Where has everybody gone?

A place for EMF members to contact the moderators, post their questions, suggestions and concerns regarding the management and moderating of EMF.
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Where has everybody gone?

Unread post by aussiegirl »

Is it just me or does everyone else think that messages have slowed down to a crawl since we changed over to the new forum format. It seems to me that a lot of the intimacy and closeness of the old message board has gone. I think its partly because its difficult to pick up where the new posts are, with the old forum everything new was just up the top of the list and with its less formal structure there seemed to be a lot more conversation.

Where has everybody gone, I haven't read a thing from Tree on this new forum. I'm sure there are lots of others missing too.
Lost in Space
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Unread post by Lost in Space »

Well, I think that the unpleasant posts from current Ramsters on the old forum were more than some people could bear. Also, Tree said a couple of times that it might be more healing for her not to focus so much on RSE, as it was too recent.
I think the new forum has good things about it too, though.
Also, wonder if people didn't feel comfortable having to register here on the new forum.

Nice boots, Ausiegirl!!!! :P
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Nice boots Aussiegirl..

The board has slowed down a little..
I think the reasons are varied.
Some have voiced that to many posts have been eliminated from the old forum..
But.. be assured .. We are still in the process of pulling the threads from the old forum into the new,
It will take time, some threads have already been moved
and nothing of value will be eliminated from the old EMF board.
We have been swamped with fake registered users posting porn and such like..
Never a dull moment..

if you see a thread you would like to move to the new forum
contact the EMF moderators..with the URL link, This will speed up the transfer.
But please do not post on the old forum.

Here is the link to the old message board..


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Unread post by ex »

yes truly were r you all? i miss some of the old board.because there were many littel realy good written posts.thanks for the link david i think it should be available on the index.i for myself :i thought alot about the right current ramsters have in their choiseses.the warning was out there what else could you do?since iam no writer i just read.after larse there started some quieting down and i thought some people need their energie for real stepps.the press was good.now it seems jz just waited everything out and got away with it.i understand that running this board takes a lot of time.thank you that it exists .i dont wanna complain.after larse 2 there were also two very powerfull caracters introducing themself.which up to now just talked big.but they kind of took the board over.again thank you moderaters thank you david.good luck to you all.
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

some people have left, and some people are just really busy with non-emf things and emf things, behind the scenes. it always cycles between busy and less busy.
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Unread post by joe sz »

Was it something I said? :( :wink: :shock: :D :twisted: :roll: :?: :?:
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »


Honestly...I think you did upset a particular poster. I can email you offlist about that if you want. I guess it's hard for some people more than others, when people see things differently. I know you think I'm nuts for my view on Edgar Cayce, but that's okay. I simply disagree with your view. I'm not going to stop posting because of our disagreeing views! Nor would you.

Nevertheless, some prior posters who have apparently stepped back, or moved on, probably should have. When people are posting, and expecting if not pressuring, the moderators or list owners, to meet THEIR standards, or to have special priveleges, they're at the wrong place. Creating a website to offer support and information, with a place to communicate things that would not be tolerated at RSE, shouldn't mean that site owners or moderators can be manipulated or mistreated and tolerate it in the name of "support".

People have made friends from this site, who no longer post; people have posted for a while and emailed us to say they've had enough (in a good way) and are ready to move on and leave all of it in their past, so won't be posting anymore; people who used to post still email us and chat from time to time; a few want more info on specific issues, some of which are pretty big and are being pursued otherwise; some people write us and complain about So-and-So and ask us to ban the person (this has happened several times with high volume posters); some people are just pissed off, and probably would bellyache whenever they don't get their way in life. It's all fine. We can all learn about ourselves and human nature.

We know this website is active. We unfortunately, can't even post a lot of what is going on behind the scenes. Plenty of people read the site, plenty of people get ripping mad, send us nastygrams, try to dissuade us with annoying things like trying to post porn (puleeease, we can find that stuff if we want to; don't need anyone's help, LOL), or whatever. While we have received some very good advice over the last year, and used that information, we've also rejected other advice. That doesn't bode well when others want what they want, for their own purposes. If they're willing to be on the front lines to criticism, and the "joys" (not) that go with this volunteer position, they can make their own website.

