RSE Shills - Audrey Wolfe (Grandmother)

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David McCarthy
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RSE Shills - Audrey Wolfe (Grandmother)

Unread post by David McCarthy »

I remember a dear old lady at RSE everyone called grandma... apparently performing miracles..walking through walls, bi-locating..ETC..
JZRamtha lauded her as the first RSE 'magic number one 'that is.. until she was caught cheating.
here's the kicker..she had been cheating for years.. :roll:
Since those days....I do wonder who 'Ramtha' elected as her RSE magic number ones.. :twisted:
lest we forget...
Pulled from our old EMF Forum. 2007.
Christel Ricke
Jan 8, 2007 - 4:15PM
Re: Re: grandmother

I listened to a radio interview with Audrey Wolfe (Grandmother) just after she was accused of cheating. She was also accused of trying to impress a man. During the interview she stated that she genuinely did not know what Ramtha was talking about and she had not a clue about any man she was supposedly trying to impress. Perhaps someone in the audience? She did not know and appeared genuine.
The interviewer from Beyond the Ordinary made a stement "that we all know that Ramtha does not lie." Audrey agreed with her. Both seemed perplexed. Some time after there was a second radio interview on BTO that was related to me by a friend. Audrey apparently confessed cheating but I do not know the details. The interviewed berated her for "misleading our listeners."
I have observed in a long term close associate of mine that if the teacher says this is the way it is then it must be.....because after all he is the All Wise Knowing Intelligence. This person would rationalize away her own honesty in preference of what the teacher said and assume she had "something more to learn." If the teacher said this person cheated she is so influenced she would begin to believe it even if it is not the case. I suspect something similar happened with Audrey. I may be wrong. She could have been intimidated into "admitting it." Both radio programs were erased from the BTO archives shortly afterwards.
Jan 8, 2007 - 4:38PM
Re: grandma

there is something stinky going on for sure.
its sounds like obt is having a breakdown and
shooting her own troops.

the following is according to nancy on 7 april 2006:

"Please everybody try not to add to this what is not there, nobody is on a
witch hunt, of course there are consequences to Audrey's actions! She
could have been expelled outright, however Ramtha is a loving God, she
remains a current student and on staff at RSE, but she does not officially
represent RSE at this time therefor it is appropriate to remove her
teaching interviews from BTO for now."

and bto claims to be independent - hah!
Email Website
Jan 8th, 2007 - 4:38 PM
Jan 8, 2007 - 4:38PM
Re: grandma

...oops that should read 2005 above!
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Jan 8th, 2007 - 4:38 PM
Jan 8, 2007 - 5:01PM
Re: grandma

there is no mystery here.
i was in the audience and "ramtha" TOLD bto to remove audrey's interviews IMMEDIATELY.

bto independent ? bullxxxx

audrey was shaking and crying when she "succeeded" in her teleportation discipline. she talked to the entire audience about "how did she did it". i saw and heard her myself. she could have been faking it. or, she could have been set up to be kicked out. when blindfolded, if someone dropped her card in her lap, she would of course, believe she manifested it. there are people who believe that is what happened - that is their opinion.

there were shifts in the school at that time. less ramtha, more focus on jz AS jz, and jz in the limelight. audrey was, in my opinion, let go down a slippery slope. she was the subject of discussion in front of the entire audience...which i feel is inappropriate. what boss would discuss personal faults of an employee in front of others ? that is for behind closed doors. she was used and abused. that's my opinion.

"ramtha" has admitted he will lie to the students, and that he is not above or below doing ANYTHING "he" feels it takes to move us. pretty creepy. if you read scientific psychological studies on how people react to being "rewarded inconsistently", it creates almost a paralysis, and a confusion that will lend toward conformity.

......shut up and do what you are told. you are a god, but only your teacher knows what is best for you, so shut up and don't question my authority or you'll be berated in front of the entire audience. you should be your own source of power, so go to the field and sit on the beach and i will come and get you in a few hours.......or a few days.....

ring a bell ?

caveat emptor (for those who don't know, it means buyer beware)
Jan 8th, 2007 - 5:01 PM
Christel Ricke
Jan 8, 2007 - 10:05PM
Re: grandma

Audrey had a great deal of authority in RSE due to her accomplishments. The one's on the field could be observed by many. she taught at many Beginning classes and helped bring in a large income for RSE.

