People need Support

How is life after RSE? What negative effects are you dealing with? How has it affected loved ones? What has helped you towards healing and moving on? Share with others here.
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People need Support

Unread post by forever »

No one wants to find out they have been duped. Scammed, conned, manipulated, lied to. It's painful that what someone believed in isn't what they thought. First reaction is denial and excuses. Ramtha is real, teachings are real, it's Judy that has the problem.

Another one is, she's no different than anyone else, has to evolve. Or, it's alright she's compensated, SHE is making such a sacrifice to bring us the Ram. Everyone has a tendency to play hide and seek with the facts and harsh reality. Especially when they have so much invested?

I am fortunate. It has been a hard journey. many years of making the journey to my own "hook-up" to my own source, same one that belongs to everyone? Isn't copyrighted?

It was a struggle for me to believe in Ram and then when i did and teachings became my source and only source-it has not been easy to become sovereign. Interesting enough when i began to go outside of teachings, read, videos, research i found things that support teachings. Not realizing at first that it's actually the other way around. It's hard to let go.

From my perspective it isn't important to me if there ever was a Ramtha. What's important is that i have made a journey to myself. All i care about now is being FREE of RSE and the entire manure of it. It was an unforgettable moment in time. However, JOY it has NOT been. That's a clue methinks.

When the "disciplines" and teachings replace life and living-something is wrong. When it isn't alright to have human emotion....! When you have to run around in panic, scrambling to prepare for DTC that are now here.

What happened to all of those students that bought everything they could, built their UG, worked butt off to also attend events. Events? Evaluate it. What's an event in actuality? paying BIG $ to do at "school" what you can do at home? Back then that was NOT acceptable-loser!!! Shame on those students. Remember? Now that they have found an enormous way to make even more $$$$ by streaming-suddenly it's ok to stay at home? Yeah, as long as you pay your MONEY! Funny how things change.

Can ONE person that's been there decades do what's on the list? Can ONE person use the teachings for their existence? Rather than have a job?

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Re: People need Support

Unread post by freemysoul »

I am really grateful to have you here Forever. I am reminded of myself not too long ago in your words, and it fills me with sadness at first, and then hope and then knowledge that you are going to make it. I will never forget that sinking feeling in my stomach, worried to the point of ULCERS over dtc and every other thing JZ told me I had to be fearful of. I never want to feel that again, and am very protective of the sanctity of this site. This is where I found my sanity, and pulled free from the clutches of a madwoman, bent on draining my bank account and soul. This is where I was welcomed, free of charge, to cleanse my soul and hopefully help others cleanse theirs in the process and the future.
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by seriously »

Congrats forever. You're turning the corner and using logic. It's important to ask logic based questions. Extraordinary claims require proof. With R$E, there is none. I know quite a few long timers (20 yrs plus). They don't have any amazing or magical skills. They don't have fabulous wealth or radiant health. So be it.
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by forever »


Good to from all of you. It's been intense. I was ready to break away. Now it's like looking at something i was involved in and not feeling anything. Like a movie. Thrilled i didn't become part of the group. I have a lot to be grateful for. It makes me shudder to see what it has become. It's only going to get worse.

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Re: People need Support

Unread post by Rooster »

Foreever, I am happy you saw the warning signs and have found your way out. That I am thankful for. My parents are still in the school and have absolutely nothing. Hanging on by a thread with very serious health problems that are as a direct result from the cult. They never could heal themselves and needed health checkups and preventative care. Mom is still sure Nesara will come and pull them out of financial burdens.
You are doing a good job, glad you are here.
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Lizard consciousness.

Unread post by forever »

I have read extensively on EMF. OMG! Brain is exhausted. Read where Greg said, "i don't recall" regarding Lizards?
In 1999 there was an unexpected event called (pronto) over a student having seen a video, read a book about lizards. Rumor began Ramtha is a lizard.

Event called and he was livid!!! Called students, "fair weather friends". "Read one book". He used term, "lizard consciousness". I got it out and listened-yesterday.

It starts out with a LOVING salute and acknowledge to students as gods. And then "he" let em have it! " Let me tell you about lizard consciousness"....and as i listened it describes JZ exactly. "He" talked about BC and that EVERYONE pays. He had previously said the reason "his daughter" called him to do event is because of payroll. Needing $.

Fast forward to the attack on Evans-anyone see it? Where Judy spits and it goes down her leg,lands on her clothes? And "Ramtha" tells Evans that " my channel is successful and you aren't".Exact OPPOSITE of what gods are per lizard teaching. Doesn't get more IMAGE than THAT! And all the first seal stuff...40 years later?

I watched the solidarity video. "We're going to bring San Francisco to you". And what exactly does San Francisco represent? Anything goes? Throw away you integrity and morals for "enlightenment"? Rome is burning folks.

I read everything i could find on Greg. WOW!!! For me it's starting to come together as to how the school was formed.
I am still curious about the "curriculum". And why if an ascended master was the teacher-why it would not be complete and precise, at the start?

I checked out Joe Dispenza-again. You Tube. Also, Hicks? Seth. SAME THING, " you create your reality".

Again i watched Jeff Bridges say it was Ramtha and "yeah, it's something i do in acting'. It appears to be innocent on his part but i am not so sure. He's describing the early JZ/Ramtha shows.

I checked out "gods of Eden" cd. A more accurate title would be, " me and myself, how great i am". But then God has always been a business. Nothing new there.

Lily Langtree and her traveling salvation show. The need for fame is to be pitied. It isn't about "enlightenment".

There's a lot going on politically that is NOT mentioned by RSE. Everything is general rather than specific. It's all a bunch of garbage for the most part. The moral aspect that attracted me has been replaced with, "no such thing as a victim". Someone needs to point out that out to Judy. It's pathetic.

My priority is to focus on my myself. Get the haunts cleaned up. She isn't important to me. My reaction to what she has put out, is what's important to me. And BTW, Alex Collier pretty much taught back in 96 what "Ramtha" recently gave teaching on regarding Cern.
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by Rooster »

Hey David!
How was that chick that mimicked Ramtha? I can not remember. Mufu something? I wanted to post the old video. It showed me how powerful the acting in the Ramtha stuff was. I can not remember her name. I think Penny something.
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by forever »


Penney Torres i believe. It's on you tube. Along with being debunked.
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi Rooster,

Here ya go....
a little EMF digging..
Penny Torres Ramtha clone Mafu JZ Knight RSE - YouTube

EMF Forum > Penny Torres / Mafu ??? ... 5&cmd=show
"joe sz
"My thinking, or rethinking, if we take JZ literally, is that some "force" as Dr Carl Raschke called it in the 20/20 piece in 1987, did enter or partner with JZ in 1977 until the late 1980s, then left her to act as "his" corrupted emissary all on her own with whatever demons she still has. As evidence we have Mafu. Penny Torres said on Oprah no less in 1990, that the entity called Ramtha left JZ in 1986-7 because JZ changed the teachings and "it" entered partnership with Penny, thus the distinct resemblance.
Okay, okay---still looks like a scam, could not call itself Ramtha due to copyright, but let's continue..."

viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1198&p=9845&hilit= ... rres#p9845
Thanks Joe :idea:

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: People need Support

Unread post by Rooster »

The prime of of the new age teachings. A prime time to become a cult leader. There were so many channelor's and new age teachings at the time. You had to be creative and get your character under copy right. The best at it wins. Penny was just as convincing as the beginning Judith at channeling.
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