Or they can quietly read the posts and not post themselves. That works.
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Unread post by See&E »

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Unread post by aussiegirl »

Glad you like the boots, probably says more about me than any post I've ever written!!!

I think its important for people to keep communicating, more than anything this forum is a valuable tool for those who are questioning RSE or who have come to the realisation it is all a scam. Its great that many who have left are healed and possibly no longer need the support the forum provides, but it would be great also if they could continue to post in support of those that have not yet reached that point. I am always reading the message board, the more I know hopefully the more likely it will be that one day I can give my partner a piece of information that turns on the light bulb and hopefully allows him to see the truth.
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

aussiegirl said, "Its great that many who have left are healed and possibly no longer need the support the forum provides, but it would be great also if they could continue to post in support of those that have not yet reached that point."

An Opinion (a very long post):

First of all, aussiegirl, the following is not commented TO you, but about the topic you?ve addressed. Those that see themselves in my following words, know who they are.

I've had conversations with people offline about this topic. I think you've really struck a chord with your comment; a good one. I?m glad you posted it. As with many things in life, there are so many ways we can all look at things. Yes, there are people who have left, healed and closed the door to their past, totally. There are also people who have left, have not healed, and who are like loose cannons. I?ve interacted with both since I?ve left RSE. It?s really been very educational, itself.

On the one hand, people leave a group such as RSE, and get to the point in their lives (whether it takes a few months or a few years...whatever their time frame is), that they talk about their next step. Some have felt that the best thing for them to do, even considering that they can post things that can help others, is to take care of themselves first. Having been in a group such as RSE, I can say that I understand that. That's also not to say that one has to have been in such a group, to understand the viewpoint. Just that having "been there, done that", and realized that one finds themselves in a situation where they can choose at the fork in the road.

For the first time since they've gotten themselves out of a situation where they put themselves aside, to live toward attaining the standard that another (Ramthimher) has put upon them, & they can make a totally new choice. They can choose to start LIVING again, for their own joy and pleasure. To include RSE in that equation, IN ANY WAY, is to keep the candle lit. They want to snuff it out, like a bad dream, and move on. They may feel territorial about the rest of their lives, and have a feeling of wanting to do the things that make them feel they will make up for lost time.

Is that selfish ? Or, is it self preservation ? Maybe some of both. Nevertheless, it's their choice. Yet, some have criticized it.

Then, there is the flip side of the coin. They will correct me if I'm mis-speaking, but I would say that people like Joe Szimhart, David, JourneyThroughRamthaland, LittleWiseOne, myself, Hal, and plenty of others (on the front lines so to speak, and far more behind the scenes), are on the flip side of the coin. We feel that as we are moving on with our lives, we want to leave a mark. Send up the warning beacon of light. ?Beware.? We want to reach out to others, share our opinions, our experiences, educate people about such groups as RSE, the psychology involved with such groups, and "enlighten" people with information that they didn't have, didn't know, and may have been reluctant to look at if they did sense "something is very wrong here".

With that attitude, places like EMF are born. Places like ICSA, Hal Mansfield's work, Joe's work, and on and on...it's all there as a sincere outreach to those who are looking, to network people, educate people, and document levels of this entire phenomena, all toward helping others. These people are also willing and or able to transcend the fear factor inherent in the choice to speak out. They know up front, like we did before we ever launched EMF, that we were going to endure ridicule. But, we made the choice to play some part, in giving people information, support and some tools to help themselves. Ideally, imo, with no strings attached.

EMF is not an anti-cult cult. People can post here. They can leave here. We don?t even ask for posters names, for heaven?s sake ! We have no group to join; we have no membership dues; we charge nobody any money to access this board with a private password. We hold nobody here; though others have tried to corner us. People who fit the guidelines for the intent of this forum, are welcome to post. I?ve said this before, and yes, we DO have basic guidelines, which are actually far LESS than the red tape (rules) that a number of other forums have. We know that. So, the whining and bellyaching - throwing toddler temper tantrums, screaming ?You?re a control freak.?, are just laughable?and also pathetic. Everyone who creates a website with a communication forum, has to be a complete idiot to not have guidelines. I?ve never seen one without guidelines. There are even laws regarding what people can and can?t say about others..talk about guidelines. Our guidelines are a combination of legal counsel and upholding a purposeful intent; chosen wisely and carefully. But, not chosen to cater to the whims of others. We?re not interested in winning a popularity contest and we?re sure as heck not making any money from this. Quite the contrary, we?ve collectively put money into it because we believe in the outreach we?re doing and we KNOW we?ve helped those who crossed paths with EMF, NOT with their own agenda, but to get what they needed from it, and skip merrily along. There?s a world of difference between being a control freak, and protecting one?s domain, and upholding the integrity of what it was founded upon.