It seems she committed a criminal offence.............
Christel Ricke
Jan 9, 2007 - 12:27AM
Re: grandma

When I think about my observation stated above perhaps Audrey's initial public denial of cheating had consequences. After all her statements are in direct contradiction to the Supreme Authority, Mr. Wonderful.
A teacher of RSE that condradicts his authority could be considered inapproriate for their position under the Dictatorship.
Perhaps Audrey was coerced into admitting that she lied about what happened in order to keep her occupation. Audrey was not just a teacher but was also employed as part of the administrative staff of RSE.
Perhaps she was sacked anyway as it is unthinkable for an official in RSE to contradict the Ultimate Authority. The hypoocrisy of an organization tha preaches mercy and forgiveness.
Jan 9, 2007 - 6:12AM
Re: grandma

you raised an important point as well as triggered a memory.
i remember in an audience after audrey's alleged cheating and what happened later amongst the students. there was a divide - those that believed audrey did not cheat as she said she did not cheat (though later changed her story when she was told if she told the "truth" she could still be employed). hmmm.
anyway, "ramtha" was in audience and yet again talking about audrey,and yelled at the students who believed audrey's word, over "ramtha's" word that she did cheat. the audience got quite a talking to over that ! "ramtha" was not pleased that, as you said, HIS word was questioned over some students. after that, audrey consistently faded away into the woodwork, more and more. then, she left.
i hope she is moving on with her life, alright. but, in my mind, i always wonder if she felt she could say she did not cheat, because she had been "bought" all along. sad that my thoughts have arrived at such a possible conclusion, but it was not without cause.
Jan 9th, 2007 - 6:12 AM
Christel Ricke
Jan 9, 2007 - 8:21AM
Re: grandma

When I think about it she probably could not really remain as part of the teaching staff if she admitting to cheating either because of the impact of the alleged offence on her relationship with students.

Thus she might have been in a position where she could not deny it nor admit it either.

Perhaps the real reason for all of it has never been told to anyone.
Jan 9, 2007 - 8:47AM
Re: grandma

sounds to me like you guys pretty much nailed it.

audrey didnt cheat. old sourpuss accused her of
cheating. she went against sourpuss. bad audrey.
audrey repents.

so now audrey is a bad student who cheated and
lied and crossed sourpuss. goodbye audrey.

barring some prodigal return in the future - god
forbid - audrey may have in a strange way found
her freedom.

go audrey! dont look back. write a book about it!

Email Website
Jan 9th, 2007 - 8:47 AM
Jan 11, 2007 - 12:09PM
Re: grandma

I have had, or "made" material things appear and dissapear [no winesses], and other such things ram teaches we can do. I also walked in a straight line the first time we had to go from the high end of the field to the tank [back in the old days], I followed an ultra violet blue Line that kept appearing in my frontal lobe [Ram didnt SAY that was supposed to happen, I think it was just My Gods way of getting the idea]. Also, does anyone remember Lloyd Hopkins School in Spanaway called Mindsight, where he taught blind people how to see clearly without physical vision? [There was a great video and he was NOT affiliated with RSE]. I know all Rams teachings are real, and we can DO Them, but its really a time thing we best not be attached to...I thought I could grow all my teeth back, but not yet...darn....So I heard on the radio one day that a man in India started growing his back and he was over 100.... I know we are as powerful as Ram tries to get us to believe, and demonstrate. Its just a slow process. I never cheated in school and was surprised to find out people did. But I did hear JZ Blame her first husband for all the troubles she was having in court, and I wondered why she wasnt fessing up to how he was her MIRROR, or how it takes 2 2 tango. You know what I mean. Im glad I dont go there anymore because its so much more refreshing to be alone, and with everyone at the same time. IM still trying to figure out how to prove the aliens are involved in my love life. I cant wait till 2012, hmm? Whatever......
Jan 11th, 2007 - 12:09 PM
Jan 12, 2007 - 9:05AM
Re: grandma

Blindfold Billets from the many FAKE Psychic .... they are quite impressive... and use both tape and cotton under the blindfold....

Here is the SECRET to SEE.....

Billet-reading, which can be done with eyes taped like a mummy's, You can merely squinted down the side of my nose and read the billet by maneuvering them close to the body where you can catch a glimpse of them.

Sounds childishly simple, perhaps, but it is a helluva impressive performance. I used to watch mentalists on television and in clubs you will not take a back seat to any of them with this message.

TRY IT... you can see.

Next you mark your card with either a dent on the top or bottom corners... very slight... enough that you can FEEL IT. That is all you need.

Then go easter egg hunting for your index card.
Jan 12th, 2007 - 9:05 AM
Jan 12, 2007 - 9:08AM
Re: grandma

JZ Blame her first husband for all the troubles she was having in court...

Interesting... you mean...

JZ does NOT create her on reality?

She is mere mortal?
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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