Mark Vicente - After the verdict, the Nxivm prosecutors, men and women, wept

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Mark Vicente - After the verdict, the Nxivm prosecutors, men and women, wept

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"Catherine Oxenberg said there are thousands of abusive cults. Everybody is susceptible at some point. Toni Natalie added, “These are normal people, everyday people. They are people who wanted to make a difference. It was all lies. Keith’s inner circle helped enable him. It is an enterprise.” She added, “No one joins a cult. They go in with the trappings of what was presented.” Oxenberg intends to keep raising awareness."
Thank you Catherine Oxenberg and Toni Natalie, for your light and courage...
I hope Mark Vicente takes your words to heart...
Mark is still making money (royalties) out of his cult recruitment movies for RSE.Inc.
His close collaboration's with JZ Knight/Ramtha should be exposed in the light of day...
lest we brush under the carpet who were the Nxivm and RSE snake-oil charmers?
It is a fact there exists within the ranks of these cults a 'revered' inner circle of key people set in place not only to share the prestige and profits from the top of the cults pyramid, but also to have a measure of power over the ones below, (think handlers)
this cements the hierarchical system of power, fear and secrecy under a totalist mind control system that is RSE.Inc.
The term 'New Age Fascism' comes to mind.
With Marks former cult...JZKRamtha sits the top of the food chain, Lording and demanding total secrecy and authority.
Fear is it weapon of choice.
Of these revered inner circle members, (think controllers), with their very own mini-cult within the RSE Cult!
These are key members that must know R$E is a total fraud and dangerous.
Once flushed out these collaborators will often paint themselves as victim and turn against their great leader.
It really needs to be understood that no Cult as big such as RSE (and Nxivm) cannot be run by one individual, the serious ethical and alleged legal and moral violations committed at RSE are known and often fostered by key members, these are the cults handlers and very much implicated with alleged violent abuses and deceptions with a stunning lack of moral and ethical conscience.
Mark Vicente was very much part of this RSE inner circle.
Please time like the present to tell the truth and reach out to help the victims of RSE
After all...its what you promoted, gained prestige and profited from JZKRamtha..
Mark Vicente.
All the things I do in terms of personal development are like a character gym; where I can work on strengthening and deepening by vision, nobility, ethics and empathy.
your actions prove the opposite :sad:



Mark Vicente RSE - NXIVM' (ESP) - (EMF) 2008

Ramtha: Create Your Day - An Invitation To Open Your Mind from Mark Vicente, director of What The Bleep Do We Know!?:
Ramtha the Enlightened One, Mark Vicente: Movies & TV ... B0007ZHNBC

Resume — Mark Vicente
After the verdict, the Nxivm prosecutors, men and women, wept
By Dianne Lipson | June 20, 2019

Dianne Lipson, who kept us so well informed during the Nxivm trial, sent us these observations of the scene when the jury’s verdict was read Wednesday…

Very few of us expected a jury verdict yesterday. We were having a nice lunch in the park across from the courthouse at a quarter to two. There was no rush, we knew this was the judge’s lunch hour. Suddenly we saw one of the in-house reporters running past us and into the courthouse, clutching her cellphone. We all took off running in her wake. At 2:30, when the verdict was to be announced, the courtroom was full. Full of people, and full of anticipation. Mark Vicente was there. Susan Dones was there. Toni Natalie looked expectant and tense. Usually Judge Garaufis eschews his robes for a suit, but both yesterday and today he wore his robes. Keith was brought in. He spoke with his lawyers. He looked a little sad, and a little scared. The jury did not look at him as they filed in.

There were 24 counts and racketeering acts for the jury to answer to. The jury foreman spoke in a strong, clear voice. In answer to each count, he said, “Guilty,”, and for the racketeering acts, “Proven.” After the first several answers, it felt like it was going to be a clean sweep. And it was. He was guilty on all counts. While the foreman answered on each charge, Keith was looking intently at the judge. His face was a little red. Otherwise he showed no emotion. Each juror was then asked if he or she agreed. Keith looked at each juror in turn as they each answered, “Yes.”

Judge Garaufis addressed the jury. “Thank you for your professionalism. Your are excellent citizens. We are honored by your participation in this trial.” Toni Natalie clutched Catherine Oxenberg’s hand as they exited the courtroom. She looked stunned, almost overwhelmed. At the elevator bank, Mr. Agnifilo said, “It’s been an incredibly taxing, difficult, emotional trial. The level of emotion was reflected in the juror’s verdict.”