Especially with a controversial topic like RSE/cults/channeling, tapping right into the core of people?s spiritual belief system, it?s a certainty that some people are going to be ripping mad to say the least. It?s a certainty that some people are going to want to snuggle up and act like they?re your buddy, too, in hopes of getting in on it so it goes THEIR way, for their agenda. They should go make their own website, and get out from behind the curtain and stand on the front lines like big boys and girls and take the heat, instead of thinking that they can use pawns to do it for them. They sure can criticize, but they can only dish it out. They can?t take the heat. I have no respect for that, personally. Though, I understand it?s real. They talk a good talk, but can?t walk the walk. Don?t criticize until you?ve cleaned up your own act.

It's VERY hard for most people to have invested in a place like RSE, with their time, their money, their hearts and souls...sometimes for many, many years, only to come to the conclusion that what is claimed and promised, has also been undelivered . Does that make them victims ? Some say yes. Some say no. It?s just those people, working through the pain of betrayal, that are truly freed. Some DO have the rest of their lives ahead of them, and they can make up for lost time. Some have been so drained on even material levels, that they're unlikely to ever recoup those losses and they can't move on with their previously normal lives. If they do that by closing the door totally to their RSE past, that?s what they need to do, after spiritual rape, they have a right to put themselves first. For the rest of us, who speak out, and endure all sorts of ridicule and abuse, we continue to keep that RSE door open. Are we stupid ? Nah, not at all.

The fact that RSE?s marketing campaign sells people on being able to heal themselves, become a manifesting God-in-the-flesh, do all manner of psychic, paranormal phenomenon, and the like, and then the president, JZ Knight, turns around and tells the WA State Attorney General, via her attorney, that the purpose of RSE is to help people feel better about their lives, should IN MY OPINION, send every current student running out the doors, never to return. Hello ? Talk about ?wake up? ????

Speaking only for myself, it is because I am so happy, & have a wonderful family, material pleasures and a strong overall support system, that I have a reserve in my life, that I am willing to volunteer some of my time to educational and supportive outreach with regard to places like RSE. My family weathered the RSE storm during my tenure there for too many years. Other people that I have met, who do similar types of outreach, or even far more so, as I?ve seen, all have a strong support system in place in their lives. That may only be what I?ve noticed, and not necessarily what the truth it, but I have seen it. Despite JZ?s lowly grasp toward giving criticism toward David and Joe, along with the innuendo toward others of like mind, nobody is getting rich from any money made by the likes of EMF?s existence. It?s VERY telling that she has to grasp that low to criticize. It?s a good thing. IMO, that?s an admission that we are correct; she?s a fraud. The issue is HER and RSE, not fantasies like OTHERS getting rich off the back of EMF. It?s totally laughable !!! SHE is the one who got rich off of RSE FOLLOWERS.

Maybe Ramtha is real; maybe Ramtha isn?t real; maybe Ramtha left in such and such a year. I don?t care about any of that. I came to realize that what mattered was what I saw and knew from my experience there. JZ appears to be in it for the money, first and foremost. I don?t care if she?s a gazillionaire; but I do care how she got there, and how she treats others. I?m markedly unfavorably impressed, though I didn?t start out feeling that way. TO STRETCH A POINT ? if Ramtha is real ? then his actions and choices as a teacher, don?t work for me. I disagree with ?him?, and I have enough self worth to believe that yes, I am worthy to disagree with anyone. In my opinion, that ?school? is a dismal failure. If the universe can provide without limitation then the teachings could have been delivered always, with respect toward people, dignity, honesty, kindness, maturity, emotional self control, without physical, mental and emotional ABUSE , ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF CHILDREN, etc. All of that, imo, IS wrong. I don?t excuse it with the thought that there must have been a method to the madness. That is to excuse abuse in any form and that doesn?t work for me. It?s UNNECCESARY, ESPECIALLY IF THE UNIVERSE CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING. Why would ?Ramtha? need to create such drama unless ?he? is not evolved beyond it ? If it is in ?his? timeline, then it?s a part of ?him?, as the teachings go. THAT alone, sends me packing. It doesn?t work.

