David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 2015

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David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 2015

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For the record.
The letter I received from the NZ Legal Aid Services.
See: David McCarthy Legal Aid Debt NZ March 2015 PDF Download

Just to recap some NZ legal history here...
I was forced into the 'JZK settlement' under direct threat from the NZ LSA services that my funding would be cutoff if I refused.
I REFUSED. My funding was immediately cutoff leaving me with no defense lawyer. This happened three weeks before the trial date.
The NZ LAS then agreed to re-instate my funding ONLY if I agreed to the plaintiffs settlement offer.
The bottom line? I was forced by the NZ LAS working behind my back with Richard Smedley to force me into agreeing not only to an unjust settlement with JZK,Inc but my ability have a fair trial to defend my legal rights and innocence in court.
Leaving me saddled with debt paying off my legal cost = $43,720.40.
My NZ lawyer Richard Smedley, first and foremost was working for and took instructions from the NZ LAS.

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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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Will do..thanks... :idea:

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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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After my NZ lawyer Richard Smedley was reinstated by the NZ LSA, This was after Richard agreed to continue representing me
and ONLY to close the JZK settlement offer... Richard left me dealing with the Judge and JZK's lawyers ALONE
refusing to speak to them and only offered to 'advise me' by phone stating it was better that way... :-?
For the Record.
Here is a copy of an Email Richard Smedley sent to JZK's lawyers
The whole behavior and result smacks of corporate collusion between the lawyers with the LSA to keep this out of the courtroom.

-------Original Message-------

From: Richard Smedley
Date: 5/28/2014 1:52:15 PM
To: 'Joanne Dickson'
Cc: Tracey Walker; Chris Baldock; 'EMF'
Subject: RE: JZK, Inc. v McCarthy [SG-SGDMS.FID510890]

Dear Joanne

Please communicate with Mr McCarthy directly.


Richard Smedley

Partner – Dispute Resolution

|DDI: +64 3 364 3825 |MOB: +64 21 190 3342

Anthony Harper is delighted to have been recommended in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2014 for its expertise in banking and finance, corporate and M&A, intellectual property, real estate and construction and restructuring and insolvency.
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From: Joanne Dickson [mailto:Joanne.Dickson@simpsongrierson.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 May 2014 9:57 a.m.
To: Richard Smedley
Cc: Tracey Walker; Chris Baldock
Subject: JZK, Inc. v McCarthy [SG-SGDMS.FID510890]

Good morning Richard

Would you please confirm whether we should be directing our correspondence for Mr McCarthy through you, or if we should be communicating with Mr McCarthy directly?
Kind regards

Joanne Dickson
Senior Associate
Simpson Grierson
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Private Bag 92518, Auckland, New Zealand
DDI +64-9-977 5223 | Fax +64-9-977 5028 | Mobile +64-21 926 640
joanne.dickson@simpsongrierson.com | http://www.simpsongrierson.com


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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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It looks by all appearance you have a case against the attorney.
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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Have you considered suing the legal aid for incompetence?
Its MUCH worse than plain 'incompetence'
forever...please understand...
Defending myself in the US and NZ took a HUGE toll in my personal life.
I foolishly trusted the NZ legal system....now I realize it takes serious money to go up against powerful corporations
who's only interest is keeping their status quo power 'n profits across the board
and that includes subverting the legal/justice systems.
My case would have opened up a can of worms for corporate copyrights and NDA agreements they use to cover-up illegal activities and to silence whistleblowers.
So I was sold out.
I am willing to look at all options, but the bottom line...
I cannot do this alone and without massive legal funding.

As for JZ Knight? she will bring herself down...


Status quo - Wikipedia
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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Yes, i have gone through it. I am well aware of the toll it takes. I am less than a year out from my lawsuit. Nightmare? I know. It about did me in. Justice? Ha! On what planet? The name of the game is $$$$$$$$.

At a different time i "believed" in good/bad, right/wrong. And thought i knew who the good and bad guys are-i was wrong. It's also why i have argued on EMF that every institution/profession-is based on opinion.

Yeah. It was an experience.

Incompetence? What happened in my case borders on criminal.

if i was you i would be contacting JZ Knight haters for support and donations.

Yes, i too was sold out.
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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When i was in the coma there was mental activity. I was "aware", thinking, processing and "realizing" things in and about myself and my life. What mattered was having another day. another chance at life.

I didn't know i had been in a coma.

I was on a ventilator and all kinds of things-wires. Opened my eyes and saw family member-and LOVE is what gave me the strength to fight. The will to live. I couldn't die. I am needed. My work isn't done. :) I have to live long enough to see my effort come to fruition.

