Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

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Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Excerpts from my telephone conversation with Steven Weinberg. July 2008.
David :
I’ve got a question for you. You said, when I was spoke to you last, that while you were putting together 'Ramtha' the White Book, about two thirds of the way through, you came to the conclusion, or you realized that JZ Knight/Ramtha was a fraud.
Yet.. You reasoned it out to go ahead with publishing the White Book. Is that because you thought you could do damage control further down the line?

That was, that was the predominant element. But it was hard to separate that at that point I owed something like "$200.000" Two hundred thousand dollars plus, I had about 50 thousand of my own money in, plus I had 3 years, I had 10 thousand hours of my own time into the book.
I felt that I could better serve the totality of my situation by continuing with it, but, especially because JZ wasn’t really paying any attention to the teachings ,the number of events went down, she was going to fewer and fewer places, bad mouthing the students and she was indicating,,, it was right around that time that 'Ramtha' had said something about, (?)all I have or I’m tired or something, I was feeling that she had enough and that she was gonna get in the horse business and she was gonna kinda whittle down, and then that was even more reason for me to stick with the book because I knew that would survive.
That’s why I want to shut her down. The harm is being done to the people that go to the school, but it's also being done to an awful lot of, the teachings that are out there in her audio tapes and CDs which is a whole bunch of crap. If you could throw everything away, and keep two or three real good books you can,
which is, The White Book is a presentation of the perennial philosophy, the perennial Wisdom, caste with a certain mythology around it, but I tried to keep it pure. I tried to keep it, ya know really in accord with what is called a perennial philosophy, if you’re familiar with that.

So do you think the Ramtha in the White Book existed at that time?

Do you think that the Ramtha that's portrayed in the White Book that everybody in RSE believes in... existed at that time?
Did that Ramtha exist, that you wrote about, that the White Book depicts?

Oh well, No, It only existed probably in the first 6 months that JZ started channeling.
Only 6 months?

Then it was pure, When she didn’t know that it could mean money. When she didn’t know anything, she let her, she let her higher self go and produced with her talent something that was very pure; and the more it meant something to her, the more her ego intruded into um her purer self, and the more she altered the message. And so that’s why, ya know, there was at every stage there are people that came in and later felt the Ramtha left and that’s because the ego became greater and greater, especially you could see it after she got clobbered in ?87 on the 20/ 20 show, and then got the bomb threats in the summer event, and she said I’m not doing anymore traveling away from home, that’s when she devised the school and and so a new Ramtha came out, but JZ's ego and ego perspective now was very much different, she was gonna go underground, and then the message got dark.
Listen Steve, have you heard of a former RSE staff member, his name is Glen Cunningham?

He sounds familiar, yeah?

He was JZ's bodyguard or Ramtha's bodyguard

Steve: You mentioned him, you mentioned him too, he defected and ?
Anyway, he’s willing to be interviewed and I think it’ll be very interesting information he brings up, but what’s interesting about Glen is that he knew that JZ was a fraud while he was working there; I was wondering what’s your perception of people working there perhaps even to this day that know its a fraud, what do you think?

Many people know it's a fraud
Many people?!

Steve: I'm sure she has them sign things, and they’re afraid to say anything and ya know even me I I could not come out and tell what was the point in my trying to convince people it wasn’t true. They were enjoying it, they were ya know they had free will? there’s no need for me to get into a fight over it..
David: That's what Glen says too at that time
Yeah but I was harboring a planned?. One, I was protecting my obligation to the people that gave me the money to do this, that I owed, and that was a terrible conflict for me and so it was always to figure out, ya know?
You were trapped..

was to how to figure out the best way to meet my multiple responsibilities according to my values, and, you know, I just cannot, I’m not gonna burn someone, you know, its just, I have to try to and I have to try to work it out the best way.
Something that happened was because I got crippled um everyone I kinda owed something to kind of gave up, they never supported me or they didn’t care or they let it go or....
Ok ok, another question, did those people that helped you , did all the work on the White Book, did they get paid eventually for their labors?

