It takes a village (or a coven or perhaps a cult) to raise a political party to such great heights

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David McCarthy
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It takes a village (or a coven or perhaps a cult) to raise a political party to such great heights

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Thank you Glen Morgan
It takes a village (or a coven or perhaps a cult) to raise a political party to such great heights
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It takes a village (or a coven or perhaps a cult) to raise a political party to such great heights…
The Cult Leader
JZ Knight claims to Channel “Ramtha” – a 35,000 year old homicidal Lumarian warrior spirit and donates big cash to Democrats
JZ Knight is the local cult leader who claims to channel a 35,000 year old Lemurian homicidal warrior spirit named “Ramtha” at her compound located in Yelm, Washington. It is impossible to discuss any recent successes of the Thurston County Democratic Party without highlighting their largest financial donor. JZ Knight has admitted contributing over $300,000 to local Democrats (see complete list with all source documents linked here). JZ Knight is a long-time cult leader who has been preparing for an apocalyptic invasion of the lizard people for many years now (apparently, according to Ramtha, they live under the glaciers on Mt. Rainier). JZ Knight/Ramtha has made many other apocolypic predictions. In addition to the prestige and cash contributions that come from having a famous charismatic cult leader fund your party, JZ Knight has been helping the Thurston County Democratic Party finance the growth of its power base. While many candidates JZ Knight funded have still failed in their election efforts (Kelsey Hulse for Commissioner, Jim Cooper for Commissioner, Bruce Lachney for state legislature, and Steven Klein for Yelm Mayor, etc), notable others have succeeded like County Auditor Mary Hall and Representative Laurie Dolan(22nd LD).
In addition to supporting the Democratic Party, JZ Knight is also an important author
No honest story about JZ Knight is complete without referencing the release of her racist video tirades against Mexicans, Jews, Catholics, and others which this author exposed in 2012 (see articles linked at the end). The publicity of these videos unleashed a furious torrent of litigation against former cult members to plug the leak (and prevent even worse videos from being released). This also inspired cult leader JZ Knight/Ramtha to initiate a variety of lawsuits against this author for exposing the truth. In 2012, the Washington State Democratic Party understandably distanced itself from JZ Knight, but the Thurston County Democrat chair at the time, Roger Erskine, promoted JZ Knight “JZ Knight is a very good strong Democrat and she totally supports our platform and our goals and I think that’s good enough,” (see article here). He was right. The Thurston County Democrats wouldn’t be the party they are today without the generous six-figure donations from this cult leader. Every successful local political party needs a major source of cash, and for the Thurston County Democrats, nobody dumped more cash to fund their political goals than cult leader JZ Knight.
The Witch
Boudicca Walsh was the Thurston County Democratic Party Chair until last year
This author’s favorite former chair of the Thurston County Democratic Party is Boudicca Walsh, who self-identifies as a Trans Radical Witch of Olympia (see articles here and here). While Boudicca was elected as chair of the Thurston County Democrats in 2017, Walsh unfortunately resigned in 2018. Happily, my disappointment with this resignation (and my faith in the future of the Thurston County Democrats) has been mitigated by the happy fact that Boudicca has officially registered with the Public Disclosure Commission and the Thurston County Auditor to run for the Olympia City Council (position 3). This political race is certain to generate tremendous excitement and volunteer support. Boudicca has honestly admitted to mental health challenges (see public comment at Olympia City Council linked here – Boudicca speaks 23 minutes into video). Judging from policy choices and voting history, much of the Olympia City Council has similar struggles, but they won’t admit it. Boudicca’s honesty shines through for all to see.
Trans Radical Witch Boudicca Walsh is the Democratic Party’s best hope for the Progressive agenda in the City of Olympia.
Boudicca is credited with generating a lot of Democrat excitement and has the magnetic personality and charisma to ensure that this Trans Radical Witch can help provide street-level credibility and check unusual intersectional demographic boxes in a convincing manner. This helps demonstrate the Thurston County Dems are truly #woke, but also helps drive activist energy. A former Evergreen College student and born as a male named “Gordon”, Boudicca is currently a Democrat PCO, but has made real impact on the local party, and not just when Boudicca was county chair. Many people now properly associate Boudicca as having achieved the pinnacle of Democrat activism and this has become the idealized image of what most local Democrats aspire to become.
The Disbarred Attorney
Steven Segall frequently testifies to the state legislature on how to keep the unions less transparent
Often it is the workers behind the scenes who contribute more than most people appreciate, and they deserve the greatest praise. Steven Segall is a disbarred attorney from Colorado (Colorado Supreme Court disbarment document linked here). He was disbarred in 2005 for defrauding at least 8 clients and not paying his child support. However, he abandoned Colorado and apparently some of his client’s money when he arrived in Olympia and along with his wife Sarah, generously contributed over $24,000 to the local Democratic Party (see spreadsheet for details of contributions linked here).
JZ Knight funds Sarah Segall’s litigation efforts in Thurston County
The Washington State Department of Health and Human Services (DSHS) decided Seagal’s resume matched exactly the criteria they were looking for, and he was hired as a level 3 adjudicator responsible for some of the state’s most vulnerable citizens. Interestingly, he also joined the union (WFSE Local 443) and has been not just a shop steward, but also on the union’s political committee, responsible for dispersing additional campaign funds which, of course, are given to local Democrat candidates. His wife, Sarah, is a local artist and is supported and funded by JZ Knight in litigation (along with JZ Knight’s son and other local Democrat Party standouts) in an effort to silence this author and prevent the exposure of local Democratic Party corruption (Thurston County #16-2-04464-34). This powerhouse duo help ensure that the Thurston County Democratic Party retains the moral high ground in Olympia.

The Cult, the Witch, and the Disbarred Attorney - Olympian Chronicles and the Democrat Dream Team

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But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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