QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

JZ Knight hijacks the QAnon movement. Selling “Q” branding merchandise at RSE.
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QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by Fighter »

Hello EMF,

It's great to be here and introduce myself. I'm Fighter, an aspiring researcher who has dedicated many hours into lurking on this forum and using the information provided here to better the research for what is currently happening in a community that I will explain in a moment. I first want to say that I am proud of every single one of you for being here and helping one another heal. The atmosphere here is akin to something familial.

This thread is going to discuss what J. Z. Knight (JZK) is currently up to. So let me explain a couple of things first along with a disclaimer. Despite being a follower, I will not advocate nor defend Q Clearance Anon (QAnon) here. QAnon is a high-level anonymous source that drops "bread crumbs" of information for its readers to research. This information focuses on exposing multiples of corrupt identities globally, including the Saudi family, the Rothschilds, George Soros and the Clinton Foundation. This source teaches readers like myself how to research and expand our thinking. Many of us have already been researching and fighting against corruption, but now we have a powerful source beside us.

Everyone here is aware of JZK. I am one of many who never knew of her existence. Others have heard of her decades ago via TV, but have since forgotten until now. Around June of 2018, JZK began to publicly advocate for QAnon on her social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Not too long after, she also began to sell QAnon apparel to which she also had her followers wear while for instance doing blindfolded archery classes. In September of 2018, she began to follow someone who I was currently friends with. I will introduce him and a couple of others later.

Now let me explain as to how this must be the biggest mistake JZK has made yet. She is not the first corrupt individual that has attempted to infiltrate our community, first of all, and second of all, we are a group of researchers. Researchers dedicated to seeking and exposing corruption. What was she thinking? Money, of course. So, thanks to this forum in which I dub the "Gold Mine" to the Q community, as well as our very own research, we've been putting many pieces of the puzzle together. We have tons of facts that expose JZK as a fraud, scam artist, has NXIVM ties, and is also a ActBlue (aka George Soros) donator. If you do not know who George Soros is, I implore you to look into him because he is the sick man who has been donating money to fund corrupt companies to do nefarious things. He is also the man who doesn't regret a single thing he did for the Nazis, such as selling out his Jewish parents to them and stealing Jewish jewelry for them.

Most QAnon followers are not bothered by JZK attempting to infiltrate the community because she has only clawed herself onto a tiny fraction of it anyway. However for a couple of people including myself, this has become personal. She has gotten three of our friends and probably more to sell their soul to her and now they are relentless advocates for RSE. By that I mean, they will attack, dox, curse, block and tarnish everything about you whether you're asking innocent questions about JZK or if you denounce her. JZK has threatened to use her lawyers and her advocates have threatened us similarly. I have friends who have been doxxed by them, who have been made fun of for false stories made up about them and basically any sort of middle school-grade drama you can think of. In fact, I'm on this forum under a different username because I don't want these crazy narcissistic sociopaths to dox me, either.

So now I will go into details of what exactly JZK has done so far. She has been donating thousands of dollars to three people (and likely more) who my friends and I thought were also our friends. We had helped them get out there and have a name within the QAnon community. This is why it has gotten personal for us. One of them, a musician, J. T. Wilde (JTW), was donated $2,000 by JZK and he has already been to her ranch to sing there. Two others, inthematrixx (ITM) and shadygrooove (SG), have been given a series of $99.99 donations almost daily, sometimes more than once a day, by JZK. Here's some sources: (ITM and SG Guest Speakers on June 26th) (JZK donations to ITM and SG) (JZK donation to JTW's gofundme via )