Oh yeah, everyone that worked.

but they didn't get paid appropriately, um, some did, but there were key people that in that White Book was amazing? I brought together an amazing talent of people, um and, that JZ is continually profiting by someone's silly Ideal like Steve Weinberg who managed to pull together some very talented people who who helped her to be successful, and they just walk away with crumbs and she goes onto ya know, her success is built on the shoulders of a lot of people, and a lot of people who she used Ramtha to suck money out of, get to do things, you know she just manipulated.
I may have asked you this before but I'm gonna ask you again,
Do you think there really was a being 35,000 years ago? Do you think there ever was a Ramtha?

No.. because. there couldn’t have been, that Ramtha had plenty of opportunity to indicate his power above her, and would have dumped her, would have closed her down. He certainly claims he had powers, Ill send runners, things are happening , I’m doing it? he ya know, he put JZ down, she’s just another student, she doesn’t know, blah blah blah, and yet he defended her for every blooper and thing she did that so hurt the teachings. Never criticized her; defended her, so the two personalities really had to be one. And here’s another thing , As JZ was.. ya know, there were many different points Especially she was reading about England .. by the way, the interior earth comes from the movie ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth, she, when she was reading about England and Jack the Ripper and all that, then that shows up in Ramtha’s teachings.
So before we wrap up, is there anything I can do for you from my end, anything I can do to help you with what you?re going through?

I want to get to the point I'm secure to know that people will take advantage of what I have to help people deal and cope and see?. I want to create the greatest good out of this, I want to turn lemons into lemonade but mostly me, I
I want to make sure that I didn't waste the ya know, valuable information and the power position that I have, that's what I'm staying alive for, and ya know, I find it ironic' I've written you three emails and I wanted to send you just the dribbles of it, the fragments of it I never did complete.
it's ironic in my life, my greatest joy was creating the White Book and my greatest mission now is to destroy the White Book. ya know so, my heaven and my hell have been over the same thing.
You know, you spoke about a redemption of sorts before, that something good can come from all this. I really appreciated that cause I felt that the dreams that we held, what brought us into this in the first place, they can be opened up, there really is something good that come from all this, that's really important to me especially.

Everybody who went with 'RSERamtha' cannot forget the courage that it took to go into the fringe,
the heart, that the 12 disciples had, just because we had the dream for ourselves and the world
that has to survive, lets hang on to that and keep that alive we can turn this into a positive thing,
more positive than it was ever going to be.
Steven Weinberg. July 2008.

The full recored interview with Steven Weinberg - July 2008 - (EMF)
viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2683&p=19065&hilit ... inberg#p19
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Steven Weinberg of Sovereignty, Inc. Copyright 1986.

Unread post by David McCarthy »

The copyright for "Ramtha: The White Book" was clearly owned by Steven Weinberg.
This is clearly stated on the first page:

Sovereignty, Inc. Copyright 1986. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the Publisher,
Sovereignty, Inc.excepting brief quotes used in connection with reviews written specifically for inclusion in magazines or newspapers.
How come JZ Knight has claimed the copyright ?
and gone ahead and published a nearly identical version while not even listing Steve Weinberg as the holder of the copyright?
Ramtha: The White Book By Ramtha. Contributor J.Z. Knight
Edition: revised...The classic introduction to Ramtha and his teachings now revised and expanded with a Foreword by JZ Knight,
Published by Ramtha's School of the Mind, 2005
Let's shine a light on whats hiding under this particular "Ramtha rock"... and see what crawls out...! :cry:

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
California Dreamin'
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Unread post by California Dreamin' »

"it's ironic in my life, my greatest joy was creating the White Book and my greatest mission now is to destroy the White Book"

David -

WOW. The implications of your conversation with Steven Weinberg have the potential for HUGE ramifications. Thank you for posting it. And thanks to Steven for the willingness to talk.

Why did it take so long to post the conversation from July 2008, or was it already released and perhaps I overlooked it?

I remember in the early years of the school, so much emphasis was placed on getting rid of our alter-egos. Little did we know at the time that Ramtha was Judith's alter ego.
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Why did it take so long to post the conversation from July 2008, or was it already released and perhaps I overlooked it?
A good question California Dreamin',

I posted just enough of the information from my conversation with Steve while holding a balance of confidentiality and trust.
This was was my decision alone and not taken lightly.
This information absolutely needs to be out there and understood.
I wrote to Steve several weeks ago asking for his blessing and feedback to post the full transcript on EMF,
but to date, I have not received a reply.

