13006

Re: do unto others

Ditto. I also live close to the Amish counties. For the grater part, the Amish community lives the life of self sufficiency that Judy Knight and the RSE bunker buolders can only dream about. The various Amish enclaves can fit the definition of a cult, and one of the local bishops got in serious trou...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:39 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: OMG JZ auctioning Ramtha alien shirt
Replies: 1
Views: 4943

Re: OMG JZ auctioning Ramtha alien shirt

I found Mundane to Magnificent at a Canadian book seller on instead of .com. It was about $16 CDN including shipping, which is about $13 USD. I just checked again and the asking price has gone to $837.06 CDN. That is some crazy price manipulation. I don't know !if there is an...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:08 am
Forum: All Things EMF - Researching the Ramtha Cult? Use our EMF Search Engine
Topic: to Forever: not able to access your message
Replies: 2
Views: 5701

to Forever: not able to access your message

Apologies for putting this on the message threads. I see, Forever, you sent me something but it is stuck in the system. I messaged the webmaster to check it. Thanks!
by Ockham
Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:20 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: It's not the disciplines/teachings
Replies: 4
Views: 6173

Re: It's not the disciplines/teachings

Educause's Internet registrar for .EDU domain names:

The Association for Research and Enlightenment, which is the legacy of Edgar Cayce formed Atlantic University, a spiritual based higher educational institution:
by Ockham
Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:01 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: It's not the disciplines/teachings
Replies: 4
Views: 6173

Re: It's not the disciplines/teachings

Thanks Forever. That is cogent and well said. It is all about the money. RSE is a business with investors, and it operates as a business expected to return profits to its investors. The fact that RSE's Internet presence is a .COM web site and not a .EDU web site says much RSE can't or won't meet Edu...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:14 am
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question
Replies: 24
Views: 21142

Re: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question

No I am not familiar with The Trance Formation of America. I think I could make a pretty good guess about it.
by Ockham
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:10 am
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question
Replies: 24
Views: 21142

Re: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question

I just looked on, and I see Waltz has been retitled Last Waltz of the Tyrants Prophecy Revisited. In the tradition of Steven Weinberg, as of 2008 Judi Pope Koteen's name as editor has been expunged and replaced with, "Ramtha," as author. Apparently it is still the same retread R...
by Ockham
Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:41 am
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question
Replies: 24
Views: 21142

Re: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question

A couple of posts back Forever mentioned the Judy Pope Koteen book Last Waltz of the Tyrants. I believe Delavie did a deconstruction of Waltz in a thread in the international section of EMF. There is a passage that can be shown to have been plagiarized several times over before eventually landing in...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:22 am
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Edna Ballard claims to been Joan Of Arc
Replies: 2
Views: 6000

Re: Edna Ballard claims to been Joan Of Arc

Judy Knight would have to sue Edna Ballard posthumously, as I believe Edna AKA Lotus King passed away or rather, ascended, in 1971. If you believe the Ascended Master Teaching books by Guy Ballard, there were spots reserved for Guy and Edna, or rather their King aliases, as ascended masters. I assum...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:00 pm
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Ramthas teacher
Replies: 3
Views: 6247

Re: Ramthas teacher

Is Robert Jones the person known as, *Sir Robert?". If so, Robert apparently died as a result of heart disease. There is an unprovable association with RSE's philosophy of eschewing traditional medical help in preference to mastering the physical body via spirituality. I was contacted by an RSE...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:07 am
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten
Replies: 10
Views: 10491

Re: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten

Vera talks about Raphael having her breathe rhythmically and then Vera raises up to see her own body. The teacher adjusts Vera's eyes so she can see at a higher vibrational frequency, after which Vera sees her body translucent with a blue glow and Vera can make out very vein and body part. Hmm, soun...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:07 am
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten
Replies: 10
Views: 10491

Re: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten

Hi Forever, You'll have to bear with me a bit. I just got the book. I wasn't expecting it for another week and a half, but somehow the postal service went above and beyond. So far the description of Vera meeting Raphael has a very similar ring to the description of Judy meeting Ramtha. I'm just gett...
by Ockham
Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:59 pm
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten
Replies: 10
Views: 10491

Re: Guess I'm Just Too Ignorant And Obtuse To Enlighten

I have been reading Alder's Mundane to Magnificent . Yowza! You can really see that the, Ramtha , white book by Steven Lee Weinberg is an utter rip-off of Alder's book. I think Weinberg must have read Aleder's book in 1979 and then Weinberg took the clunky writing style Ernest Holmes used in his 193...
by Ockham
Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:23 am
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?
Replies: 17
Views: 23983

Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

If you ask me, Ramtha is pretty damn stupid. If you'd have bought $10,000 of Apple Computer stock in 1995 while Apple was languishing under the leadership of the guy from Pepsico and held the stock, you'd have about $1,492,000 plus dividend payments now in 2015. The same $10,00 put into [the fraudul...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:07 am
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for reality
Replies: 8
Views: 8648

Re: The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for realit

I am not sure I have straight what is RSE implying about tobacco smoking and nitric oxide. According to the American Heart Association, smoking decreasees plasma levels of NO and important antioxidants, and that may be tied to aggravating factors for cellular damage from Smoking. Not a.good thing in...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:08 am
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for reality
Replies: 8
Views: 8648

Re: The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for realit

I reallhy meant that in jest, however,... 42 is from Douglas Adams' book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It took 7.5 million years to find the answer, and it is going to take another 10 million years to find the question. The reference to the giant computer hints at some of the more radical [...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:08 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for reality
Replies: 8
Views: 8648

