Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

This forum page is specific to the CHILDREN involved with RSE.
For the most defenseless and innocent in RSE you have a voice here.
This forum is open for discussion and exchange of views.
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Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Another brave soul published her experiences of how "Ramtha" ruined her childhood.

She was in the school as a child. Her abusive father was obsessed with building underground bunkers so much that they lived in an army tent while he built them, and she was forced to dig and work to help build the structures as a young child. Her father is also a suspect in her mother's murder and poured alcohol on her sister and lit her on fire.


I know there are always people who take the teachings to the extreme but what can you expect when there is no focus on the value of life and a heavy focus on death being an illusion and murder not being wrong or worthy of punishment? I have so much compassion for this woman. I know she's not the only one.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I have so much compassion for this woman. I know she's not the only one.
Sadly this is very true.
The courage of Rachel (Heyoka) to speak out and share her story is incredible.
I posted this message to Rachel..
Dear Rachel, First of all, Thank you for reaching out and sharing your childhood experiences of (RSE).
This is a very diffiCult subject to talk about, even for Psychologist that study cults, so well done for trying to share your experience of your stolen childhood by JZ Knight's Ramtha cult.
I shudder to think of the harm RSE has inflicted on you and so many wonderful parents and children who's search for a genuine spiritual path were deceived and ensnared by a religious sociopath and cult. Their lives and families ruined and torn apart by a clever act.
You are telling the truth Rachel. I witnessed so many parents who gave over their precious children into the hands of JZ Knight and RSE.
They fully believed and trusted that 'Ramtha' had godlike powers who would teach them to perform miracles who would also protect and save their lives and usher the whole world into a new age of enlightenment..such is the insidious level of the indoctrination's (brainwashing) at RSE!
Again Rachel, I applaud you for reaching out to help and warn others to understand what happened to you as a child, how your father forced you to endure RSE. You are not alone Rachel.
We have an RSE survivors site call EMF with a debate forum that includes a section for children of RSE, Should you wish to check out EMF and our debate forums here is our link to our (EMF) Enlighten Me Free Home Page http://www.enlightenmefree.com/
I wish you all the love, joy and freedom this world has to give you, and you have to share with the world.....
Thank you and take care,
With kind regards, David McCarthy
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

Thank you so much for being caring and validating my experiences. This is Rachel Mann from the video links. The more we can share our experiences and reach out to others, the more healing we can spread in the world. This is flat out trauma. Ramtha and J.Z.Knight spread mental disease. Even after over a decade, the world hasn't been destroyed. Her new exclamations are based on known knowledge like the coasts being unsafe and they're self serving. I see a dangerous type of a faulse prophet through her. Based on building fear and irresponsibility in people. We should be enjoying each other before we die, not having our lives destroyed or pulled apart.
Nobody is stupid or a fool for believing in the end times or change of the system. There's hundreds of t.v. shows and movies that explore these ideas. It is only reckless to give up on our lives while abandoning others, to pay for someone to build fear. Its is only foolish when not questioned. Its only stupid when we ignore it.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Hi Heyoka,
Welcome to our EMF community.
Your courage to directly speak out about your stolen childhood by JZ knight, and your fathers abuse is remarkable,
This shows a true depth of spirit and heart that neither JZ Knight, nor your father could ever fathom nor destroy.
I witnessed many children whose parents were proud to give their lives over to RSE and 'Ramtha' :cry:
On one occasion in 'the tank' I shielded a crying child from getting trampled by the adults who blindly followed orders not to assist anyone..as this would rob them of their learning :-? I called the 'red guard' who finally pulled her out.
it was the abuse of children in RSE that shook me out of my compliance and complacency..
'Ramtha' the enlightened one' was no spiritual teacher.. but a monster hiding in plain sight.
The more we can share our experiences and reach out to others, the more healing we can spread in the world.
So very true Heyoka
Thank you...

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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

That is horrible nobody would take thier blindfolds off to help a child they could hear the cries. Thank God you were there to save that child. That's horrible that child saw that. That probably looked like a bunch of zombies roaming around.
All the FBI would have to do is look up those mining claims made on Mount Rainer to uncover the truth. That would actually tell them where some of them are.
I have p.t.s.d. and bpd from the trauma. Its not okay for any child to bear these disorders, and then through adulthood. I'm 38. Can you imagine how many times I was in survival mode for no good reason? To see others as a threat that probably weren't. Be afraid of aliens. I hoard medications and always have extra shampoo and sometimes a year worth of something. Its absolutely consuming. I feel like I never have enough water in my home. Its all messed me up. Its compulsive.
Omg the shhhhs shhhs so be it....chant I can still hear and it sends chills to me.
They had people and my father burying gold and silver coins and handing people the maps to the coins. The coins werent there or not for long. They were stolen from these people. I'm talking up to 100s of 1000s of dollars. Peoples life savings for bunkers they'll never need.
I think J.Z.Knight does owe me the sit down where I can confront her. Its absolutely skewed for her to leave her comments disabled. She wants to leave no doubt in someones mind.
She reminds me of Jonestown and the People's Temple. Look what they did to the children.
I'm so glad we met and thank you both. 😃😃😃😃
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