Back to posting on EMF?
I?ve been accused and ridiculed so much over the last 14 months. EMF surely ticks some folks off in a major way. Then, there are those who believe EMF should meet THEIR standard, whatever that is. I?ve been told that I am addicted to EMF. I?m not. It?s like elementary school at recess, when one kid is mad and blowing a fuse for not getting their way, and they try to kick sand in the eyes of the other person to lash out with their own anger. I?ve been called a control freak. I?m not. Ironically, the very people who sling such arrows, should be looking hard at themselves. I?m not angry about RSE. THEY ARE. They can?t get past their anger, so they try to control everyone around them. They have no respect for the work of others. They just want what they want, and they?re willing to cast anyone aside that?s in their way to get it. They call names. They make accusations.

I just laugh. I feel sorry for them. Then, again, I share these things with my husband, and am grateful that I have a sound support system. I could walk away from EMF in a heartbeat. It is my personality and inherent nature to be a ?doer?. I?ve volunteered in many capacities in my life and achieved some wonderful things. I?m not here because I?m angry, I?m not a victim, I?m not a control freak, I?m not addicted. I?m quite balanced, quite happy, quite busy, and quite caring about those whom are going to be going through the pain of facing the betrayal of being in a cult, one day. Though, they are the lucky ones. They?ll come to see that. The luckiest ones are those who see it before they ever get stuck in the ditch.

Every high school in America should have a graduation requirement that goes beyond fulfilling the quota for gym class, English, history, civics, etc. They teach so many things in the high schools, but they FAIL UTTERLY to protect their students in their sociology and psychology classes, for the traps out in the world, in universities and junior colleges, where they are likely to at least once in their lives, be subjected to the tactics of mind control, cults, brainwashing, high demand groups, coercive persuasion?all of these things should be studied and guarded against, in whatever flavor they appear in, throughout life.

Unread post by Tyger »


Sorry 'bout the absence from the boards. Turned out I wasn't "sick" after all....it was a dental infection that has since been taken care of. Also, Internet issues and 'puter problems put a real crimp in my style for a few weeks.

But I'm back now so you can commence hiding the women and children. (hehe...) And you Ramsters.....if I were you'd I'd just run.....fast. :wink:
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Unread post by Living Force »

Good to see ya back Tyger...... :)
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Where has everyone gone?

Unread post by G2G »


I've not posted for a long time because I've been traveling, and will be traveling much more. I also found that I had to step back a bit, for in releasing RSE "beliefs," I needed to reclaim my spirituality and also comfortably grow. Sometimes I would read and feel very confused after having regained what I felt I needed, and then read certain of my private beliefs negated, resulting in more confusion on my part, and a feeling of, well- where do I go now? I feel comfortable in that area now, have had "experiences" unrelated to RSE, and plan to continue to "globetrot." This place has been of immeasurable help to me in getting over the panic I felt after the "great betrayal." I'm living life again in my way, and I feel more in touch with "that which is" more than ever. Reaching out to the world and embracing it is part of my travel adventures, and I see God everywhere, in everyone I encounter - I make a conscious effort to see God within them.

I'll be baaaach!!!!! Leaving on a jet plane -

Love and blessings and hugs to ALL of you.

8) :D
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Unread post by Living Force »

Hey G2G....nice of you to let us in on whats been going on with yourself....so glad for you!! It seems like you are allowing yourself to live again...and traveling is such a blessing to be able to do.....to meet different people and learn new things and ideas...and just taking the time to be YOU again....sure wish I was able to travel more.

Keep on Keepin on!! 8)
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

Hi G2G,

You sound wonderful ! Good for you. Enjoy that trip !