We all give our life for something. And hope in the end it wasn't a waste of energy and effort. ????
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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if i was you i would be contacting JZ Knight haters for support and donations.
Hi forever, thank you for sharing.
I don't hate Judith, never have.
I have seen 'Hate' first hand practiced at RSE with its dehumanizing cult doctrines....
that God almighty 'Ramtha' would teach us to become 'preservable by nature'. Build our bunkers, store food, Guns and ammunition.
Seen in the light of reason this was no more than a twisted intellectualization for self hatred and self harm.
Even going so far as to preach that nature was on the verge of destroying billions of lives in order for the RSE master race to emerge from the ashes in 'Ramtha's new world order.
A direct echo from Hitler's demented vision of the Nazi Third Reich Germany creating the 'Master' Race.
My feelings for Judith is more of pity and compassion, The same view I consider for anyone who is dangerous and mentally ill.
Joe suggested I look into raising money via an online Crowd funding service such as 'Gofundme' :idea:

Something I will seriously consider in the coming weeks.

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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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My thoughts exactly on fund raising.

Regarding the illusion of "justice and liberty for all". The sentence wasn't finished. It's justice and liberty for all-that have money.

Every institutions first priority is to protect itself. By institution i mean company, corporation. Altruism, honor and integrity is not what they are founded on-not on earth. When you're dealing with people and humanity it's about image, ego and greed.
It's like someone running for office, a politician saying it's to "serve their country" or represent the people? When in fact....

Be it med field, police, mental health or any of the other institutions sworn to protect and represent the people the truth is-their top priority is their image. Hide all lies, incompetence and wrong doing. Buyer beware.

There's a post on EMF by Ockham? The appeal? Well, it's on this very thing. The appeal to many was to be their own person, believe in yourself, don't be a victim. A sticky subject. I've done a lot of thinking and the "there's no such thing as a victim" didn't come from "Ramtha" or the teachings. Not in the way it's used.

I was there and have it on tape about people taking advantage of new students or each other. And then using the "there's no such thing as a victim", out of context for justification. Human nature being what it is "image" invariably rules supreme rather than admit to wrong doing.

The "truth" of anything is found in intent/motive.

Gray is dirty white.

Attorneys don't care about or fight for justice and truth. It's about the $$$$$$ and image.
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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as david is aware, I have had my "days" in court over cult matters on both sides of the issue many times including that month long trial for criminal charges in Idaho in 1993. I won in both situations in my defense. Another was a civil case when a dangerous martial arts cult sued me with many ex-members in Houston TX in 1992 for "slander". We got that thrown out of court after two long hearings. Both situations cost me lots of money that took years to pay off. I was able to fund raise 75% of the criminal case costs, but i had helped hundreds of families and ex-members impacted by cults by then, so they chipped in, thankfully. That was before Internet, so I had to send all requests by snail mail--lots of stamps and using a sponge to "lick" the envelopes shut. Then send signed thank you letters with updates to everyone that gave. It was both embarrassing and gratifying...I hated asking for money! :sad: :oops: :-)

Lawyer's firms generally charge by the minute. $149 an hour is average I think. The legal system due to cost protects cult leaders with means. Also, the cult issue is so legally bizarre that most lawyers do not take the problem seriously...too damn much work to grasp the nuances and apply the law.

Then throw in a client who has already been wasted by the cult, a client who talks strange language about being "spiritually raped" or "mind controlled" or "misled by a woman channeling a spirit" and you can already hear the snickering behind the scenes among the firm folk about, "How could anyone intelligent fall for that nonsense?"

You are swimming upstream when challenging a cult in court. Even healthy human beings will soon drain energy and stamina and have to quit or drown.

fyi, GoFundMe and any fund raising scheme raises most of its money on the first hit or round of donors. Donations will fall precipitously after that without a rigorous campaign. It is best to be very clear and brief about the need, get others to forward to fund request in a kind of snowball effect to their contacts.

Posting a youtube, 2 minute prepared statement or interview so even sympathetic strangers can tune in to "see" you might be helpful.
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Re: David McCarthy NZ Legal Aid Payments & Debt March 16 20

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yep. and how much more energy did we all have 20 years ago? Takes as much energy as it does money to fight. And yes, talk about channeling and a 35,000 year old from Atlantis- :roll: and your mental health records (if any) are subpoenaed. History of plaintiff is always on trial. Burden of proof. And if person has been in more than one cult.....

JZ isn't stupid. She has endeared herself to people in powerful positions.

It's all very twisted.

Ironically the RSE i attended doesn't support politicians or "image".

David, you put it in context of "master race". Master consciousness.
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