One day my ability to understand "RamthaSpeak" disappeared

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One day my ability to understand "RamthaSpeak" disappeared

Unread post by Xylofone »

I used to hang on every word out of "Ramtha's" mouth. I was looking for those gems - you know, like when you're sifting through your cat's litterbox panning for gold and you keep sifting because you know there's one more nugget?

I remember one event very clearly where I just looked at JZRamtha and could not understand what heshe was saying. And I had a passing thought about how heshe was up there speaking nonsense. It was just one of the smaller, more subtle red flags that pinched me awake.

The idiocy has been coming off in layers for almost two years now. I recently saw a video they uploaded to their official youtube channel and it was total babble and I cracked up. I have to laugh at myself for thinking heshe was ever saying anything intelligent. Reading the books now I see it's just a jumbled mess of adjectives that sound good and power words and other words that make people feel good when they hear them...

The babble sounded familiar. For a while, I couldn't figure out where I had heard that kind of babble before.

And then it dawned on me. El Chombo! Chacarron! Nailed it! :-D
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Re: One day my ability to understand "RamthaSpeak" disappeared

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

good one X!
here is another, a bit easier to understand........
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
-William Mizner
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David McCarthy
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Re: One day my ability to understand "RamthaSpeak" disappeared

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Thanks JTR..Xylofone,
You sure gave me a good chuckle...
Its so true...I remember the times I excused 'Ramthaspeak' as deep wisdom... even though there were countless times JZRamtha made no 'Rhyme nor reason'. And her awful British accent...I should know, I'm from England...
But hey....I'll blow my doubts away with 3 hours of C' n E forced breathing, chuck in a few warrior cries 'screams' for good measure,
this'll blast away my critical thinking skills, to arrive dizzy and exhausted at that RSE comfortably numb voidspace..:oops:
Oblivious I was inflicting psychological, physical and spiritual harm to myself as my life slipped deeper into Judith's R$E ditch.
I can see the ridiculousness of it all now, but back then RSE was life and death serious.
besides, the 'Lizard People' are coming to get us..
don't get me started.. :roll:
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: One day my ability to understand "RamthaSpeak" disappeared

Unread post by Xylofone »

OMG that's hilarious it made me laugh out loud pretty hard!!!

Hey didn't the lizard people get eaten by the greys when Rammy-Poo recreated the DNA of Jesus in a lab and ended up creating a monster that looked like Bigfoot that devoured all of us in 2012 right as we all jumped timelines??
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