Look forward to having you post and update when you get back and settled in at home.
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Unread post by See&E »

Bon Voyage! G2G!
Happy to hear you're enjoying travelling and doing well!
Take care,
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Unread post by littlewiseone »

I'm here, just have been traveling a bit lately and staying off the computer in general (my new year's resolution). I have also noticed an absence of some posters as well as slowing of posts. Probably just how the tides go, sometimes they ebb, sometimes they flow... Surely there have been events on the board that have turned some people off, but you can never please all the people all of the time, right? Others may simply be taking a break or prioritizing their lives differently.

Shout out to Aussiegirl :D Nice to 'see' ya!
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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

LWO said, "just have been traveling a bit lately "

Hope it was delightful !
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Unread post by littlewiseone »

Thanks Watchamacallit! Yes, we had a blast, the only problem was it wasn't long enough plus I came home with a serious case of the 'back home blues'. :lol:
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Unread post by G2G »

"Back home blues!" Oh, I know exactly what you mean. The best thing is to travel again - and that's exactly what I'm doing! :D :D :D
"I never really understood religion - it just seemed a good excuse to give" - Ten Years After circa 1972
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Unread post by cooeee »

I accept that I am a newcomer but I totally agree with AUSSIEGIRL - I know you want to get your message and warnings across but I do think there is a little too much "heavy stuff" and the continual emphasis on "mind control" is getting tedious - it's not that what you are saying lacks any legitimacy (it doesn't) but it's getting to the point of overkill and people "tuning in" for the first time are liable to misunderstand the thrust of what you guys are trying to achieve.....sometimes it reminds me of what we all detest about our time at The School.

If you genuinely want to "educate" the current and potential schoolies then I think you need to encourage and tolerate their point of view - in the early days of Om Akad the Baptists were trying to warn us that we were part of a cult and did we want to listen....we actually thought they were idiots!

We all know that the endless Ramtha-isms from people in The School can be tiresome but you seem to have forgotten that we used to use them ourselves....I was a bloody expert!

We more than anybody know how the schoolies think and we, more than anyone else, should recognise that you are not going to change their points of view over night and you are not going to engage them in any meaningful dialogue by treating them with disdain and disrespect or by challenging their 'current' beliefs as though they are dills (does that need translation?).

I have read some of the responses you guys have unloaded on what I considered were fairly harmless comments by schoolies (yes ridiculous but harmless) so it is really no wonder that they don't continue to engage you in further dialogue.....you will never change them by ridiculing them the same as no-one ever changed us regardless of what they said to us.

I know you guys have spent much longer in the trenches than me but we came here as as result of much the same experiences and with similar goals - surely we are big enough and now strong enough in our "truths" to tolerate idiotic and misinformed statements from people who are mirroring exactly what we used to be.....we of all people should understand.

Why don't we make a concerted effort to ENCOURAGE dialogue from those schoolies who may be beginning to have a few doubts (and are afraid) - maybe we should simply respond with a few well thought out questions that don't directly challenge them from the outset but might at least begin to get them to question where they are and what they believe in - we are not going to win them over straight away and we shouldn't expect to (remember how we were) but we can begin to plant fertile seeds and if we have some patience then one by one and by word of mouth we may encourage these people into ongoing conversations with us.....at the moment you are scaring them away because just about everything on this site is telling them that they are stupid and they are not.....they are just lost like we were!

I intend to hang around but as I have said on one of my other posts - let's not end up as 50 or so people continuing to preach to the converted (each other) - the reason people have left is that there is no room for contrary points of view without the poster being "savaged" and if there is nothing new then even the stalwarts will eventually tire of the same old dialogue.

I have read some great stuff on this site but the content is in need of refreshing and it does need to be more understanding of contrary points of view.....why are we afraid of that?

Have fun....we deserve it,

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Unread post by Whatchamacallit »


Your points are well taken, and I agree with some of them, too.

Who's afraid ?

There are divergent points of view on this site. There are some posters with VERY strong feelings (anger, etc) toward RSE/JZ. Those who will post harshly in response to anything that remotely smacks of "pro-
RSE" talk. Yet, we allow those posts to stand, just as we allow posts to stand that are more moderate in tone. We have christians on here, atheists, ex-Ramsters, and a mix of others who are, or have been affected by RSE via family or friends, or both.

As adults, do we not have a choice if not responsibility (on any forum) to ignore the attitudes that we disagree with, and take what works and run with it (so to speak) ?