We noticed that Prosecutor Penza could not keep a grin off her face. I was told that when the verdict was read in the courtroom, the prosecutors cried – both the men and the women. As the government lawyers strolled back to the courthouse, the crowd cheered.

Next Toni Natalie and Catherine Oxenberg spoke. Toni said we had an amazing judge. Ms. Oxenberg said her daughter was in shock, and she was in shock as well. It’s the culmination of a year and half of effort. Someone told Ms. Oxenberg that she was a hero for bringing her information to the FBI. Oxenberg replied that there were many heroes involved. When asked how India was feeling, Ms. Oxenberg said that, like all the young women who suffered under Keith, no one is unscathed. When asked if the nightmare has ended, Oxenberg simply responded, “Yes.”

Toni Natalie had on a navy and white striped blouse today. “I wore this so he’d be looking at what he’ll see for the rest of his life.” Someone reminded Toni of Keith’s last words to her many years ago, “I’ll see you dead or in jail.” Tony now responded, “I’m alive and he’s in jail. He didn’t win.”

Catherine Oxenberg described her feelings on hearing the verdict as a wave of emotion and relief. Oxenberg said there are thousands of abusive cults. Everybody is susceptible at some point. Toni Natalie added, “These are normal people, everyday people. They are people who wanted to make a difference. It was all lies. Keith’s inner circle helped enable him. It is an enterprise.” She added, “No one joins a cult. They go in with the trappings of what was presented.” Oxenberg intends to keep raising awareness. She said that India is happy in her new relationship.

All through the trial, Keith constantly gave Post-It notes to his lawyers. Toni Natalie had the last word, saying, “Everyone send Keith Post-It notes!” With their arms around each other. Toni and Catherine walked away from the group of reporters. As she mingled with the crowd, there was a marked change in Ms. Natalie’s countenance. The initial shock of the quick verdict had worn off. Gone was the tension seen on her face every day since the trial started, since the hearings started. I think the implications of the verdict now sank in. She looked like a new person, tranquil, and relaxed.

The defense team exited the courthouse and spoke to the crowd outside.

Cult expert Dr. Janja Lalich told me that after they have heard all that disturbing testimony, she thinks the jurors will now need counseling.

Undoubtedly what happened in court these last few weeks is being closely watched by leaders of high-control groups all over the country. As the judge said, this was an unusual case. Possibly there has never been another one quite like it. Will this verdict be a tipping point, a kind of me-too moment for survivors of abuse by cults?

After the verdict, the Nxivm prosecutors, men and women, wept
The Underground Bunker ... omen-wept/
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Mark Vincente: ‘a really cool scientist, Keith Raniere

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Mark Vincente: ‘a really cool scientist, Keith Raniere’
Frank Report February 15, 2016
In an online article entitled “Star Wars meets What the Bleep” by NXIVM/Executive Success member Kayla Grosse [] she interviews NXIVM teacher and former filmmaker Mark Vincente and his wife who has appeared in Star Wars films.

In the interview [see below] Vincente speaks of his lord Keith Raniere.

Vincente says, “After making Bleep [his marginally successful movie; made prior to meeting Raniere] I was looking for a more scientific approach to consciousness and more effective ways to inspire humanity in audiences. I had the good fortune of being introduced to a really cool scientist, Keith Raniere , who combined Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Computer Science into a method to help people ‘hack’ their programming. The patent office still doesn’t know what to make of it so they’ve filed it under artificial intelligence.”

This comment is so silly that it almost defies comment. The patent office doesn’t know what to make of it, he says The patent office is too confused to figure it out and filed it under artificial intelligence? This is from a man posing as intelligent? It is evident Vincente does not have the slightest clue how patents are filed and approved….

Vincente goes on to say, “We’ve been working together for a number of years now on a variety of amazing ventures and projects.”

This gushing is childlike in its awe of Raniere. “Amazing ventures and projects”! What are they? Why are they so ‘amazing?’ You would expect this kind of silly comment from an actor maybe but not a filmmaker.

What the hell have these two accomplished?

Vincente also says, “I also am one of the founders of a Men’s movement called The Society of Protectors and the co-owner of two ESP centers in Los Angeles and Vancouver which utilize the ground-breaking intellectual tools of Keith Raniere and an incredible acting curriculum called The Source which Bonnie and I are both involved in with our friend Allison Mack.”

The article links Raniere’s name to a website for Executive Success Programs which features a dated picture of Raniere and explains how he has an “undying commitment to advancing the human condition and making the world a better place.”

One wonders if Vincente can reconcile this commitment of Raniere’s with the practical results of punishing enemies. losing followers’ fortunes, keeping a harem, statutory rape and clearly lying about his accomplishments on his falsified bio?