There exists a wall of silence held by former RSE staff members that tantamount to a cover up.
Unfortunately this attitude allows RSE to carry on with it's ?business as usual" $$$$$$ while enabling Judith's insanity..
When Steve asked me to keep a confidentiality with him, I agreed, so long as no others would be hurt by such a pact.
There comes a time when silence allows abuse to continue. :(
That bridge I believe has now been crossed.

It is inevitable that we will get our hands dirty while cleaning out the RSE garbage,
But it does wash off...
Especially using EMF soap...!


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But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by ex »

Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE)
Ramtha's Gnostic School
The American Gnostic School
ramtha's scool of the mind
JZK Publishing
is this splitting up of an empire a precaution for a downfall?are this all registered buisnesses?diversety to keep the heat in one part?
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Unread post by ex »

so allready 86 were people who started exited...got dissilutioned by discrepencies.....found out its a scam and left.isent this still going on?sad news that she finds allways fresch meat.that ramthas bibel is tainted by fraud and theft is a bummer.i still digest this.amazing for a peorson who guards her intelectual property with lawsuiets and trademarks plagericing nearly everything including the philosophy of her made up overlord.what value has the statement:the teachins never got altered.or from the students:i love the teachings.in the light what is lived in jzrs house.also that she uses people until they dont benefitt her anymore than spitt them out is going on trough her whole cariere?so ramtha left the house2001?19???six month after starting chanelling?
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Unread post by G2G »

I'm sitting here looking at something that I purchased awhile back, and it's the "White Book," copyright 1986 by Sovereignty, Inc., edited by Steven L. Weinberg, Ph.D. It states, "for more information on Ramtha's teachings, write or call: Sovereignty Publishers, Post Office Box 1865, Bellevue, Washington, 98009, 206-827-0657."

I have read the newer version of the "White Book," which was partially, combined with the movie, "What the Bleep," some of my reasons for attending RSE in the first place. I haven't read the older version of the "White Book," now resting in my lap, although I am quite curious as to what the differences are in teachings presented in both! So do I have the original version, right here? :!: :?: And whatever happened to "Sovereignty Publishers," who held the original copyright?

Curiouser and curiouser...down that rabbit hole!!! :wink:
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The "original" of the White Book was not formally published. It was in the form of a trade size, 11x8 in. booklet of Ramtha's teachings called "Love Yourself Into Life", or something close to that as i recall. I had/have a copy from 1985 somewhere. To make the White Book, Weinberg, et al edited LYIL mainly which was full of "as it were"s and all those filler-words that JZ was prone to use in the early days. Much of it would have been and was gibberish to outsiders in that "original" state.

Most channelers I met back in the 1970s and 80s used similar filler words. We hear these in common speech eg "like", "you-know", "umm", "uh", etc. Channelers, early in their caeers, find that these filler words or sounds allow just enough time for the psyche to find more words to say. Channeling is like radio time---dead air can lose an audience or show a disconnect with the "source" thus making sounds of any kind give the illusion of connection and "flow" or stream of consciousness or an "open channel."
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Unread post by ex »

so just to give jz a chance:she had the rights to this former version?and weinberg came in and scamed naive jz out of the rights?now she just took them back?
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Unread post by tree »

I do know she did a re-edit of the white book and it is a bit different in places.
I have not compared them myself,
but I would be interested to know how she got the rights back to the white book
if Weinberg is so set on destroying the thing he created.
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love yourself into life

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I am not sure of this is original or another edited version

http://www.amazon.com/Love-Yourself-int ... 0932201830

for only $95 :roll:

and as e-book
http://www.ebook3000.com/Love-yourself- ... _5505.html
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Unread post by joe sz »

as for "rights", this is a muddled situation for Weinberg who wanted to complain about his copy "rights" being violated. If this ever came to court I would expect a judge to do a lot of this: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Unread post by tree »

Love Yourself Into Life
and the White Book are 2 different books.

Love yourself was the 8 by 11 one you spoke of. It has a glossy cover of a picture with trees and the sun.