The disciplines and,"great work," as metaphor for reality

Not being a paid subscriber of the RSE courses, I have to go with what is available in the books and recordings available to the public. Something which seems to be absent from the RSE instruction is that the, "great work," is not an end in and of itself. Things such as C+E, the list, read...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:08 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: How can A woman With No education Have Put RSE In Motion
Replies: 12
Views: 12764

Re: How can A woman With No education Have Put RSE In Motion

I looked at Laura De Giorgio's web site. Interesting. I presume the thinking behind De Giorgio being allowed to market the Ramtha material is seen by JZK Inc. as good publicity. The volume is probably small enough not to be seem as taking business away and might actually entice people to look furthe...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:28 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: do unto others
Replies: 16
Views: 13006

Re: do unto others

Thank you, Forever and blessings to you. I have found that when I have been involved in volunteer activities, it seems like I get back more than I give... often in unexpected ways. It is far too easy to become jaded in this world of relentless media saturation and micro management. Thanks for sharin...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:38 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: do unto others
Replies: 16
Views: 13006

Re: do unto others

That is indeed as sad situation. I would contact the closest television station. I think that would be a human interest story that a TV news department might be willing to pursue.
by Ockham
Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:05 am
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: It didn't make sense
Replies: 9
Views: 9973

Re: It didn't make sense

I should have put a smile face icon after agreeing it is good marketing. What Knight and RSE do is to take advantage of people who mean well and are trying to repair or better their lives through spiritual enlightenment. What is doled out to RSE customers is hogwash that is systematically engineered...
by Ockham
Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:07 am
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: It didn't make sense
Replies: 9
Views: 9973

Re: It didn't make sense

Yep, just plain good market strategy to keep dangling the carrot just out of reach. Agreed. We all create reality by making cchoices. What a concept! That makes about even billion or so human masters on Earth. Where RSE stretches that to implausibility is in saying that you create reality from your ...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:52 pm
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: It didn't make sense
Replies: 9
Views: 9973

Re: It didn't make sense

It is some weird cognitive dissonance tat doesn't work for me. There is yet another $1,000 USD, "event," going on this week and I know several ramsters scraping to pay for it, leaving barely enough to pay for real world needs. There is the promise of a big anoouncement, yeah they heard tha...
by Ockham
Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:23 pm
Forum: Leaving RSE: The Aftermath
Topic: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question
Replies: 24
Views: 21142

Re: Beliefs that I now struggle about and question

It certainly seems like somebody promotes worshiping JZ Knight. If you log on to a real estate web site and search listings in Thurston County, Washington, it is easy to pick out the listings of ramsters. There will be a room in the home that has that pictue of Ms. Knight doing the finger pointing g...
by Ockham
Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:04 pm
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: Changing of the guard
Replies: 3
Views: 6148

Re: Changing of the guard

Since I refuse to pay for the copyrighted expensive gnosticism doled out to those with large enough wallets, I have to go with what I can read in publicly available books from Judy's publishers and the filtered recollection of what ramsters feel unworried enough to talk about. I think you pretty muc...
by Ockham
Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:10 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: DTC UG
Replies: 2
Views: 5015


I remember learning a couple of years ago that somebody was building an underground shelter that could accommodate horses and laughing about it. Anybody that has lived with horses ought to know that horses eat a lot and a lot that needs to be dealt with comes out the other end of a horse after it ea...
by Ockham
Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:08 am
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: Windwords Bookstore and Newspaper - JZK destroyed Windwords?
Replies: 3
Views: 15389

Re: The Ancient Schools Of Wisdom. Caution

Forum readrs might want to look into an early publication of Sovereignty Publishing in 1983: Love Yourself Into Life book 1 . The text was released as an eBook by Tara Communications Centre, Inc. of Canada in 1997. This text appears to have been written by Steven Weinberg, pulling information from a...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:32 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Ramtha's Army
Replies: 2
Views: 4710

Re: Ramtha's Army

Speaking of the implausibly large Ramtha army - larger than the estimated homo sapiens population of Pleistocene Earth 35000 years ago... I found the following well written, cogent and relatively succinct web article that is an overview of JZK/RSE - anybody considering spending money on RSE educatio...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:23 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Book - From the Mundane to the Magnificent by Vera Stanley Alder
Replies: 7
Views: 8952

From the Mundane to the Magnificent by Vera Stanley Alder

Yippppeeeeeeeeee! Thanks, Forever, for giving me a nudge to get across the ditch! :D I just found a copy of the book used at a Canadian book seller for a very reasonable cost. I'm not sure how long it will take to ship because I don't live in Canada. Whatever ver it is, it will be worth the wait.
by Ockham
Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:41 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Book - From the Mundane to the Magnificent by Vera Stanley Alder
Replies: 7
Views: 8952

Book - From the Mundane to the Magnificent by Vera Stanley Alder

Thank you!, Forever. That's a job well done. I must not be web savvy enough. Evey time I have gone looking, there have been only two book seller with used copies asking hundreds of dollars. The book sellers seemed to be using a price setting bot because as soon as I browsed either seller, the price ...
by Ockham
Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:27 am
Topic: Sir Robert The Biggest Loser a Casino ever Saw
Replies: 20
Views: 16104

Re: Sir Robert The Biggest Loser a Casino ever Saw

Nine RSE class-takers got a total pay out of $120,000 USD from the lottery. That is more or less an average of $13,000 for each of those nine. That is about enough to pay for a year of RSE classes for each of the nine and their partners. Yawn. I guess they are being modest and not manifesting too mu...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:14 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out
Replies: 36
Views: 46679

Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

I think you might want to look into Werner Erhard. Erhand started out named John Rosenberg, but changed his name in the 1960s - the Werner coming from Werner Heisenberg of the uncertainty principle. Rosenberg changed names about the time he was a car salesman in the Midwest US. Erhard was enamored o...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:36 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: Not Sure Where This Goes
Replies: 5
Views: 18141

