JZK/Ramtha, Fukushima et autres prédictions

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JZK/Ramtha, Fukushima et autres prédictions

Unread post by delavie »

Exemple d'une tentative de la structure RSE et du personnage JZK/Ramtha pour maintenir l'illusion de prédiction.

En mai, JZK/Ramtha se produit à Denver (USA) dans le cadre d'une tournée avec des séminaires sur le thème "les Jours à venir". Le discours tente d'établir un lien de cause à effet entre une activité humaine et certains phénomènes (tremblements de terre, taches solaires, inondations, épidémies, famines…). Cette relation décrite comme organique se situe à la marge des débats sur les pollutions identifiées, et expose une critique politique, sociale, et psychologique. Curieusement, le discours emprunte certains arguments aux courants radicaux des années 1920-1950 avec C. Coughlin, G.L.K. Smith, W. D. Pelley, M. C. Fagan, en utilisant certaines facettes de l'expression new-age. Le contenu des séminaires "Jours à venir" est une succession d'annonces qui alimentent un effet de tension et de défiance pour développer la théorie d'une adaptation et d'une survie d'après l'interprétation par JZK/Ramtha des événements en cours. Parmi elles, une annonce concerne le Japon.
"Now, changes in the earth's land mass. There is a new land mass that is creating itself at the present moment off the country called Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. Grand name ! It is a new shelf rising to the surface. The pressure of that shelf coming to the surface will create quite a bit of earthquake activity in Japan. That will end towards the latter part of '87. But they will begin to feel the rumblings very shortly.

When something rises, something must move to make room for it. Japan is going to be moving to the west to allow that which is arising on the east to be its closest neighbor. Toward the end of your century in counting, the people of the land of the rising sun will only have to cross a small waterway to go in this new country. And they need it; it is a blessing to them. Upon that land, they will be able to cultivate and harvest foodstuffs that are liken unto the whole of the world's foodstuffs, for they will be able to grow anything and everything there. So rich and fertile will land be, that it will allow them to be sovereign and self-sustaining. And that, indeed, is a blessing, and is well worth the trembling and the quaking that will occur in creating it."
"Ramtha intensive, Change the days to come" (Edited by Steven Lee Weinberg, Carol Wright and John Clancy, 1987) en page 45 - Saturday Afternoon Session May 17, 1986.
Dans son livre "Finding Enlightenment" qui participe à lisser l'image de JZ Knight et de la RSE, J.G. Melton rapproche l'annonce de 1986 du séisme à Kobe au Japon en janvier 1995.

le 11 mars, un séisme puis un tsunami provoquent une suite d'incidents dans la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima.

Le 22 mars, simultanément, la RSE titre sur son site "Ramtha predicted Japan's movement - in 1986" et diffuse un communiqué par le biais de "PRWeb" :
JZ Knight of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE) Predicted the Earthquake in Japan 25 Years Ago
Leading spiritual and self-help leader JZ Knight, the unique channel of Ramtha (website) and founder of the popular Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, predicted the devastating earthquake in Japan 25 years ago during a seminar with her students.

Leading spiritual and self-help leader JZ Knight, the unique channel of Ramtha (website) and founder of the popular Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, predicted the devastating earthquake in Japan 25 years ago during a seminar with her students.
During a seminar that was recorded at a weekend event on May 17-18, 1986 in Denver, Ramtha said,
"There is a new landmass that is creating itself at the present moment off of your country called Japan … it is a new shelf rising to the surface, and the shelf of that pressure coming to the surface is going to create quite a bit of activity with regard to earthquakes in Japan.
"When something rises, you must make room for it. That which is called this particular island country is going to be moving, as it were indeed, to the west to allow that which is rising on the east to be its closest neighbor."
According to a report from CNN on March 12, not only did the devastating tsunami move the main island of Japan by eight feet, but the earthquake shifted the Earth on its axis by almost four inches. *
"We know that these times are troubling and, even though we were not able to predict exactly when these events would take place, our hearts, minds and prayers go out to those who are suffering right now," Ms. Knight said.
De 1986 à 2011, quelques variations donc pour ne pas dire omissions volontaires. L'annonce de 1986 sur le Japon était aussi vague et prévisible que possible pour un Japon situé dans une zone de subduction tectonique (près de 400 phénomènes sismiques ont été répertoriés entre 600 et 1900). Elle contenait néanmoins ces affirmations qui cadrent difficilement avec la catastrophe de Fukushima :
- contrairement à l'annonce de 1986, le Japon n'était pas accessible au continent par voie pédestre début 2000.
- contrairement à l'annonce de 1986, le séisme n'a pas entraîné l'émergence de ressources correspondant à "un besoin"et à "une bénédiction".
- contrairement à l'annonce de 1986, l'annonce d'une nouvelle terre "riche" et "fertile" est incompatible avec la radioactivité conséquente à la catastrophe de Fukushima.
- contrairement à l'annonce de 1986, rien ne permet d'affirmer que l'évolution géologique du Japon soit bénéfique à courte et moyenne échéance à sa population en termes de "souveraineté" et d' autosuffisance".
Example of an attempt by Ramtha's School of Enlightenment structure and JZK / Ramtha character to maintain the illusion of prediction.