Last month we tried to help these so-called friends to take off their blinders and to see JZK for who she really is. We gave sources to them time after time even after they had blocked us and doxxed us. Sometimes they would respond by saying that our sources were wrong and that JZK has been attacked by the MSM and Deep State and that we're the ones who are feeding false info. Even though we have court documents and other factual evidence to prove without a reasonable doubt that this woman is the corruption we've been trying to fight against. We put a lot of work to attempt to help them and their followers to see what we have but these three advocates for RSE tell their followers to block us and not to read anything we have. Which is completely against QAnon's message as well. We read and vet everything. In fact, I personally read anti-QAnon threads and articles to vet them. It's simply healthy to do so because then you know what to say to people who are not sure about QAnon or people who denounce the movement altogether. With that example in mind, these three only want their echo-chamber and nothing more. The only followers that JTW, ITM and SG have left are JZK's followers, inactive followers, also corrupt-minded followers, or unfortunately, sheep. They tell their followers that we are fake QAnon followers because, somehow, by trying to expose JZK, that means that we want ITM and SG silent on their research into Payseur. Feel free to tell me how that's logical. I'll tell you to my best knowledge. They are going to JZK's ranch to talk about the Payseurs. We are saying that they should not let JZK profit out of their research because she's corrupt. So, instead of saying, okay we'll find somewhere else to announce our research to, they instead double-down and accuse us of slander, fake, a LARP, etc.

We've found out a lot since last month. We know now that these three people are also corrupt people, just as corrupt-minded as JZK is. We don't know if they were always corrupt, if money makes their world go round, or if they were given an offer that they couldn't refuse, so-to-speak. In our process of publicly speaking against JZK, it has been fun watching ITM for instance, one-by-one, proving our point that everything except him is the issue. He has already been doxxed both by mistake and by someone else, and I won't dox him here, but I will say that he is a 50 year old businessman. That's right, a businessman. He knows exactly what he's doing and he grins ear-to-ear by doing it. The personality and attitude of a used car salesman like NeonRevolt explained. In which ITM tried to discredit his whole article simply by purposefully "misunderstanding" the example. Hilarious.

Just one more note. QAnon has what we call "tripcodes" because of where they post their information. It's like an ID for every individual to have instead of a username. This specific ID QAnon has changes every now and then, so they have quite a few of them. In the Google Books, it is possible to edit the algorithm of your book that you uploaded to have these tripcodes so that if someone were to search for the tripcode via a search engine, this book comes up in response. A lot of Q followers do not know this and many of us have been trying to inform the community that QAnon's tripcodes do not lead to books, lol. When QAnon gets a brand new tripcode, the ID leads to 0 results. This means that JZK or whoever uploaded the book has to edit the book so that the tripcode leads to said book. JZK claims on video (Episode 993 of FADE to BLACK with JZ Knight) and on social media ( ) that her book has been "Q'd" and that means that Ramtha's prophecies in that book should be revisited and looked into. So yes, another ploy at trying to get people to buy things off of her. If anyone within the Q community reads this, I hope you remember Mr. "Buy muh book".

So to end my post for today, here are some more sources we have found for you to indulge. Feel free to ask questions and offer things that you think could help us. We want JZK OUT of QAnon's movement, but not only that, to further exposing her and saving followers under her wing if ever possible. Exposure to her corruption should help. It's funny that people believe that QAnon should speak out against JZK when it's obvious she is corrupt and QAnon really shouldn't have to. QAnon taught us to use discernment from facts and we shouldn't be babysat by a force whose main purpose is to expose much greater issues.