Re: Not Sure Where This Goes

IFrom what I have been able to gather, VS Alder's book, From the Mundane to the Magnificent is the real smoking gun that contains extensive material that is virtually identical to terms and techniques RSE and JZK claim as original. Finding the Third Eye is fairly easy to obtain as a reprint and also...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:48 am
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: Revelation Of Ramala
Replies: 4
Views: 6163

Re: Revelation Of Ramala

Like many other things in RSE, Judy Knight appears to have purloined, "Ramtha," from the classical literature. In Hindu, Rama is the 7th avatarnof Vishnu. Rama is exiled from his rule and spends 14 years in the forest fighting massive battles with god like forces of Ravana. Rama is eventua...
by Ockham
Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:10 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: I don't believe it is 'wrong' what she is doing.
Replies: 23
Views: 17261

Re: I don't believe it is 'wrong' what she is doing.

Some of what mindstate wrote smacks of trolling (as in dangling a baited hook waiting for fish to bite). No doubt some of the outrageous behavior reported to have taken place in the RSE horse barn used shills to take the verbal abuse. There are also consistent reports from muliple attendees of Judy ...
by Ockham
Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:01 pm
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: It's easy to see-now. :)
Replies: 5
Views: 7175

Re: It's easy to see-now. :)

JZ Knight and the RSE staff are... masters ... of manipulation. They carefully engineer a subscription model to keep raking in the followers' money. The so-called teachings always leave enlightenment just one more event away. The presentations are carefully honed to make it work like the carrot held...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:12 pm
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: dreamland interviews Judy
Replies: 3
Views: 3931

Re: dreamland interviews Judy

I have never been a Ramtha practicioner, but I know people who are quite avid followers of JZ/R. I have read and listened to a moderate amount of RSE material in order to be conversant. It was interesting to read David's phone interview with Steven L. Weinberg. I read a latter edition of the so-call...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:36 pm
Forum: RSE Discrepancies
Topic: Ramtha versus The Dude
Replies: 0
Views: 5339

Ramtha versus The Dude

Love it! Hey sailor! Is that Ramtha, or just a flask of sulfur hexafluoride in your pocket? Wow, Kelly is quite the chemist, but then JZ imight be quite the chemist too, nudge, nudge, know what I mean. The Jeff Bridges interview might have gone under the radar, but now th...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:44 pm
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: RSE cult is a 'Double-Edged-Sword'
Replies: 5
Views: 6036

Re: RSE cult is a 'Double-Edged-Sword'

One of dozens, sometimes grizzly, deaths associated with being an RSE attendee. See most of them listed here:
by Ockham
Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:17 pm
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: dreamland interviews Judy
Replies: 3
Views: 3931

Re: dreamland interviews Judy

Arrghhhh! Yet another AM Coast to Coast / science fiction / comic book conference regular is an RSE / Judy Knight favorite. Hmm... a writer who has already written science fiction books cranks out some books about living with aliens... Curiously, Strieber doesn't warrant his own entry on
by Ockham
Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:05 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: sloppy journalistic shorthand
Replies: 8
Views: 9562

Re: sloppy journalistic shorthand

If Ramtha were from what is now the lower Indus River valley 35,000 years ago, then Ramtha would likely have been living in an inhospitable region. 35,000 years ago was probably an interglacial warm phase preceeding the most recent glacial advance. Looking at climatalogical estimates, the Earth 35,0...
by Ockham
Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:01 am
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: information about Alex Collier
Replies: 6
Views: 6380

Re: information about Alex Collier

Wow, there's another UFOer from the AM Coast to Coast radio show. I believe Collier has not been a radio guest since the old days when Art Bell was the the radio host. I liked Art Bell because if any guest peddled too large a load of woo, Art would take the guest to task. Linda Moulton Howe still ma...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:38 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: sloppy journalistic shorthand
Replies: 8
Views: 9562

Re: sloppy journalistic shorthand

Sometimes the media do state it unapologetically. Colorado Newsday wrote in an article about about Radu and Diana Nemes: The RSE was established by female leader J.Z. Knight, a business school drop-out from Roswell, New Mexico, who claims to channel messages from a 35,000-year-old warrior. Her spiri...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:25 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: sloppy journalistic shorthand
Replies: 8
Views: 9562

sloppy journalistic shorthand

What bugs me is that the media almost always talk about JZ Knight with phrases similar to if not exactly, "... JZ Knight who channels the 35000 year old Lumerian warrior Ramths,..." as if that is, oh, just another matter of fact. The Seattle PI, Nisqually Valley News and others have all do...
by Ockham
Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:03 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.
Replies: 61
Views: 32060

Re: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.

The disciplines must not be all that effective because the Nisqually casino is still open for business. Judy Knight isn't big on altruism, so it is not like like the Ramtha students are letting the house win some times so that wealth can be shared with the casino operators and non RSE patrons. The p...
by Ockham
Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:43 am
Forum: Pseudoscience & RSE
Topic: quantum ramtha
Replies: 5
Views: 6947

Re: quantum ramtha

You can pick up almost any book by a credentialed lecturer in quantum physics and read that there is a profound disconnect between quantum physics and classical physics. The problem of is that quantum physics is fairly good at describing the probability of what happens to quanta such as quarks and l...
by Ockham
Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:56 pm
Forum: Fire, Health and Safety concerns at (RSE), a division of JZK Inc.
Topic: RSE Fire & Building Codes - John Michael "Mike" Wright Legal Affairs Manager for JZK.Inc RSE.Inc - Music Copyrights
Replies: 48
Views: 34442

RSE Fire & Building Codes John Michael "Mike" Wright is the Legal Affairs Manager for JZK.Inc RSE.Inc