There are a lot of viewpoints about how to have this forum "work". Almost as many as there are readers/posters. We've had folks tell us that "so and so" should be banned. So and so is no good because yadda, yadda, yadda. There will be areas where we almost all agree, and others where we don't. That's a good thing.

There are certainly posts that I disagree with, and probably some of mine that others disagree with, too. All good.

We have space on here for DEBATE, and many other topics that have proven to be of interest based on what POSTERS brought up, not moderators. All that, from when we launched the website, itself.

Is there a magic number of people who need to post ? Or "should" post ? There are lots of people who are AFRAID to post. We get emails privately with stories from around the world. These posters ask us to retain privacy for them. I have copies of emails that JZ herself has written to people, and they've shared them with me, being displeased, and wanting to expose certain things. A LOT goes on behind the scenes.

One way to look at the entire issue of who speaks out, or not, isn't so much a function of the forum and individual opinions (because they don't/won't likely agree on all points), but the fear factor invovled with posting. There are a significant number of ex-students with a lot of info... people who have, and continue to, share information but do not want their identity shared. If all of those people posted what they know, and what we know, this forum would be that much more active.

Those are some comments I'll share at this time.
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Unread post by cooeee »


Many thanks for your response - I agree that there must be many people, for one reason or another, who are afraid to post just as we all know there are many current schoolies who are having serious doubts who are also afraid to let go and not necessarily because they are afraid of "the big fella" but, like we were, they are afraid to admit that they could have been wrong or misguided and embarrassed that they didn't recogise and respond to all the red flags.....all of us know exactly how they are feeling.

I think David, yourself and others are doing a great job in offering whatever assistance and support that you can for those who do feel victims in their mis-adventure (and I don't mean that as a put down to anyone) - those that feel duped or betrayed by it all have at least made the first step and that is "breaking the ties" - I accept that it may take many of these people some time before they feel empowered and confident once again, but thanks to the support from you guys they will all get there eventually.

This is a brilliant site with some excellent posters (some of yours are superb) but you must admit that the number of posters and the frequency of posts seems to have fallen away at a time when there must be hundreds if not more current and recent schoolies who are beginning to question their commitment and this is an ideal time to WELCOME and ENCOURAGE their participation - many can't help but question because I finally think the Big R has outdone himself/herself with the sheer lunacy of the 2007 updates on TDTC.....many of them a simply STUPID and cannot be sustained by reason!

I think the update on TDTC is the first serious chink in the armour of JZ Knight because the predictions are outrageously 'childish' and regardless of where you are on the planet such changes would be impossible to survive....and it won't matter whether the Big R is standing in the way with his hand held up, little old Yelm at 324ft above sea level and just 10 miles from oceanside is going to be one of the first places to be inundated - just look at the force of the "little" tsunami of a few years back, the devastation went for many miles inland and caused astonishing damage.

I know none of you are afraid Whatcha and that was exactly the point I was trying to make.....we have nothing to fear from those wishing to freely express a view contrary to our own and especially on the subject of RSE - we are the ones who are "empowered" on this subject as we are the only ones who have experienced BOTH sides of the story, but we must understand that it is an enormous step for those beginning to have doubts to suddenly do a 180 degree about face based simply on what we have to say - we all know that letting go and breaking the ties (two different stages) takes a lot of soul searching and it takes time - it doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't happen if they are too afraid to even begin a dialogue with us for fear that they will be shouted down and referred to as being idiots for holding views that we once so strongly held?

The site is great and YES it is an "open forum" and shouldn't be censored but those who have STRONG opinions have consistently had their voices well and truly heard (and that's fine), but it is all those other people that you are referring to that it would be delightful to hear from - all I am saying is that it would be wonderful if we could get the balance right so that they would feel comfortable posting their feelings without getting "hammered" by those with ultra strong opinions......we achieve nothing if all we are left with is 59 people talking amongst themselves.

Why don't those of you with the most experience in these matters formulate a list of say 15 - 20 simple but obvious questions and post them in a position designed to attract those having the first seeds of doubt - leave out the stuff about mind control for the time being - make the questions simple but to the point without 'challenging' their intelligence - then at least all those who are having doubts but are still afraid to participate in this forum, may begin to question their current beliefs and hold them up to closer scrutiny - why not post a section specifically for these people to access - they may not respond directly but they may at least begin the process of questioning themselves - and that's where it all starts.

