Happy 2024 Dear friends!

If you are new to this forum and are looking for information that is particularly helpful and relevant to those who have recently left RSE and are starting their recovery process, this is a good place to start.
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David McCarthy
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Happy 2024 Dear friends!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Happy 2024, dear friends!
This year, dear friends, may we all lose weight!

The weight of expectations. The weight of self-criticism. The weight of disconnect that fills us with a deeper hunger.
The weight of not always loving. The weight of a worn and weary world.
Of not always accepting, seeing and inhabiting this precious and sacred body, that we're in.
~ This year, dear friends, may we all exercise!
...our holy will! Our sacred sense of purpose. Our vision and hard-earned wisdom.
Our discernment and our shining hearts. In ways that enrich connections, with our bodies, our souls and those we love.
And even to the world. ❤
~ This year, ah yes... may we all start the work of quitting...
...that collective Kool-Aid. The negative self-talk. The small-a**ed living.
That cacophony of cockatoo-voices that drown out our souls.
And old habits: Those used to stop us hearing our pain, our disappointments, and all things much better loved,
seen and accepted right down to the very bottom ~ and to find true freedom, through a connection with our deepest souls.
~ This fine new year, (well, here's the best...) May we all be rich!
Yes, utterly and completely rich. Wildly and unapologetically. Rich in love. Life.
Connection with one another and all that really matters.
Filled to the brim and bubbling over; more again and spilling over that. Full of laughter, acceptance, joy, and less of worry. Less of sorrow ~
Rich in renewed experience, of a whole new year! ❤

Happy 2024, dear friends!

~Rachel Alana
Midwives of the Soul
But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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Re: Happy 2024, dear friends!

Unread post by 312Star »

I just found your site here after getting out of the Ramtha web of lies and deceit....I started with Ramtha back in 1984 and am now going through some grief...anger...sadness and overall detox!
Feel so betrayed by the whole thing...so many of my friends dead due to the wine ceremonies and alcohol poisoning!!
JZ KNIGHT seems to have No remorse or responsibility for what she has done!
Hard for me to get how someone could be so manipulative and evil.
Please keep me posted and the site going....I need you and others do Also!!
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David McCarthy
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Re: Happy 2024, dear friends!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi Patrice,
Thank you for sharing and caring :idea:
I'm sure we must have 'bumped' into each other a few times, hopefully it was a gentle bump :shock:
I would love to hear more of your journey but please no rush.
Take each day gently and when those thoughts and feelings overwhelm you and your spirit feels crushed seek out what you find beautiful..
and no matter what be kind to yourself.
My first RSE 'Red Flag'.
If I may reminisce and share a little of my RSE journey perhaps this will be of some help to you and others.
I moved to Yelm from NZ Nov 1989. I still hold wonderful memories of meeting so many kindred spirits at RSE.
My walk down Cook Rd and seeing Mount Rainier for the first time.. I was spellbound.
During that time you may remember 'Ramtha' taught that we were reincarnated and called to this holy place in Yelm,
The gathering of the Eagles', The dirt floor at the Ranch was Holy ground... :roll:
And in doing so one of us would become a Christ within seven years! Our different groups would serve humanity with astounding powers of healing, manifesting and the Arts. If we moved to Yelm and did the great work 'Ramtha would protect our families from an imminent and catastrophic world collapse, O’h and the alien UFO invasion fleet by Jehovah returning and his reptilian cohorts and their little Gray slaves from the Draconis star system that eyed humans as slaves and hamburgers!Those spellbinding performances by JZRamtha that could bring you to tears, and those carefully groomed and placed shills! The fear fests...The list goes on and on.
My first RSE 'Red Flag' was with my friend David York, I think this was around 1992, a more dedicated and faithful Ramster you would not find in RSE, a member of the RSE inner circle, a wonderful man. But David was dying of AID's. He asked me to be one of his caregivers. Yet so many 'Masters' were too afraid to hug David for fear of catching what JZRamtha had declared at RSE that HIV AID's was an incurable and deadly disease. David was in terrible pain and full of fear. By the time it was very clear he was dying I asked him why didn't you ask 'Ramtha' to heal you? He told me he did, he begged him but was told he wasn't ready! Those precious last moments, were dare I say sacred' was while eye to eye with David and holding his hand as he left this world actually let a light of love and wisdom shine into the dark RSE cave I took for enlightenment and home..Perhaps this was David’s gift to me. But it took another five years to break free of the RSE mind and heart shackles, this was around 1996.
Here’s what I ponder now, Whatever courage it took for us to move to Yelm I see now it takes an even greater courage to shine a light into the dark underworld of JZRamtha and in doing so I’ve discover this light also illuminates a beautiful pathway and the love, healing and wisdom we were all seeking.
Right now I am feeling like I am on a emotional roller coaster....ANGRY...Betrayed...Sad... And questioning whether anything in this world is Real!!
This is perfectly understandable. If I may advise to help with your detox. Seek out what lifts your heart and spirit. Sharing and meeting with others that have walked the same path at RSE. Perhaps some cult exit counseling. For me its my beautiful family, my dog Suki :-) walks in nature, creating music, keeping hold of the mystical, to be gentle and loving to yourself. Being free of RSE is incredibly scary at first, not knowing 'what is real' creates is a chasm of confusion and pain,understanding and healing will come..one day at a time,
If not already... Please remember to be patient and kind with yourself :idea:
thank you for sharing Patrice,

But he has nothing on at all, cried at last the whole people....
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David McCarthy
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Re: Happy 2024 Dear friends!

Unread post by David McCarthy »

Hi Patrice..
I amended and added to my above post this morning.
Feel free to use our Private Message system :idea:
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Re: Happy 2024 Dear friends!

Unread post by journeythroughramthaland »

Hi Patrice,
Welcome I'm so glad you found us!!! While it may take you a while to"shake off the fleas" as they say , when you do, a wonderful journey is ahead for you. I have sent you a PM. Let me know if you have any trouble opening it.
"I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education."
-William Mizner
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