Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Wonderful on the outside Treacherous on the inside....! Cults have millions of members around the world who also thought they were immune.
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Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Unread post by FreeNow »


Interesting. A thought form.
Keep the greater good at heart.
joe sz
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Re: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Unread post by joe sz »

"that makes sense" is how the questioner ends this answer by 'abraham' hicks. And that is why channeling is so effective among narcissists who want to believe that deep inside they have a "higher" intuitive or "god" nature that can grasp or "grok" the essence of divine language, of Being in itself...

Hicks continues to spew nonsense

Hicks uses way too many words to get to a point that is never really made, and by the time she does, the point is lost in a web of abstractions that the questioner somehow rationalizes. all further questioning is compromised as the brain of the questioner goes into a form of dissociation or trance to arrange whatever 'abraham' spewed into an agreement: 'Oh yeah, I get that!'
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Re: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Unread post by Ockham »

Arrgh! Boy was that hard to listen to. Esther Hicks talking is like throwing a New Age self help book into a blender, pouring it out on a table, then reading aloud the ramdon text that results. It is like Judy Knight's recitation, but amped up on steroids. The phrases have the ring of familiarity, but the phrases don't really juxthapose in a way that means anything. I'm glad that Abraham pice only went on for a little over six minutes; I felt like I wanted to do a primal scream of frustratioon by the end of the recording.

I took it as Ms. Hiicks was ducking the question; she didn't know what tro say and was leading the questioiner into cooking up her own answer. That seems like a common trick practicd by psychics to reel out mumbo jumbo and allow the listener to impart meaning to the mumbo jumbo. I think that it works pretty effectively becsuse our brains are hard wird to try to find order in apparent chaos. It is a useful survival instinct. I think the more ridicuious the verbal chaos, the harder the brain works to try to sort it out into order. The psychic's art is to be sufficintly vapid without entirely losing the audience in a rhetorical quagmire.
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Re: Abraham answers the question What is Ramtha.

Unread post by Ockham »

I just want to clarify that I do not endorse or condone what Ms. Hicks, Ms. Knight and other psychics do. When I said that the technique of talking familiar-sounding gobbledygook is effectivce, I meant it was effectivce at hoodwinking the psychic's victim. The trick is that the psychic realizes the victim has presupposed an an answer to a question. The psychic doesn't really need to understrand the question or have any idea what a reasonable answer might be. The stream of famliar sounding phrases allows the victim's associative reasoning to try to join the nonsense together with his or her own internal sensibility. With a little luck, the presupposed answer bubbles up in the victim's mind. I think of this type of manipulation to be the mental equivalent of an optical illusion, where the brain can be tricked by its internal wiring. Used properly and responsibnly, this technique couild be a useful tool in psychotherapy, but for-pay psychics use it to feed off their victims. Even well meaning therapists have gone off track, and have used this type of manipulation to inadvertently create constructed false memories in abuse victims.
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