Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

Unread post by forever »

I see he is now specialist on the brain, change. the mind and human potential. A neuroscientist? When did that happen? Wasn't he just a chiropractor? Oh, and the quantum world. He's touring the world now doing work shops. Special price of $1200. You can bet JZ is fuming. He's teaching the same thing she is but with different words.

I have decided to be a brain surgeon.
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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I have some sympathy for Joe having been groomed and polished by JZRamtha at RSE.
BUT... so far he sold out a golden opportunity to walk away from RSE and warn others of its 'dark side' abuses and deceptions,
surely by now he's seen enough of JZRamtha to realize she is a dangerous and deceptive fraud?
I hope Joe will find the courage to finally speak out..
or at the very least, support those that do.. :idea:


Encyclopedia of American Loons: #627: Joseph "Joe" Dispenza
http://americanloons.blogspot.co.nz/201 ... penza.html
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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David, read the article on Dr Joe. Unbelievable. It's all about the money! It wasn't as if he had a humble ego at RSE. If i am not mistaken isn't HE the one that came up with the brain teaching? I am still piecing it together in my head.

Was the brain teaching there when you first went ? Fill me in please. Thanks
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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Was the brain teaching there when you first went ? Fill me in please. Thanks
Hi forever ,
No.. not that I remember...
I remember drawing pictures of the brain and colouring in with wax crayons, very simple childish stuff.
Apparently we needed to 'open up the brain' with that C & E huffing and puffing because we only used 10% of our brain.
The full on brain / quantum pseudoscience was introduced Circa RSE 1995?
From then on the brain was crippled to use 10% of its capacity.. Critical thinking flew right out the window to the tune of Yanni :roll:
Certainly the RSE 'bait and switch' 'Love Yourself into Life' was replaced with pseudoscience/spirituality around 1990..??


Ten percent of brain myth - Wikipedia
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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Wow. It never occurred to me question when, where and how at the time. The brain teaching. I thought it came with Ramtha. Bait and switch is exactly what happened. RSE and "Love Yourself Into Life" isn't one and the same or even close.

In order to JZ to have and maintain a following she had to keep adding new "teachings".

What explanation were you given for having a wine ceremony? How was it legitimized?

I had no idea until last night there's a Worldcon. Religious /science fiction. The more i dig the more it unravels the empire of deceit. Now she's having speakers on gay marriage and women in business. Scholars" speaking.

Yeah. Chiropractor/brain specialist. He followed in the blue print of RSE. Workshops etc. making his millions for sure. And quite frankly, despite using teachings at the time, What The Bleep was an embarrassment-i thought. Made no sense to me.
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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What explanation were you given for having a wine ceremony? How was it legitimized?

The Ramtha booze binges started just after I got out.....Circa 1996?
There was a growing dissatisfaction with the Omega scam and questions were being asked...
I also suspect 'Red Wine' was introduced to replace the broken promises of the 'White Powder Gold' and 'Omega' scams. Get them all drunk'n drugged... Much easier to spiritually rape :cry:
What's that... UGi Shimono dropped dead in the arena?
O'h how fortunate to have died on holy ground...
No victim's here...:sad:


David Hudson first came to Yelm around 1993 by invitation from Ugi Shimono
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist

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Thanks for information. I am starting to see the trajectory. How it progressed. What was added when, why and how. From here it looks like she had to introduce new disciplines/teachings to keep the business in bloom. I also see a progression of deterioration, abuse and self destruction.

Did you see what i saw in the ugly attack on Evans? It took me awhile but it dawned on me-the assault was the result of Evans not trusting her "channels" advice, being loyal, etc.

Isn't it peculiar to you that those two have hung out together for years, vacation together and travel same circles. And Evans didn't trust JZ enough to listen to her advice? Why doesn't Evans trust her?

P.S. someone died in wine ceremony?
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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Did you see what i saw in the ugly attack on Evans?
Oh Yes..
Hence... JZK lawsuits to stop the public finding out what she is all about.
I also suspect JZFright was furious at Evans for not buying R$E,Inc
Perhaps it was her Jewish financial adviser that saw through JZK's con game?
But hey...best be nice to 'Master Blood Diamond' she can be squeezed for a million or two... :roll:
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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I watched that video again last night. Shaking my head. It wasn't like that when i was there. Or even close. "Ramtha" was funny. At times silly. And the theme was honesty. Human morality. Known as "the truth teachings". I am unable to recognize the Ramtha in the video and what i am reading on EMF.

