Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Posters have cited (in our initial forum) instances of children being continually and repeatedly exposed to verbally abusive, vulgar language by "Ramtha", witnessing physical assault, hearing sexually explicit talks, etc. This forum is open for discussion and exchange of views.
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Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Xylofone »

Now that the Phoenix School has shut down... what will the kids do?

Oh wait. Here we go. Ramtha's pseudo-neuroscience was packaged into a game a couple of years ago ("The Focus Game") and now the creator (long time RSE student and former Phoenix Rising teacher) is running her own classes to teach kids how to "focus" Ramtha style. She is claiming to have taught neuroscience to kids for years. I guess teaching Ramtha's babble at the Phoenix school counts as neuroscience?

I'm in awe that anyone can call what Ramtha teaches "neuroscience" - and then add that to their resume.

The game isn't about focus, though, - it's scrying. Same as the deck of cards and "remote view." Scrying is one word Ramtha refuses to use because "focus" sounds more friendly. Of course! Why does it matter? It doesn't except...

I can't find the link, perhaps I posted it here a while ago (maybe I did??) but sometime within the last year she presented her game at a local Catholic school to grade school kids and the school had no idea she and her game were teaching the philosophy of Ramtha - someone/something any true Catholic school would reject. It's either a sign that the school was clueless or they're relaxed about teaching kids sorcery LuLz.

They're passing off Ramtha's pseudoscience and philosophies and conveniently leaving out of their bios that this all came from Ramtha. Because, you know, that wouldn't sell! So unless someone does some digging, they won't know she's associated with the big R.

Sonya El Debssi is a longtime mindfulness educator who’s techniques and talents were inspired by many years of successfully teaching mindfulness and neuroscience in the PreK – 8th grade classrooms.
I'm not religious, but I would love to see the look on the Catholic school admins faces when they find out what they allowed into their school! :twisted:
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Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Xylofone »

Here it is, the Focus Game was presented at Seattle Nativity School.


The school's website:

It's a tuition-free Jesuit Catholic school... allowing students to learn from an alleged disembodied 35,000 year old spirit channeled through a woman who speaks ill of Catholics. Gotta love this world!

If I believed in karma I'd be asking what the school did to create this little snafu, but I'm sure it's just part of "Ramtha's" master plan to infiltrate schools and get 'em while they're young.
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Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Ockham »

The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola in Spain in the late 1500s. Some of Ignatius’ philosophy of spirituality does sound a bit like Judy Kight / Steven Wright’s Ramtha origin story: Ignatius the wounded warrior who hung up his sword (literally) to pursue a devotion to holy spirit and education:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual ... _of_Loyola

Maybe that’s why the focus game stuff proved attractive to the Nativity School. Too bad the focus game looks like gobbledygook.
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Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Xylofone »

Oh interesting, I had no idea! That is rather similar. Seems like a common theme with the sword.
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Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Heyoka »

Please contact me ceoofmychemicalfactory@gmail.com
Rachel, Heyoka on here. I have a reporter wants to speak with you. Thank you
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Re: Ramtha's practices are available as kids' classes once again!

Unread post by Xylofone »

I just replied to him via PM!
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