Predator Pray | How Spirituality Makes You Vulnerable

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David McCarthy
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Predator Pray | How Spirituality Makes You Vulnerable

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Predator Prey.

Highly recommended. An excellent website for former customers/members of R$E and for those wishing to understand the methods cult leaders uses to entice and trap their prey. Cults are what sociopaths setup for 'self aggrandizement' and to make a fortune using deceit, abuse and psychological rape . And what better front for a sociopath than hiding behind a mask playing God? Religious organizations are swarming with them, and always 'hidden in plane sight.
Tragically by the time a person realizes they have been recruited into a cult their lives have been ruined, leaving little resources, mental, material and spiritual to climb out of its sticky web. The very tools needed to rebuild our lives have been sabotaged by the cults programming, much the same as a virus hijacks a computers operating system, the mind has to be deprogrammed and stripped back to its fundamental operating systems to reestablishes critical free thinking with
compassion and trust in life.
"""This site explores what makes people vulnerable to predation, in the form of spirituality and religion.
Since I was a member of a cult for 20 years, much of the discussion will be about, but not limited to, that cult. That cult is called Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment
Predator Pray | How Spirituality Makes You Vulnerable (unfortunately a dead link)
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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David McCarthy
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Re: Predator Pray | How Spirituality Makes You Vulnerable

Unread post by David McCarthy »

A fascinating subject > Imaginary Relationships <

Understanding the psychological landscape of cults and its leaders is fundamental in helping us navigate through a minefield of RSE programming and abuses. The landscape is dangerous territory and uncharted for most of us. Very few have the courage to explore and map. Perhaps if I were a younger man starting out in life, I would choose to be a 'cult busting psychologist' helping to educate and heal those that have suffered and imprisoned under the psychological tyranny of cultic abuse....
Thank you Elizabeth :idea:

Attachment Theory Part 1: Imaginary Relationships…/attachmen ... and-imagin…/ (Unfortunately a dead link)

Attachment Theory Part 2: Subverted and Manipulated…/attachmen ... part-2-sub…/ (Unfortunately a dead link)
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Predator Pray | How Spirituality Makes You Vulnerable

Unread post by Angelette »

people believe ramtha is their father and treat hin as such they think he talks to them in their dreams, they have conversations with him all day and fantasize about him at night, about being a dancer in his army like he has told people they were reincarnated dancers in his ancient army where he overthew India. They think he is there when they hear crickets or frogs and he is thinking of them. Its so sad, because its lies, but people hold on to this and they have a glaze in their eyes and they just are not thinking

ramsters in this town get jobs only to pay for their events, thats it. That is the life.

I love that website Dave it is how I feel sometimes. Those images are what i felt. totally used. thrown out. when I trued to warn people i was excommunicated.

I have friends who have fallen for the business brokerscams andlost alot of money and whats ten grand to these rich rse high rollers, when they take what little people coming to this town have. They feed this into the school and its tainted money.
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