Never ever did or would "Ramtha" call names. Especially those. Use F word? Never. Actually there was no swearing. It's blatant human behavior. Decent people don't act like much less gods. Unconditional love?

Do you think Evans knows JZ is fraud?
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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Do you think Evans knows JZ is fraud?
Perhaps so... but is there more to lose by facing the truth?
All those wasted years, the betrayals, the abuse.... so many burnt lives and bridges...........................
Where to turn? Who to turn to?
Will the truth set me free?
Just to painful and horrific to face... :sad:
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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You are more informed than i am. When i saw the attack on Evans i automatically thought it had something to do with something in Hollywood. Maybe a commercial or stock. Something completely unrelated to RSE. And the f***ing Jew Ram referred to was probably someone that disagreed with JZ advice.

My thought is-why didn't Evans trust JZ advice?

That's why i wonder what Evans knows about JZ? They're best friends.

Evans? She has always seemed like an empty and vain female to me. Beauty queen that made physical beauty her priority. Along with acting career. Her importance. Yet she has a history of getting dumped. Ouch.

She's been with JZ from the start almost? Hell, she has no place to go. The best she can hope for is to ride it out to the end. She doesn't strike me as a strong person with a mind of her own. Yet, she, more than most has seen the teachings change 180. Ironically, JZ used Evans for validation years ago. Now Evans is at the mercy of JZ. After she's the one that helped make JZ a "success"?

Reading old board people see same contradictions/bait and switch i do. First emotion is "treasure" and then absolutely unacceptable, baggage. It's bittersweet for me. I recently read "Love Yourself Into Life". The love and liberation...i shake my head. What the hell happened. Remember my first beginners. It was exciting, innocent and priceless. It sure has been a journey. I am very fortunate i wasn't integrated into RSE community. I went at my own pace in my own way.

I still say there's more to it than meets the eye. NO way did JZ come up with RSE on her own. Not a chance. Keep in mind back then she was ditzy or so i heard.
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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If you ask me, Ramtha is pretty damn stupid. If you'd have bought $10,000 of Apple Computer stock in 1995 while Apple was languishing under the leadership of the guy from Pepsico and held the stock, you'd have about $1,492,000 plus dividend payments now in 2015. The same $10,00 put into [the fraudulent] Omega as recommended time and again by Ramtha would have gotten you $0 by 1999. That's pretty crappy advice from an interdimensional guy that travels in time.

Re Joe Dispenza: yep, he's joined the group of travelling circuit woo peddlers. I heard Joe on the Coast to Coast radio show about a year ago peddling a line that I suspect sounded very RSE beginners event like. I figure Joe must have some good dirt on RSE scams and let JZ know it when Joe and RSE parted company: JZ stays in her box as long as Joe gives a little tribute. Joe certainly learned well from the master teacher in the outrageously high lecture fee department!
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

Unread post by seriously »

I've had many interactions with chiropractor Joe and he's a congenial guy. I like him. I guess he's using his skill set to cash in on some bigger $$$. Why only get $40 per person, one at a time when you can get $1200?

Wine ceremonies: Forever, I've discussed this in several other posts and apologize for repeating myself but I distinctly remember JZ while pretending to be Ramtha state during an event that "alcohol kills the new brain". It was in the context of teaching C&E aka hyperventilation. I remember it so vividly because I liked to drink beer with my buddies. I was bummed I'd have to give it up and did so for quite some time. C&E supposedly opened up new areas of the brain and alcohol would systematically kill those cells that C&E made available for manifesting, levitating, and eventually ascending as a christ. Uhhhhhhhhh....puke.

JZ's best friend: JZ is JZ's best friend. She'll switch her allegiance to whomever she finds the most advantageous at the time. Linda Evans doesn't really have any juice in the entertainment industry any longer. She doesn't get headlines. However, Selma Hayek does and guess who is now JZ's best friend. Before those two is was Shirley Maclaine. JZ's a user of people. PERIOD.

JZ is interested in her physical beauty: That's pretty obvious. She's tried to hang on to her looks but hard living and age has taken its toll big time. Look at the old Merv Griffin interview. She's thrown a lot of R$E proceeds at the problem with her plastic surgery. In my opinion, rather going for subtle surgeries, she went too far and the results look pretty bad. Why didn't she just use the Ram's teachings and reverse her age? Maybe because the Ram's teachings are BS!

