Related:David :
I’ve got a question for you. You said, when I was spoke to you last, that while you were putting together 'Ramtha' the White Book, about two thirds of the way through, you came to the conclusion, or you realized that JZ Knight/Ramtha was a fraud.
Yet.. You reasoned it out to go ahead with publishing the White Book. Is that because you thought you could do damage control further down the line?
That was, that was the predominant element. But it was hard to separate that at that point I owed something like "$200.000" Two hundred thousand dollars plus, I had about 50 thousand of my own money in, plus I had 3 years, I had 10 thousand hours of my own time into the book.
I felt that I could better serve the totality of my situation by continuing with it, but, especially because JZ wasn’t really paying any attention to the teachings ,the number of events went down, she was going to fewer and fewer places, bad mouthing the students and she was indicating,,, it was right around that time that 'Ramtha' had said something about, (?)all I have or I’m tired or something, I was feeling that she had enough and that she was gonna get in the horse business and she was gonna kinda whittle down, and then that was even more reason for me to stick with the book because I knew that would survive.
That’s why I want to shut her down. The harm is being done to the people that go to the school, but it's also being done to an awful lot of, the teachings that are out there in her audio tapes and CDs which is a whole bunch of crap. If you could throw everything away, and keep two or three real good books you can,
which is, The White Book is a presentation of the perennial philosophy, the perennial Wisdom, caste with a certain mythology around it, but I tried to keep it pure. I tried to keep it, ya know really in accord with what is called a perennial philosophy, if you’re familiar with that.
So do you think the Ramtha in the White Book existed at that time?
Do you think that the Ramtha that's portrayed in the White Book that everybody in RSE believes in... existed at that time?
Did that Ramtha exist, that you wrote about, that the White Book depicts?
Oh well, No, It only existed probably in the first 6 months that JZ started channeling.
Only 6 months?
Then it was pure, When she didn’t know that it could mean money. When she didn’t know anything, she let her, she let her higher self go and produced with her talent something that was very pure; and the more it meant something to her, the more her ego intruded into um her purer self, and the more she altered the message. And so that’s why, ya know, there was at every stage there are people that came in and later felt the Ramtha left and that’s because the ego became greater and greater, especially you could see it after she got clobbered in ?87 on the 20/ 20 show, and then got the bomb threats in the summer event, and she said I’m not doing anymore traveling away from home, that’s when she devised the school and and so a new Ramtha came out, but JZ's ego and ego perspective now was very much different, she was gonna go underground, and then the message got dark.
Listen Steve, have you heard of a former RSE staff member, his name is Glen Cunningham?
He sounds familiar, yeah?
He was JZ's bodyguard or Ramtha's bodyguard
Steve: You mentioned him, you mentioned him too, he defected and ?
Anyway, he’s willing to be interviewed and I think it’ll be very interesting information he brings up, but what’s interesting about Glen is that he knew that JZ was a fraud while he was working there; I was wondering what’s your perception of people working there perhaps even to this day that know its a fraud, what do you think?
Many people know it's a fraud
Many people?!
Steve: I'm sure she has them sign things, and they’re afraid to say anything and ya know even me I I could not come out and tell what was the point in my trying to convince people it wasn’t true. They were enjoying it, they were ya know they had free will? there’s no need for me to get into a fight over it..
David: That's what Glen says too at that time
Yeah but I was harboring a planned?. One, I was protecting my obligation to the people that gave me the money to do this, that I owed, and that was a terrible conflict for me and so it was always to figure out, ya know?
You were trapped..
was to how to figure out the best way to meet my multiple responsibilities according to my values, and, you know, I just cannot, I’m not gonna burn someone, you know, its just, I have to try to and I have to try to work it out the best way.
Something that happened was because I got crippled um everyone I kinda owed something to kind of gave up, they never supported me or they didn’t care or they let it go or....
Ok ok, another question, did those people that helped you , did all the work on the White Book, did they get paid eventually for their labors?
Oh yeah, everyone that worked.
but they didn't get paid appropriately, um, some did, but there were key people that in that White Book was amazing? I brought together an amazing talent of people, um and, that JZ is continually profiting by someone's silly Ideal like Steve Weinberg who managed to pull together some very talented people who who helped her to be successful, and they just walk away with crumbs and she goes onto ya know, her success is built on the shoulders of a lot of people, and a lot of people who she used Ramtha to suck money out of, get to do things, you know she just manipulated.
I may have asked you this before but I'm gonna ask you again,
Do you think there really was a being 35,000 years ago? Do you think there ever was a Ramtha?
No.. because. there couldn’t have been, that Ramtha had plenty of opportunity to indicate his power above her, and would have dumped her, would have closed her down. He certainly claims he had powers, Ill send runners, things are happening , I’m doing it? he ya know, he put JZ down, she’s just another student, she doesn’t know, blah blah blah, and yet he defended her for every blooper and thing she did that so hurt the teachings. Never criticized her; defended her, so the two personalities really had to be one. And here’s another thing , As JZ was.. ya know, there were many different points Especially she was reading about England .. by the way, the interior earth comes from the movie ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth, she, when she was reading about England and Jack the Ripper and all that, then that shows up in Ramtha’s teachings.
So before we wrap up, is there anything I can do for you from my end, anything I can do to help you with what you?re going through?
I want to get to the point I'm secure to know that people will take advantage of what I have to help people deal and cope and see?. I want to create the greatest good out of this, I want to turn lemons into lemonade but mostly me, I
I want to make sure that I didn't waste the ya know, valuable information and the power position that I have, that's what I'm staying alive for, and ya know, I find it ironic' I've written you three emails and I wanted to send you just the dribbles of it, the fragments of it I never did complete.
it's ironic in my life, my greatest joy was creating the White Book and my greatest mission now is to destroy the White Book. ya know so, my heaven and my hell have been over the same thing.
You know, you spoke about a redemption of sorts before, that something good can come from all this. I really appreciated that cause I felt that the dreams that we held, what brought us into this in the first place, they can be opened up, there really is something good that come from all this, that's really important to me especially.
Everybody who went with 'RSERamtha' cannot forget the courage that it took to go into the fringe,
the heart, that the 12 disciples had, just because we had the dream for ourselves and the world
that has to survive, lets hang on to that and keep that alive we can turn this into a positive thing,
more positive than it was ever going to be.
Steven Weinberg. July 2008.
The full recored interview with Steven Weinberg - July 2008 - (EMF)
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