Hi Rachel,

I'm in awe of your courage to share your experiences so openly! I'm sure there are people who will see your videos and read your words and will be validated as well, even if they never say anything openly.

I hope that as more people share experiences, more people still involved in RSE will wake up to what's really going on and realize they've been justifying what's happening.

It bothers me that when I was in the organization and people would share stories like yours, the immediate response from students and staff was "they didn't get what they wanted" or "they're just victims" and "they created it and don't want to change" among other things. I think that's the most dangerous viewpoint to have when a person is traumatized by an organization like RSE. I used to think those same things. What I realized is those other people are traumatized, but they haven't allowed themselves to experience it fully or acknowledge it. Hearing other people share their trauma will help many people feel like it's okay to acknowledge that something they built their life around is actually causing them harm.

Thank you for sharing!
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

Thank you and we are friends now. We are all tied together in a way. I feel validated by you both. That's so kind of you to watch the video and make this inspired from it.
Anybody who knows micro expressions can see I am speaking the truth. The only time I showed insecurity was with my shoulder saying alien war. That's because I'm not sure if there ever will be one. I watched my video to see if I made any sense. That's the single time I'm unsure.
People need to research Borderline personality disorder. That is child trauma based. You can grow out of it in your 40s. Its the most horrible thing to watch yourself like a movie and pushing people away that you want close. These trauma based experiences can cause someone to become introverted like myself or isolate from social skills. I have great social skills, I am just saying.
This video link is one way I am so open. Rejection makes you a master of being open, for people willing to take that journey. You have a heart and I have a heart. I should be open with you. Maybe we were destined to speak and become friends.
Trust me, I havent acted on, and nor will I, but the thought has crossed my mind to get revenge on them. Its a bitter place to feel like that. Like a sitting cobra that can't strike. I would take the opportunity to confront them but they are cowards. Ramtha J.Z.Knight and my father. Neither one has been through what I have and others have. Thats a lot of tears with thier names on them....God will count them someday. That's their "future lives karma" She just setting herself up for being spiritually behind in the next life. So be that!
Not everyone will speak and share but I hope they can heal by finding something to relate to. It feels like a blossoming flower when you can relate and be validated. Ive been holding on for too many years.
Thank you💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 to other people who are waking up or want to I want you to know that I have a bleeding heart for you. I pray for you. I want to apologize for what you went through because we are connected. It might be time for some of you to move out of the town or state or area and go other places. It might be time to change all your friends. It might be time to care less about others opinions and thoughts and make space for your needs and wants.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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One more thought for now, this is my video on what spiritual people should look like, thier attitudes and food.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Related: EMF CPS - Child Protection Services Buried RSE Report
This thread is to expose JZ Knight/Ramtha of child abuse at RSE
and explore the legal rights and standings for parents of children who attend or have attended RSE.
On June 2 2010 EMF submitted video documented evidence of child abuse at RSE to the Seattle Child Protection Services (CPS)
The report was buried
Initially we were told by the Olympia City CPS they had no jurisdiction to investigate RSE because JZ Knights school was a corporation, they can only investigate child abuse that is domestic in nature... that we should take our complaint to the local police! :shock:
After contacting the Seattle CPS here is our Email exchange with CPS officer John Orlinski, (DSHS/CA) 6/2/2010
CPS - Child Protection Services Buried RSE Report - (EMF) Online Debate Forum
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

Thank you. I just posted comments on that link. I'm so angry right now.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I just want to post here, that on the link from the previous comment, is where I posted 2 comments. They said that 1. I emailed a cps
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I admire your courage so much!
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