Of course many people are angry and feel strongly and I am not advocating "pro RSE dialogue" - I am simply saying that all the current and near current schoolies who may experiencing the first stages of doubt (and fear) need to be encouraged and not assailed just because they can't immediately see what we are trying to convey to them.....how long did our exit processes take?

Keep posting your brilliant comments!

....and always have FUN!

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Unread post by cooeee »


I have just come back from a little shopping jaunt and have since re-read your lovely response to my initial post and in my mind your last paragraph contains a hidden GEM - these are the very people who I would hope to be able to influence in some small way in making their exit from the clutches of RSE - I believe that with a properly focused effort this is now possible because I also believe that The Big R/JZ has finally given us the ammunition to show just how ridiculous the 2007 updates on TDTC really are and can be shown to be.....the predictions are so blatantly STUPID that we are remiss if we can't demonstrate this to be the case.

I know I am going to get howled down from all quarters by making the suggestion that is about to follow and probably branded as a "Johnny come lately" who is totally mis-guided in the workings and mechanics of a forum such as this one, however that has never stopped me from speaking up in the past - I am definitely not suggesting "taking away" anything that this forum now provides as I totally agree that debate, and vigourous debate at that is extremely healthy and should never be discouraged - but if part of the intent of this site and the wonderful contributors is to not only assist those who feel harmed by their RSE experiences (great work David and others) but also to help those who are beginning to doubt their involvement in The School but (for whatever reason) are fearful of beginning the transition then I think we have a great opportunity - you have convinced me that they exist Whatcha....how can we reach out to them better???

This is my suggestion and boy is this going to get a response...

Right on the opening page under the main 2 topics where it is clearly visible and more easily accessible create a topic for current schoolies or current RSE advocates ONLY and make it "off limits" to the rest of us to counter their comments on that specific page (we can comment as we normally do elsewhere) but give them a forum to at least have their say....we have nothing to fear because they certainly ain't going convert any of us and we have heard every Ramtha-ism that has ever been uttered - now before you commit me to the assylum consider this....

Why not, as a condition of entry, have 15 or so simple 'non-threatening' questions that they must see/read before they can post then let them post whatever they like and have only ONE person or a small panel able to respond without putting them down or deriding their opinion - remember these people want "educate us" to the folly of our ways but they won't listen to us if we first don't listen to them - we should want to engage them (absurdities, Ramtha-isms and all) and to do that we first need to let them have their say.....we can take it!

All of those from Elohim, Akmen Ra and Om Akad will remember the Baptists and how they tried to warn us that we were in a cult....did we want to listen at that time??? Refer to my recent post under "How did you get hooked into RSE" and then under "How it all began" as to how the baptists treated us....you will see that it was with respect and not disdain!

We could all contribute to a list of questions that fly in the face of simple logic (and science) and collectively select the best - those that don't put the reader down but are so obvious that even the most ardent student must begin to silently question the rubbish he/she has been fed - I can think of hundreds but here are a few to start with on the premise that us "quitters" don't believe them so we invite you to prove us wrong..

TWO SUNS - where's the proof - it is logically and physically impossible for there to be another sun behind the existing sun - apart from the fact that we have flown a satellite around the sun (should have been gobbled up by the second sun) any math or physics whiz (gravity) could dismiss this in a minute and the synchronicity of orbits would need to be astonishing
HOLLOW EARTH - how in the hell can you cover up a huge hole (hundreds of miles wide) at the north pole - ask them to prove it without resorting to conspiracies
12 DAYS OF LIGHT - for that to happen the earth would need to stand still on it's axis even though at the surface it is now travelling at almost 1000mph....give us a break, where is all the water going to go with that inertia built up behind it?
RAMTHA's INITIAL TDTC - provide a list of all the initial predictions that have come true - those of us who there at OM Akad and earlier times are acutely aware that the Big R was not talking about "little events" but massive events - he blatantly states on the 2007 TDTC that most of his previous predictions have come true - OK so what are they and when did they happen and we are not talking about an insignificent eruption in Outer West Mongolier (?) or the like.....those of us that were there knew that he was talking "big time" stuff
PROOF OF ACHIEVEMENTS - we all accept that the Big R is never going to "appear" to even the most devoted student however - does he not have his most advanced students demonstrate what can be achieved - how come it is acceptable to have Grandmother, GS and others demonstrate how to find your card and yet such a momentous achievement such a Greg levitating is not worthy of demonstration - it just doesn't make sense - Greg levitating in front of an audience would be the greatest demonstration of what us mere mortals can achieve.....legions would then come wouldn't they, hell I would even go to take a look, then maybe not?