Weinberg published the first version of the White Book
JZ re-published it around 2005 with some addendums.
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Unread post by joe sz »

I just looked at my stash of archives--I no longer have the White Book nor the LYIL copy either, so I cannot comment. My memory may be flawed [and is] but I recall exit counseling someone around 1986 from Ramtha and she had these books. There were parallels in content. She knew Weinberg back then and said he used LYIL a lot as a resource.
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

Tree asked, "but I would be interested to know how she got the rights back to the white book
if Weinberg is so set on destroying the thing he created."

Hmmm...did anyone say that she did get the rights back ?

If so, I'd like to know who and how. So far, I am not aware that such has occurred.

:wink: :shock:
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Unread post by ex »

who wrote and published love yourself into life?????
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Publisher: Sovereignty (June 1983)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0932201830
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Oliver vs Ballard's St Germain Fdn etc

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A writer just tipped me off to this: The following is case law re copyrights of books purportedly from 'celestial' or metaphysical sources. The lawsuit by Urantia Foundation includes mention of a similar suit brought by the family of the author of Dweller on Two Planets by 'Phylos the Thibetan'.
This principle, the distinction between revelations as factsand the expression of these revelations, was recognized in a1941 copyright infringement case that involved similar claimsof divine authorship. Oliver v. Saint Germain Foundation, 41F. Supp. 296 (S.D. Cal. 1941). In Oliver, as here, the plain-tiff's religious text proclaimed that the facts contained in thetext had come straight from a spirit, and that the spirit was theauthor of the history in the text. Id. at 297. In that case, how-ever, the plaintiff (unsuccessfully) claimed copyright protec-tion in the divine revelations themselves, and in the methodsof spiritual communication, rather than in the plaintiff's spe-cific selection or arrangement of these divine revelations. Thedefendant in Oliver had not copied that arrangement andselection, but simply had written another text using the samedivine "facts." Id. at 299. The court in Oliver made it clearthat, had the claim been that the selection and arrangement ofthe divine revelations had been infringed, the plaintiff's copy-right infringement claim might have had merit. Id. [5]
the entire article is interesting if you have a legal hat on 8)

http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/g ... no=9517093
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conducted by Ramtha, authored by JZK...

Unread post by Caterpillar »

Question from David: How come JZ Knight has claimed the copyright ?
and gone ahead and published a nearly identical version while not even listing Steve Weinberg as the holder of the copyright?

Answer: According to the U.S. Copyright Office, JZK?s basis of claim was: ?New Matter: additions?. The previous registration by Steven Lee Weinberg was listed i.e. ?Prev. reg. 1986, TX 1-923-225?.

JZK?s copyright claim:

Registration Number / Date: TX0005725890 / 2001-05-11
Title: Ramtha--the white book.
Imprint: Yelm, WA : JZK Pub., c2001.
Description: 266 p.
Copyright Claimant: JZK, Inc.
Date of Creation: not given on appl.
Date of Publication: 2001-04-11
Previous Registration: Prev. reg. 1986, TX 1-923-225.
Basis of Claim: New Matter: additions.
Copyright Note: C.O. correspondence.

Names: JZK, Inc.

http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebre ... 1524&SID=1

Steven W?s copyright:

Registration Number / Date: TX0001923225 / 1986-10-03
Title: Ramtha / edited by Steven Lee Weinberg, with Randall Weischedel, Sue Ann Fazio, and Carol Wright.
Imprint: Eastsound, Wash. : Sovereignty, c1986.
Description: 217 p.
Copyright Claimant: Steven Lee Weinberg
Copyright Notice: notice: Sovereignty, Inc.
Date of Creation: 1985
Date of Publication: 1986-01-01
Previous Registration: Appl. identifies magnetic recordings of public & private audiences conducted by Ramtha and authored by J. Z. Knight as preexisting material

http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebre ... 0053&SID=1

Interesting that under ?Previous Registration?, ?? audiences conducted by Ramtha and authored by J. Z. Knight??!!! :shock:

By the way, apart from the above White Book, Steven has 4 other copyright text registrations i.e. ?Ramtha intensive: change the days to come 1987?, ?Love yourself into life: Ramtha 1983?, ?Ramtha: an introduction 1987? and ?Ramtha intensive: soulmates 1987?. (Ref: Under ?Basic Search? by ?Name?, type ?weinberg steven lee?).

http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebre ... PAGE=First

Also, under ?Basic Search? by ?Name?, type ?jzk? and 473 entries show up!!!