Mike Wright was trying the magician's trick of misdirection. A smoke detector and sprinkler head are two different things. We are talking about the possibility of RSE staff wilfully bypassing the smoke detectors in the horse arena, not the sprinkler heads. The sprinklers do indeed take care of thems...
by Ockham
Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:26 pm
Forum: Is RSE a cult ? What is RSE? Its purpose? Post your opinion.
Topic: Grupo Elron on JZ and Ramtha
Replies: 5
Views: 6306

Re: Grupo Elron on JZ and Ramtha

I had to laugh a bit that an offshoot of the Scientologists was finger wagging at JZ/RSE for getting it wrong. The irony is just last summer (2014) RSE was flogging a book, Alien Interview , to the RSE classes. Whatever was said at RSE put my friends in a tizzy, and one of them sent me a copy of the...
by Ockham
Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:31 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.
Replies: 61
Views: 32060

Re: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.

Thanks everybody for a great discussion. It is great that everybody seems to have a reasoned and gentle attitude. I am not in RSE, but I have friends and family that participate. I don't find RSE wholly good or bad, as is the case with most things in life. I believe there are a lot of beautiful peop...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:55 pm
Forum: For those who hold a positive experience of RSE - You are welcome to post here.
Topic: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.
Replies: 61
Views: 32060

Re: The "Great Work" is real. And the RSE is a 'cult' also.

I believe nothing in the physical universe is an indivisible binary choice - after all quantum physics suggests that conclusion. Can one learn something good by spending a lot of money and time at RSE? Probably. Is it worth it? Maybe. I would ask myself: what is the application? What does one do wit...
by Ockham
Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:14 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Suicide of Bonnie Birger
Replies: 5
Views: 7751

Re: Suicide of Bonnie Birger

Correcting my prior posting: Sally Paulsen is the person who fell into the barrel and experienced a very bad end. Vanda Boone met a very bad end as well, senselessly murdered. I personally believel Vanda's demise could probably be indirectly attributed to RSE instruction. I suspect Vanda was probabl...
by Ockham
Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:54 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Suicide of Bonnie Birger
Replies: 5
Views: 7751

Re: Suicide of Bonnie Birger

Thanks, David, for the information regarding Bonnie Birger. Do you know if Bonnie a resident of the Thurston County area? The NVN doesn't seem to have an obit notice. The one that still haunts me is Vanda Boone from the Bald Hill area that fell into the barrel where she was apparently trying to bury...
by Ockham
Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:45 am
Topic: Ramtha: "I am the wind."
Replies: 5
Views: 6345

Re: Ramtha: "I am the wind."

"It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good."

--William Shakespeare (King Henry IV Part II)
by Ockham
Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:15 pm
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: The Wave
Replies: 3
Views: 5097

Re: The Wave

Watching The Wave video is a really disturbing experience. The students taken in by The Wave experiment were born in 1950, only five years after the end of the second world war, so the memories of Hitler and The Third Reich should have still been quite vivid in the public memory. The account of The ...
by Ockham
Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:50 am
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociopaths
Replies: 7
Views: 7479

Re: Stefan Molyneux -The Fascists That Surround You - Sociop

I think you could take the David's quote above from Peter, and replace occurrences of, "Stefan Molyneux / FDR," with, "Judy Knight / RSE," and it would still be essentially applicable. My friends involved with the taking so-called classes from the Ramtha franchise don't say much ...
by Ockham
Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:48 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

What a sad bckfire of Simmons' apparent attempt at hostile takeover of the McCrea's Salida winery. It would appear that Simmons had worked to gain the friendship of the Nemes through the Ramtha infrastructure so that Simmoins could exert influence over the Nemes and use the Nemes' wealth to take a c...
by Ockham
Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:14 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Ramtha asleep at the switch - Napa, California earthquake
Replies: 1
Views: 4033

Ramtha asleep at the switch - Napa, California earthquake

So where was Ramtha? You'd think the old boy would be watching out for the safety of the wine supply in Napa, California. There was a 6.1 magnitude earthquake in the early AM hours of August 24, 2014 that shook the North Valley. The initial quake has been followed by aftershocks of up to 3.9. Wine m...
by Ockham
Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:12 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Send a local sheriff a dollar...
Replies: 2
Views: 4287

Re: Send a local sheriff a dollar...

Please note that I am not a lawyer. I believe sending a sheriff one dollar unsolicited is not sufficient constitute a contract. I believe under Washington and Federal law, that a contract is a mutual agreement entered into by two or more parties. Unsolicited sending of money to the sheriff would imp...
by Ockham
Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:50 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: NZ Lawsuits - RSE Live-stream Videos - RSE Music Copyright Infringements
Replies: 5
Views: 9423

Re: JZK,Inc has succeeded in taking down many YouTube videos

I very much doubt that RSE bothers to secure license for either the recorded copyrighted music that is used at live events at the RSE compound or the interstitial segments of recorded copyrighted music used in the RSE Internet broadcasts. RSE likes to couch itself as a motivational speaker business ...
by Ockham
Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:50 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Skeptophilia: Irrationality, insanity, the teachings of JZK
Replies: 2
Views: 4036

Re: Skeptophilia: Irrationality, insanity, the teachings of

That's a great article by Mr. Bonnet. I think we have to take very seriously the risk that Judy Knight could issue an order for RSE members to go rogue and run to their underground bunkers. The outcome would end badly for everybody, especially the ramsters. Applying a little rational consideration, ...
by Ockham
Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:07 pm
Forum: EMF International Forum
Topic: Ramtha's bunker in romanian press ?
Replies: 8
Views: 10910

Re: Ramtha's bunker in romanian press ?