Thank you. I would not sleep by not joining in the fight to protect.
I have a lot of experience with narcarssist and I know my father cant sue me for saying things that are backed up by events and people. Paradise California social workers Dcfs/Cps and Edmonds Washington have records that they also agree with the abuse and his type. Thier evaluation of the situation also influenced me as an adult. Also State Hospital South in Blackfoot Idaho has records about the pregnancy and the abortion as well, after my 600 pill aspirin overdoes after the illegal abortion. I was arrested at 14 for being caught by attempting suicide, by the police.
This page doesnt concern ordering food or his type services. If he were to bring this to court it would be necessary for him to do a polygraph test after a drug test. My whole life he was high or drinking. To be sober for the test. Also my sister can be polygraphed as well. She abused her children and gets away with it. One nephew had a broken neck and later arm broken so far that his arm was hanging by the skin.
Because she skipped state 2 times about those, social workers and medical professionals didnt track this. Besides the fact my father wouldnt want to fight something that would make another person think he looks bad.
So here is my sick father. Happy father's day EuGene -Moderator Edit- full name removed-

-Moderator Edit- Personal Identifying information has been removed from this post over to our moderators page for further considerations- Heyoka, Please check your PM box.-
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

I'm glad you made it out of all of that. That's too much for a young child to have to experience. Sharing your story will help others who come here for sure.

EMF Moderator: I just checked my inbox but don't see a message? Did I post something personal? I didn't think I posted anything?
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I just checked my inbox but don't see a message? Did I post something personal? I didn't think I posted anything
All's well Xylofone, please accept my -Moderator Apology- :oops: The PM message check was for Heyoka
qui tacet consentire videtur: He who keeps silent is assumed to consent
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

Oh, i see haha no prob. :D
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Lol. I'm lost.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Lol. I'm lost.
Hi Heyoka ...Can you please check your PM box. :idea:
Thank you...
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

What is illuminated and what is the light? See yourself out of it.

-Moderator Comment and action -
Dear Heyoki, Thank you for you post, however..
A gentle reminder that posting Religious/Personal proselytizing of any kind, breaches our posting rules and guidelines.
Your Youtube channel link Re: What is illuminated and what is the light? has been removed from EMF.
Those who wish to directly teach regarding an EMF topic and feel its important to share....
please notify the moderators for clearance, or give a short description asking our members to contact you via your PM or Email .. :idea:
Its often a fine line between “proselytizing” and the sharing of advice and experiences.
The line was crossed here, I hope you understand. :idea:

EMF is not concerned about political or theological issues but instead are concerned about the psychological, physical, social and economic consequences of RSE involvement. Religious, Political, Personal proselytizing of any kind, solicitations & advertisements will be deleted without notice.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I've watched your videos Heyoka, and I wanted to let you know that your voice is getting out there. My friends and I are deep researchers and J.Z. Knight is one of the many entities we are fighting against. Always remember within your heart and soul that you are not alone. We are with you! I am glad you are healing and I hope you continue to heal. A close family member of mine has a very similar condition that you have and it is one of the things that gives me so much passion to give people like my family member, you and others the voice and protection that you all deserve.

I wanted to take the time to tell you that you are a wonderful person and you remind me so much of my close family member. Currently that family member is in their late 40s. They are in a high place of employment right now and have wonderful family members and friends to keep them company. Through their trauma they also gained some great skills they could put into their job and have thus gotten to high places quickly despite not having college education. This is absolutely what I want for you. This person also had borderline personality disorder and has been able to grow out of it. It's a rough ride, and through lots of love and healing from myself and others, counseling, and a great big amount of courage, my family member has grown better than their predators ever did combined.

Lastly, you have my love and dedication to helping bring you up and at the same time dwindling Judith's power on everyone hopefully to zero.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Thank you. I do have BPD from the trauma. Must be obvious😃 thank you for the support and compliments😃 thats great news about your family member having close people around and a good career. Nice to hear somebody else made it out of the foggy glasses. 😚😚😚😚😚 keep in touch 🌈 I wish I could meet someone who made it out. 😃😃😃
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Always remember within your heart and soul that you are not alone. We are with you!
Thank you Fighter, for your beautiful words to Heyoka.
Life, Love and 'enlightenment'.. is not an alone journey...
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Hello. This took days and hours and looking through many search topics and over 35000 book images. I went to abebooks and Google search. It was published in 1988 and its a 5 book series. I saw 3 out of the 5 books when I was 8 years old or 9. That's 1989 or 1990 when I saw the books. Its 1000 UK money for the set. It seems like they printed this book with different covers. Also it was available to print off of disks at one point and as well now. I remember it was printed in black as a child. This is the books and the author and the right time frame. After George W Bush senior was out of presidency. Published 1988. Valerian, Valamar "Matrix" books 1-5. I did this for you. I spent hours and thats because you mean something to me. Thanks
This book was J.Z.Knight bible to scaring people into the alien war.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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https://awakenvideo.org/pdf/X/Val%20Val ... thru%20IV/
A free site to download Matrix 1-4 to pdf files. This is what J.Z.Knight uses as a bible.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Fighter »

Wow Heyoka!

