when JZ dies, then what?

Wonderful on the outside Treacherous on the inside....! Cults have millions of members around the world who also thought they were immune.
joe sz
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when JZ dies, then what?

Unread post by joe sz »

ascended master cults [not unlike major religions] are notoriously unstable, tending to splinter before or soon after the founder/leader dies.
There was dissension after Blavatsky died, the TS splitting 3 main ways but soon many more "mediums" or channels appeared by 1920.

here is a short history of CUT:
Elizabeth Prophet developed Alzheimer's disease in the late 1990s, and by December 2008, she was living in Bozeman, Montana under house care. This led to the church coming under the direction of a two-person presidency with a board of directors and a council of elders.[citation needed] She died October 16, 2009 at the age of 70. Prophet's legal guardian, Murray Steinman, says she suffered from advanced Alzheimer's disease and died at her apartment Thursday night.[15]

In recent years several individuals have come forward claiming to deliver dictations from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim. Former CUT minister Monroe Shearer and his wife, former member Carolyn, founded a new activity in 1995, The Temple of The Presence, now based in Tucson, Arizona. Another former church official, David C. Lewis, claimed to be delivering dictations by some of the same Ascended Masters named in Church Universal and Triumphant as well as other Ascended Masters unmentioned before. Now based in Livingston, Montana, Lewis claimed that the process for how one applies to be a Messenger has never been made public and that the elder to whom he submitted his application told him "there won't be any more messengers." Therefore, in 2005 he set up his own new Ascended Master Teachings group called The Hearts Center which is headquartered in Livingston, Montana, very close to the headquarters of the Church Universal and Triumphant in Corwin Springs, Montana. Kim Michaels and his ex-wife Lorraine, two former CUT members, have also claimed to be messengers of the Ascended Masters and publish dictations on their websites. Although when married, they used to collaborate, they have since split up and each accused the other of delivering false messages.

Organizations that recognize the Summit Lighthouse include The Temple of The Presence.[16]

The Shearers have dismissed Lewis's claim to being a Messenger, as Elizabeth Clare Prophet dismissed the Shearers' claim, and as the leader of The Bridge to Freedom, Geraldine Innocente, dismissed the claim of The Summit Lighthouse founder Mark L. Prophet. CUT continues to hold quarterly retreats at the Royal Teton Ranch and to hold Summit University sessions around the world. Retreats for teens and young adults are held internationally twice a year.[citation needed]

I know of many more "Saint Germain" channelers. I counted 14 in 1989 without even trying to look hard.
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Re: when JZ dies, then what?

Unread post by Kensho »

Given that JZ and her character Ramtha have consistently claimed that no one other than JZ does or ever will channel Ramtha, one expectation when Judith dies is that some greedy twit will step forward as being the channel for JZ, who will then channel the Ramtha character. Sort of a double channelling thing.
One lie is as good as the next. All that is needed are tho$e with a desire/program of need to believe...

With love, Kensho
"Don't let any person bring you so low as to hate them."
Booker T. Washington
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Re: when JZ dies, then what?

Unread post by ex »

i think i wrote my more sneaky version before: all the accumulated video footage can be cut and spliced together however the new owners of rse decide to present ramtha. jz get her statue with: make known the unknown inscription. ramthas act get cleaned up in public. maybe some wild orgies behind closed rse doors. otherwise buisness as usual run by appointed teachers.
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Re: when JZ dies, then what?

Unread post by Xylofone »

My biggest question is when she dies who in the world is going to hold up those crazy contracts that extend how many years past her death, like 20 or 25? The only people I can think of are people she's paid off while alive and she can only hope they'll follow through when she dies. If everyone on her close team knows Ramtha is a scam, surely they wouldn't continue the lie unless they were written in as financial beneficiaries to her RSE estate.

I can think of one person who would continue the lie. I don't even need to name him.
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Re: when JZ dies, then what?

Unread post by Xylofone »

On another note I heard from multiple people that when Ramtha is ready to leave they'll have a big party and the last event will be "grand" or something like that.

At first I thought the end of the school would look like a "big party and wine ceremony" and now I'm thinking they'll call a last minute evening event, charge $100 a head, give everyone some kool-aide and tell them Ram said anyone who drinks it will be lifted off...
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