Free asks an interesting question. I think there are two possible answers to whether or not RSE was instrumental in enabling the Nemes' alleged embezzlement crime. It wouldn't surprise me if there weren't a little Gypsy Roma predilection for scams in the family. Gypsy blood not withstanding, RSE's t...
by Ockham
Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:42 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Freedom Foundation Sued for Exposing JZ Knight, Politicians
Replies: 3
Views: 6652

Re: Freedom Foundation Sued for Exposing JZ Knight, Politici

There is an old saying about, "you get what you give." Sooner or later Knight is going to slip up and spout off as her own, some purloined material from a source who is not dead or paid off by Knight. Then RSE will get a chance to get a taste of what it is like when a multinational publish...
by Ockham
Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:09 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Ebola virus
Replies: 2
Views: 4242

Re: Ebola virus

JZ Knight went into hypochondriac recluse mode after the antrhrax scare in 2001. This 2014 ebola outbreak must have Knight sleeping in an oxygen tent with a gallon of Purell at her side. Maybe Knight will cancel upcoming RSE events out of fear that somebody from Guinea might be in the audience. News...
by Ockham
Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:42 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxster
Replies: 3
Views: 5418

Re: RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxst

From what I've heard from my old friends that are in RSE, Spencer's book is being hawked as a big deal and it has been the object of discussion for the past few months. I think the readers of Alien Interview at RSE have huge blinders on (no surprise there). Spencer's book is full of anachronisms, in...
by Ockham
Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:44 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Setup trip for the alleged Romanian money laundering?
Replies: 0
Views: 5068

Setup trip for the alleged Romanian money laundering?

A recent discussion threat centered on speculation Greg Simmons' alleged involvement with accused Romanian money launderers Radu and Diana Nemes. A web site, appears at least partially controlled by Greg Simmons. O...
by Ockham
Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:52 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxster
Replies: 3
Views: 5418

Re: RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxst

Just bumping this topic so it remains easily found... RSE is hosting hoaxster Lawrence R. Spencer as a speaker on July 26, 2014. Spencer is the, "editor," of a book that he alleges is the transcript of a diary of a dead English woman. Spencer claims Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy served as a g...
by Ockham
Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:14 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: What will Knight, Klein try next to muzzle critics?
Replies: 7
Views: 8042

Re: What will Knight, Klein try next to muzzle critics?

Absolutely right, Free. I had the opportunity to see RSE when I dropped off a friend who was attending a week long event at the place. I personally don't have anything to do with RSE and I am not interested in, "Ramtha's," philosophy. The horse barn at least has had the floor paved and car...
by Ockham
Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:42 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: What will Knight, Klein try next to muzzle critics?
Replies: 7
Views: 8042

Re: What will Knight, Klein try next to muzzle critics?

Knight, her business investors, their corporations and friends are kings and queens of wanting to have their cake and eat the cake too. Knight's band of disingenuous for-profit spiritualists do all they can to hobble Yelm and its surrounding Thurston County area. At the same time Knight and her cron...
by Ockham
Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:58 pm
Forum: The so called Scientific Study on JZ Knight-Ramtha
Replies: 4
Views: 5600


Great follow-up, thank you Joe. I think you summarized the reasoning and testing for what I was thinking: that so-called channeling is the same as acting in the absorptive state. Imagine that! On the the recent videos posted by RSE itself on YouTube, JZ Knight barely looks or sounds like she's in an...
by Ockham
Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:49 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Progress
Replies: 4
Views: 5494

Re: Progress

Hi CD, your posting is an inspiration. Well done and thank you.
by Ockham
Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:04 pm
Forum: The so called Scientific Study on JZ Knight-Ramtha
Replies: 4
Views: 5600


The Krippner et al study is pseudoscience or bad science at best. A problem I have is that it was paid, "research," paid for by the subject of the research. That is at least an orange flag that raises the suspicion that the outcome of the study is going to be predisposed to supporting the ...
by Ockham
Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:58 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxster
Replies: 3
Views: 5418

RSE to host Lawrence R. Spencer Alien Interview - hoaxster

In July 2014, RSE has Lawrence R. Spencer as their featured speaker on a Saturday between two RSE, "events." RSE will lighten your wallet of $50 USD if you want to listen to what Spencer has to say. Spencer is apparently flogging his 2008 book, Alien Interview . I have read Spencer's book,...
by Ockham
Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:26 pm
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: Damanhur in Italy and "time travel"
Replies: 1
Views: 3505

Re: Damanhur in Italy and "time travel"

I wonder how long it will be before RSE invites one of these geniuses to be a guest lecturer in Yelm? :-) I'll stick with the precept that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Let's see some proof instead of talk. I see a gaping hole in the article without giving it too much thought. Go...
by Ockham
Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:52 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Relaxing the rules - only in it for the money
Replies: 0
Views: 5097

Relaxing the rules - only in it for the money

I heard that more so-called advanced RSE programming is available for purchase if one has ever bought a beginning event. This appears to go against the old precept that devotees couldn't hope to understand Mr. Ramtha unless they purchased a bunch of expensive event programming every calendar year to...
by Ockham
Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:00 pm
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: The future: a freezer in the Quantum Cafe?
Replies: 0
Views: 4810

The future: a freezer in the Quantum Cafe?