In May, JZK / Ramtha perform at Denver (USA) as part of a tour with seminars on the theme "Days to come." Discourse tries to establish a link of cause and effect between human activity and phenomena (earthquakes, sunspots, floods, epidemics, famines ...). This relationship is described as organic at the margin of the debate on pollution identified and expose a critical political, social, and psychological. Curiously, the speech takes some arguments for radical currents years 1920-1950 with C. Coughlin, G.L.K. Smith, W. D. Pelley, M.C. Fagan, using certain aspects of New Age. The content of the seminar "Days to come" is a series of ads that feed a tension and mistrust to develop a theory of adaptation and survival as interpreted by JZK / Ramtha events course. Among them, an ad for Japan.

"Now, changes in the earth's land mass. There is a new land mass that is creating itself at the present moment off the country called Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. Grand name ! It is a new shelf rising to the surface. The pressure of that shelf coming to the surface will create quite a bit of earthquake activity in Japan. That will end towards the latter part of '87. But they will begin to feel the rumblings very shortly.

When something rises, something must move to make room for it. Japan is going to be moving to the west to allow that which is arising on the east to be its closest neighbor. Toward the end of your century in counting, the people of the land of the rising sun will only have to cross a small waterway to go in this new country. And they need it; it is a blessing to them. Upon that land, they will be able to cultivate and harvest foodstuffs that are liken unto the whole of the world's foodstuffs, for they will be able to grow anything and everything there. So rich and fertile will land be, that it will allow them to be sovereign and self-sustaining. And that, indeed, is a blessing, and is well worth the trembling and the quaking that will occur in creating it."
"Ramtha intensive, Change the days to come" (Edited by Steven Lee Weinberg, Carol Wright and John Clancy, 1987) en page 45 - Saturday Afternoon Session May 17, 1986.

In his book "Finding Enlightenment," which portrays generally favorable JZ Knight and RSE, J.G. Melton decided to make a comparison between the 1986 announcement and earthquake in Kobe, Japan in January 1995.

March 11
An earthquake and a tsunami caused a series of incidents in Fukushima.
March 22
Simultaneously, the RSE put the title "Ramtha Predicted Japan's movement - in 1986" on its website as and issued a press release through "PRWeb"

JZ Knight of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE) Predicted the Earthquake in Japan 25 Years Ago
Leading spiritual and self-help leader JZ Knight, the unique channel of Ramtha (website) and founder of the popular Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, predicted the devastating earthquake in Japan 25 years ago during a seminar with her students.

Leading spiritual and self-help leader JZ Knight, the unique channel of Ramtha (website) and founder of the popular Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, predicted the devastating earthquake in Japan 25 years ago during a seminar with her students.
During a seminar that was recorded at a weekend event on May 17-18, 1986 in Denver, Ramtha said, "There is a new landmass that is creating itself at the present moment off of your country called Japan … it is a new shelf rising to the surface, and the shelf of that pressure coming to the surface is going to create quite a bit of activity with regard to earthquakes in Japan.
"When something rises, you must make room for it. That which is called this particular island country is going to be moving, as it were indeed, to the west to allow that which is rising on the east to be its closest neighbor."
According to a report from CNN on March 12, not only did the devastating tsunami move the main island of Japan by eight feet, but the earthquake shifted the Earth on its axis by almost four inches.
"We know that these times are troubling and, even though we were not able to predict exactly when these events would take place, our hearts, minds and prayers go out to those who are suffering right now," Ms. Knight said.

