It's A New Day

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It's A New Day

Unread post by forever »

There were so many things i had questions about. I didn't go through what so many of you did in reference to the hours in cold/heat. Hours of C$E. And otherwise nonsense to call it an "event". It was always a question in my mind why students paid to go there when they could do it at home. I also didn't understand the need for music to do C$E. But then i didn't do C$E. I used the breath only when doing list-at home.

It was major upheaval for me from the git go. And the dark cloud of coming events hovered over my head and life. It destroys life and happiness. And is just another way to hook students into being informed, protected by Ram :) in DTC. I have said it before, i don't think Judy knows who or what she is. She's just an empty greedy ruthless BEAST! With insatiable appetite for POWER. Ironically she's the typical victim/tyrant described in the "teachings".

I always wondered about the Hollywood connection. Somehow it just didn't quite jive with "enlightenment". Always wondered about Evans. It didn't add up until i read on EMF the article about her attraction (you might say) to Judy. For the record JZ Knight. How she could "relate to being over shadowed by a man".

Excuse me i was under the impression it's about enlightenment. Rather than image? Oh was in ERROR! It was to ME. And was supposed to be according to "teachings" but to the bottomless pit of greed, JZ it was and is all about HER. Enlightenment has nothing to do with it. Other than as an avenue to own glory. What a shame. I wasn't able to make sense of What The Bleep. It also wasn't the Ram i had been around. It bothered me. From the time they filmed the first beginners
It's going to be interesting to see how it all unfolds as she continues to unravel. And she will.

As for me it's a new day.

David, is it possible to have open a category for accomplishments and happiness for people to post on?
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David McCarthy
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Re: It's A New Day

Unread post by David McCarthy »

David, is it possible to have open a category for accomplishments and happiness for people to post on?
Hi forever,
Sure...we have a thread topic... :D
Breaking the Cult Spell - To Inspire and Heal
And now for something completely beautiful…
EMF is as much about recovery and healing from the RSE cultic abuse as about exposing JZ Knight and seeking justice.
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