I am archiving these PDF files and keeping them safe. Thank you so very much! Your search was well worth it believe me, and I will be sharing these books to my fellow researchers. You are amazing! :D

Seriously, well done!! I can't thank you enough!
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Thank you 😳😃😃😃
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Mother murdered in 1993. Thanks to the teachings about murder should go unpunished.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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This is my mother in 1988 before she was murdered in 1993. I have hardly anything.
Does she look like someone who should be murdered?
Thanks to Ramtha saying if you can murder, you should get away from it in this life.
A drawing I did of dancing with death. A coping skill more than a talent. Part of trauma. Just like daydreaming is a coping skill.

-Moderator Comment - and question.
Thanks to Ramtha saying if you can murder, you should get away from it in this life.

Its vitality important on EMF when making serious allegations to get your facts right.
Heyoki is this what you are referring to?

JZ Knight/Ramtha Quotes:
Page 173
Student: Well, for example, if someone harmed my daughter,
it's evil because, let's say, she might die.
Ramtha: That is your judgment of evil. But what is evil about dying?
Student: So you don't even think that killing someone is evil?
Ramtha: That is correct, because I have not limited myself by believing in the ending of anyone thing,
for nothing is ever destroyed - ever.
Student: So you're saying that even murder is not wrong or evil.
Ramtha: That is correct.
Copyright © 1999, 2001, 2004 JZ Knight
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

Cartoon I drew in 2000 about a 600 aspirin pill overdose in 1995 due to trauma. I was arrested and sentenced after due to it being illegal to get caught committing suicide.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

I am traumatized. I feel guilt for children. They have rights. I started a facebook page and Instagram
now is priority or my name. I have abandoned it the last year due to fear. I write all my posts.
This is what happens to people who are traumatized they start websites and pages for peoples rights.
I cant stop it or change the past. Here's some screen shots of a couple posts. We all need to make a change. Somehow.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

There is no "shocked" emoji, so imagine my jaw on the floor right now!


Check out page 436 of book IV and tell me if that's not familiar as all get out.

I am just skimming so far and I don't think my jaw is going to come off the floor anytime soon. This is amazing, Heyoka, thank you. Wow.
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Heyoka »

I did check out page 436 volume 4.
Here the search and the free pdf files from The-Eye.eu.concern.org You can download volume 5 part one and part two...I have to find the other parts for free. This came out 2004 way after the time I was there.
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Re: promoting JZ Knight's - Val Valerian's work on EMF - Please Stop

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Hi Heyoka, Xylofone, everyone..
I knew Val Valerian and his girlfriend - RSE 1990-96?
He seemed a nice person, kept to himself, as far as I know was never pulled into the RSE inner rat circle or spoke at RSE.
Was was happy to sell his Matrix books to make a shilling at RSE, also sold at the local 'masters shop called Lemuria.
Yelm can me a tough place to survive.
No doubt Val Valerian, Bill Cooper and other UFO book entrepreneurs were 'sincere' in their work..
Bill Cooper spoke at RSE.
Milton William Cooper, 58, a UFO conspiracist, tax resister, and "militiaman,"
was killed in a gunfight with Apache County, Arizona, deputies during the early morning of November 6, 2001.
JZRamtha found their books a useful toolbox to stir the UFO reptilian, illuminate fear-fest at RSE..
O'h... and to make money selling the books at RSE.
In my opinion...Val Valerian bought into the RSE fear and BS such as JZRamtha Book 'Raiders from Above' - 'Last Waltz of the Tyrants'.
And found kindred spirits in RSE that supported his UFO views.
When their ship comes after you, you won't remember it. And, if your nose bleeds a lot, it's because they got you.
UFO fear and paranoiac disinformation is a favorite tool of JZRamtha, so please be careful not to fall for her fear bait.
and worse.. promoting JZ Knight's and Val Valerian's work on EMF.
Heyoka, this is what you are unwittingly doing now..please stop.




Re: Big news: Elenin is not a comet, it is a spaceship :-?

