What is written here I cannot prove as fact, after all... this is the nature of the beast.
I will add this much…
We have touched upon the possibility that RSE is a covert mind control program, that JZK is a pawn within a greater ‘network’.
Although I prefer to steer EMF away from conspiracy theory debates in order to focus attention on more solid ground to recover our hearts and minds from RSE' with its diabolical entrapment and fallout .
I absolutely believe RSE utilizes to great effect ‘mind control methods’.
I also believe that approaching this question go hand in hand if we are to fully understand and heal from the harm caused by RSE
and its deadly methods that has destroyed the lives of many kindred spirits, and how ‘if possible’ to fully expose this cult and shut it down.
We do well to explore all possibilities with an open mind.....
But first placing a burly bouncer at our door called CT 'critical thinking' if we are to make safe headway through these unchartered waters.
This I have no doubt….
if you have attended RSE.... you have been subjected to covert mind control.
The purpose and instigators of this premise we can freely explore on this thread.
However...don't be offended if CT taps you on the shoulder....
Thank you Alpha/Omega
The Ramtha Project
Note: The below information has been condensed, mildly written with the intent of stressing ‘key points of information’. A more in-depth study and evaluation exists.
JZ Knight is treated in same regard as the RSE students.
JZ Knight is a mind-control subject. The school is a test center on a massive scale.
Those that don't meet the 'game criteria' are honed on, used as examples, in order to trigger or enable others to excel and become "perfect subjects". The controllers want the best performers for their studies.
The first commands that are 'in-bred' are:
1. You will respect.
2. You will comply.
3. If not, you will be dealt with accordingly with fear, with embarrassment (eg. such as being pushed with admission of guilt.)
4. You will be rewarded with attention if you obey.
The great campaign is to render humans to eventually denounce their moral humanity. Love, humility, compassion, forgiveness, CONSCIENCE (etc.): These human traits in form of virtue are considered 'weak', unsuitable, and distractions for the programmers/controllers.
The primary directive is to push a student to exhaustion by whatever means, to provoke their brains to work over time, with the intent of having the subjects 'awaken' potentialities of various kinds. (Stress is a key ingredient.)
If potentialities (Example: Remote viewing, telepathy, et cetera) emerge, the student is compensated. If not, the student is used and programmed for 'menial tasks', such as rendering the establishment (school) with monies; assisting with propaganda, etc.
Students that perform without resistance, are first screened, then given an opportunity to join within the more elaborate structure, such as (eg.) becoming a worker. Other students are rewarded in different ways.
When this stage of the game arrives, the profiles of these students are well documented in a nice file cabinet, under lock and key. They have become the 'school elite' (or rather, the programmers’ elite). Having gone down the rabbit hole to such a profound extent, they don't see any hope of back tracking, so they just continue to play along. Their greatest fears are not to end up with the "losers" that were honed on and weakened.
The students that have been 'cherry-picked' become the contenders for greater initiation tests, processes and mind games. They are constantly watched and monitored. They know this. It's too late in the game for them to turn back. They are taught 'not to fear', but in the very sub-layers of their minds, that's all that exists: fear. Eventually, they grow tired of the fear, and totally abandon themselves with unrealistic carefree and apathetic gestures. They shrug their shoulders and convince themselves, "I might as well continue to stay." They have abandoned themselves to a reality that their "Will" has chosen. This pleases very much the programmers.
Basically, they are like drones that represent what JZ Knight became. They are just extensions of her down the echelon.
The ones to leave the “hive network” are the critical thinkers, the analysts. They leave out of self-preservation.
JZ Knight was cherry-picked from the time she was child. She was carefully molded and formed, and led to believe that she had a great purpose on earth. (She was not the only one during this era). Each human candidate that went through a 'selective process' was analyzed by their responses to stimuli imposed on them by the programmers.
There is no such one sole entity by the name of RAMTHA. This is just a composite title representing many at work underneath that title. And there's a whole echelon of workers to make certain the title continues to exist.
JZ Knight ... is in a cage; a cage that she can't get out of. When she comes to some of her human senses (like vestiges of the past), she is quickly monitored, and her "patterns" are reset by the controllers, if by chance she suddenly has an urge to rebel. For the controllers, it is imperative she stay under their jurisdiction and mind authority. These controllers will even embarrass JZ Knight, setting her straight to their wishes and demands. Many times she tried to escape. She couldn't.