I could think of hundreds of "thought provoking" examples and I feel certain that you guys could come up with many more - but it would be better to "keep it simple" but obvious so that even the 'most blind' begin to have even the slightest of doubts.....it all begins by engaging them in a non-threatening way and letting them believe that they are "having a win" over us.....gee we're scheming bastards aren't we?

Just a thought....is this what we want to achieve and is it worth the effort that would be involved???

I'll stay offline for a while and watch the responses with interest.

Have Fun,

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Very Good point

Unread post by Robair »

Well; have not been on for sometime Have been busy remodeling our new house the last 4 month (Since I stop blowing to manifest, thing are going much better)Just do it the old fashion way Hard word.Planning to put our story on this site later this summer,with the Hope that current students will read it, their will be no bashing of the school only the story of our journey,We have many friends still in it and would do no good at all to confront them I would lose my friends and the chance to win then over, as most of them do not like this site to start with. for the reasons That COOEE mention.
COOEE has great points, very refreshing to read is posts,I do understand that we can not argue with the one that get on here for the sole purpose of arguing with us, but patience might do us and them good and the one that are in dought of the school need to know that we are here to help them,Like COOEE mentioned many time,we use to be like them,and if we do not understand them WHO WILL?
The Ideal of having a series of questions for them to look at is a great one.we certainly have enough material and very very intelligent peoples on this site to put a good one together.
COOEE I realy enjoyed your posts, and Watch I always look forward to read your also ,we have some great mind on this site,and if you all work together there is no reason that you can overcome JZR.
Like always please excuse the mistake I know David was kind enough to put a spell check on this site for guys like me, all I got to do now is use it,as soon as I find it LOL.
Be Safe
Good Bless you always
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Unread post by David McCarthy »

Here's my tuppence worth..

Some very engaging post from cooeee...
Much appreciated?.
With a little cross pollination going on...!

One of the first casualties of RSE is trust.,
Building our EMF community from the shattered trust caused by the RSE experience requires honesty and respect
whether we believe in "Ramtha" or not...
EMF must be moderated to be a safe place for anyone to post without fear of ridicule or reprisal.
And that goes for bad spellers like Oldone and myself..
Although this website has been created primarily for support and information for former RSE members and their families,
It certainly does not exclude RSE supporters who sincerely wish to debate those issues and concerns that EMF voices.

cooeee .. you may have touched a raw nerve here,
But..the EMF moderators have also considered the possibility of a dedicated page
for RSE supporters to freely voice their opinions that are presented for sincere debate...
So long as it is not a platform for proselytizing RSE.
Some RSE supporters have already respectfully posted on EMF,
they were not slammed or their posts removed.
Ironically.. some of the worst offenders "offline and online" have been former RSE members,
who selfishly believed their recovery needs grant them a vitriol license to lash out at anyone.
Psychological issues are at play here.. and it is not always easy navigating through Bipolar minefields
and emotional cluster bombs.
Having said that..
If any vitriol posts still remain on EMF?
Please notify the moderators as to there location, so they can be removed

Stay kind..Stay tuned?.
Behavior is everything?.

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Posts per month

Unread post by Whatchamacallit »

I was just doing a little homework.....rather.....housework around these parts. Looking at some numbers, it became obvious that in the five months since this new EMF forum was launched, there have been an average of 220 posts per month....or an average of 7-8 posts per day. Just a point of fact.
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David McCarthy
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Unread post by David McCarthy »


there have been an average of 220 posts per month....or an average of 7-8 posts per day

Maybe there?s money to be made here?

They say everyone has a price..!
Make us an offer Judith?

Dark chuckle

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