Post by David McCarthy » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:37 pm
Common Cult Tactics = Feed the Fear! :shock:

(RSE circa 1990)... I remember being horrified when ‘Ramtha’ predicted that “Nature” was about to 'clean up the planet’
to rid the world of the nasty vermin called humanity.
But there is hope folkies!..
in order to make ourselves ‘worthy of nature’ just dedicate our lives to ‘the great work’ and don’t forget to dig those underground bunkers.
If that wasn’t dire enough, ‘Jehovah’ with an army of flesh eating reptilians are on their way with a massive fleet of UFO’s to invade Earth.
So best cover your underground bunkers with copper foil to avoid being undetected from the ’raiders from above’!
No real need to worry about 'Jehovah’ folks... as 'Ramtha' has a much bigger and more powerful UFO.. :roll:
Oh yes… for those of us that move to Yelm / RSE from foreign lands that left your families behind
don’t worry about them as 'Ramtha' promises to protect them.... just so long as you dedicate your lives to RSE.
After the apocalypse is over.. we can begin to seed the planet with the power of healing and enlightenment we have mastered at RSE :-?
What I have just described is no exaggeration.
This constant hammering and spreading fear and paranoia has been going on from day one at RSE.
Judith and her handlers understand full well that fear works to sell the R$E products and services
by effectively undermining critical thinking of the RSE customers.
But this atrocious fear mongering and paranoia has to be constant otherwise the light of reason returns to dispel the RSE BS.
How powerful is this indoctrinated fear and superstition at RSE?
For many former students just posting on EMF took enormous courage..
Now there's a simple clue :idea:
It is time to let go of the fear.


RSE Big news, Elenin is not a comet, it is a spaceship! - (EMF)
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1783&p=14063&hilit= ... ove#p14063

Question about "Val Valerian" - (EMF)

Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse - UFO conspiracist - (EMF)
THE CULT OF RAMTHA 1993-95 By Joe Szimhart - (EMF)

Copper foil and flakes (as a food additive) are on sale. Regarding copper ingestion friends and families of Ramsters fear that copper poisoning could result. The scientific literature on copper has it that we get more than enough of the mineral naturally. It is a ?stimulant? to the brain but too much can cause hyperactivity and even psychosis (Pfeiffer 324-40). In any case, RSE students seem to care little for science?Ramtha is teaching them ultrascience. I did find one poster advertising a significant book, Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology (3rd edition by Val Valerian (Leading Edge Research Group, 1991). It cost $52 for over 600 velo-bound pages.

Matrix II is an everything-you-wanted-to-know-book about government conspiracies, UFOs, alien abductions, mind control experiments, the ?Gray? society and charts of government testing sites. Valerian is so taken with his work that he tells us we ?might throw all the other books on the subject away.? Former RSEers believe that JZ read early on editions of Matrix II and documents like it (there are many in the paranoid underground) to formulate Ramtha?s ideas in the Last Waltz of the Tyrants.
Fantasies and warnings were reinforced for the students when Bill Cooper came to speak to them in Washington. Cooper published his obsessions in Behold a Pale Horse (Light Technology Publishing, 1991). In it he roams from Illuminati conspiracies to Catholic bashing. He asserts that ?the driver? shot John F. Kennedy and that aliens in UFOs collaborate with a secret world government. Cooper claims he had an intelligence position in the military. He also claims that he is being led by God to warn upstanding citizens of corruption in the highest places. He especially targets the Masons who he says will be responsible if he is murdered (Cooper 79).

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

I don't see what Heyoka is posting as promoting the work or creating fear. I see it as exposing another source of the deception. It needs to be out in the open and discussed and made available like all the other books and titles so people can look into it, get the books if they need to, and then read for themselves to see the deception. The content is what JZ used to create fear, but discussing what's in the books is hardly creating more fear. The whole alien thing is a joke and we all know it by now...

Most of us are way past needing more evidence, but these books just basically nail her act and solidify her insincerity. The first book was published in 1988 I think it was, and she probably had it before she launched the school. :roll:
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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Hi Xylofone,

You have also come to understand... :idea:
The whole alien thing is a joke and we all know it by now...

For those that see and believe this as factual in JZRamtha, it can be very frightening to the point of paranoia.
Several of Heyoka's post alluded that this conspiracy Illuminati threat in RSE is very real and serious.
Going down this rabbit hole on EMF to prove not debunk that JZRamtha /RSE is connected to the Illuminati conspiracy...ETc ETc.
Does not belong on EMF... This is why I removed one post and one video link from this topic thread.
now archived in our moderators forum.
As a point of interest... nothing is ever fully deleted from EMF..just in case we got it wrong.. :oops:
We are only human..Oh wait.. :shock:
I hope Heyoka will understand, its OK on EMF to disagree and 'debate' this important issue.
Perhaps I got it wrong?
And perhaps 'at this point' a PM exchange would help us both in our understandings?

All the best,

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

Unread post by Xylofone »

I thought that was another thread. I just saw here that she posted a link to get the other books, since she had posted the other pdf files. :D
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Re: Woman who was a child in RSE shares her experience: RSE ruined her childhood

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I appreciate your watching over Heyoka
PM me if you have any concerns at all....

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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