JZ has copyrighted and trademarked her whole BS creation. I wonder if she also registers the alterations done to her face and false hair. :shock:
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The White Book is a presentation of the perennial philosophy, the perennial Wisdom, caste with a certain mythology around it, but I tried to keep it pure. I tried to keep it, ya know really in accord with what is call ?perennial philosophy?, if you?re familiar with that.
There are two issues here that I see with the White Book. The one that seems to grab most interest in this thrread is of course copyright. I spoke with S Weinberg about that a long while ago and I really cannot see how he is going to do anything legally to change or stop JZ from using the white buke any way she wants. He does not have financial support for one thing, and if he did he may not have a case anyway. But that is merely my opinion.

The second issue is more personal in how it affects every RSE student who felt that the White Book was somehow wonderful or fulfilled what Steve tried to present as the "perrenial" philosophy.

imo, the White Book has little value for serious students of what some people call the perrenial philosophy.

I had a deep interest in this area of religious studies years/decades ago. The authors who best exemplify this area are Rene Guenon, Fritjof Shuon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Aldous Huxley, Hossein Nasr, and Huston Smith.
In Hinduism it is called the Sanatana Dharma.

The idea behind perrenialism if that there is a "tradition" that underlies all others and it can be found in the mystical foundations of great religions.

True perrenialists tend to belong to and practice one of the great religions and not naively blend "all" of them, for example, the way Liz Prophet tried to and failed.
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perennial_philosophy
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edit: Sorry, I have a bad habit of spelling 'perennial' wrongly... :oops:
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Unread post by ex »

[quote]He does not have financial support for one thing, and if he did he may not have a case anyway[/quote]in other words jzs proof of originalety just depends on the money she can throw at her problems?
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

in other words jzs proof of originalety just depends on the money she can throw at her problems?
Hello ex,
No doubt Steven Weinberg presented a "problem" for Judith once he showed up on EMF....!

When Steven first contacted EMF his life was "it seemed" in a desperate state of affairs, he came looking for support on every level....!
The bottom line was..... his copy'rights" for "Ramtha the White Book" had being violated and hijacked? by Judith/RSEInc .
This meant his royalty payments he had been receiving for over twenty years ceased to arrive on his bank account.
Interesting to note that..... up until that point Stevens conscience never seemed to bother him "as he professed in our conversations"
the fact "he created" the Ramtha in the White book, that it was basically brilliant hogwash and a work of fiction aimed at the "New Age" bookstores., that Judith actually copied and modeled the new and unproved Ramtha from his book...:idea:
I can only conclude that Steven's promise to me personally and to EMF, to speak out and undo the damage he felt so dreadfully guilty
by his creation of "Ramtha The White Book" and its subsequent publication, was also just more lies? and manipulations?.
Steven used EMF as leverage against Judith to settle out of court, and cashed out to keep his silence....NDA?
Just a repeat performance when he first published Ramtha the White Book...$$$$ :cry:
"Oh what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by Caterpillar »


Does Steven have incriminating evidence of Judith's deception that warrants payment for silence? :shock: I thought she can claim copyright to The White Book as she has added new matter.

As posted previously, according to the US Copyright Office, he also has 4 other "Ramtha" copyright registrations. Did he mention them?
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Hi Caterpillar,
As posted previously, according to the US Copyright Office, he also has 4 other "Ramtha" copyright registrations. Did he mention them? :
Yes...But at the time we spoke "about one and a half years ago" it was only Ramtha the White Book that Steven was concerned about.
He was planning to fight her in court. I spent many many hours talking with Steve, he asked if he may record all our conversations.
I am not sure to what use he used those recordings, he was very interested in my private life, and asked about the key people behind EMF.
Although at that time he has spoken to Joe and several other EMF members.
I made it very clear that EMF members will remain anonymous until they choose to be known by others.
Does Steven have incriminating evidence of Judith's deception that warrants payment for silence?