In a story that seems ripped from the Monty Python dead parrot sketch, the followers of guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj claim he isn't dead, he's just meditating. On the other hand, the guru's family claim, No, that's one ex-guru! The guru's followers have stuffed the guru into a commercial freezer in hi...
by Ockham
Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:53 am
Forum: RSE a Doomsday Cult
Topic: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high
Replies: 7
Views: 13335

Re: Ramtha Fail: Dow Jones hits all time high

RSE = Really Stupid Example: when it comes to giving financial advise. Ramsters I know told me that Ramtha supposedly recommended they convert their financial investments into silver and gold. Let us suppose a ramster had USD $20,000 on December 31, 2011 that she wanted to do with as Mr. Ramtha reco...
by Ockham
Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:06 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

I can imagine that a lot of RSE members are feeling pretty nervous these days - given that living a life of scamming each other seems to be part and parcel of the RSE life style, and the feds are poking their noses into lots of places in Yelm these days. I can picture the rumor mill / conspiracy the...
by Ockham
Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:48 am
Forum: RSE a Doomsday Cult
Topic: Dec 21 2012
Replies: 55
Views: 30819

Re: Dec 21 2012

Hah! Laugh out loud! So Judy, explain to me why you need to live in a mansion in order for your [imaginary] friend Ramtha to teach? Isn't it true that Ramtha Firset came to you when you were living in what your buddy Ramtha would call a, "hovel?" Maybe some modesty and humility in the chan...
by Ockham
Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:58 am
Forum: RSE a Doomsday Cult
Topic: Dec 21 2012
Replies: 55
Views: 30819

Re: Dec 21 2012

As it turned out, 2013 seems not to have been such a great year for getting into wine making deals with Romanian alleged money launderers.
by Ockham
Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:33 am
Forum: Fire, Health and Safety concerns at (RSE), a division of JZK Inc.
Topic: Fire, Health and Safety Violations at RSE posted YouTube Sept 10 2012
Replies: 20
Views: 18323

Re: Fire, Health and Safety Violations at RSEYouTube Sept10

The NFPA chapters 15 and 29 appear to be relavent to standards for the way RSE is using the converted horse barn. Reading the codes is a pretty good insomnia antidote: Furthermore, T...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:12 pm
Forum: The so called Scientific Study on JZ Knight-Ramtha
Topic: The full document. Krippner et al
Replies: 15
Views: 18312

Re: The full document. Krippner et al

Thanks very much for your efforts Elizabeth. Well done. The Krippner paper is really annoying because it is pseudoscience wrapped in what appear to be academic credentials. Krippner et al do not, at least for me, build a convincing case that their measurements relate to anything more meaningful beyo...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:26 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: NVN poll IS RSE A CULT...please vote!
Replies: 3
Views: 5227

Re: NVN poll IS RSE A CULT...please vote!

No doubt RSE has issued orders to its customers to vote, "not a cult," in this poll, and RSE is skewing the results. When I cast my, "is a cult," vote, the results were running 90% that RSE is not a cult. When is the last time you saw a 90% random sampling of the general public a...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:52 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

But wait, there's more! Story updated: the Romainians had a massive underground bunder stocked with guns and a high power rifle, and months or years of food. I guess they learned that part of the RSE teaching pretty well.
by Ockham
Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:43 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

On Greg Simmons' blog, Simmons says he's a partner in the Salida winery. That sounds like more than a business manager to me. So, it would appear that that Simmons was working hand in hand with the Romanians in racketeering operation to destroy the winery business. Simmons and the Romainians apparen...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:47 am
Forum: Fire, Health and Safety concerns at (RSE), a division of JZK Inc.
Topic: RSE Candle Focus It was not a fire hazard
Replies: 7
Views: 10321

Re: RSE Candle Focus It was not a fire hazourd

I have been to Notre Dame cathedral, and yes there are probably hundreds of candles, but those candles are in holders that are not flammable. Contrast that to Judy Knight's converted horse ban that's full of hundreds of drunken sleep-deprived customers surroundd by mounds of flammable clothing, slee...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:27 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

Yeah, I've been wondering how complicit Simmons may have been in the Romanian affair. I'm figuring the Romanians calculated carefully when they decided to go on the lam in the United States and carefully chose RSE as a target rich environment where they might find people with money and who were open...
by Ockham
Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:53 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Launderin

I feel sad for the people who were defrauded. The funny thing is that even though Simmons supposedly is no longer part of the RSE gang, RSE and JZ Knight in particular are still getting credit for Simmons' alleged mess with the Romanians. To the outside world, apart from Ms. Knight, Simmons is the f...
by Ockham
Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:09 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering
Replies: 22
Views: 17026

Re: FBI Hits Yelm Romanian RSE students for Money Laundering

Did I get this correct?: Greg Simmons and the Romanians approach Doug McCrae, a winery owner, telling McCrae they want to buy the year's entire crop of grapes. Next, Simmons and the Romanians tell McCrae that they'll back out of the deal unless the owner sells the winery to the Romanians. Does anybo...
by Ockham
Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:15 pm
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Time theft
Replies: 2
Views: 4315

Time theft

I think I could make a successful argument that RSE steals time from its customers. Time is one of the few things that once spent, we never reclaim while we exist here on Earth. I see RSE's treatment as abuse because I am convinced that Judy Knight and many of the RSE instructors are well aware that...
by Ockham
Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:06 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: Candle Focus
Replies: 11
Views: 8647

Re: Candle Focus

Was pipe smoking in the arena ever encouraged? Because RSE events are not religious congregations, RSE should not have any standing for exemption to fire code prohibition of the audience having lit pipes in a theater.
by Ockham
Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:04 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself
Replies: 19
Views: 17459

Re: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself

Thank goodness that Fiona received a proper memorial service in hr home country. That is an ironry that in the USA, Ledwith was chosen for the eulogy speaker. Ledwidth was booted out of the Church in Ireland for alleged abuses. This is detailed in a document called the Ferns report: http://en.wikipe...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:30 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself
Replies: 19
Views: 17459

Re: Fiona Regan apparently shot herself

This is very sad because Fiona apparently left behind parents, siblings and husband in Ireland.