Thank you so much for reading and please have a great day! ... 9848742912 (JZK donating to George Soros source: ) (RSE student claims that QAnon is Quantum, aka Ramtha) (Another RSE student claims Q is Quantum) (JZK lies about not having donated to Obama's second term) (Proof for above)!Tqwm1ApY!p_JC7ZD8B7J ... g?CzRQiaTL (Link to a video of a woman talking about her time at the Blu Room, her body language shows no memories) (JZRose advocates for Mimi-Pi, a company that suspiciously only targets little girls and has magazines of little girls) (This quite obviously looks like she's being their handler to me) (Just "by coincidence" meets JTW) (JTW advocates for JZK's book which he falsely claims is Q'd) (JTW shows this: ) (JZK has a JTW birthday bash) (When JZK began to follow ITM) (JZK joins the YouTube chatroom with ITM's livestream)
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hello Fighter,
Thank you for posting.
We have taken the unusual step of moving your post over to its own index banner.
Just recently I received this PM asking
Satanism.. I'm scared about that too. Should I be so afraid of the illuminate?
My short answers is NO! but with all due caution using critical thinking' to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment. :idea:
However.. to debate these subjects on EMF is not always healthy for RSE cult survivors looking to EMF for help.
The same goes for the 'heavy debating' of conspiracy theories, Deep State, CIA, Aliens? Etc.
Do I believe these things exist? Yes…Maybe, No.. ;-) :shock: However.. we seldom explored these topics on our EMF forums for the reason most RSE survivors are struggling to overcome the physical and mental brainwashing they endured at RSE, already deeply crippled by unfounded fears and superstitions. The RSE ‘Thought Reform’ sounds so much more a nice word, however..JZRamtha is adept at using fear to control her flock.
R$E is where open minds 'and dare I say it.. 'brilliant minds' are soon undermined .. compassion, humanity and truth is melted the frog joyfully bathing in warm comforting waters, the frog won't notice the rising heat and slowly cooks to death.
The tragedy going on here is the same snare QAnon members are walking into at RSE..
they are committed to expose and protect our society are now rich pickings for JZRamtha's latest recruitment drive.
Its 1984 groundhog day in Ramthaland..
This subject matter is open for full debate. :idea:

Welcome to EMF Fighter.


Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism - Wikipedia ... f_Totalism

Project MKUltra - Wikipedia
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by Fighter »

ThanQ for your time and effort in helping my friends and I! It is greatly appreciated. I have a bit more time to crunch so I figured I would throw down some more things! After this post I think I will let others have time to come in and engage in conversation!

As for Satanism and the Illuminati, funnily enough that's not something I'm very informed about. If I could like a single thing about Satanism, it's that they are extremely passionate about keeping church from state. I will warn anyone that if you ever research these areas and come back out of rabbit hole after rabbit hole, the mainstream media suddenly looks a whole lot darker. For instance, I used to watch many TV Shows a few years ago. About a month ago I decided I wanted to watch something and started looking at new TV Shows. I came across one TV Channel's website, and granted it's nowhere close to Halloween, but the website looked like Satanism and dark symbolism written all over it. I can't remember which channel it was and it wasn't a particularly dark nor gloomy genre type of channel. Researching corruption can really change the way you perceive things. It is definitely also not for the faint of heart nor for anyone susceptible to trauma nor triggers. I myself am a very tough person, and I will say that I have come across illegal material whilst researching a tip from QAnon. This is not a common occurrence by any means but regardless it was of course sent to the FBI. I still get nightmares from it sometimes, but I will never regret it because this is about saving the people in the situation I researched in.
David McCarthy wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:08 am However.. we seldom explored these topics on our EMF forums for the reason that most RSE survivors
already are struggling to overcome the physical and mental brainwashing they endured at RSE, who are often deeply crippled by unfounded fears and superstitions. The RSE ‘Thought Reform’ sounds so much more a nice word, however..JZ/Ramtha is adept at using fear to control its flock.
David, what you have said here is what boils my blood the most about this whole situation. Of all things, victims of RSE have been and are being brainwashed, mentally and physically abused, childhoods stolen, etc. You know what ITM has to say about it? Not his problem. Sociopath at its finest, really. They also argue that if we tell them about QAnon or inform them about Payseur, that they will "wake up" and leave the RSE cult. Well bad news, they are all already QAnon followers and they are still victims of a terrible cult. Being a QAnon follower doesn't automatically wake you up from everything you're supposed to be fighting against. QAnon does not cure people of fear that for instance JZK puts on others. So of course, here we are fighting for victims in these situations and there are people like these three going to her ranch to help her profit out of our research while she continues to do exactly what we fight against. Because that makes perfect sense. :roll: I have friends who follow these people, who I know are good people, but I think they're hard-headed, that they put so much effort into ITM, SG, JTW, that they do not want to be wrong, so they ignore the issue entirely. I really think that is quite possible. At this point, we have let them go. They will fall not because we want them to, but because they chose to do so.