From 1986 to 2011, some changes so not to say willful omissions. The announcement of the 1986 Japan was vague and predictable as possible for Japan located in a tectonic subduction zone (about 400 seismic events were recorded between 600 and 1900). It contained, however, these statements inconsistent with the Fukushima disaster:
- Contrary to the announcement of 1986, Japan was not accessible to the mainland by pedestrian early 2000.
- Contrary to the announcement of 1986, the earthquake did not cause the emergence of resources corresponding to "a need" and "a blessing."
- Contrary to the announcement of 1986, the announcement of a new earth "rich" and "fertile" is incompatible with the consequent radioactivity in the Fukushima disaster.
- Contrary to the announcement of 1986, there is nothing to say that the geological evolution of Japan is beneficial in the short and medium term to its population in terms of "sovereignty" and self-sufficiency. "

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Re: JZK/Ramtha, Fukushima et autres prédictions

Unread post by delavie »

Petit rappel sur le ton, les convictions, et une "prédiction" de JZK/Ramtha en 1986 dans le domaine politique :

Samedi 17 mai 1986, session de l'après-midi.
"Beaucoup se plaignent de votre Roi Reagan. Mais cette entité est un homme d'action, un homme de gros bon sens ; ses actions sont en accord avec ce qui se passe. Il est le premier des trois hommes politiques de ce pays qui créeront l'opportunité d'un retour à une république telle que l'avait imaginé Solon. Un gouvernement au sein duquel les gens se gouvernent eux-mêmes. Cela est prévu pour votre pays.
Je n'ai pas voté pour votre roi, mais je dois dire que cette entité est divinement inspirée. Ce n'est peut-être pas évident mais chaque jour cette entité prie avec ferveur pour demander direction et conseil. Vous ne le savez pas, mais moi si. Et c'est grâce à cet homme formidable et simple que verra le jour ici, avant la fin de la prochaine décennie, une république sans chef d'État, une république dirigée par le peuple, une grande république, en effet."
"Ramtha, les sessions, Les jours à venir", (Ed. du roseau), p.63.

Dimanche 18 mai 1986, session du matin.
"Cette entité [R. Reagan] est inébranlable et elle était destinée à ce poste. Quant à ceux qui, à travers votre pays, réclament des services sociaux accrus, je leur demande : pourquoi voulez-vous des services sociaux ? Si vous voulez vivre libres, pourquoi dépendriez-vous de votre gouvernement pour prendre soin de vous ? Pourquoi rouspétez-vous, pourquoi êtes-vous affamés, pourquoi n'êtes vous pas instruits et pourquoi êtes-vous au chômage ? Parce que vous avez le dos et l'esprit affaiblis à force de laisser les autres prendre soin de vous. Et s'ils ne le font pas comme il faut, vous les haïssez.".
"Ramtha, les sessions, Les jours à venir", (Ed. du roseau), p.95.

Reminder of the tone, beliefs, and "prediction" of JZK / Ramtha in 1986 in politics:

May 17, 1986 - Saturday Afternoon Session :
"Many of you complain about your King Regan. But this entity is a basic common-sense doer, and he is "on line" ; he is right with the unfolding that is occuring. He is the first of three who will help create in this land the opportunity to return to a republic like the one envisioned by Solon, a government in which the people rule themselves. This movement in your country is on schedule.
Now, I did not vote for your king. But every day in his time the entity prays fervently for knowingness and direction. You don't know it, but I do. And it is from this outrageous, simple man that there will come into effect, before the end of your decade to come, a republic that has no head of state, one that is ruled by its people, a great republic, indeed."
"Ramtha Intensive : change the days to come" (Sovereignty, Inc), p.55.

May 18, 1986 Sunday Morning session.
"This entity [R. Reagan] is steadfast and was destined to be where he is. And for those in your country who cry out that they do not have enough money for social services, why do you want social services ? If you want to be free, why are you depending upon your government, to take care of you ? Why are you squawking, and why are you hungry, and why are you uneducated, and why don't you labor ? Because you have become lax from letting everyone take care of you. And if they don't do it properly, you hate them."
"Ramtha Intensive : change the days to come" (Sovereignty, Inc), p.86.
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Re: JZK/Ramtha, Fukushima et autres prédictions

Unread post by ex »

thank you delavie for this great research.
after 30 years she goes in her archives. searching 'i said something about this pulls out the wrong part of her first prediction and repeats it word for word. the prediction is probably stolen from cassy in the first place.
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