"RSE formula" for the Sea-11 water?

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David McCarthy
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"RSE formula" for the Sea-11 water?

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Does anybody have the "RSE formula" for the Sea-11 water?
If you do..
Please post it here.
or Email me at LARSE@ywave.com


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Unread post by tree »

Maybe look in the paperwork I have you.
There was a hand written copy from Teri Simpson and her
Optimum Energy store. I know there were notes from
in the arena as well.
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Thank you Tree,
I will look for it.

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Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

There is a Ramster (and JZ employee) who is critically ill - including collapsed kidneys, possible colon cancer, and other undiagnosed issues including unidentified toxins. She has taken the sea 11 water in the past. It's possible this is contributing to her current (and long term untreated illness(es)). If anyone has some sea11, please contact the emf webmasters. If a sample can be analyzed at the hospital, perhaps the doctors can get a clue as to what's poisoning her system.
And/or, as David asked, if you have the formula and ingredients, please send to emf webmaster.
Perhaps we can help save a life - literally ---- And then perhaps put in a crack in the ramtha egg that surrounds/blinds people.
Thank you.
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Unread post by G2G »

I remember seeing the "recipe" in the old forum. Maybe a link over to the archives will help?
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

I have the details of the Sea-11 Recipe.

It's not full of ingredients. It's basically water from the ocean, that gets mixed in certain proportions, with SODIUM HYDROXIDE (lye....14 on the pH scale). That then gets rinsed with water, after precipitating other chemicals reactions in the process.

So, what you want to find out, is, what are the elements that are formed when mixing the sodium hydroxide (deadly), with the ocean water. THAT is what is ingested.

Honestly, my recipe in my notes is buried in boxes. I will look for it, but this is the fast answer for right now.
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Unread post by Wakeup-Call »

Caution: This is in no way a recommendation for any reader to try this at home. You do so at your own risk!

These are my notes from 10 years ago when this was all the rage. I had several masters who were connected with RSE staff review these at the time and compare to their notes.

Acquire Seawater (salt water)
? Pacific Northwest (M11), Salt Lake Utah, Dead Sea (M1)
? Acquire away from pollution and populated areas
 Clean and as toxin-free as possible
? Recommended ? 1 mile out, 50 feet down
? Can use a submersible pump to do this
? Collect in non-biodegradable plastic buckets
? Prevent water from becoming contaminated
? Process the water within 2-3 days or it will separate (only for M-11, but some say not true and it can sit around for a few weeks)

Filter Seawater
? Filter the water twice
? Use a fresh, clean coffee filter each time ? or use a plastic (not metal) strainer ? or a 5 micron wine sack strainer

Create Lye Mixture
? Mix 4 parts steam distilled water to one part lye into a beaker or Ball canning jar ? Stir well (e.g., ? cup lye, 1 cup water)
 Beaker: glass ? no metal (may filter into mix) ? no untempered glass, heat from the lye will break it ? add lye to water slowly
 Lye: 100%, such as Red Devil ? shake can until you hear rattle so crystals are loosened up, can opener works best to open can
 Steam Distilled Water ? do not want to introduce any unknown substances, some store-bought distilled water retains some minerals
 Will need approximately one quart lye mixture to five gallons of M-11 seawater (more for Dead Sea)

Calibrate PH Meter
 Obtain a good quality PH meter (2 decimal places), distilled water for rinsing meter, and calibration solutions of ph 4, 7, 10
? Put out a glass of tap water, glass of distilled water. Label them. Put out plenty of paper towels. Also label calibration solutions.
? Follow instructions with ph meter to calibrate. Blot meter to dry off between solutions, do not rub.
? When done, rinse meter with tap water. Store meter tip in tap water.
 Once the ph meter has gotten wet, do not ever let it dry out or it will not work again

Combine Lye Mixture with Seawater
? Place the calibrated ph meter in the filtered seawater
? Very slowly, add lye/water mixture to seawater while stirring vigorously
 Use plastic, wood or glass to stir. Do not use any metal ever in this process. Recommend glass rod ? easy to clean.
 Stir well after each addition of lye mixture and let it stabilize before noting ph level
? As the ph meter approaches 10.5 begin to add the lye mixture one drop at a time with an eye dropper until the ph level reaches 10.78
 If product reaches or exceeds ph level of 11.5, throw it out and start over. At 11.5, lead is produced which is very toxic to the body.
? Once 10.78 is reached and stabilized, stop adding lye mixture
? Cover bucket completely with a dark towel and allow to stand and separate for two to five hours.

