JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

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JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by Xylofone »

From JZ's Facebook page:
I was, just a moment ago answering a lovely woman’s question... so I thought I would address this Race issue, which, I never had....
Some of this story is in my autobiography A STATE OF MIND..but this is a bit of expansion of that time 1948, Rockwall, Texas...

My mother had 9 children and I was next to last. We lived in a 2 1/2 room shack with a plank porch. She was a field worker, along with African Americans, & Mexicans. Every morning at dawn we all walked to the cotton
field . I was 2 yrs old.

All these beautiful people worked, sang and chattered while picking the cotton and putting into their sacks. All the children, different ages played around the seed wagon, ran up & down the cotton isles, while being scolded, by their families...
The lunch break, which was called ‘ dinner’ all gathered beneath the cool shade of the cotton wagons, pulled out all their wash tubs full of prepared food. Each group always brought their own fair, Southern food, Mexican food...laughter, sweat wiping, chatter.... the sweetest luncheons I ever had... strong in my memory till this day...

No one had their own vehicle, so a relative who had an old hauling truck. would come on Saturday morning and load us all in the back open to the sky, and drive into Rockwell. Mind you it was all of us families...

We unloaded on Main Street by the courthouse square park...
Sneers, and name calling always meet us... NI**ERS, WHITE TRASH, WET B**KS... I did not know why all the big folks stared at us with such smears, the older kids would get a quick tap on their heads with a scolding remark.. ‘keep your eyes down’, don’t stare...

I was WHITE TRASH,... too young to understand,.. I just loved all my little friends who took care of me being the youngest.

When the season was over, someone came, loaded up the mattresses & utensils, modest ole trunk and we left to New Mexico.... I cried all the way,.. feeling completely lost...

For the rest of my life, my closest friends would come from all walks of life as well belief systems... I have never had a racists bone in my Soul, therefore I have NO WHITE GUILT ...

This tragic clash today are those Evil people who have lived lavishly on the word RACISTS... they need you to be divided,... it’s how they survive... if we were just folks, they would loose their positions in power & prestige!!! And if I have no guilt, they can’t get me to donate to corrupt charities so I will feel better about myself.

I just love al folks... GOD MADE US ALL OUT OF LOVE ... when you come to love God,... you love others.... someone needs to remember that...."
-JZ Knight, June 12, 2020

Really, now?

"For the rest of my life, my closest friends would come from all walks of life as well belief systems... I have never had a racists bone in my Soul, therefore I have NO WHITE GUILT ..."

Not a racist bone in her soul, yet she got caught making racist remarks against Hispanics and Jews (and has done so in other events that didn't make it to the internet apparently). Oh, wait, that was Ramtha, so Ramtha is the racist, then? JZ never denounced Ramtha's racist remarks. How interesting.
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Thanks for sharing Xylofone.
JZ Knight- so I thought I would address this Race issue, which, I never had
I'm sure many honest RSE members would disagree, :roll:
especially those that attended and witnessed those RSE livestream events back in March 2011 and 2012.

In 2011, Knight stated (while at the RSE supposedly channeling Ramtha), "Fuck God’s chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now", and said that Mexican people "breed like rabbits" and are "poison," that all gay men used to be Catholic priests, and that organic farmers have bad hygiene.[19][20] In 2012, videos of this were placed on the Internet by ex-students of Knight's and by the Freedom Foundation.[20][21][22]
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramtha's_ ... ightenment
Ramtha, New Age Cult Leader, Unleashes Drunken, Racist, Homophobic Rants to Large Following – Alternet.org
https://www.alternet.org/2014/06/ramtha ... following/
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

I might be a hammer looking for a nail, but I think its a bit weird that she misspelled her home town? especially since the a and e key are not next to or under each other. Just sayin"..........
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

In 2011, Knight stated (while at the RSE supposedly channeling Ramtha), "Fuck God’s chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now", and said that Mexican people "breed like rabbits" and are "poison," that all gay men used to be Catholic priests, and that organic farmers have bad hygiene.[19][20] In 2012, videos of this were placed on the Internet by ex-students of Knight's and by the Freedom Foundation.[20][21][22]
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramtha's_ ... ightenment
Now David, don't be silly. You know that of course Ramtha was just teaching everyone so that they could recognize what vile, horrendous racism really looks sounds and feels like........ Too bad there is not a barf icon to choose from
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Thanks JTR,
Ohh...so that's what it was about! silly me... :shock:
I thought it was a new Ramtha teaching ....
"Why never attempt to channel an enlightened being while completely out of your tree on drugs"...
And then..to top that off... go and broadcast youself live on the internet.... :roll:
Drum roll please....
Alcohol, is a psychoactive drug...
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by Xylofone »


I'm glad you posted the quotes. I wasn't sure if we could do that here without getting you in trouble.

"Why never attempt to channel an enlightened being while completely out of your tree on drugs"
Humm, ho, this seems like a familiar plot, like I've seen it somewhere before!

Man, the way JZ types is proof that she did not write her own autobiography. I've seen her post things that don't make sense and can't be deciphered and everyone shares it like it's some piece of great wisdom. I can't remember exactly what it was, but sometime this year maybe she posted on Facebook that she ate something and everyone shared it.

Now I had to go back to her page to check out her latest and greatest and found this gem of a post:

"A Great Intimidation... Focus on just those words .. it’s TIME"

People are sharing it, applauding, saying they're focusing on those words, and nobody seems to know what she's talking about. Some speculate the "great intimidation" is a reference to alien disclosure and contact.

One person says:
What resources should we direct people asking questions to. We will be inundated with questions, so we need to be able to direct people to easily accessible basics. The whole story would be too overwhelming. A basic true history of the planet type thing.
Others say things like, "absolutely, I agree!" "Done!" "It's time!" and "I've been thinking about this for weeks!" and "When will it be?"

I'm so lost it's not even funny. What the Heaven's Gate is a "great intimidation?"

I may be confused about everything else, but I'm just so relieved that she's not a racist. After watching those videos I got the impression she was a racist so it's good that she is clearing that up. PHEW!
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Thanks for sharing Xylofone,
What the Heaven's Gate is a "great intimidation?"

Ooh I dunno..how about 'getting sued by a Religious Sociopath' ... :shock:
No doubt... many RSE members lost their faith after witnessing those Ramtha 2011 live-stream teachings... :cry:
Cue song... R.E.M-losing my religion

Traits Of A High Functioning Sociopath | Betterhelp
https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/socio ... sociopath/
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by Xylofone »

Ha. that sounds like it would be a great intimidation.

If anyone sees those videos and doesn't lose their faith then they need their head examined.

I just found out it's a reference to the alien invasion we've all been waiting for. by we I don't mean me.
I guess aliens will come down in ships and intimidate the world, soon.
I can't wait. I've got some popcorn ready for the show.
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

RE:I just found out it's a reference to the alien invasion we've all been waiting for
No worries Xylofone...the virus will finish them off... :roll:
Grab your mask and popcorn...
War of the Worlds (2005) : Full Movie HD - YouTube
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Re: JZ announces she's not racist to the world! Hail! Rejoice!

Unread post by Xylofone »

Oh, masks make superb popcorn holders while you walk down the street and need a little snack. The little elastic ear ties fit right over your fingers so you don't lose any popcorn. I'm waiting and ready for the next show, wheeeee!
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