So here are a few more things I have to show you all.

QAnon followers like myself are supporters of Trump, General Flynn and a few others. This is why Flynn is posted in this pic here:
It's one of the major reasons why we didn't want JTW, ITM nor SG to be affiliated with JZK in the first place.

Here is a screenshot of Ramtha's School twitter posting its QAnon apparel:

This is J.T. Wilde at the ranch

If you want to watch a video about how these people act when asked fair questions, entertain yourself with this!
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

Hi Fighter and welcome!!

I have interacted with several from the QAnon movement and I may have already with you. I am glad you have found some of the material on EMF useful. The whole situation in itself has shed some light on the way these types of things are initiated, sustained and some of the damage that can occur by the consequences of it.

I am not surprised you can appreciate the familiar atmosphere here on EMF. Many have lost friends, family members and loved ones to the bait and switch of RSE; from love to paranoia. If RSE is anything it is a lesson in how this process occurs.

I am interested in hearing your point of view as to the why, when, how, where and who of the origins of all of this: I think we already have a fair handle on the what.

I keep this poem in my mind from my childhood when wanting to find out or discover, explore or evaluate situations. It is from "The Elephant's Child"

from the "Just so stories" By Rudyard Kipling.
I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five,
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men.
But different folk have different views;
I know a person small
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends em abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes
One million Hows, Two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!
Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by Fighter »

journeythroughramthaland wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:17 pm Hi Fighter and welcome!!

I have interacted with several from the QAnon movement and I may have already with you. I am glad you have found some of the material on EMF useful. The whole situation in itself has shed some light on the way these types of things are initiated, sustained and some of the damage that can occur by the consequences of it.

I am not surprised you can appreciate the familiar atmosphere here on EMF. Many have lost friends, family members and loved ones to the bait and switch of RSE; from love to paranoia. If RSE is anything it is a lesson in how this process occurs.

I am interested in hearing your point of view as to the why, when, how, where and who of the origins of all of this: I think we already have a fair handle on the what.

I keep this poem in my mind from my childhood when wanting to find out or discover, explore or evaluate situations. It is from "The Elephant's Child"

from the "Just so stories" By Rudyard Kipling.
I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five,
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men.
But different folk have different views;
I know a person small
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends em abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes
One million Hows, Two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!
Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
I will answer your Q's publicly when the time is right! In short: I have answers. 8)
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

I will answer your Q's publicly when the time is right! In short: I have answers. 8)
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

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Interesting thread.
Just returned from Santa Fe NM at a ICSA conference where I lectured w PP about "On line Cult Behavior." ... ihcF8/edit

Since 2000, most of cult behavior has migrated into the "I am not in Kansas anymore" world of the Internet.

It can happen to anyone left or right wing.

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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Gidday Joe,

Have you had any interactions with QAnon member's?
Looks like QAnon's Invitation to 'the Great Awakening' at R$E has gone to sleep.. :-?
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: QAnon versus J.Z. Knight

Unread post by Xylofone »

Maybe the Q thing wasn't as profitable as they had hoped. Oh shucks.

There will be another profitable movement that will rake in some cash short term, just wait.

The current craze is C-60. JZ said it was like swallowing a blu room packed into a pill. C-60, Carbon 60. It's lovingly referred to as "Buckminsterfullerene."

So now we can all say, "have you taken your Buckminsterfullerene today, Karen?"

Now I'm curious to find out if JT and those other guys have caught on yet. The silence is awfully black and dark. Teehee.
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