Yes... I believe he did.
but its one thing having "incriminating evidence" and another.. seeking justice in a court of law, especially so against a shrewd and wealthy cult leader.
The bottom line was/is....
Stevens ill gotten "Golden nest egg" was stolen from under him.......
and for him to have exposed Judith and her Cult publicly, would also have unmasked his implicit hypocrisy and lack of ethics..
And so it is.... for those that have been caressed by a vampire,
Besides..... a cash payout was a much better option......

Say it aint so Steve....! :cry:

agrhhh..... the whole thing is so sordid it makes my stomach turn.

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Unread post by G2G »

Oh how sad. Incredibly sad.
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Unread post by ex »

well understandable that sick and at the end of his life someone nods to getting paied off. sad how many people will not know the facts about this.
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'The White Book' Steven Weinberg, PhD Redemption for sale

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Steven Weinberg... Redemption?

Its no coincidence that Steven Weinberg's willingness to talk to EMF only surfaced after his royalty payments were hijacked by JZ Knight.
And now ...apparently he is too "vulnerable and fragile" to undo the damage he has caused for peddling his book "Ramtha the White book' as non-fiction for over Twenty Five Years!.
So....For the EMF record.
From: Steven Weinberg, PhD
Date: 8/21/2008 9:41:12 PM
To: David McCarthy
Subject: The Cycle of Abuse-Steven Weinberg
when you think about the white book and how you felt and feel about it, remember that I created it, I ordered certain teachings in relationship to others in an integrated unfolding.
To create that book, I had to know and understand those teachings and how they relate to each other and the whole. I don't think even JZ/Ramtha understands the big picture. That was evident to me as I carefully studied what "he" said, how "he" said, and multiple versions of the same thing. JZ may have been brilliant at parroting what she read, and she seems to have been an avid reader.
Dear David,
You are always my friend, regardless of anything you or I do or do not do.
Everything that I believe is important for you to know about me for now, I stated in our (taped-recorded) phone calls, especially the last one, in the last 30 minutes.

I will not be ready to provide at video-taped interview of ”my story” until soon after I have met with my attorney/agent.

Once my legal claim is clearer, we can consider coordinating and cooperating efforts.
he main thing I need right now is computer and word-processing assistance in organizing and creating documents for presentation. Perhaps you will have ideas for this.
I applaud you for your efforts so far. And good quality, edited video interviews with key individuals can be potent means for educating the public.
Your Friend,
I do not need help from others “to collect money owed to me”. I need it so that this isn't the only thing my lawsuit accomplishes.
It's highly likely that Knight will happily and quickly settle for $500,000 to $1.5 million, but on condition of my silence.]
From: Steven Weinberg, PhD
Date: 8/31/2008 5:55:52 PM
To: David McCarthy
Subject: Re: hope
I am almost unbearably overloaded with things I must do. So I still need to focus elsewhere. But I do want you to understand two things.
One, know that I realize that I am completely responsible for our failed interactions and any feelings I have, had, stemming from those interactions. I understood and believed that going into our relating. That's partly why I tried as best as I could from the beginning to communicate my limitations, conditions, context, needs, etc.--to minimize the contribution of "artificial" factors to the feelings, perceptions, conclusions that both you and I might have from our relating s. [Since this is a complex concept, please let me know if you want me to amplify, clarify].
One other important thing I want you to understand: Don't feel you missed an opportunity to video-tape an interview with me. You clearly misunderstood and misunderstand what I said about that. But for a few other critical reasons, one or two having to do with you, there was absolutely no possibility of your doing an interview with me in conjunction with your visit to the east coast.

From: David McCarthy <
Subject: Re: hope
To: "Steven Weinberg PhD" <----@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 12:54 PM
We all played our part in dragging each other down into Judith's Ramtha quagmire.
Now we must play our part in reaching out to others... still trapped in RSE.
This is where you will find the hope, courage and healing you search for in me.
I am here for you for this .....and this alone,

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: 'The White Book' Steven Weinberg Speaks Out...

Unread post by ex »

after reading this i cheked on you tube. there were two videos on the whitebook. you could coment so i wrote the weinbergstory in short. they r replaced by a noncoment new version.by the way good presence from emf there thanks you.
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Re: 'The White Book' Steven Weinberg Speaks Out...

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Steven L Weinberg... Is this the same Weinberg, PhD in physics? What a disingenuous so-and-so!

