Where did the term "runner" really come from?

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Where did the term "runner" really come from?

Unread post by Xylofone »

I remember reading or hearing that the term "runner" was created when a person literally ran into a house and I can't remember if they were delivering a message or what, but it was long after Ramtha had been making tapes and videos.

But in A State of Mind, JZ says when she first met Ramtha in her kitchen (on a sunday afternoon at TWO THIRTY!) he prophesied to her about sending her some great runners!

How could he have told her he was going to send her and her family runners, if the term runner wasn't created until years later when that guy ran into the house and coined the term?

Hummmmm...! :?:
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David McCarthy
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

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Hi Xylofone,
Pulled from the web.
A runner was a military courier, a foot soldier responsible for carrying messages during war.
Runner (soldier) - Wikipedia
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

Unread post by Xylofone »

That's probably where she got the term from originally!

But with regards to why Ramtha started calling experiences runners, there is a video somewhere that recounted the story of a man who ran into a house carrying a Ramtha message (or something like that) but he was in the wrong place, and JZ said that when that account was relayed to Ram, he called it a runner and laughed and from then on they called all the "signs" runners... when I find the video I'll post an excerpt! It's only been told on one video as far as I know. They started using it I think around 1985. So the term definitely wasn't part of Ramtha in 1977 at 2:30 in the afternoon on a sunday IN THE KITCHEN!

BTW did it drive anyone else absolutely crazy hearing people talk about how everything they experience is a runner? "I got the best runner yesterday, oh that was a runner, what a runner! I'm getting major runners everywhere I go!" Getting so many runners sounds like a personal problem to me :lol:
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

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There was that AWFUL runner story..circa RSE 1990
the short version...
a 'student' goes to 'Ramtha' and tell 'him' that he is in love with this beautiful women but is too afraid to let her know!
Can you help me?
told by 'Ramtha' .. take her a huge bunch of flowers straightaway, knock on her door and tell her outright and without hesitation that you love her..
she comes to the door..he gives her the flowers and blurts out I love you..!!
Her boyfriend overhearing... drags the guy into the street and beats him up!!!
Student goes back to 'Ramtha' with broken heart...asking ...crying...Why Why Why?
Roars of laughter from 'Ramtha' telling us .. it was 'his runner' to teach him a lesson in love ..blah blah blah...BS.
I was horrified....

How to Identify a SOCIOPATH - YouTube
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

Unread post by Xylofone »

Sounds like something straight out of, uh, well, RSE!

No respectable organization would have a leader that gets off on these things. I can't believe people defend all these actions for so long. Forty years, really?? Come on students, wake up!

I'm especially appalled watching the video of "Ramtha" yelling at Linda Evans and spitting and snotting on the floor and then saying "turn to your neighbor and tell them what you learned" and you see Mike Wright turn to his neighbor and start talking so casually. That was a "runner" for me to get out!

I started writing down "Ramtha's" promised runners and realized fast that none of them came haha I used to think the runners came but I could never remember what exactly he said he would send, so I realized I just lied to myself because I was hyped up on the psychological drug of RSE events that I was so certain those runners always came.

Broken promises. I should send the old man an invoice plus late fees demanding back payment of all my runners in full. :lol:
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

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I'm especially appalled watching the video of "Ramtha" yelling at Linda Evans and spitting and snotting on the floor and then saying "turn to your neighbor and tell them what you learned" and you see Mike Wright turn to his neighbor and start talking so casually. That was a "runner" for me to get out!
But JZ Knight sued me in NZ claiming that I edited those RSE videos 'to make her look bad' :-?
the same claims against Glen Morgan and Virginia Coverdale :roll:
But she's is a spiritual teacher for Gods sake!! why would she lie?
Classic Milgram Experiment 101... an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience.

Milgram Experiment - The Heist - YouTube
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Re: Where did the term "runner" really come from?

Unread post by Xylofone »

The worst thing I ever did was believe that the videos were edited without even watching them myself first!! We were told that rhetoric and I repeated it like a good little sheep to anyone who brought them up. The joke was on me, because I was defending something I had never seen. When I watched it I wanted to puke. THAT was the so-called "teacher" I had been listening to? Disgusting. I would have had some level of respect for her if she had acknowledged it as Ramtha's rant, or tough love, or whatever excuse might seem to make sense, but she didn't even do that.

That is probably her biggest lie of all, next to the big R man.

She probably thought she would get away with lying because she thought she could keep them from staying public. Well they're all over the internet now. And if they get deleted, they'll just pop back up!
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