I ran across the following obituary notice:
by Ockham
Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:21 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: NVN article re: Dr. Keay's letter to Thurston County
Replies: 5
Views: 6646

NVN article re: Dr. Keay's letter to Thurston County

Here is an article in the Nisqually Valley News on February 14, 2014: The letter in question could reveal facts regarding conditions extant inside the RSE compound, and could be valuable facts in the Coverdal...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:22 pm
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: Joe Sumrall RSE student unsolved murder 1992
Replies: 14
Views: 15524

Re: Joe Sumrall RSE student unsolved murder 1992

Hi Rooster, It was painful to read your remarks regarding the dismissive and humiliating treatment you received from JZ Knight. I'd say that was not too unexpected reaction from the apparently sociopathic and insecure JZ Knight. It was also probably primarily a business decision on Knight's or her a...
by Ockham
Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:06 am
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: Event Videos?
Replies: 1
Views: 3621

Re: Event Videos?

RSE is a private compound, and the corporation that runs RSE does not permit any photography or recording that it does not control or sanction itself. You will probably have to deal with RSE's publicist if you want obtain archival video from 1999. Don't expect any cooperation from RSE unless you wan...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:44 pm
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Judith trying to capitalize on the Seahawks Superbowl win?
Replies: 3
Views: 5152

Re: Judith trying to capitalize on the Seahawks Superbowl wi

That is a laugh our loud moment about, "Ramtha," having something to do with the Seattle Sea hawks winning the Superbowl contest. I thought Ramtha is supposed to be a global (and beyond?) phenomenon. It doesn't seem like Ramtha would care about who won. Ethics aside (Oh, that's right: no r...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:34 pm
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself
Replies: 19
Views: 17459

Re: Fiona Regan apparently shot herself has a brief article with a clear explanation: This is indeed sad. My sympathies to all those involved. It seems like the God I am and I create everything in my reality philoso...
by Ockham
Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:36 am
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself
Replies: 19
Views: 17459

Re: Fiona Regan apparently shot herself

This is concerning to me because on outside Ms. Regan doesn't sound like a person who would become suicidal a mere year after her newsletter remarks. Ms. Regan is clearly devoted to Ramtha but she doesn't come across as patently unstable. In a way she sounds like the people I know who have moved to ...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:30 pm
Forum: Student Deaths. Suicide Prevention Resources Abuse at RSE.
Topic: RSE student Fiona Regan shot herself
Replies: 19
Views: 17459

Re: recent

My condolences to the departed (hoping any pain they endured was brief) and to their families (for their loss of their loved ones). Note the following: It is interesting that esophageal varies is a side effect of cirrhosis disease of the liver. Cirrhos...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:41 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: JZ Knight vs D McCarthy NZ Trial
Replies: 21
Views: 21756

Re: JZ Knight vs D McCarthy NZ Trail date: Monday 26 May 201

Wash, rinse, repeat.... Past the first couple of paragraphs relating to Jeff Knight, much od the rest of this article in the New York Times of Sptember 25, 1992 couild have been written last week Interestin...
by Ockham
Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:24 am
Forum: News Articles
Topic: Larry King: Curing Cancer with Consciousness
Replies: 1
Views: 3890

Larry King: Curing Cancer with Consciousness

Check the comments section of the following web article: I am particularly moved by the following remark: JZ Knight is a cult leader. She runs a compound where individuals with extremely weak personalities seek help to validate themsel...
by Ockham
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:04 am
Forum: TV Interviews - Videos -Documentaries - Educate yourself
Topic: RSE Court Zases + Genetic Matrix on JZK
Replies: 2
Views: 5709

Re: genetic matrix on jzk

That is a pretty good summary article on the last 40 years of JZ Knight's Ramtha saga. One omission is the Arabian horse fraud where Knight was selling over-priced horses that supposedly been ordained by Ramtha to be winners, but were in fact pedestrian performers at best and were for the most part ...
by Ockham
Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:49 pm
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Super bowl sunday
Replies: 1
Views: 3488

Re: Super bowl sunday

Wow, that's pretty bad timing to have RSE's talk coincide with the Big Game. When RSE scheduled the talk, it should have asked Ramtha to check the time line for an open slot. Ramtha was befuddled by Safeway grocery stores, so maybe he wouldn't have noticed that the home town team would be playing in...
by Ockham
Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:32 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material
Replies: 16
Views: 28559

Re: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material

It seems rather odd that of Vera Stranley Alder's book series that only one, From the Mundane to the Magnificent , is relatively difficult to obtain. I am suspect of a fifteen times price premium for a text, that from reading the discussions, does not appear to be materially less desireable than Ald...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:52 am
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material
Replies: 16
Views: 28559

Re: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material

I know uses some sort of adaptive pricing which allowsmvendors to dynamically adjust prices that its affiliates dsplay to Amazon's customers based on what they think a customer will pay. What Amazon is displaying to me is "1 New from $749 and 2 used from $156.". Ouch! In contras...
by Ockham
Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:41 pm
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.
Replies: 3
Views: 4810

Re: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

I just want to clarify that I do not endorse or condone what Ms. Hicks, Ms. Knight and other psychics do. When I said that the technique of talking familiar-sounding gobbledygook is effectivce, I meant it was effectivce at hoodwinking the psychic's victim. The trick is that the psychic realizes the ...
by Ockham
Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:37 am
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.
Replies: 3
Views: 4810

Re: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Arrgh! Boy was that hard to listen to. Esther Hicks talking is like throwing a New Age self help book into a blender, pouring it out on a table, then reading aloud the ramdon text that results. It is like Judy Knight's recitation, but amped up on steroids. The phrases have the ring of familiarity, b...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:16 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Replies: 5
Views: 9619