One can admire Vincente’s openness about his guru. He openly proclaims his mental subservience to the superior brain of Raniere which is the mark of honesty, even if it is also evidence of weak mindedness.

Vincente readily admits Raniere is superior in mind and ethics than Vincente.

A superior being to Vincente.

Wish that Raniere had half the honesty of his followers.

When I was a consultant at NXIVM Vincente was funded by Bronfman money to make films which as far as I know were never completed. He now runs a center which by all evidences is still supported by Bronfman money.

At the time, I didn’t really understand

what it meant to be in a Star Wars movie.

I caught up with Singer/Songwriter/Actress Bonnie Piesse “Aunt Beru” (Star Wars Episode II and Episode III) and her husband Mark Vicente Writer/Producer/Director (What the Bleep) in Upstate New York in December right before they attended the world premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Los Angeles.

I love music and I love film and to bring the two together

is a dream come true.

Q: So what have you been up to in the last few years?

Bonnie: I composed some music and sang in a few film soundtracks (‘Expecting‘, ‘Encender El Corazon‘ and ‘The Three Hikers‘), which has been super exciting because I love music and I love film and to bring the two together is a dream come true. I’ve been writing a lot of songs and have just recently started recording a new album, which thanks to Mark’s encouragement and support, I’ve decided to produce myself. I’ve also been recording music for ‘The Bridge’, a film by Bobby Field which I’ll be singing and acting in soon. I’ve also been pretty busy working with some human performance companies and curriculums Mark introduced me to (including exo|eso, The Source and ESP).

Q: Mark, I hear there’s a really cool story about how you and Bonnie met?

Mark: Yeah, a dear friend of mine who starred in Battlestar Galactica would goto a lot of sci-fi conventions to do appearances. She, like many others, knew I was a Star Wars fan. She came back from one of these conventions and told me she’d met this wonderful actress Bonnie Piesse from Star Wars who also loved What the Bleep and that we should definitely meet. So we set up a meeting in Hollywood.

Q: So were there sparks at that point?

Mark: Not then. But we really enjoyed hanging out. I took her to meet a bunch of my friends and listen to my buddy Mark Hildreth play at a club on Sunset. We had a great time.

Q: So you met but what about the falling on love part?

Mark: It’s when I heard her sing!

Bonnie: For me it was a little earlier.

Mark: We went to see a show together. We shared wine, listened to music. Then after the show I was going to drive her home and I mentioned that I’d never heard her sing and did she have a CD so I could hear her music? She did one better and said she’d play for me live. The moment she began singing it was all over. I was smitten. She had the voice of an angel. It was almost other worldly in it’s beauty.

Q: And Bonnie, your version?

Bonnie: Well when we first met I didn’t think anything of it romantically either, I just thought he was a great guy and I was a big fan of ‘What The Bleep‘. Then when we reconnected a few years later, as we were sipping green tea matcha lattes at Urth Cafe in Santa Monica, it struck me how deep and present and real he was compared to a lot of the people I’d met in LA and after I left the meeting, I kind of realized I had feelings for him. It was really pretty simple… a moment of realization. A few days later we met at Largo and then went up to his place for tea and some singing and I actually came right out with it and told him I had feelings for him. I guess that could have scared him off, but it seems to have worked out ok! (Laughs)

Mark Vicente – Writer/Director/Producer

“The moment I saw Star Wars I decided I wanted to be a filmmaker”

Q: Mark you’ve said Star Wars was the reason you wanted to become a filmmaker. You’ve shared some of it in your Ted Talk but I’d love readers to hear the whole story.

Mark: Well there was an incident that happened when I lived in the bush with my grandparents outside of Johannesburg in a little place called Broederstroom. Growing up in Apartheid era I saw a number of things in my early childhood I found very disturbing. I couldn’t understand why people were killing each other and why there was hatred amongst the races. I remember going with my grandparents to a Zulu musical called Ipi Tombi when I was 9 years old. I loved it and asked if I could get the cassette of the music (Yeah it was that long ago) I went home, found some old tins, turned on the soundtrack, stared at the hills that surrounded my grandparents property and began drumming on the tin drums. Something happened to me. I felt this surge of energy shoot up my spine hit me heart and the explode in my head and I remember crying with joy and yearning. In the amazing state I suddenly realized that if other people felt this feeling I was having they would never hurt one another, say mean stuff to each other or kill other people. So all I had to do was get people to feel that feeling. My plan was to build really massive speakers that could get the sound over the valley and maybe al the way to the ocean so the whole country could hear that and feel that. I had no idea how to build speakers that big so I decided I’d keep on figuring out how to do it. Cut to Age 13. I was in Lisbon with my parents in 1978 and they took me to see this film Star Wars. I was ecstatic. I walked out thunderstruck. Not just because it was an amazing mythical story but because I had found my speakers. Movies. I decided in that moment that I would be a filmmaker. George Lucas and others from that era became my idols.