So Weinberg wants to bilk JZ Knight and company $200,000 for writing four schlock books, and comes crying to EMF when he doesn't get the quid pro quo. I think I mentioned here before that Soulmates from the Ramtha Intensive series of paperbacks is on my fecal roster as a poster child for wrong-headed, unscientific, potentially damaging, garbage pop psychology. I feel sorry for anybody that reads Soulmates thinking that it is enlightened advice.

It looks to me that Weinberg was playing EMF, dangling the threat of singing like a canary on EMF in front of JZ Knight, hoping to bully her into a pay-out. One presumes Weinberg has since gotten the payout and has slinked back under the woodwork like a slimy cockroach.

Apologies for being outspoken, but I had to call this one like I see it!
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Re: 'The White Book' Steven Weinberg Speaks Out...

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Steven Weinberg the American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics is not the same person as the RSE 'White Book' Steven Weinberg.
It looks to me that Weinberg was playing EMF, dangling the threat of singing like a canary on EMF in front of JZ Knight, hoping to bully her into a pay-out. One presumes Weinberg has since gotten the payout and has slinked back under the woodwork like a slimy cockroach.
Yep.. that just about sums it up accurately... :shock:
Thank you Ockham for all your ongoing support on EMF and very well researched posts... :idea:

Steven Weinberg - Wikipedia
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

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Thanks David, I would have been shocked if the Nobel laureate and the ghost author of Ramtha (AKA White Book) had been one in the same. It would have been atypical for a person of great scientific caliber to behave in such disingenuous manner. What made me wonder is that the laureate Weinberg is a physicist and pseudo scientific misrepresentation of quantum physics is an RSE staple. i'm so happy to hear it is just ironic coincidence.
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

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As you know i have been posting on the VS Alder material and came upon Ramala, England based? Reading the interview with Steve Weinberg on "White Book" he states that JZ was "doing a lot of reading at that time about England". ????

For me it's all connecting. It isn't enough to know it's a scam and she's a fraud. I want to know how it came together.
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

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I think you might want to look into Werner Erhard. Erhand started out named John Rosenberg, but changed his name in the 1960s - the Werner coming from Werner Heisenberg of the uncertainty principle. Rosenberg changed names about the time he was a car salesman in the Midwest US. Erhard was enamored of the human potential movement and eventually moved to the west coast US, living for a while in Spokane, Washington where he was a book reviewer (?). In about 1971 Erhard started EST (Erhard Training Seminars). EST grew out of Erhard's Mind Dynamics which incorporated ideas from Theosophy and Dale Carnegie, etc. EST ran through 1984 and still exists in some form today (2015).

A summary of Erhard can be found here: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Erhard

I'd be willing to wager that Judy Hampton had occasion to attend an EST presentation because she was in sales in the early 1970s and EST would lhave natually attracted a sales person looking to hone her success.

I have a feeling that Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters are influential as well. I believe Kesey knew Erhard, and I found an apparent reference to Keysey and the Pranksters being at a 1971 EST event at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco in the book A Visionary State . Here is an excerpt on Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=EQzj3 ... CB8Q6AEwAA

I think this is were Judy got the idea of doing the teaching, and throw in Alder's books as the inspiration for the Ramtha Character.
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

Unread post by Xylofone »

Some of her videos online where she's speaking as Ramtha are completely hijacked Landmark teachings with interchanged adjectives.
Ex: she changed the word "significant" to "relevant" for the teachings on relevance.
If she didn't get that concept and other things from Landmark (the successor of EST) then she got it from someone else who stole it from Landmark! :lol:

I'm shocked to hear about the white book. I have no words. I thought I'd heard it all by now.
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi Xylophone, welcome to EMF :idea:
I'm shocked to hear about the white book. I have no words. I thought I'd heard it all by now.
exactly my sentiments... while interviewing Steven Weinberg...I was utterly astonished to hear his confession.
I hope Steven has now found peace and healing,
ravaged by RSE guilt and pride.. he was a very sick and fragile man when I spoke to him over 10 years ago.
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Ramtha The White Book - Steven Weinberg Speaks Out

Unread post by Xylofone »

Thanks for the welcome, it's good to be here. I'm glad you opened the forum back up. I hope more people will be finding their way even if they don't post.
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