Anyone remember a boy toy she had for a while around 89 or 90? She was robbing the cradle with this really young good looking kid. I think everyone called him J O. She declared he was her soul mate. I was just a little younger than J O at the time and remember saying to my Mom it was a little suspicious that JZ's soul mate just happened to be a young, fit, good looking guy. Mom of course brushed it off just like the countless other things that have been brushed off over the years.
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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It's been hard work and a struggle endeavoring to make sense of and come to terms with everything. Time and again i have watched the 20/20 and read all i can find. Maybe i should have done that before going there? Would it have mattered? I thought "Ramatha" had the answers. That JZ was speaking for Ramtha. However,as a new student i knew the first time JZ opened her mouth as herself something was very wrong. I wondered why no one saw it. As well as her mansion in contrast to student poverty. Her camelot picture perfect relationship with BB while students were told, "it's an alone journey".

Other things jumped out at me. Like poor students copying tapes just to be able to listen to the teachings and struggling to get to events. Struggling just to exist. And JZ saying it isn't "impeccable". The school attracted every element under the sun. People believed there was safety at RSE. People believed anything that came out of JZ Knights mouth because they thought it was Ramtha talking. Who is going to question anything Ramtha says? Put him to the test. Have Ramtha demonstrate manifesting out of air, finding a card, doing forest, making it to the void. It reminds me of Wizard Of Oz. Get behind the curtain.

The question is: what was the drawing power in the Ramtha industry that a book or tape had such power? People walked away from their life. That's powerful.

The 20/20 i have watched repeatedly. Trying to make sense of the insanity. Seeing it for what it is makes sense of it. Bottom line is JZ is all about JZ-period. Her selfishness and greed is what the Ramtha industry and her empire is made of. Has nothing to do with God or enlightenment.

Back to 20/20 the question was never ask why/how an ascended master could be so wrong on the horse trade? Instead she was ask if she was sorry for using Ramtha name.
Her response says it all. No. If someone is ever sorry for something they have ever done they never grow or learn from it.
That was her answer rather than admit what she did wasn't honest or "impeccable". Or just plain wrong. Follow the leader? Never say, "i am sorry"? Never consider anyone but yourself. Have no compassion, empathy or accountability.

The abuse at wine ceremonies is incomprehensible. The Linda Evans clip is horrendous and nothing less than an assault committed by a pathetic old woman that's lost her beauty. Same as Where Angels Fear To Tread. It never did make sense
what a grown woman wanted with such young boys? I knew about the Jeff being her "soul mate" but not J.O. being her soul mate.

If you really look close at her face in the early days when Jeff was alive, dialogue days, there was a hardness to her face even then. When she was on stage going into her process of going out to allow Ramtha to come in? In the 20/20 look close and you can see the hardness in her face. The thing with the young boys is about feeding off of their energy, being adored and worshiped and wanting to stay young emotionally and physically.Not o mention control. IM

I have read Love Yourself Into Life book. Dialogue days. In the first 68 pages "Ramtha" states more than once that he will not allow anyone to follow or worship him. That if they do that he sends them away.

Over the years what was said originally has been changed or removed entirely.Ppeople that went after 2000 don't have any idea what early teachings are and have no contrast.

Steven Bakker from 20/20 interview, i believe him. Did he quit on his own once he knew?

I have said some most unkind things about Linda Evans. Mainly because i lump her with JZ. Birds of a feather. I agree with your response about JZ and her "best friends". I saw the Larry King interview and shook my head. The Ramtha teachings i had there's no way "he" or any evolved entity would take credit for anyones success/failure. As a matter of fact that Ramtha didn't hold or teach such belief, success/failure.

For the most part the mystery of teachings doing 180 is clear. Selling God has made a lot of people rich...and poor. :)
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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For the most part the mystery of teachings doing 180 is clear. Selling God has made a lot of people rich...and poor. :)
And DEAD :sad:
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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It's hard to think of all the suffering she has caused.

What do you know about Virginia Coverdale saying there was a contract murder JZ hired? I read it online.
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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What do you know about Virginia Coverdale saying there was a contract murder JZ hired? I read it online.
I cannot post everything I know about Virginia's accusation but based on what we both know it certainly looked liked Joe Sumrall's horrific murder did have a direct RSE connection. From what I understand the police investigated JZ Knight and ruled out an investigation for lack of evidence. To-date Joe Sumrall's murder is unsolved and his killer is likely walking the streets of Thurston County.


(EMF) Online Forum • View topic - Joe Sumrall RSE student unsolved murder 1992
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Re: Dr Joe Dispenza Neuroscientist?

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As for JZ Knights RSE copyright lawsuit against Joe Dispenza..????
I guess they settled out of court?
The happy pair slicing up the 'create my day' money pie.. :roll:
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