Q: So you’ve also been doing a great deal since What the Bleep. Did your life change dramatically when that film was released?

Mark: Dramatically. I travelled to many countries and gained access to some truly amazing people. After making Bleep I was looking for a more scientific approach to consciousness and more effective ways to inspire humanity in audiences. I had the good fortune of being introduced to a really cool scientist, Keith Raniere , who combined Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Computer Science into a method to help people ‘hack’ their programming. The patent office still doesn’t know what to make of it so they’ve filed it under artificial intelligence. We’ve been working together for a number of years now on a variety of amazing ventures and projects.

Q: And what projects are you currently doing?

Mark: I’ve been working on a film about the violence that’s been gripping Mexico called Encender el Corazon. That will be released in early 2016. Bonnie actually sings on a few tracks from the film score. Also, I’m currently writing the next show for Anima Inc, the Emmy Nominated Live Event and Dance Company based in Mexico City. I have two Sci-Fi projects in early development and a film called “The Carbon Crimes” in Pre-Production.

…in order to create the kind of work that transforms people, you as the artist need to be the kind of person capable of understanding yourself and humanity in a very deep way.

Q: I heard that’s only half of your time? What about the other half.

Mark: Right! (laughing) I also am one of the founders of a Men’s movement called The Society of Protectors and the co-owner of two ESP centers in Los Angeles and Vancouver which utilize the ground-breaking intellectual tools of Keith Raniere and an incredible acting curriculum called The Source which Bonnie and I are both involved in with our friend Allison Mack.

Q: You’re involved in such different fields.

Mark: Not really. It’s all the same thing. I have a belief that in order to create the kind of work that transforms people, you as the artist need to BE the kind of person capable of understanding yourself and humanity in a very deep way. All the things I do in terms of personal development are like a character gym; where I can work on strengthening and deepening by vision, nobility, ethics and empathy.

Mark Vincente: ‘a really cool scientist, Keith Raniere’

Many thanks. Frank Report February 15, 2016
More here > ... h-raniere/
Anonymous says:
May 12, 2019 at 1:55 pm
I agree. Vicente had the opportunity to open his eyes and leave. He didn’t want to see reality. He was blind with the NXIVM teachings. I was inside the organization and saw lots of things Vicente did, and learnt how to manipulate people, the same way Keith did it. Now Mark is like a big hero rescuing people from the inferno. He applied what he learnt, made money about it, and after several years, realized he was mistaken and understood his fault. He open his mouth to the Feds as he knew the problem that will happen and took a plea deal. He is trying to save his reputation, his life. But Mark Vicente deserves prison, that’s for sure. My applause to Barbara. Nobody believed her. The only thing I heard from her is that some people left the organization due to a confrontation. Then, they spread the rumor that Barbara made a fraud. And money stopped to circulate. No payments, no nothing. Now we know the truth.
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: After the verdict, the Nxivm prosecutors, men and women, wept - Mark Vicente?

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Nancy Salzman, with [b]Mark Vicente[/b] [now out of NXIVM] Alex Betancourt,,Karen Unterreiner, Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman and Emiliano Salinas - all wearing their prized colored sashes[b] indicating their rank[/b]..jpg ... -revealed/
By Sultan of Six
In an earlier post, it was written on Frank Report
that “Both [Sarah] Edmondson and [Mark] Vicente could have quietly slithered away like for example Kristin Kreuk.”
What a lame potshot. No wonder you selectively post anti-Kreuk articles and allow the trash that is posted against me and my origins. So much for your claims of seeking of justice.
Also, rolling my eyes at “slithered away”. Leaving five years before everyone else and before DOS even existed isn’t “slithering away”.
What about you Frank? Didn’t you too “slither away” with $1 million dollars more in your pocket for less than nine months worth of “work” until Clare attempted to get the authorities to throw you in jail because she said you stole it?
Mark and Sarah “fought” to take down the cult because they had to after they decided to stop the Vancouver and LA centers of NXIVM due to Sarah being branded.
Fighting back was their only recourse because they were facing criminal charges and the litigation machine of NXIVM due to Clare Bronfman. Just like you.
There aren’t any unselfish heroes involved in this NXIVM exposure drama including you. ... yone-else/
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But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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