Rinsing Precipitate
? Draw off top, clear liquid carefully to maintain white precipitate on the bottom. Keep the white, cloudy stuff.
? Suction off the last of the water with a new (not used in cooking) plastic baster, leaving the precipitate undisturbed
? Fill the precipitate container with steam distilled water and stir very well
 Use twice the amount of steam distilled water as precipitate
? Let stand 8-10 hours covered with a dark towel
? Draw off top liquid as noted above
? Repeat this rinsing procedure two more times (total of three rinses)
 Never let the precipitate dry out

Bottling and Storing the Precipitate
? Bottle the precipitate in sterilized, brown glass bottles. Do not use blue bottles.
 Sterilize bottles by placing them upside down in boiling water for 15 minutes; or wash in electric dishwasher if temperature goes past 212o F; or place upside down in oven at 150o F for 10 minutes then 250o F for 20 minutes.
 Use a plastic funnel to fill
? Store in a cool, dark place
 Can refrigerate. Since precipitate can contain bacteria, storing at room temperature is not advisable.
 Can be canned, but do not freeze
 The product is reactive to light, nitro-oxide and sulfur compounds
 Keep the product sterile; do not let it get contaminated
 If the color turns dark, it has gone bad

Using the Product(s)
? Take morning & night before doing The List
 Do not use a metal spoon when ingesting the product
? Amount (2-3 tsp. M-11, 1 tsp. Salt Lake, ? tsp. Dead Sea)

Monatomic Elements
? Gold, Rhodium, Iridium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Platinum, Gold, Palladium, Silver
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Now that we have the RSE Sea-11 formula...
it will be possible for us to make a small amount for a laboratory toxicity test, and shed some light on this issue.
Any volunteers?

Many thanks Wakeup-Call... the formula will be sent to the hospital.



an antidote or cleanse for the Sea-11:
depending on where the seawater was from and how the preparation was made,
you are probably looking at lead- and mercury oxides or hydroxides as the main problem contaminants, with some cadmium added for good measure.

They can be cleansed out of the body by various means, one of them is taking broken cell-wall chlorella for six months; this is very effective, as hair analyses have shown over and over.

Another option is to do the herbal cleanse developed by the late Dr. Christopher which is now better known as the Schultze-cleanse; this preparation contains in the dark powder formula activated charcoal and bentonite clay, both known to pull out heavy metal toxicity.

For mercury toxicity, daikon radish and cilantro are working well, besides chlorella.

For getting rid of deuterium, the classic way is water fasting. Another option would be taking the trace elements germanium and cerium in edible forms, these two together help the body rid itself of deuterium, too.


Heavy metals do tend to get secreted out over time, but in some individuals, levels remain high. We had and have a few great healers in town who I had the honor to work with. One of them did extensive work with detoxification before he came to Yelm, and his take on the subject was that almost everybody in the civilized world shows some elevated levels of one or some heavy metal(s) in a hair analysis, so why even bother doing any costly hair analysis, just put the person on a six month course of taking chlorella and it will clean up. This is a very healthy food supplement of an algae anyway, so you get numerous benefits out of it and it costs less than going through hair analysis plus the expensive chelation therapy that is not without side-effects.

Another simple approach is taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. They contain amino acid chelates of such trace elements like copper, manganese, chromium, selenium and zinc, and all these will help your body get rid of other heavy metals over time.

One stunning fact baffled marine biologists for a long time: wild salmon often have levels of mercury in their tissue that are considered dangerous or even lethal, yet the fish swim about happily. Later, the reason was discovered: these salmon also have elevated levels of selenium in their tissue, which is the natural antagonist of mercury.

That's why I suggest taking trace elements. As long as you have a wide range of them available in your body, even some elevated levels of heavy metals are balanced and will apparently do no harm.

posted by Raoul

EMF link...

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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

Yes, that is the recipe...thank you Wakeup.
Another Dimension60
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Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

Thank you so much WakeUp....Thank you.
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Unread post by Song »

That is what you guys were drinking???????????? No wonder we were chelating the hell out of the RSE students!!!!!! That is absolutely terrifying that you were told to actually drink that >.<

*A local Yelm chelation physician's nurse*

I did not look to see if there was Mercury in that, but if there was, the only thing that will detox it is DMSE.

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Unread post by Another Dimension60 »

Song - I don't know what a chelation physician or nurse means, but I figure you might know, based on your response to the sea11 water -- how long would the effects of ingesting that stuff last? For instance, the former JZ employee mentioned above took the stuff when it was first promoted, years ago --So, could it take years to show up? Is there a slow break-down in the body that a physician may not pick up on? She's on dialysis 3 times a week, and has recently undergone one of the radical cancer "treatments" - - Apparently she's been ill for quite sometime, but perhaps believed she was gonna heal herself.
There's also, currently I believe, other "levels" of the seawater formula - the initial formula was just step one - and they're beyond that now and on to newer poisons...
PS There is complete denial that the sea11 water contributed to her current ails.
And, to all of us who so freely bash ramsters in one form or another - she has a ramster friend who is taking care of her when no one else will, who faithfully drove her everyday for treatment at 5 am literally through snow and ice and wind and rain, who has given up all privacy in his small home, and supports her financially.
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Song, Are You Sitting Down ?

Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

AD60 said, "And, to all of us who so freely bash ramsters in one form or another - she has a ramster friend who is taking care of her when no one else will, who faithfully drove her everyday for treatment at 5 am literally through snow and ice and wind and rain, who has given up all privacy in his small home, and supports her financially."

Thanks for sharing that, AD, but I also want to share a little more about it, too.

It's inspiring to know that even though someone would "create their reality" to include the challenges that you described with that woman, that there is another Ramster who will care for her. As you also said, "when no one else will" is far more common of an attitude. Especially if one is non-current. Some, if not most, of the "bashing" that those cold hearted Ramsters get, they've long earned. I know I have seen some pretty cold hearted actions/attitudes from more than a minority of students...and...that gets passed on to the children in the school in too many instances. I remember during wine ceremonies when R was using the "F" word countless times, and saying "F you." too many times, the children picked that "tough" attitude up. Later on, guess who got blamed during another teaching ? The students and parents. At no time did R take responsibility for his/her words. The parents were told that if they were good parents, teaching their children a strong value system, they would never swear in front of them.

What ?

R went on and on chastising the PARENTS because so many of the RSE children were commonly and frequently telling anyone who said any level of "no" to them, or telling them "what to do", to "F off." or some similar thing. I sat by the little play area at the ranch as some events, and watched/heard the kids playing there. Ohhh, the language.

So yes, while I would agree that it's unfortunate to bash Ramsters AS A WHOLE, because that would be to pigeonhole them as all being one way and I don't think that's the case, I would say that truthfully, many of them are "surface only" and they base their actions/inactions, upon what R says. I mentioned this example because I think that when you can look at what to me, is an extreme situation; overriding maternal/paternal instincts and experience, it shows how deeply and dangerously the mind can be affected. One might think that a parent who heard R talking like a drunken, foul pirate (or cockroach, 'cept they don't talk), they would automatically say to themselves, "Oh, this is just not for my children to hear !!!" ....and....don't allow your children to be in that environment. I didn't. For all of my years there, my children were not there except ONCE, only because I wanted them to see what/where I was. My husband and I always, always agreed (maybe this is what gave my hubby hope, I don't know), that no way were we going to expose our children to "those" values. As I've said before, I had criticisms from the get-go.

Be that as it may, the most common attitude in a "master" who believes they are living from the 4th seal of love and compassion, is that they are your "friend" only if you are a current student, and a manifesting one at that. Why ? Because one has to watch where they mingle their energies; don't want to taint yourself, you know. Just true. Sad, but true.

And, it's encouraged by the big dude/ess.
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RSE " Sea-11 water

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Song posted
That is what you guys were drinking???????????? No wonder we were chelating the hell out of the RSE students!!!!!! That is absolutely terrifying that you were told to actually drink that >.<
Welcome to EMF,
Thank you for your post.

Yes this is true...RSE heavily promoted the Sea-11 water as "a teaching".
Its members were instructed how to make it at home, and to drink it.
Because of the general atmosphere of secrecy and mistrust to outsiders,
add to that the RSE ?non disclosure document? they would have signed.
It would be very unlikely an RSE member would have disclosed they were or have, ingested the Sea 11 water.
just last year, an RSE member told me he was still drinking it....:cry:
From memory...the RSE Sea-11 water craze was at its peek around 1998-2002?

From your experience as a Yelm chelation physician's nurse.
Have you witnessed certain health issues more common with RSE members, than the local Yelm community?
If so, what were those illnesses?, and what do you think attributed to the cause of those illnesses?
You have a unique perspective on this issue?.
any information and advice.. will be much appreciated.


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But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by tree »

Alcoholism for starters.
Ever see their recycle bins on Bald Hills Rd and Smith Prairie Road? :shock:
Yes this is true...RSE heavily promoted the Sea-11 water as "a teaching".
It was being made by students during an entire Assay as well. Every single day was chemistry
lab 101 in the parking lot.
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Unread post by David McCarthy »


Do you remember the RSE event/year when the 'Sea-11 teachings"were first introduced?
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by tree »

you are stretching my brain here David :)

fortunately for me, it was only the 2nd assay I ever missed during my entire tenure at RSE.
The first one I missed was Assay 4 (number 1) (group 12 and 13 were formed the week before).

I am really wracking my brain on this one.
I am thinking around 98 or 99.
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

The teaching and recipe for Sea-11 Water were given in 1996 or 1997. It was possibly at the required autumn follow-up event of 1996, but it was absolutely by early 1997.
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Re: "RSE formula" for the Sea-11 water?

Unread post by bromia »

I remember in 1997 (I was 15 going on 16) taking one or two dropperfulls of sea-11 water per day. It basically made me unable to sleep, which was interesting at the time, but eventually I had to stop after a couple of weeks.

I am a healthy person today, so hopefully that had no long term effects that have yet to show up!

Does anyone have any updates on the chemical analysis of this stuff? I mean the lye obviously doesn't sound too good but it may have been rendered harmless through the process of making the product (I hope).
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