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Employees of Judy

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:55 am
by Vanilla
One said they personally witnessed

Jz had daily vitamin injections. I said Daily? Even B12 you cant get everyday, so I wonder what they were.

Jz as "Ramtha" talking to James, bit her lip flirtaciously, like a woman. She said this was a warning sign. Only women do that. Why would "Ramtha" do that?

She unloaded trucks, huge semis, two or three at a time, full of stuff from Williams and Sonoma, just for her.

Her room was filled with metaphysical books, religious mysteries and point zero/ quantum physics stuff. Filled.

Jz as "Ramtha" was seen crying, over James. I asked how do you know it was not JZ and she said, The mannerisms and the voice and accent. She said James had problems with wanting other women besides her. Ramtha wouldn't cry over a man would he?

Out in the kitchen, JZ as "Ramtha" tried to pit the other workers against her- by saying she was closer to god then all of them, after that, she said people wanted to touch her, be her friend. But she sensed resentment.

She does not believe Ramtha is Ramtha but says Judy is very psychic and likes to tell people things that could be true in anyone. Like your close relationship with your mother, or that tree you hid in when you were a kid.

Does anyone else have weird stories to share about working for JZ?

I know one guy, at a movie event, who told me JZ accused him of stealing a client when the client asked him to go out for drinks, he was a foreigner in town, someone who does business with JZ's clothing sales. She fired him. Noone would believe him either. Even his wife turned on him.

I do have a photograph of Jz an employee took many years ago too. Her sitting at her makeup table with a big mirror with a hairbrush in her hand, everything was so shiny and so expensive looking. Very glamorous. Like the sitcom DYNASTY. like Krystle's room. Her hair was long and white and she had a dress gown..with sheer net around the collar, a very exquisite dress.

Re: Employees of Judy

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 12:24 pm
by Xylofone
I think JZ has been on testosterone at some point. Daily injections could have been a low dose of testosterone. She didn't just gain weight, she gained weight like a man. Her jaw squared off like a man. Her voice got deep like a man.

The deepening of her voice is thick, smoking may have contributed a little but that thickness rattles in her throat with power. It seems to have started in the 2000s.


Re: Employees of Judy

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 12:57 pm
by journeythroughramthaland

While I think it may have started prior to 2000, I agree that from her apparent physical changes especially in mood and aggressiveness that hormone treatment could be a contributory factor.

One of my reasons for thinking this is over the years she has shown an affinity for an “ends justifies the means” mentality and includes it in her teaching. She will do anything to hold onto the Ramtha illusion.

Re: Employees of Judy

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 5:01 am
by Xylofone
I wouldn't be surprised if it did start sooner, like you said. Now that I think about it, even in the late 90s when "Ramtha" was still teaching beginner's events, there was an added masculinity and not just in voice.

The total 180 of the teachings into total harshness makes no sense. Even if all teachings were plagiarized (and we know they were), in the beginning it was basic and positive. For at least 20 years it's been fear, conspiracy theories, aliens, negativity, and personal insults.

Seems JZ read too many conspiracy theories and co-opted them to add spice to teachings she couldn't stretch any further just to keep people interested. "Ramtha" used to be gentle yet direct, and JZ used to be soft spoken and appeared almost timid. Yet both JZ and "Ramtha" became aggressive, what a coincidence.

I've heard students say that Ram changes the body permanently by being in it. But Ram says he doesn't enter the body, ever. But the phony DNA tests are used to say Ram changes physical DNA when he's controlling the body. So word on the street is that JZ became masculine because she channeled Ram for so long. Maybe that explains her Y chromosome. Or maybe she's XXY to start with and used that to her advantage. :lol:

Re: Employees of Judy

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:26 am
by journeythroughramthaland
“The total 180 of the teachings into total harshness makes no sense. Even if all teachings were plagiarized (and we know they were), in the beginning it was basic and positive. For at least 20 years it's been fear, conspiracy theories, aliens, negativity, and personal insults."
My feeling is that it was just a classic bait and switch serving several purposes. The main one being to gather acolytes and then groom them for her charade.

Re: Employees of Judy

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:59 am
by Xylofone
I guess when you run out of positive messages you have to spice it up? With swears and violence (I'm amazed that she hit people that is crazy). Using the character to lash out at people she has an issue with. Thankfully i was warned by a few people to never get involved with her even if i was asked to do work for her or anything else. I didn't realize how serious that advice was until now.

Now that I'm seeing all of this in truth, I understand the bored looks I'd see from certain staff members at events. They all know it's a farse. They're just chugging along. When "Master of Music" was "appointed" a teacher, she got on stage to share an alien abduction story that ended in her waking up with a mark on her arm in the same location where the aliens had jabbed her in her "dream" (abduction) and everyone was all impressed. She looked uncomfortable sharing the story and she wasn't even really excited about it. I thought she was just being shy. Now I think she was probably paid to share that story... she's one staff member who can probably never leave, even if she wanted to.

I just wonder whats going to happen after JZ dies. Is anyone really going to honor the 21 year gag order on the CoPs? I can think of one person who would follow through with her wishes after her death, for a few million dollars maybe.

Truly, now I understand the analogy to the the Emperor Has No Clothes. It's not just ex-students that see it, practically everyone knows it. There's no way anyone close to her wouldn't see it.