Thank you, David, for sharing the most recent COP text. Not surprisingly, the Conditions of Participation are as onerous and ridiculous as ever. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe in the United States of America, the COP clause that tries to say that a prior experience of a participant is somehow retro...
by Ockham
Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:54 pm
Forum: Tips, Links and Book Reviews
Topic: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material
Replies: 16
Views: 28559

Re: JZ Knight RSE plagiarized material

It is intereasting that Vera Stanley Alder books other than From the Mundane to the Magnificent are not difficult to obtain. From the Mundane to the Magnificent is even difficult to obtain via inter library loan. If one does a an Internet search, most ofd Ms. Alder's texts are available as scanned d...
by Ockham
Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:25 pm
Forum: RSE International, Inc.
Topic: JZ Knight RSE International, Inc (COP) (NDA)
Replies: 3
Views: 5332

Re: JZ Knight RSE International, Inc (COP) (NDA)

It is kind of suspicious that RSEI was dissolved so quickly. In reading Washington scurities regulatrions, it appears that RSEI would have had to file annual reportrs and allow the board to be elcted by the share holders. So, the conspiracy theorist in me tends to suspect RSEI was dissolved before i...
by Ockham
Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:31 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Mike Wright perjury Under Oath John Michael "Mike" Wright is the Legal Affairs Manager for JZK.Inc RSE.Inc
Replies: 4
Views: 7577

Re: Mike Wright perjury Under Oath

Mike Wright has good company on the RSE staff when it comes to credential inflation. To paraphrase soap opera actor Peter Bergman from a cough syrup advertisement, we also have Greg, 'I'm not a doctor, but I play one on,' Simmoms who had to own up to some crdential inflation of his own: ht...
by Ockham
Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:35 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Mike Wright perjury Under Oath John Michael "Mike" Wright is the Legal Affairs Manager for JZK.Inc RSE.Inc
Replies: 4
Views: 7577

Re: Mike Wright perjury Under Oath

That's both sad and funny at the same time. Title inflation and credential fabrication seem to be quite popular among New Age and UFO purveyors. In the Internet age, one should realize that it is all too easy to check the credentials and educational history stated on a curriculuim vitae. I can see t...
by Ockham
Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:30 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Retiring?
Replies: 8
Views: 7281

Re: Retiring?

At some point, she's probably going to have to start purchasing replacement organs for the ones she's destroying with chronic alcohol and tobacco abuse. Her physicians must cringe every time they see an xray of her liver, heart and lungs. Who knows what other body parts she's going to need to replac...
by Ockham
Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:04 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: JZK's Rules of Hate and Fraud: South Thurston Journal
Replies: 3
Views: 8002

Re: JZK's Rules of Hate and Fraud: South Thurston Journal

It seems a rather convenient coincidence for RSE that taking Social Security payments is OK - as it also happens to be one form of government support that puts spendaable cash in RSE students' hands - cash that can be spent on RSE. A Food Stamps debit card of an RSE student, on the other hand, is of...
by Ockham
Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:11 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?
Replies: 12
Views: 9928

Re: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?

I think even more disturbing is this passage that starts as the last sentence on page 175 and continues on mpage 176 (as paginatd in the 2004 edition of Ramtha ). And I wish you to understand one who participates with the slayer in his expression is not the victim of the slayer, for he has contempla...
by Ockham
Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:09 am
Forum: Pages 1 & 2 - General Chit Chat & Social Forums
Topic: Retiring?
Replies: 8
Views: 7281

Re: Retiring?

It would be wonderful news if Ms. Knight retires. The skeptical side of me suspects it is yet another ploy to try to create panic to attend as many RSE events as possible before Ramtha disappears. I wonder if Ms. Knight retires, if RSE has somebody anointed to receive the passing of the Ramtha baton...
by Ockham
Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:41 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?
Replies: 12
Views: 9928

Re: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?

Of course, let's not forget Vanda Boone who would probably still be here were it not for RSE:

by Ockham
Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:32 am
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?
Replies: 12
Views: 9928

Re: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?

One of the RSE related deaths that really disturbed me was Sally Paulsen from the Bald Hill area. Sally apparently died in a very uncomfortable way when she slipped head first into a buried 55 gallon plastic barrel whose mouth was at ground level. Sally appeared to have been trying to hide her RSE d...
by Ockham
Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:45 pm
Forum: Lawsuits & Court cases - JZK,Inc - latest lawsuit - RSE Music Copyright Infringments
Topic: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?
Replies: 12
Views: 9928

Re: Has the RSE corporation committed manslaughter?

That condition of participation gag order should be a red flag to anybody considering a relationship with RSE. It is misguided and self centered to think the gag order is there to assure exclusivity such that you're one of the few that is going to get secret teaching. You're a self centered and pett...
by Ockham
Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:46 pm
Forum: The Teachings, The Labyrinth, The Tank, Field Work, The Audiences, C&E, The Disciplines
Topic: C and E session RAMTHA 2010
Replies: 7
Views: 7879

Re: C and E session RAMTHA 2010

Thanks, Seriously, well put. Here we are; it is almost 2014 and the planet is still hanging in there. Japan is still more or less in the same place. No mega volcanos. No comet impacts. No anthrax epidemic. No Mexican invasion of the United States. No space alien attack. No ice age. No shadow governm...
by Ockham
Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:23 am
Forum: Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults/Corperations, Cult Leaders Other Than RSE/JZ Knight
Topic: Sylvia Browne
Replies: 12
Views: 9567

Re: Sylvia Browne

I think we're talking about two different people named Joe. I'm pretty sure Robair and I were talking about, "defrocked," RSE staff teacher Joe Dispenza. Dispenza went on post-RSE to author books with rather RSE-like philosophy, but carefully avoiding Ms. knight's trade marked words for ot...

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