The RSE establishment is a network of tentacles, which is why it's close to impossible to find any one source behind what makes the school function as it does.
Again, "it's a conglomerate of entities" all under one title, called RAMTHA.
In this light, I guess you could call it the "RAMTHA Project".
Who are in the depts. of this Project?
Ans.: Dimensional physical ETs, and certain governmental factions playing alongside.
Are they still here, or have they moved on to covet over other territories?
Ans.: New factions have interceded, attempting to dilute the process, and to establish different building blocks. This explains the inconsistencies.
There is a way to break free.
Keep telling yourself that Ramtha, as solely one entity, does not exist. That does not leave the possibility out that perhaps at one time such an entity did exist in time, but these dimensional ETs have been very selective in their provocation upon Humanity to take notes of the responses.
Humans enjoy 'story telling'. As children, we enjoyed when our parents would tell us 'bed-time' stories. As a species, we look at movies, at TV and all the drama, sci-fi, etc. We ENJOY stories, to spike up our internal 'dreaming'. We enjoy 'victory stories'. What better story than to enter a tyrant/barbarian and to flow along with how he became a great warrior, and how this led to his downfall, and well, you all know the story. JZ Knight became entranced by the 'gold glitter' appearing before her. So much so, whenever she feels psychologically uncomfortable, she psychologically runs toward the memories of that time of her initial experiences.
The "TV SET" is right there in front of the students, looking at the stage. Entertain them. Have them drink wine and smoke their pot as the fumes are going around in the arena. Allow them to bring their internal defenses down. And it is at that time, when the data is infiltrated to trigger more potentials within the sub-layers of a student/person's mind.
Those who refuse to partake, will be shunned, selected out of the audience and viciously honed on. This procedure is to remind all the other students what could happen to them if they don't obey.
By the time these students go home, they have been watched, injected with data (OR, have been data mined); and the process continues as soon as the effects begin to wear off; wash, rinse, repeat.
Those that have managed to walk away from the scene of the 'mind crimes', stagger to rebuild their human identity.
New students are heavily tested. The programming from the almost-elusive programmers begins. "Respect the teachings" (going back to the first commands). Those are the RAMTHA PROJECT TENETS.
Each student that arrives at RSE has already been 'screened' before they arrival. They have already been watched. If the programmers believe they can glean something from their potential candidate, the candidates will be 'treated with courtesy'. If, later on in time, the candidate does not respond to the wishes of the controllers, they will feel the 'weight of honing', as if their own humanity were being condescended and stripped away from them, and then tossed in a bin for entertainment during the "wine ceremonies".
The "controllers" always want to be on top of the game, and they get very upset when their game backfires. When they are upset, there's an increase in "wine ceremonies" because what the programmers have succeeded at, they don't want to lose.
Again, there is a way to break free.
As the programmers have tested you, test them. Go, try it. Just keep telling yourself ::
1. There is no sole entity by the name of Ramtha. Then is nothing more than a composite title.
2. JZ Knight herself is programmed. She is the “host”, and groomed from childhood.
3. Stand to the entities you believe that are there, and yell at them with such a constructive and focused fury of soul, that they will take steps back.
4. Reprimand them. They deserve to be reprimanded.
Cutting to the chase, these controllers, have no jurisdiction over Humanity, even if they brazenly announce, "WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY"
No. They don't.
Remember your own Human tenets, and you'll be able to find freedom and more peace. The vestiges of those events will occasionally pop up out of your memory banks, but just do your daily chores, keep things simple.
A wise being once told me: "It does not matter whether with truth and lie, the enemy deceives you."
Learn to discern, not the way these controllers teach those going to the RSE school, but the way that you should discern to keep your proper humanity existent.
To be noted: MacLaine advertised JZ Knight, and this was just an added 'branch' emanating out of the overall picture.
As Peter Manning was nothing more than a composite name, covering all the people that had approached MacLaine with "I am God", it is already known in advance that these ETs and dimensional entities already had conjured up their strategy.
JZ Knight is just an addendum to the strategy in totality. As many others have been.
The whole "New Age Phenomenon" is nothing more than one massive strategy to keep humanity in governance to out-worldly forces.